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9 Best Shooting Drills: Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun
Want to shoot better? We've got the most effective drills for pistol, rifle, and shotgun. Plus, tips on how to run them, make them harder, and favorite gear. (Read)
7 Best 9mm Glocks
Glock is one of the standards that all other pistols are held to. But what Glock is right for you? We cover the most popular 9mm Glocks on the market! (Read)
Best Pistol Red Dot Sights [Real-Views + Video]
Looking for the best red dot for your pistol? We cover the most popular models and their pros/cons, slide compatibility, and bang-for-the-buck-ness. (Read)
Best Sub-Compact Single-Stack 9mm for CCW
Want the best concealed carry gun? You'll want to start with a single stack sub-compact 9mm. We take a look at the pros/cons and why they are so popular. (Read)
Essential 3 Gun Gear: Everything But The Guns
Its hard to choose 3-gun gear. We've laid out exactly what you need to compete, including all the best gear to get your first match off to a great start. (Read)
Best Surplus Handguns to Own and Shoot
Surplus handguns are a great way to get a quality, reliable handgun on the cheap. Here are the very best ones that any surplus collector should own. (Read)
Getting Started with IDPA Competition
IDPA offers a fun, practical way to practice shooting in defensive situations, win prizes, and make new friends. Read on to find out how to get started. (Read)
Beginner’s Guide to Service Rifle Shooting Competitions
Service rifle competitions are great for veterans, history buffs, and other firearms enthusiasts to shoot tried-and-true guns in a competition setting. (Read)