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Best Gun Alternatives: No Ammo, No Problem!
With ammo and gun shortages rampant, sometimes you gotta find other hobbies to occupy your time. We've got some ideas to keep you entertained. (Read)
[Review] Kore Essentials Gun Belts: Current Favorite CCW Kit
What do we wear while carrying everyday? The Kore Essentials tactical gun belt. Read on for a deep-dive into why it's the best. (Read)
First Focal Plane vs. Second Focal Plane Rifle Scopes
We take a look at the difference between FFP and SFP optics, lay out the pros and cons, and help you figure out which style is right for you. (Read)
Silencers & NFA Items on the Rise According to ATF [2021]
The ATF processed more NFA forms in 2020 than any other year on record, but one NFA item, in particular, saw a buying boom -- silencers. (Read)
[Video+Review] PSA AK-103: Best U.S. AK-100 Series?
What do you get when you pair an affordable AK with an FN barrel? The PSA AK-103! Come see what we liked about this American-made AK. (Read)
[Tested] Best Trigger Pull Gauges: Mechanical & Digital
We tested several trigger gauges to find the very best ones. From affordable mechanical options to pricier digital, come see what we recommend. (Read)
Best Lead-Free Ammo for Hunting & Shooting [Guide]
Do you use lead-free ammo on hunts and at the range? Maybe you should. Read up on the benefits and see our list of the best lead-free ammo. (Read)
[Hands-On Review] CZ 527 American: Mini Mauser
We take a look at the classic looking CZ 527 American. If you love bolt guns and Mauser actions, you'll love this rifle. Come see why. (Read)