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12 Best AR-15 Stocks [Hands-On]: Adjustable, Light, Precision
Want to find the perfect AR-15 buttstock? We tested 12 of the most popular and choose our favorite ones for your different builds and budgets. (Read)
[Review] Remington Model 1858: Uberti Reproduction
The old West may have been won with the Peace Maker, but there are DOZENS of other outstanding firearms that helped! The Remington 1858 is just one! (Read)
Best AK-47 Rifles [Tested]
Not sure what AK-47 to get? We cover the basics, pros/cons vs the AR-15, and our favorite foreign and US-made AK models across all budgets. (Read)
[Slickguns]: Reach Their 2022 Site & Other Alternatives
Looking for Slickguns and their deals? We have the 411 on where they went. Plus some other alternatives for the best daily guns & gear deals out there. (Read)
Best Concealed Carry Guns [Range Tested]
Not sure what concealed carry handgun is best for you? We've tested all the most popular options out there and here's our favorites. (Read)
Best Pepper Spray for Personal Safety & Self-Defense [Hands-On Tested]
We hands-on test the most popular pepper sprays, foam, guns, & grenades out there to see which is the best for your intended use. (Read)
Best Tactical Watches [Hands-On]: All Budgets
Looking for tactical watches that look cool and are virtually bomb-proof? I've been wearing popular ones for years and these are my hand-picked favorites. (Read)
7 Best Gun Oil, CLP, and Grease [Tested]
There are a lot of gun oils -- each one saying they are the best. Here are our picks after trying out almost all of them...and shooting tons of rounds. (Read)