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SecureIt Agile 52 Safe [Review+Hands-On Video]
Looking for a modular long gun safe that you can transport up stairs or into tight spaces? We hands-on review SecureIt's Agile 52 which does just that. (Read)
Building a Duty/Patrol AR-15 [What’s the Difference?]
Not all AR-15s are equal. We cover the difference between a random AR and one suited for duty or patrol use. Plus our favorite build parts to get it done. (Read)
[Review] Walther P99C: Still Relevant
Does the Walther P99C still have a place in concealed carry? We hands-on review it for its unique trigger, ergonomics, reliability, accuracy, and more. (Read)
Best Portable Water Filters [Backpacking, Survival & Hiking]
Water is too important. These top rated filters will help you be able to drink from less than desirable sources during hikes or survival situations. (Read)
4 Best Derringers: Our Favorite Tiny Bois
A small gun that fires a big bullet? We choose our top favorite Derringers that are a blast to shoot at the range and even conceal as a backup gun. (Read)
[Review] Chiappa Rhino 40DS: Current Favorite Revolver
Want a different kind of revolver? How about a futuristic one that has the lowest bore axis possible? We hands-on review the Chiappa Rhino 40DS! (Read)
Cimarron Frontier & Pietta 1873: [Cowboy Gun Reviews]
Looking for some guns of the Old West? We hands-on test some of the best...with Cimarron's Frontier Stainless revolver and Uberti's 1873 lever-action rifle. (Read)
6 Best Armorer’s Wrenches For Your Gun Builds
Need to do something on your AR-15? Chances are you'll need an armorer's wrench. Here are some of our favorites that have helped us through our builds. (Read)