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The Difference Between the Sig Sauer P320, M17 & M18
How does the Sig Sauer P320 differ from the M17 and M18 military versions? We deep dive into these pistols to see what features are different. (Read)
ATF Forms Explained: A Guide to Common Form Types
We break down some of the most common ATF forms you'll encounter while buying guns and even some accessories/parts. (Read)
Best .300 Blackout AR Pistols & Rifles
The .300 Blackout round was designed with short barrels in mind. So, let's take a look at some of the best .300 BLK guns -- AR pistols and rifles. (Read)
7 Reasons to Ditch Subcompacts & Carry Full Size
Sure, subcompacts and micro compacts are all the rage, but have you tried a full-sized handgun? We walk you through why carrying a big gun might be better. (Read)
[How-To] Set Up the Best Battle Belt & Plate Carrier
Ready to kick your range time up a notch? Come see how to set up a badass battle belt and plate carrier to maximize your fun! (Read)
A Picture from History: The Powers’ Incident
We take a look at American pilot Francis Gary Powers and his doomed espionage operation over Russia in a U-2 spy plane. (Read)
(Sponsored) Liberty Ammunition: Best Conceal Carry Ammo?
In this sponsored post, we shine some light on Liberty Ammunition's Civil Defense self-defense ammo lineup. (Read)
5 Best Striker-Fired Pistols [Hands-On+Video]
Every striker-fired pistol pretty much looks the same...but which ones are the best?? We've got the rundown on the best striker-fired pistols. (Read)