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11 People You’ll Meet at the Shooting Range

WWSD 2020 PPT Edition
If you've ever been to the shooting range, you'll recognize at least a couple of these classic characters. How many have you experienced?
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    If you’ve ever been to the shooting range, you’ll recognize at least a couple of these classic characters. How many have you experienced?

    Desert Cyberpunk Mars Landing WWSD2020

    Table of Contents


    1. Guy who keeps his ear protection on during ceasefire

    And…it’s super effective. Kudos for being safe but you’re kind of loud.

    Circle of Shooting Ear Protection
    Ear pro? Ya, we got ear pro.

    Firearm of choice: WHAT YOU SAY?!?

    2. The guest

    We were all one of them before so I’ll go easy. They probably were invited by someone and are either a little scared/excited but ready to learn, or think they know everything since they prestiged a couple of times in Call of Duty. 

    Hopefully, someone’s taught them the 4 firearm rules and some basic grip and stance. If it goes well, we get to add another gun enthusiast to our tribe!

    Shooting Fails

    Firearm of choice: Start them off with a .22LR or a 12 ga pump loaded with slugs if they’ve been annoying.

    3. Possibly gang affiliated guy

    Good thing is…he’s probably terrible. It’s pretty hard to shoot one handed with brass spraying into your face.

    How you think you look shooting like a gangsta
    How you actually look…

    Firearm of choice: Norinco or Hi-Point…the best $200 can buy

    Hi-Point C9, Closeup
    Hi-Point C9, Closeup

    4. Unsafe guy

    Could be anything from pointing the muzzle at people or keeping their fingers on the trigger during reloads. Makes the rest of us look bad if something happens…get away and tell the range officer!

    Shooting range selfie
    Both of these morons were banned for life from the range. Thankfully, no one was hurt by Dumb & Dumber.

    Firearm of choice: Something with an external safety so they can say “don’t worry, it’s safe.”

    5. Guy with the best money can buy

    You want to hate the guy…but damnit, does he have some good taste! Most likely a dentist or someone from IT.

    Staccato Wheel
    Staccato 2011s, oh hell ya.

    Firearm of choice: GAP Rifle with a Schmidt & Bender PMII and an Atlas Bipod

    6. Guy who brought 1 gun and 6 buddies

    The goon squad is here to try out his new “assault rifle” and shoot off some “clips.”

    6 Guys 1 Gun
    6 Guys 1 Gun

    Firearm of choice: AR-15 with vertical foregrip and $30 red dot

    7. Guy trying to sneak in some rapid fire

    If you’re at a range that requires 2 seconds between each shot… find a new range if you can.

    full auto Sterling
    full auto Sterling

    If you’re just trying to work in some bump-fire though, be careful!

    Firearm of choice: AR-15 in .22 LR with a binary trigger

    8. Range officer who is way too serious

    I know keeping everyone safe is their job, but some go on a power trip and take all the fun out of shooting at the range.

    Drill Sargeant Full Metal Jacket

    Firearm of choice: 1911 in .45 ACP because it’s a real man’s gun

    9. Guy practicing for his shooting competition

    It might be 3-Gun, USPSA, IDPA, or Steel. Doesn’t matter, he’s ready with some double-taps and quick reloads.

    Fastest Reload
    Fastest Reload

    Firearm of choice: 2011 .38 Super with a C-More sight

    10. Tacticool guy

    I know you’ve been waiting for this one. But no, I’ll resist making fun of him. As long as they are safe I’m cool with them. BUT…some more extra points if they are in matching MultiCam top and bottom with a plate carrier.

    Out of Gun Juice
    Out of Gun Juice

    Firearm of choice: 10 pound AR-15…SEARCH AND ASSESS!

    11. The Noob

    We were all the noob once. Don’t stay one! Check out our Beginner Guides for everything to level up in firearms.

    Noobs Everywhere
    Noobs Everywhere

    Firearm of choice: any gun is better than no gun


    Most of these are just fun to see at your local range, but some are dangerous. Keep your head up and remember to stay safe out there.

    With millions of new gun owners joining the shooting community in the past year or so there are a lot more people and a lot more people that are new to guns at the range these days. Be a friend and help them out when you can.

    Which ones are you? Have any great shooting range stories? Let us know in the comments!

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    56 Leave a Reply

    • DrZucke

      Currently I'm the Noob who keeps his ear protection on during ceasefire. But in my defense, I learned the 4-Rules before I even purchased my pistol, and those electronic ear muffs are so cool. My goal is to progress to Guy practicing for his shooting competition, and ultimately to Tactical Guy because who doesn't want to throw their $4000 Staccato 2011 downrange after they run out of ammo?!

      January 1, 2025 8:59 am
    • DF

      Thanks Eric those were great! I'm retired and a female noob but practicing once a week at the range and getting better! Thanks for all your info, it helps.

      December 17, 2024 6:20 pm
    • VJ

      Hey, I’m a 70 year old female noob! Don’t knock us, give us a hand, please. And we support 2A and lifetime NRA member.

      June 4, 2024 8:48 pm
    • mrlowkey1956

      Hey Eric, I'm an older guy, 67, who recently got the bug to buy a pistol (S&W M&P9 M2.0 Competitor) and learn to shoot again. I hadn't had a pistol or rifle in my hands since 1974. However, my brother-in-law took me under his wing in '68 and taught me a lot. Using his .357 mag, .30-06, and a variety of shotguns, I became an avid hunter, especially hunting birds. We had tons of fun and I still have fond memories of our times together.
      That said, that was then, and this is now. I'm not taking anything for granted when aim and shoot.
      I thank the Lord for YouTube videos and Pew Pew Tactical!! Keep up the good work "son."
      I appreciate your and your team member's articles and videos.

      December 8, 2023 5:55 am
    • Jack Goyeneche

      All that matters is "safety first " and having a good time at the range! I could care less about what gun someone has as we shoot what we can afford. I have no problem working with someone with less experience as long as they are safe and want to learn. "Head trips " have no place on the range! I usually go to the range by myself or with good friends I trust and all of us are more than happy to share what we have learned with others around us who want to be safe and have a good time!

      September 10, 2023 7:51 pm
    • Dwayne Brewer

      I’m a noob at age 60, haven’t actually bought a firearm yet, joined this site to help make an informed decision.

      May 1, 2023 11:03 am
    • robert schneider jr

      the gun range i go to they are very serious about safety there are no idiots at this range everyone there is very nice no one gets out of hand or do stupid stuff i go in shoot my targets then leave .

      March 16, 2023 7:13 pm
    • Lee

      I was going to read you article. But I realize right quick you are a male chauvinist. Never even thought there might be a female at the range. And I have gone numerous times by myself

      December 8, 2022 4:29 pm
    • Jared

      I'm sure some of you guys had run in with C.I.S.I.G or "Can I shoot it, Guy" or the crack head of the gun range. This type of person was mentioned by Colion Noir on 11 People You'll Meet at the Range segment. Can I shoot it, Guy or the Crack head of the gun range has evolved. What I encounter and experience with this type of individual is exactly what Colion Noir describe but in evolved form. This individual shows up to the range dressed in "My Father's a lawyer" Starter pack, though he doesn't drive Porsche or currently attending some Ivy League school. He has little experience with firearms. He doesn't train or only go to the range once a month or never. He's the type of clown who would put a back up red dot sight with another red dot sight. He doesn't understand the meaning of the shooter preference or respect it. He has a chip on his shoulder and think that every gun that he shoots especially the ones that don't belong to him should have his "set up" After shooting your guns, he'll criticize your choice of optics, foregrips, etc... He'll continue on telling you what is superior or better to his "standard". And still mag dump every ammo you brought and can't even hit the target. I could go on about this guy but that would be really long and I prefer to keep it short and simple as much as I can.

      September 7, 2022 12:41 am
    • Nerdymomma

      At my range men keep bringing in women who *scream*. Wtf. As a woman there to do serious training it really irritates the hell out of me and makes me worried that someone is doing something unsafe.

      September 6, 2022 8:44 pm
      • Jared

        and you can hear it through your hearing protection? Was this at the indoor or outdoor range?

        September 7, 2022 12:51 am
    • william graff

      how about the guy who wants to socialize instead of shooting the firearm they want to shoot the bull

      May 3, 2022 6:20 pm
    • John

      My favorite, not on the article list, is the cell phone guy. Hes the one that reaches for his cell phone with the hand holding the gun.

      April 25, 2021 3:18 pm
    • Andy

      #12 The WWII guy
      No better rifle or cartage has been made than the M1 in 30-06 and no better pistol than 1911s made in 1911. If you don’t think so just ask him. Also, you are probly a sissy for using that composite/plastic pea shooter.

      These can be spotted easily, as they will be dressed in WWII BDUs

      April 23, 2021 11:07 am
      • Jared

        I saw few of those. Some of them are LARPers.

        September 7, 2022 12:53 am
    • Larry Arnold

      Of the selection, I'm Number 1, keeping my ears on during a ceasefire. I'm therefore not the guy who forgets to put them on before shooting after the ceasefire. And I have electronic muffs, so I can hear just fine.
      I'm also one of the instructors who brings noobs to the range and starts them out right.
      Good article!

      April 22, 2021 2:26 pm
      • Chester Paul Hoevel

        I also keep my ears on, just seems easier instead of taking them off and putting them back on. They're also fairly tight so if I'm talking to someone I can just slip one side up and I'm good to go

        May 6, 2022 11:21 am
      • Chester Paul Hoevel

        Just went to my range with 6 guests slow day so I got 2 booths and brought 3 firearms one other person brought two guns. I ended up giving the group a short safety talk before entering the booth and only shot 3 rounds so I could help and pay attention to the others.

        May 6, 2022 11:29 am
    • sound awake

      you forgot "7mm remington magnum muzzle brake guy"

      April 21, 2021 6:10 pm
      • #12 guy

        oops...I have done this once. The guy shooting next to me left the range, giving me a look.

        April 24, 2021 11:00 am
    • Ken V.

      11. The Noob. Decided to become a true Texan. Never stop learning. And 1. Guy who keeps his ear protection on during ceasefire. Yes, I put them on as soon as I get out of the car in the parking lot.

      December 15, 2020 6:35 pm
      • Korebreach

        Yeah. I don't really see the problem with wearing your hearing protection when you're not shooting. My drop-in range has no RSO unless an official event is going on. So, someone near you could shoot at any time. A couple of times, I was caught off guard without my protection, and ended up with ringing ears. So, if others are on the range, unless they're far away, I'll usually wear it, even if I'm not shooting.

        April 30, 2024 7:24 pm
    • Lew

      We've all seen one, we've all been one.

      October 28, 2020 7:52 am
    • William Ake

      Learned to shoot when about 10 or 11 started with bolt action 22, went to Winchester 94 in 30 WCF. Went in Army 1911A1 45 ACP and M14 7.62x51 and later the first M16 (crap). After 33 years from 65 to 99, retired and still shoot 1911's, a M1A 7.62x51 from Springfield, Ruger Gunsite Scout 7.62x51, AR type 10 in 7.62x51 and M16 in 5.56. Have seen all kinds at ranges, they determine if we have a good time or cut it short for safety.

      September 13, 2020 4:25 pm
    • Len C.

      I'm a Noob, finally smarten up retired and got the hell out of NY and moved to the free state of Kentucky. Always had an interest in firearms and hunted since I was a teen. Now I have the time being retired and no Gestapo looking over my shoulder hoping to bust me. Really learning to enjoy the pistol range.

      April 21, 2020 3:57 pm
    • John McMahon

      None of the above thankfully!
      I was on the range a few years ago with a mon introducing his children to firearms. They were next to me. As I retrieved my target, I turned a little and realized I was looking down the muzzle of a .22 rifle. One of the kids had 'Drifted' to my lane, (there were partians) . I carefully moved the muzzle aside, and the father pulled his son back on their lane. I LIVED, and hopefully the father and son learned, and enjoyed their day!

      December 5, 2019 5:04 am
    • Kim Osborn

      #8 range officer? what is that i am from ohio been to three different ranges here haven’t seen one yet. pay ur money set ur targets up start shooting. one place doesn’t even ask for an I D

      May 18, 2019 2:27 pm
    • Kent

      First of all, Eric, I really enjoy your articles. I find them to be thorough, extremely well written, and entertaining as well. I am in my mid-50s. I took gun training at age 13. I hunted with a bolt action .22 and and a pump action 12 gauge through high school. Recently, I began to get interested in guns again, not so much for hunting, but more along the line of sport shooting and self defense. I have more money now, so I've purchased several guns including a 9mm Ruger handgun, a Colt 1911 handgun, a Keltec .308 handgun, a Mossberg 500 .12 gauge, a Ruger .22 semi-auto rifle, and most recently a Stag Arms AR15. I consider myself not a Newbie... but not much above. I am quite clear on gun safety. Love the articles. Kent

      September 30, 2017 11:41 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Kent, you're so welcome and that's quite the beginning of a collection!

        October 2, 2017 2:00 pm
    • Jimmy

      Hey leave my Hi-Point out of this!

      September 12, 2017 2:40 pm
      • Eric Hung


        September 14, 2017 10:18 am
    • Greg

      What about the idiot in the booth next to you that brings his new POF .308 complete with $1500 scope and muzzle brake and thinks it's cool to do mag dump after mag dump. The best part is he can't even hit his 50 yard target. Then my wife takes her AR and is ripping her target to pieces with a red dot at 100 yards. Time to pack it up and move on....

      August 7, 2017 4:39 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Haha, I take it this is from personal experience...

        August 17, 2017 2:25 pm
    • Andy

      New to guns, new to the site. I like your style and have enjoyed the few articles I've read so far!

      Can you put something up about buying a gun safe? Full size, that would hold both rifles and pistols? I've been looking into this for quite some time, see numerous manufacturers but there are SO many choices. And when looking at a price point around $1000, it's hard to know who the low, mid and best companies are, offering similar pricing and options.

      August 4, 2017 6:22 am
      • Eric Hung

        Hi Andy, we have some stuff on safes for bedstand and some more general stuff. Just use the search function on the site!

        August 6, 2017 2:15 pm
    • Gabriel

      #12 ladies that feel the have to wear bikini or daisy Duke shorts to shoot

      July 20, 2017 7:22 am
      • Eric Hung

        I'm...ok with this one

        July 20, 2017 3:01 pm
    • Craig

      Dude, age 25, I have been shooting since age 6 but sure you can be an expert too.

      July 19, 2017 7:53 pm
    • Frankandfrank

      How about the one who just didn't hear time called and puts a round down range at the first guy to walk out?

      July 19, 2017 5:03 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Oh man...hopefully this doesn't happen since some RO messed up here!

        July 20, 2017 3:00 pm
    • Sean

      "Out of gun juice" and he hucks the gun at the target. I died.

      June 1, 2017 5:50 am
    • Denise

      ...what they all said! Thank you, Eric!

      May 1, 2017 7:05 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Lols, thanks Denise!

        June 5, 2017 12:39 pm
    • Ben Bruinius

      I always enjoy opening the E-mails from you Eric, theres always something interesting in your articles and today a little more humor than usual, thanks for the laugh. I actually know a dentist who always shows up with high dollar gear and cant shoot to save his life.

      March 28, 2017 4:57 am
      • Eric Hung

        Lols, we all know one!

        April 5, 2017 4:27 pm
    • Karen

      Eric - Do you attend the San Antonio Gun Show? Would love to say thank you for helping to acquaint me with the "philosophy of being a newbie in the handgun world."

      March 13, 2017 4:51 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Hey Karen, I'm not planning on it yet, but you're so welcome! Next one I'll be at will be Triggrcon in WA during July and the next SHOT.

        March 14, 2017 11:22 am
    • Mark

      Eric, always interesting, informative.

      January 17, 2017 6:52 am
      • Eric Hung

        Thanks so much Mark!

        January 18, 2017 8:52 am
    • Ronn

      Eric, thanks for a great mix in the information that you share, it always informs and guides us. If your going to the shot show I cant wait for your revels.

      January 16, 2017 7:28 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Haha, thanks Ronn! I'm there right now (today was the range day) and have tons of video/photos/stories to tell soon.

        January 16, 2017 9:57 pm
    • Joey


      Very impressed with the blog. Most emails I get are not worth reading the subject line, but this one always keeps me entertained and informed!

      January 16, 2017 6:35 pm
    • Jimmy

      Loving the site. Always interesting and informative.

      January 16, 2017 6:28 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Thanks Jimmy!

        January 16, 2017 9:56 pm
    • Bill r

      Eric u do a great job with ur site. Thanks BR

      January 16, 2017 5:33 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Thanks so much Bill!

        January 16, 2017 9:55 pm
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