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How to Pin a Collapsible Stock On a Rifle
Gotta pin your collapsible stock? We quickly go through all the supplies and steps with tons of pictures. Plus some non-permanent alternatives! (Read)
How to Install & Tune the JP Silent Captured Spring with Pictures
Learn how to quickly swap out your old buffer and buffer spring to install the JP Silent Captured Spring, which is one of the best upgrades for the AR-15. (Read)
[Guide] How to Install the Magpul BAD Lever
Not sure how to install your new Magpul BAD Lever? We go through it step-by-step with tons of pictures. (Read)
How to Install an AR-15 Ambidextrous Safety Lever
Learn how to quickly install an ambidextrous safety for your AR-15, complete with step-by-step pictures, instructions, and recommended products. (Read)
[Guide] How to Install a Hiperfire Trigger
Learn how to quickly install your Hiperfire Trigger. I walk through everything with tons of pictures and lessons learned. (Read)
What’s a Scout Rifle and Do I Need One?
Learn what makes a scout rifle, when would you ever really need one, and recommended models that live up to the stringent specs. (Read)
Ballistol Product Review
Does Ballistol beat our tried and true Hoppe's No. 9? Find out in our review of its effectiveness, smell, price, and other useful purposes besides firearms. (Read)
I Bought a Gun! Now What?
Congrats, you bought a gun! So now what? Follow us as we go through safety, cleaning, ammo, safes, and your first day at the range. (Read)