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SHTF Gear: Essential & Best Gear For When The World (Almost) Ends
Everyone needs a SHTF stockpile. Be it a go-bag in the closet or a shipping container in the woods. We cover everything from handguns and rifles to food, water, knives, first aid kits, and more. (Read)
Best AR-15 Charging Handles [Hands-On]
There are dozens of AR-15 charging handles out there. We hands-on tested almost all of them and chose our favorites for specific AR build needs. (Read)
8 Best Biometric Gun Safes: [Hands-On Tested]
A gun you can't get quickly doesn't help when a bad guy appears. Biometric safes help you to keep your firearm secure and your family protected! (Read)
Best 1-6x Scopes & LPVOs [Real Views]
1-6x scopes are perfect for almost anything. We have some of the most popular in-hand and tested through years of competitive use. (Read)
Best .300 Blackout BLK Ammo: Self Defense, Hunting, Target
.300 AAC Blackout ammo comes in lots of flavors from training to home defense to hunting, we took a look at the whole range of ammo and picked out our top favorites for each type so that you can save time and money! (Read)
The 7 Best CCW .38 Revolvers
The .38 is one of the classic American revolvers...used and loved for its concealability and reliability. We pick our top 7 best .38 revolvers for CCW. (Read)
SeeAll Open Sight [Review]
What sight combines a red dot and regular irons? We try out the pistol and rifle variants of the SeeAll Open Sight and give our take on whether this different optic deserves a place on your firearm. (Read)
[Review] Radical Firearms Upper
We review a dirt-cheap Radical Firearms upper that we got for $200. Is it the best bang-for-the-buck AR out there? Or is it headed for the back of the safe? (Read)