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Smith and Wesson M&P Shield EZ 9mm & EZ .380 Review: Easiest Racking Handguns?
Looking for the easiest to rack handgun that also conceals well? We hands-on review the Smith & Wesson Shield EZ 9mm and .380 versions. (Read)
[Hands-On] Olight Review: PL-Pro Valkyrie & PL-Mini Valkyrie 2
How do Olight's PL-Pro Valkyrie and the PL-Mini Valkyrie 2 perform as tactical lights? We dropped, drowned, and shot with them to find out. (Read)
European Gun Culture: What I’ve Learned & Unlearned
Americans have several misconceptions about European gun culture. Learn all about European Firearms Directive & how to get a firearm license. (Read)
[Best AR-15 Builds] Pin & Weld Blue-Collar Duty Rifle
Treat yourself with a sub 16" barrel the right way. We go over a pin & weld duty rifle with all the DIY instructions included. (Read)
Taurus G3C Review: Ditch Your G2C? [Hands-On + Video]
Taurus dominates the affordable and reliable concealed carry market. How does their G3C fair? We take a hands-on look at this 9mm pistol. (Read)
The Modernization & Failed Indigenization of the Indian Army
India is purchasing foreign firearms after the 2020 China-India Border Skirmishes. But why is the OFB failing to produce domestic rifles? (Read)
[How-To] AR-15 Lights & Lasers Mounting + Cable Management
Wrangle those cables! We go through how to mount lights, lasers, and pressure pads with the best cable management tips. (Read)