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.308 Win vs. 30-06: Which Is Better?

30-06 vs 308
We compare .308 Win against .30-06 to see what each of these heavy-hitting rounds has going for it with velocity, energy, and uses.
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    If you had to choose just one caliber… .308 Win or .30-06…which would you choose?

    From hunting purposes to self defense to competition the merits of both have been argued by many gun owners. But at the end of the day, which one is better?

    30-06 vs 308
    .30-06 (left) and .308 Win (right)

    We’re going to talk about our opinion on the matter as we first dive into the history of these two rounds then some of their unique characteristics.

    Of course, we’ll touch on things like velocity, energy, and bullet drop as well as which round does better with hunting, competition and even home-defense.

    So keep reading!

    Table of Contents


    .30-06: Where It Began

    To start our journey, we must go back to over a hundred years ago, when the .30-06 first began.

    Nobody likes to show up to a fight feeling under matched. Imagine stepping onto a battlefield with a weapon you know isn’t anywhere near as effective as your enemy’s.

    .30-06 Springfield
    .30-06 Springfield

    Such was the case during the Spanish-American War when the 7x57mm Mausers of the enemy outmatched American soldiers.

    And so, we threw back our heads, laughed, and developed an even bigger, badder cartridge: the .30-06.

    (Before that, we used the very smoky .30 Army cartridge.)

    (Photo: WikiCommons)

    The .30-06 proved to be an instant success and rapidly gained ground throughout the military and civilian markets.

    WWI saw the .30-06 put to use with the 1903 Springfield, while the M1 Garand was the lead deliveryman during WWII.

    .30-06 Ammo in Stock

    Cost Per Round
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+

    .308 Win: Where It Started

    By the time 1953 came around, the .30-06 had seen heavy use for over half a century. But the Winchester was looking to shake things up a bit.

    In a quest to create a cartridge with similar ballistics to a .30-06 but in a lighter round with less recoil, Winchester created the .308.

    Popular .308 Winchester and 7.62x51mm Ammo
    Popular .308 Winchester and 7.62x51mm Ammo

    The cartridge was an instant success within the civilian world, and only two years later, it was rapidly adopted by military units worldwide. The shorter cartridge of a .308 meant that a shorter action could be used, which made for a more reliable, fully automatic weapon.

    Soldiers really like reliable rifles, and the cartridge rapidly gained ground from there.

    .308 / 7.62x51mm Ammo In Stock

    Cost Per Round
    147gr FMJ
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    147gr FMJ
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    168gr BTHP Match
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    149gr M80
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    180gr Power-Shok
    168/175gr SMK
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+

    So the .30-06 was created to give the U.S. greater range and oomph on the battlefield, while the .308 gave us better semi-auto reliability.

    But what are the main differences we see here, and are there significant differences between the two?

    Let’s take a look…

    .308 vs. .30-06

    At first glance, it’s easy to see that the .308 is shorter than the .30-06.

    While a .308 has an overall length of 2.8 inches, the .30-06 comes in at 3.4 inches. That’s quite a bit more space, and most of it is filled up with extra propellant.


    A .308 case can hold up to 56 grains of propellant. A .30-06 case? It can hold up to 68 grains of such.

    The bullets are the same diameter (.308 inches), but a .30-06 can handle heavier bullets than a .308, thanks to the increased case size for extra propellant.

    But how do they shoot?

    Bullet Drop

    Comparing cartridges can sometimes feel like an apples-to-oranges comparison, but we’re going to do the best we can here with what we have.

    For our comparison, we’ll look at a 165-grain AccuTip Boat Tail .30-06 (sighted at 100 yards) against a 150-grain FMJ boat tail .308.

    Neither round will experience any significant level of bullet drop within the first 100 yards, so for the average shooter, it’s really not even worth bringing that up.

    .308 (168gr vs 208gr)
    .308 (168gr vs 208gr)

    But at 300 yards, differences start appearing. Once we start aiming for targets at that distance, we will see an average bullet drop of around 13 inches for both cartridges.

    So far, pretty similar, right? But let’s look further…

    If we take things out to 500 yards, we’ll see a 55.3-inch drop for the .30-06, while the .308 will see a drop of right around 56 inches. That’s still not bad, and both are fairly comparable.

    I would argue that most shooters rarely take shots over 500 yards  — though I can see an exception for you Montana folks. You don’t have any trees…


    If we start by looking at 100 yards, we find that both cartridges are virtually the same. The .30-06 will fly at 2,597 fps, while the .308 will be at 2,598 fps.

    At 300 yards?

    Fly little guys, fly….

    We see 2,218 fps for the .30-06 and 2,185 fps for the .308. Not a huge gap between the two, but we’re starting to see one of the differences between these cartridges.

    If we bump things back to 500 yards, you’ll see that the .30-06 has slowed to comparable speeds as the .308. The .30-06 is now flying at 1,872 fps, while the .308 is at 1,812 fps.

    Still fairly comparable, right?


    But what about how much force each bullet hits with? Here is where you’ll see some fairly drastic differences between the two.

    At 100 yards, the .30-06 hits with 2,471 ft-lbs, while the .308 hits with 2,248 ft-lbs. At 300 yards, we see the .30-06 with 1,802 ft-lbs and the .308 with 1,590 ft-lbs.

    Tom down with a .308 Win. The nice thing about bolt pistols is the wide array of rifle calibers they can be chambered in
    Though .30-06 has a slight advantage, .308 still gets the job done as evidenced here.

    And at 500 yards?

    Here we discover the .30-06 hitting with 1,284 ft-lbs and the .308 hitting at 1,093 ft-lbs. That’s still relatively comparable, but you can see where .30-06 has a bit of an advantage.

    Now that we’ve seen a little bit about how these two cartridges behave out on the range, though, how do they compare for the practicalities of the big, wide world? What do we see them being used for?

    What .308 & .30-06 Are Used For

    There are two predominant reasons people choose a .30-06 or a .308 — hunting and self-defense.

    Competitions are an afterthought with these two calibers unless you’re talking about PRS.


    When choosing one of these two cartridges for hunting, I would argue it really just depends on what you’re hunting.

    If you live in the bitter winds of the North, you have really big animals like moose hanging around.

    Out West, brown bears, bison, and grizzlies roam about. If you’re going on a hunt for any of these large animals, you would be much better served with a .30-06 at your side than a .308.

    Yeah, guys have bagged all of these with .308 before, but you’ll likely see a quicker fall with .30-06 unless Annie Oakley’s precision shooting blood flows through your veins.

    For everything else you’ll find in America, a .308 will serve you splendidly…deer, hogs, rams – whatever – a .308 can get it.


    Let’s start with this…if you shoot a bad guy with either of these rounds, they’re going to drop. Period. You’re talking about exit wounds well over the size of an orange.

    However, we’ll add that one also needs to consider that there’s quite a difference between a soldier defending himself from an enemy 300 yards away and a stay-at-home mom defending herself against an aggressor just down the hallway.

    Let’s look at the entire gamut, though – anything from straight-up war to home defense.

    Personally, I much prefer the 5.56 of the AR-15 platform over the .308 of the AR-10 (yeah, yeah, call me a sissy) or a .30-06, but any weapon can be used in self-defense.


    Shoot, people have defended themselves with crocodiles before. If an aggressor is attacking you and what you have at hand is your granddaddy’s M1 Garand, that’s what you use. 

    That said, if I had to choose between the two calibers for self-defense purposes, I would pick the .308.

    Keep in mind that both .308 and .30-06 have been extensively used in defense situations for over 100 years for the latter and over 50 for the former, so they both are tried and tested in combat.

    Grace running an AR-10 in .308 Win on a deer hunt at the age of twelve.
    An AR-10 in .308 Win

    A lot of SWAT and police snipers still use rifles chambered in .308, and though I’ve not heard of any of these guys using .30-06, I suppose the possibility still exists.

    I’d be concerned about over-penetration with that, though, and that’s likely why you don’t hear of these guys using .30-06. (If you know of different, let me know in the comments below.)

    It’s largely because of the risk of overpenetration that I would prefer the .308.

    Self-Defense: Running from Zombies

    Let’s say you’re concerned about evil zombie mutants headed your way, are interested in bugging out, want to carry 200 rounds, and are debating whether .308 or .30-06 is the better choice.

    Fast running zombies
    Fast zombies are the scariest zombies.

    One thing you would have to consider in this question is the weight.

    One round of .308 weighs approximately 0.85 oz, while one round of .30-06 weighs around 0.96. This means 200 rounds of .308 would be 10.6 pounds, whereas 200 rounds of .30-06 would be 12 pounds.

    And keep in mind that’s without magazines.

    They’re hefty

    For an all-day trek, that extra pound and a half can very well make a big difference.

    There’s a reason that ultralight backpackers cut off most of the handle to their toothbrush. They know that every ounce matters. The same principle applies to trekking with ammunition.

    A Note on Competition

    It should be pointed out that there are tactical competitions via PRS that involve the .308 caliber.

    PRS bans .30-06 as a cartridge of choice throughout their competitions, though. So, if you’re a competitive shooter – or are looking to become one – a .308 is going to be a much better choice than a .30-06.

    Christy Hembree
    A PRS competition (Photo: PRS)

    That said, there are way more non-tactical competitions out there, and for these, even .308 isn’t allowed.

    Most people at PRS events are going to be shooting some variant of 6mm.

    There may be some .30-06 competitions out there, but they’re going to be few and far between.

    Final Thoughts

    So, which is the best of the two cartridges?

    Though this will make me sound like a modern-day elementary soccer coach, they’re both winners. You’d be hard-pressed to go wrong with either one; they’re both readily available, time-tested, and they can perform.


    Perhaps the most versatile for hunting would be the .30-06, as different bullet/powder recipes can allow you to harvest anything from deer to moose. That’s something the .308 can’t handle as well.

    For self-defense? Well, they’ve both been tested for these types of scenarios extensively in the past, and they both work just fine there as well.

    The bottom line is that either are fantastic choices. It’s simply a matter of considering which works best for you and what the job is at hand.

    Whats your favorite round? Let us know in the comments below. Want more battle of the bullets? Check out our article on the 5.56 vs. 7.62.

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    12 Leave a Reply

    • Gary Snyder

      For the one shot one kill, I'll go with the 30-06.

      May 20, 2023 2:58 pm
    • Bruce

      My question is if we are comparing rifles,
      Why do you use different bullets and weight.
      Why not both 150 or 165?
      My first choice is the 06!

      April 23, 2023 9:15 am
    • Kurt

      For me, I always used my dad's old 30-06. He hunted mostly on his brother's ranch in Western Montana. He used my 30-30 for brush hunting in Upper Michigan when I was gone in the service for many years. I would have to go with a .308 now. I crushed my shooting shoulder in a fall, and some of the hardware they used to fix me up sits right under gun butt-stock. I did some range shooting with my 30-06 and it left me black and blue, from pit to tit, and each shot hurt like hell. My budfy had his M-14 with him, and I had no issues shooting that. The recoil difference was significant. For that reason, I'm looking to add a 7.62x51 to my collection. Plus, if shit ever does hit the fan, 7.62x51 NATO is what you're going to find laying around the fields of fire.

      February 7, 2023 11:35 am
    • Travis

      Aden I have to ask, was everyone in your office getting along to well lately so you throw a “vs” article out there? Might as well do 9 mm vs 45 acp while your at it. Totally joking, great article as always.

      February 6, 2023 9:52 pm
    • Bill Stephens

      When you speak of .85oz .308 vs. .96oz 30-06, what bullet weights are you referring to? I would think that a 30-06 with a 130gr bullet would be equal or lighter than a .308 with a 150gr bullet. A 30-06 with a 130gr would have a lot more energy due to the velocity increase.

      February 5, 2023 11:30 pm
    • Chuck Cochran

      The biggest issue with the 30-06 in Automatic Rifles (not machine guns) was the recoil. It fed fine, but recoil was so great, it was difficult to control as muzzle rise in full auto was considered excessive. .308 or 7.62 X 51 NATO, if your prefer is 1/2 inch shorter and a bit lighter than the -06. This enabled a soldier to carry a bit more ammo on their person. It also has significantly less recoil than the -06, without sacrificing velocity and muzzle energy out to 500 yards. The M-14 was developed to use the shorter cartridge, but as the US became involved in Vietnam, the shortcomings of the M-14 soon became apparent. Even though the M-14 used a lighter cartridge, it was still as heavy as the old venerable M1 Garand. The M14 was unsuitable to the climate of SE Asia, as stock Warfare was a major issue. The heavy and long gun was difficult to wield in the jungle terrain. Even though it was replaced by the lighter M-16, M-14's served in specialized roles throughout that war.
      The .308's Parent Cartridge was the .300 Savage. Though the Savage has decent ballistics, Winchester sought to improve it with the .308 in hopes of achieving ballistic performance near 30-06 stats. The .308 was not a cut down and renecked 06. After wildcatting the .300 Sav, Winchester settled on lengthening it 1/8 inch longer to met Winchesters goals.
      The 30-06 was developed from the 30-03 cartridge, not the much earlier 30-40 Krag the US used during the Spanish-American War. The 30-40 Krag was the US Military's first cartridge to use smoke-less powder.
      In chronological order, the US Military Cartridge timeline would look like this:

      1892 - 30-40 Krag or .30 Army
      1901 - 30-01 referred to as the .30 Ball
      Model of 1901 thick rimmed
      1903 - 30-03 or 30-45 under the old
      Caliber/Charge Naming System
      1906 - 30-06 or .30 Cal
      The main differences between the 30-03 and the 30-06 was a slightly shortened case (1.2 mm shorter), a change to a light 150 Spitzer profile bullet rather than the 220gr blunt roundnose bullet of its 3 predecessors, and a change to a cooler burning propellant. Bore and Chamber Wear with both the 01 and the 03 was excessive due to the hotter powder required to push the heavier 220 gr bullet.. Needless to say the higher ballistic coefficient of the Spitzer over the blunt round nose greatly increased accuracy of the 30-06.
      As a general purpose rifle, either a 30-06 or .308 would serve. Neither are really suited for Home Defense at close quarters IMO (some will disagree with me on this, but remember, this is opinions). Of the two, .308 would be better than 06 at close quarters. Both though, are really a bit overpowered for home, unless your goal is to hit the burgler hiding behind the refrigerator in your neighbor's house. 7.62 X39 or any of the AR 15s in the .30 bullet caliber offerings would be a better choice.
      Personally, I keep my AR-15 in .300 Blackout using 220gr Sub Sonic JHO load for my Home Defense Carbine.

      February 5, 2023 9:35 pm
    • That guy from Washington

      Why choose? Every safe should have both inside!!!

      February 5, 2023 7:37 pm
    • Mudhunter

      30-06 was reliably used in semi-autos and automatics before 308 came along, so i don't see the 308 as the cartridge that made autoloading guns a thing.

      As to 30-06 being banned from competition, we never ban it when my buds and i compete.. in fact two of us are 30-06 fans and like extracting every ounce of performance from that old cartridge as possible.

      30-06 is simply a better all around cartridge and anybody concerned about a long action probably would have issues with all the commotion of cycling a lever action as well.

      February 5, 2023 6:56 pm
    • Len C

      Awesome article for me because I planned on using one or the other this year for deer hunting. I'm a relative newbie on rifle hunting due to restriction I had in my previous home state. (slug guns only)
      One question. . . . recoil is their really that much difference in the two? After shooting 12 gauge Lightfields for years I don't expect the punishment to be the same.

      February 5, 2023 6:11 pm
    • John

      I'll take either one.

      February 4, 2023 5:05 pm
    • Wboutdoors

      30-06 is becoming way more available than it was, but 308 still takes the cake with volume and choices.

      February 4, 2023 3:26 pm
    • Morten

      God article, bit an action conclusion, even if subjective, would facilitate a discussion better.

      I will offer one to get it going.

      .308 is better round. It works great for both manual and automatic actions. It is viable for all situations except hunting the biggest game. Lighter recoiling on average and the shorter action makes it easier to work for smaller frame shooters.

      February 4, 2023 1:10 pm
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