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Biden Administration Closes “Gun Show Loophole”
The Biden Administration unveiled a new rule, marking the biggest shift in the gun industry since the Brady Bill – closing the so-called “gun show loophole." (Read)
New Product Highlight: Christensen Arms Modern Precision Rifle Rimfire
Get the lowdown on the Christensen Arms Modern Precision Rifle Rimfire -- A high-end, customizable rifle perfect for rimfire shooting enthusiasts. (Read)
Weekly Wrap: Hawaii Cracks Down on Ammo & Illinois Faces New Gun Purchase Hurdles
Hawaii pushes for new age restrictions on ammo purchases while Illinois residents might face more background checks and training requirements. (Read)
New Product Highlight: Gotcha! The Best Fake Product Launches From April Fools’ Day
This year saw another batch of fake products for April Fools, but there are some we kind of wish weren't jokes. (Read)
New Product Highlight: All-Black Springfield Armory 1911 Emissary
Springfield Armory now offers a more modern take on its Emissary 1911 with all-black Cerakote, grips, and hardware. (Read)
Best Bug Detectors [Tested]
We gathered some bug detectors for testing, paired them up with some hidden cameras, and bring you the results! (Read)
[April Fools] SCFARR Labs Releases AI Companion CHAD For Firearm-Lovers
Austin, TX — Today SCFARR Labs released its AI Companion CHAD which aims to transform the way firearm-lovers communicate with the world. (Read)
[April Fools] Poll Reveals 9 out of 10 Boomers Now Favor 9mm Over .45 ACP
A new poll conducted by American Ammunition Research Publications revealed a startling shift in the ammo of choice of America’s Boomer generation. (Read)