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4 Best ACOG Scopes [Hands-On]
Need a (literally) bomb-proof optic? Trijicon's military favorite fixed-magnification ACOG is the answer. Find out the perfect model for you. (Read)
Best Gun Safes [Hands-On Tested]
Need to keep your guns safe? We choose our favorite handgun and long gun safes with hands-on experience and quick videos. (Read)
[Review] Ruger Super Redhawk: Big Bore + Big Game
Got an elk, moose, or bear tag you want to fill? Handgun hunting might be for you! One of our favorites is the Ruger Super Redhawk in big bore calibers. (Read)
MantisX Training System [Hands-On Review]
Want the best way to train at home? We review the high-tech MantisX which diagnoses your shots when you're dry-firing and on the range. (Read)
[Review] Liberty Home Concealment
Want to keep your guns and valuables in plain site? I review two concealment options from Liberty Home Concealment to see if they look good, conceal well, and open quickly. (Read)
6.8 SPC [The Complete Guide]
The AR-15 comes in a lot of different flavors. One great for CQB and extended ranges is the Remington 6.8 SPC. We'll cover ballistics, uses, ammo, and more. (Read)
TASER Pulse Review: Best Less-Lethal Option?
Should you get TASER's Pulse for the civilian market? I review my experiences carrying it 2 years. Plus a couple videos of it in action with both cartridge shooting and contact stun mode. (Read)
[Review] Ballistic Advantage Barrel: Premium Hanson
I review Ballistic Advantage's Hanson barrel after 3 years and 3000 rounds for accuracy, fit & feel, and bang-for-the-buckness. (Read)