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7 Reasons to Ditch Subcompacts & Carry Full Size
Sure, subcompacts and micro compacts are all the rage, but have you tried a full-sized handgun? We walk you through why carrying a big gun might be better. (Read)
[How-To] Set Up the Best Battle Belt & Plate Carrier
Ready to kick your range time up a notch? Come see how to set up a badass battle belt and plate carrier to maximize your fun! (Read)
A Picture from History: The Powers’ Incident
We take a look at American pilot Francis Gary Powers and his doomed espionage operation over Russia in a U-2 spy plane. (Read)
(Sponsored) Liberty Ammunition: Best Conceal Carry Ammo?
In this sponsored post, we shine some light on Liberty Ammunition's Civil Defense self-defense ammo lineup. (Read)
5 Best Striker-Fired Pistols [Hands-On+Video]
Every striker-fired pistol pretty much looks the same...but which ones are the best?? We've got the rundown on the best striker-fired pistols. (Read)
AR-15 Pistol or SBR (Short Barrel Rifle): What’s Best For You?
We cover the pros/cons and current legal standing regarding SBRs vs. AR pistols. Come learn more about these shorter platforms. (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: “True Lies” & the MAC-10
In this Guns of Pop Culture, we take a look at "True Lies" and some very interesting MAC-10 physics...come read more. (Read)
MyMedic MyFAK Review: Mini, Pro, & Large
We take a look at three MyMedic IFAK first aid kits -- the Mini Pro, Pro, and Large Pro -- to see if these kits are worth adding to your EDC, car, or home. (Read)