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Trigger Discipline, Pull, & Control [Beginner’s Guide]
Learn proper trigger discipline and control, stages of a trigger pull, and the top 3 ways to get a better trigger pull. (Read)
Hollow Points vs. Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Ammo
If your life depends on it, what kind of ammo should you use? Hollow Points or Full Metal Jacket? Find out the difference and our recommendations for the best defensive ammo for each caliber. (Read)
Saiga .223 Rifle Review
The ultimate Saiga .223 Review...we cover its AK-47 heritage, shootability, upgradability, reliability, maintenance, upgrades, and more. (Read)
Colt 1911-22 Beginner Gun Review
One of the most fun guns we've ever shot! See how we review the Colt 1911 .22LR in terms of reliability, cost, shootability, upgrades, and more. (Read)
Norinco SKS Rifle Review
How does the SKS stack up against the newer AK? We review the Norinco SKS in terms of reliability, shootability, pricing, safety, upgrades, and more. (Read)
Taurus 627 Revolver Review
See how the Taurus 627 compares to other revolvers in terms of reliability, shootability, price, safety, upgrades, and more. Hint: not too shabby! (Read)
Remington 597 Beginner Gun Review
We go over why you would possibly pick the Remington 597 over the Ruger 10/22 in terms of reliability, price, shootability, accessories, safety, and more. (Read)
Target Quick Fix Guide: How to Shoot the Bullseye
Not hitting where you want? Use our diagnosis tool to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it. Plus the top three most common shooting problems. (Read)