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What is Limp Wrist Shooting a Gun & How to Correct It?
Learn what is limp wrist shooting, why it happens, and several techniques on how to correct it. Complete with helpful diagrams and videos. (Read)
7 Best Bedside Handgun Safes for Quick Access [Tested]
Need quick access to your handgun? We cover essential things to consider and models of safes perfect for any budget. (Read)
The 4 Firearms Safety Rules
Learn the 4 firearms safety rules to keep your gun learning experience a safe one at home and at the range. Plus the why's behind each one. (Read)
[How-To] Glock 25 Cent Trigger Job
Easy step-by-step guide to polishing the correct trigger surfaces of the Glock 25 Cent Trigger Job with polishing compound and either hand or Dremel tools. (Read)
Best AR-15 Furniture & Accessories
Find the best AR-15 furniture and accessories to make your rifle perfect for your end-use -- from buttstocks, handguards, grips, slings, bipods, and more. (Read)
Essential Shooting Range Gear: Essentials to Elite
Find out all the essential range gear you need to have a successful trip...from the real essentials, to the "nice to have," and even elite gear. (Read)
Essential Gunsmithing Tools: Bare Minimum to Gun Specific
Find out the most essential gunsmithing tools you'll need to keep your firearms running in great shape or to make easy modifications. (Read)