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Best AR-10 Uppers for Your AR-10 Build [Guide]
We've pulled together the best uppers, both stripped and complete, for any AR-10 project on your horizon. Come see our top recommendations. (Read)
Concealed Carry: Benefits of Strong Side Carry
We tackle the topic of strong side carry, delving into IWB and OWB to help you decide if this method is right for you. Want tips? We got 'em! (Read)
How To Survive a Home Invasion
We're going to help you lay out a plan, gather the necessary tools, and study up on the tactics needed to defend your home against invaders. (Read)
6 Best Magazine Fed Shotguns of 2024
Want a tactical shotgun with even more rounds at the ready? Of course you do! So, come see our picks for the best magazine fed shotguns. (Read)
8 Best Survival & SHTF Movies (& Lessons Learned)
While we love a good movie around here, we also appreciate flicks that teach us a little something about survival. These 8 films do just that. (Read)
FBI Guns & Ammo: A History of the Bureau’s Weapons
We take a historical walk through the FBI's duty guns and preferred calibers over the years. Want to know what the Feds carry? Come see! (Read)
Firearms in National Parks: Can You Concealed Carry?
As temps grow warmer you might be tempted to head outdoors and enjoy the beauty of national parks, but can your guns go too? Come find out. (Read)
Remote Brutality 2021: PPT Takes the Challenge
We took to the desert to tackle Varusteleka and InRange TV's Remote Brutality -- a pretty intense shooting challenge. Come see how we did! (Read)