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12 Guns of Christmas: Best Guns for Gifting this Holiday Season
We put together a shopping list to help your loved ones have the most fun at the range this holiday season with some fun guns that are sure to please! (Read)
What Happened to the Winchester Model 1911 SL?
We take a look at the Winchester Model 1911 SL, also known as the Widowmaker. How did this gun earn that name and what happened to it? (Read)
Weekly Wrap: IL Wants to Ban “Assault Weapons” & FN Launches New Suppressor
Illinois reps attempt to ban assault weapons ahead of 2023, Black Friday sales boom for gun industry, and FN releases a new suppressor. (Read)
A Picture from History: The German Saboteurs
In WWII, two German U-boats were sent to America with the intent of sabotage. Who were the German saboteurs and were they successful? (Read)
Girsan MC P35 & Ops Optic Review: Evolved Hi-Power Clone?
Clones of the Hi-Power are pretty rad, but do budget versions like Girsan's MC P35 hold their own? We take the MC P35 and Ops Optic to the range to see... (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: “Eraser” & The Rocky Mountain Arms Stakeout
We take a look at "Eraser" -- an Arnold Schwarzenegger film where he wields the Rocky Mountain Arms Stakeout. (Read)
Hi-Point Model 995TS Review: Best Budget 9mm Carbine?
We take a look at the Hi-Point Model 995 -- a budget friendly 9mm carbine that won't break the bank. But is it any good? Come find out. (Read)
8 Best Light-Bearing Holsters for Concealed Carry
Pistol lights are all the rage, but how do you carry light-equipped guns? With light-bearing holsters, of course! Come get our top recommendations! (Read)