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Best Folding AR-15: Stocks & Complete Rifles

Law Tactical, Open
Need a super compact folding AR-15? We go over the most popular options from complete rifles to folding stocks. See if any of them are right for you.
We review products independently. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission to help support our testing. Learn more.

    The AR-15 has to be the most customizable firearm of all time. 

    Not only can you customize the typical furniture or internals, but you can completely change how the rifle functions.

    AR-15 with Omega 300
    AR-15 with Omega 300

    What if you could change the complete structure of the firearm, though? For example, what if you could fold an AR-15? Fold it like a towel? Or a T-shirt?

    Okay – maybe not like a shirt, but you can fold the AR-15 in a variety of ways even though the system isn’t exactly known to be a folding gun.

    We’ll cover how systems manage to do this, some popular options, and if a folding AR is right for you.


    1. Most Compact


    Table of Contents


    Best Folding AR-15 Stocks Comparison Chart

    LAW Tactical Folding Stock Adapter Gen 3Folding Adapter$229
    Dead Foot Arms Folding Stock AdapterFolding Adapter (Can Fire When Folded)$329
    FoldAR MoBettaComplete Folding Rifle$2,099
    Sylvan Folding Stock AdapterFolding Adapter$144
    Shield Arms SA-15 Lower ReceiverComplete AR-15 Lower With Folding Adapter$236
    Sig Sauer MCX Spear LTComplete Folding Rifle$2,599
    Foxtrot Mike FM-15 Gen 2Complete Folding Rifle$971

    How We Chose the Best Folding AR-15 Stocks

    We created a list of options for people who are looking for devices to make their ARs more compact.

    For this article, we combined hands-on experience from the Pew Pew Tactical editorial and freelance team with industry research to compile our top picks.


    We have full reviews for each complete rifle on this list or reviews of similar variants from the same manufacturer. The rest of the upgrades mentioned are ones we’ve personally tried and tested on our own guns or that we’ve researched heavily and know work.

    Each product was selected based on its functionality, durability, and features while also considering price and ease of use.

    Best Folding AR-15s

    1. LAW Tactical Folding Stock Adapter Gen 3 – Editor’s Pick

    Available Coupons


    • Robust steel construction
    • Tight lockup
    • Folds fairly flat


    • Can only fire once when folded
    • Not the cheapest option

    We have to start with the LAW Tactical adapter.

    The LAW adapter was the first step in folding AR-15s. It introduced a way to fold the stock of an AR-15 while maintaining buffer integrity. The LAW is currently in its Gen 3 configuration and has only gotten better.

    Law Tactical, Open
    Law Tactical, Open

    The LAW can be installed at home in just a few minutes, and the instructions make it very clear how it works. One downside is that this system does not allow an AR to be fired with the stock folded, so recognize that.

    It’s an adapter, so you can use it with any stock or pistol brace and tube on the market.

    Law Tactical Gen 3 Side Folder
    Law Tactical Gen 3 Side Folder

    The LAW adapter is the cheapest option out there for a folding AR and allows you to use all your favorite furniture on your build. It’s a robust option that’s meant to be stable and reliable enough for duty firearms.

    The design does work with MIL-spec lowers and receiver extensions, so if you have something a little crazier than standard, approach with caution. Easy to use and install, the folding stock adapter requires very little modification or special parts. 

    Check it out in action below:

    Law Tactical vs. Sylvan Arms

    Compared with the more affordable Sylvan adapter down on the list, the LAW Tactical is the nicer one, in our opinion, for the following reasons:

    • More robust feeling (made of steel vs aluminum)
    • Tighter lockup
    • Can fire once when folded (not recommended still)
    • About half-inch shorter
    • Tighter hinged to stay open
    • Folds down flatter

    What’s your take on the LAW adapter? Rate it below!

    Readers’ Ratings

    5.00/5 (1753)

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    2. Dead Foot Arms Folding Stock Adapter – Fire When Folded

    Fire When Folded
    at OpticsPlanet

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Can fire when folded
    • Right folding variant is angled to clear the ejection port


    • Much more expensive than other folders
    • Longer than other folding mechanisms

    Dead Foot Arms Folding stocks are a bit different than the LAW adapter. Admittedly, they are a bit more expensive, but they also have the ability to fire when folded.

    These stocks won’t make the gun as small as a LAW adapter, but it does offer a true side folding stock.

    Stocks come in right and left-handed folding configurations, and the stocks or braces are angled downwards, which allows the gun to eject appropriately when firing.

    The Dead Foot Arms systems come in both pistol and rifle configurations with braces and stocks. There are also 9mm options, as well as your standard rifle options. The system uses a trimmer BCG.

    3. FoldAR MoBetta – Most Compact

    Editor’s Note: Pew Pew Tactical readers get 10% sitewide at FoldAR with coupon code PewPew10.

    Most Compact
    at FoldAR

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Both the stock and barrel/handguard can fold
    • Extremely compact
    • Retains zero very well


    • Expensive
    • Can be thick when both sections are folded

    I appreciate a good pun, and the FoldAR namesake is golden.

    The FoldAR line includes rifles and AR pistols, as well as separate uppers and a variety of calibers. Rifle options include 16 and 14.5-inch barrels, and calibers include .223 Wylde, .300 Blackout, .224 Valkyrie, 6.5 Grendel, and 6.8 SPC.


    The pistol variants are limited to 9-inch barrels and come in .223 Wylde, .300 Blackout, and 6.8 SPC. The barrel folds to the left-hand side and creates 16 and 9-inch platforms.

    You can also purchase independent uppers that can attach to MIL-Spec lower receivers.

    The FoldAR system holds repeated zero after folding and unfolding countless times, and FoldAR has used independent third-party testing to confirm this. You will need a small device to unlock the cam lever to fold the rifle, and this can be something as simple as a shell casing.

    We got to try it at TriggrCon; very awesome!

    The best part of the FoldAR line is the Double FoldAR. This design incorporates both the side-folding barrel and the Dead Foot Arms side-folding stock system.

    The Double FoldAR produces the smallest possible AR in the world and is my personal favorite of all of these systems.

    Check out our video and full written review of the FoldAR!

    4. Sylvan Folding Stock Adapter – Most Affordable

    Most Affordable
    at BattleHawk Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Affordable
    • Tight lockup
    • Lightweight aluminum


    • Adds more length than the LAW

    Much like the LAW Adapter, the Sylvan Arms Folding Stock Adapter is a do-it-at-home option to toss a folding stock on your AR 15.

    It’s aimed more at the hobbyist user and home defender than the armed professional. The Sylvan Arms adapter doesn’t fold flat or stay in place as well as the LAW when folded.

    Also, while the LAW folder can be fired with the stock opened (at least once), the Sylvan Arms cannot. The Sylvan Arms adapter adds about 2 inches to your length of pull (about half an inch more than the LAW), so be prepared to adjust your stock to compensate for this addition.

    When locked in place, it’s a nice, tight lockup without any noticeable shift or give. A nice solid fit goes a long way with your stock

    The Sylvan Arms adapter is machined in the USA for billet aluminum, so it’s plenty tough but also fairly lightweight. Installation is simple, and it’s designed to work with various calibers, including 5.56, 300 Blackout, and 9mm.

    The Sylvan Arms adapter can work with any standard AR-15 brace or stock.

    Sylvan Arms’ latest adapter works with Silent Capture Buffer Springs with the SA Silent Capture Bolt Extension. If affordability is key, then it’s tough to beat the Sylvan Arms adapter.

    5. Shield Arms SA-15 Lower Receiver – Integrated Folding Lower

    Integrated Folding Lower
    at BattleHawk Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • No need to install any adapters
    • Affordable given the that it includes the whole lower


    • Purchase requires an FFL transfer

    What if you want an integrated folding stock but don’t want to purchase a complete rifle and don’t want to deal with an adapter?

    Well, then, Shield Arms has you covered with the SA-15 lower receiver.

    This isn’t a preinstalled adapter but a lower receiver with an integrated folding mechanism. It works with standard stocks, buffer tubes, and all that.

    The SA-15 is a simple but effective design that’s fairly affordable when you consider getting a premium lower with folding capability. For reference, a LAW adapter costs more than this whole lower.

    SA-15 (Photo: Shield Arms)

    Shooters get mil-spec anodizing and compatibility with the vast majority of standard AR-15 components and parts.

    Outside of the folding stock adapter, the SA-15 features a beveled mag well and an upper tension screw to take some slop out of the upper and lower fit. Like any other billet lower, the receiver features little bits of stylistic flair here and there, and it does look quite nice overall.

    The folding setup is a bit more compact than any adapter. Plus, it folds flat and locks up tight; not much you can ask for. However, I know that you fine folks might not just want a stripped lower.

    With that said, Shield Arms produces both complete rifles and pistols with the SA-15 if you don’t want to do the building yourself.

    6. Sig Sauer MCX Spear LT – Best Complete Rifle

    Best Complete Rifle
    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Accurate
    • Great ergonomics
    • Reliable
    • Fully ambidextrous


    • Very expensive
    • Tapered muzzle shoulder

    The MCX Spear LT is a complete rifle option for those looking for a folder.

    Available in either 5.56 NATO or 7.62×39, the design is based on Sig’s submission for the U.S. Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon Program.

    During our time with the full-sized 7.62x51mm Spear, it performed well. The folding stock mechanism worked well, and the range of pull of six positions was good.

    SIG Sauer MCX Spear range pose
    The large-frame Sig Spear

    Like the full-sized Spear, the smaller LT is ergonomic, with enough options to fit a wide range of shooters, although aftermarket customizations are a bit more limited than its true AR-15 counterparts.

    But the biggest downside comes in the form of price…it’s expensive. With a street price of around $2500, it is out of the reach of a lot of consumers.

    But if you can stomach the price, the Spear LT provides great ergonomics, excellent reliability, and a host of modern features.

    If you are interested in our review of the .308 Spear, check out our article or our full video review below.

    7. Foxtrot Mike FM-15 Gen 2 – Affordable Complete Rifle

    Affordable Complete Rifle
    at Bud's Gun Shop

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Affordable
    • Reversible charging handle
    • Reliable


    • Extremely gassy when suppressed

    The FM-15 Gen 2 is a complete rifle build that allows you to use whatever folding stock you want. Users can choose between either a Magpul Zhukov stock or the Thril Competition Stock versions. The Thril-stocked version uses a standard buffer tube, meaning you can swap to any AR-15 stock you see fit.

    Unlike a lot of AR-15s, this will limit your options in terms of internal parts and upper receivers. The magic is in the elimination of a stock-based buffer. Instead, we get this teeny tiny bolt carrier group backed by a buffer that resides in the upper receiver.

    This allows you to have a true folding stock with the capability to fire the weapon with the stock folded. It’s still a direct impingement gun with AR controls and ergonomics, just with a folding, bufferless stock.

    Foxtrot Mike FM-15 Folded Stock
    Foxtrot Mike FM-15 Folded Stock

    The charging handle is moved to the front and positioned a bit like the old G3/MP5 charging handle, but it’s reversible for wrong-handers as well. The charging handle is nonreciprocating, so no worries there.

    On top of that, the gun is super lightweight. Reducing the size of the bolt and eliminating the hefty AR buffers leaves us with a 6.5-pound rifle overall. Recoil is low and soft, and I mean that compared to other ARs.

    The FM-15 Gen 2 is a super sweet rifle and gives us a true side folding stock combined with all the AR-15 parts, pieces, and controls you love.

    Want to learn more? Check out our video review of the original FM-15 below, or head to the article here!

    What Are Folding ARs?

    Lots of guns have folding stocks, but the AR-15 can’t exactly do that since the design’s incorporation of a buffer tube and a direct impingement gas system requires a buffer extension inside the stock.

    Take Buffer and Spring Out
    Buffer tube, spring, and weight

    The buffer tube and buffer are simply in the way.

    Or are they?

    We’ll get back to folding stocks on ARs a bit later, but let’s look at the other side of the weapon.

    We can ignore the stock, and focus on folding the AR-15 at the area where the barrel meets the receiver. Yep, what if we could fold the AR nearly completely in half in a very unusual way?

    The FoldAR
    The FoldAR

    Before we do that, though, why exactly would you ever want a folding AR…

    Size Matters

    Of course, we want to go smaller! For some reason, the current gun industry is all about getting smaller, and the means to make a weapon smaller are changing. It is tricky to make the AR smaller, but it’s possible.

    The smaller a gun is, the easier it is to travel with and the less room it takes up in storage. Overall, a folded AR is a very small and convenient weapon that can easily be carried as a trunk or truck gun within the right context.


    Smaller is often better these days, and these companies have put the small in small arms.

    Why Trust Pew Pew Tactical

    Travis with Sig P229 Legion

    Pew Pew Tactical author Travis Pike led the research and testing for this article. Travis spent a lifetime shooting as a kid and later joined the United States Marine Corps, where he spent five years as an infantryman. In the middle of his Marine Corps career, he began writing and never stopped. He has thousands of articles to his name with a variety of publications, including Pew Pew Tactical.

    Best Lever Action Rifles Wyatt 1873 casing fly

    Editing this article is Wyatt Sloan, Jr. Editor. Wyatt is an NRA-certified instructor with previous experience as a USPSA competitor. Wyatt personally owns over 200 firearms and has 10 years of home-based FFL firearm sales. He has used his extensive experience with firearms at large to test guns for Pew Pew Tactical — evaluating them based on our standards and metrics.

    Sig Sauer Rose

    Editor-in-Chief Jacki Billings runs our experienced team of reviewers. She is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, ACES: Society for Editing, and the Professional Outdoor Media Association. Jacki has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and has worked as a media professional for close to 20 years, specializing in gun media for almost 10 years. With 2,000+ articles to her name, she uses her professional journalism and editing experience to set testing protocols and editorial standards for Pew Pew Tactical.

    Final Thoughts

    The AR-15 is a continually improving platform. It keeps adapting, changing, and molding itself into a rifle that will seemingly last forever. Now, the ability to fold has taken the AR-15 beyond a simple gun, and it can now do something very few weapons can claim.

    The FoldAR

    If you’re looking for a more standard AR-15, our Complete AR-15 Buyer’s Guide is just what you need!

    Folding ARs are one of my favorite mods; what about you guys? Looking at other folding or compact guns? Check out our Best Trunk Guns post.

    Latest Updates

    December 2024: Updated Sylvan Arms Gen 3 to Gen 4. Updated Foxtrot Mike FM-15 to the FM-15 Gen 2. Added link to our complete review of the FoldAR MoBetta.

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    21 Leave a Reply

    • Alan

      Bit of an odd request, could you please try the Fightlite upper on the SCR lower? Thank you.
      - Guy from NYC

      December 11, 2024 1:25 pm
    • Scott

      Has anyone done a review on Aimaculate folding stock adapter?

      November 11, 2023 7:59 am
      • Diesel

        I bought two aimaculate. Not sure if other brands have the same issue but after installing one I only have a problem with being no positive engagement in the folded position. It doesn't lock in place not even the slightest. As soon as gravity takes effect the stock will flop outside of folded position and swings freely. The other issue that I not sure if any other brand has solved but when adding quick disconnect shoulder strap the qd adapter is pressing on top of hand between thumb and index. Unable to get a good grip with hamd seated on Pistol grip all the way up. But not sure if I'll keep or return.

        November 22, 2023 9:23 am
        • Daniel J Koss

          I have 3 and they are all junk. Law tactical is the way to go.

          August 5, 2024 10:19 pm
    • Josh

      Is this compatible with the ARAK-21 upper?

      April 20, 2023 12:48 pm
    • Jim in Texas

      The Sig MCX Virtus Patrol and the newer MCX-Spear LT offer a folding stock w/a piston gas system.

      October 30, 2022 5:19 pm
      • Joe

        I would recommend an LWRC and add the law tactical adapter. Love mine.

        May 21, 2024 4:01 pm
    • DesertRacer225

      Does any manufacture make a case for a side folding AR-15 with a LPVO optic?

      September 28, 2022 8:50 am
    • Robert

      I’ll just keep my SCAR

      June 7, 2022 7:52 pm
    • Ryan

      What about the Cry Havoc Tactical QRB (Quick Release Barrel) Kit?
      If you can share any feedback on this item, that would be great.

      June 7, 2022 6:34 pm
      • NinjaTard

        I second this, we must know how good/bad it is!

        June 14, 2022 12:03 pm
    • Sonny

      I know 17 Design has a folding lower receiver like the Shield Arms, no mention......maybe because they went out of business. ($199...) if you can get one. Any feedback on them?

      June 7, 2022 3:54 pm
      • A. Mississippiensis

        Had no idea. Guess I have a collector's item! Probably not.

        June 12, 2022 8:41 pm
    • Jeremy Barker

      can you appy this system to a 16 in carbine? im looking to build a backpack ar15

      February 18, 2022 12:22 pm
    • Leighton Cavendish

      I thought they did a double-folding rifle...but the company disavows any knowledge of it now...LOL

      February 12, 2019 1:00 pm
    • Patrick

      Now it's not exactly an AR, but Kel Tec has been turning out the SU-16 in various models for years, and is actually a pretty terrific rifle. The "C" or Charlie model is able to fire with the stock folded over. Worth mentioning at least.

      November 15, 2018 6:05 pm
    • Slay

      Gotta check out the Robinson XCR. Not as foldable as the foldar but can fire with stock folded. You guys should do a review on one of them.

      November 14, 2018 7:29 pm
    • Kevin

      Does the FoldAR fire when folded?

      November 13, 2018 7:27 pm
      • Matt

        The double FoldAR does with the DFA stock folded.
        With the barrel folded, if you take a hammer and a nail to the will.

        November 14, 2018 5:21 am
    • Pete

      SIG MCX?

      November 13, 2018 5:16 pm
    • Jeff

      I think I'm going to hold out for the "Pretzel Folding Pistol".

      November 13, 2018 4:15 pm
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