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Guns of Pop Culture: Kyle Reese & the M25 Plasma Rifle
In the grim future of the "Terminator," we see some plasma weapons and hero Kyle Reese wielding come learn more about this futuristic robot killer. (Read)
Ruger Blackhawk Review: Most Reliable Revolver?
We take a classic revolver, the Ruger Blackhawk, to the range to see how this oldie (but goodie) handles. Come see what we think. (Read)
6 Best Walther Pistols for Concealed Carry
We take a look at Walther and narrow down which handguns we think you should consider if you're looking for your next concealed carry pistol. (Read)
Spy Guns Through History: Armory of Real Life 007s
Though James Bond is a fictional character, spies have existed throughout history. We take a look at some of the weapons used by real-life 007s. (Read)
Battle of the Bulge: The Guns of America & Germany
Dec 16th marks the anniversary of the bloodiest battle of WWII for the U.S. -- the Battle of the Bulge. We're looking at the guns used by both sides. (Read)
Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 10mm Review: Best Big Bore Pistol?
We take the Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 in 10mm to the range to see if this big bore pistol is worth adding to your safe. Come get our thoughts! (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: “Stranger Things” & Hopper’s Handguns
"Stranger Things" isn't necessarily a gun-filled action adventure, but it's got its fair share of firearms and we take a look at the guns of Hopper. (Read)
Best New Rifles of 2022 (That Aren’t All ARs)
We take a look at some of the best new rifles to come out of 2022...and they aren't all AR-15s! Come see what we've got. (Read)