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8 Best Fire Strikers for Survival [Hands-On Review]
We test out eight different fire strikers to see which ones perform the best and pack the easiest in camping packs and bug out bags. (Read)
Smith & Wesson M&P Series: A Quick History
We look back at the M&P series by Smith & Wesson and learn where this wildly popular family of firearms originated. (Read)
6 Best Survival Shows [Ultimate Guide]
We look at some of our favorite survival style TV shows to help you find a new favorite and maybe some practical info to go with it. Come get our recs! (Read)
A Picture From History: MASH
We take a dive into the history of MASH units and look at their contributions during the Korean War. Come get your learn on! (Read)
Staccato C & C2 Review: High-End Carry 2011s [Tested+Video]
We try our hand at Staccato's C Series 2011 platform. Come read up on the pros and cons of the C and C2. Spoiler alert, we really liked them! (Read)
ATF’s Proposed Rules on Firearms, Receivers [Guide]
We take a look at the ATF's recent proposals redefining firearms and receivers and help you understand what it all means. (Read)
[How-To] Concealed Carry in a Dress or Skirt
When it comes to concealed carrying, ladies have to think outside the box. So, if you find yourself in a dress or skirt, come see how we recommend carrying. (Read)
How To Survive a Wildfire: Fire Prep & Planning
It's wildfire season in parts of the U.S., so we've got some tips to keep you safe if you find yourself in the middle of a dangerous wildfire. (Read)