If you’ve paid any attention, you’ll know that one of the biggest draws of Glock handguns is that you have about a million-and-one options for aftermarket upgrades and replacement parts.

Of these upgrades, one of the more common ones you’ll see is a magazine extension, especially in the competition scene.
Magazine extensions give you more real estate to grip, which is an excellent option for smaller-framed carry guns. In the competition world, you’re going to be looking for the extra capacity that many of these extensions offer.

In a world where most pistol-caliber carbines run on Glock mags alongside Glock competition pistols, getting those extra rounds in a mag can eliminate reloads and significantly reduce your stage times.
Let’s talk about some of the benefits of these magazine extensions, why you want them, and which options are the best bang for your buck.
Best OEM Extension
Best for Subcompacts
Best for Competition
Best Style
Table of Contents
Why Bother with Magazine Extensions?
Factory Glock mags are great.
They give you a good capacity for their size and are about as reliable as anything made by human hands can be.
But sometimes, more bullets = more better. And don’t tell me that’s bad English; I’m a professional. 😎

Seriously, the extra rounds (or grippable area in some cases) give you tactical flexibility when you’re carrying and cuts down on stage times during competition stages. This can take even the high-capacity 33-round mags up to 40 rounds (or even more), depending on the rules of the competition and your needs.
It also gives you a little more weight to the magazine, which can aid in it dropping free… if you find that’s a problem?

You shouldn’t see this issue in a factory Glock pistol, certainly not with factory Glock mags, but it may be an issue in some PCCs, especially if you have a standard AR lower with a magazine well insert.
Finally, some of these just look freaking sweet. This doesn’t give you any advantage in a firefight, but in a competition scenario, as car guys will confirm, if your rig looks better than your opponents, you go faster. It’s just a scientific fact.

Seriously though, there’s nothing wrong with adding some bits and bobs here and there to pimp out your Glock a little bit, as long as you’re not hindering performance.
A magazine extension like the ones here will not only give your gun a bit of bling, but it will actually improve performance and give you more rounds on tap.
In the gun industry, we call this a “win-win.”
Best Glock Magazine Extensions
So, what are the best Glock mag extensions?
I’m so glad you asked.

These are the mag extensions the Pew Pew Crew have tested and beat the snot out of, both on the field of competition and in our daily carry rotations. Let’s start with…
1. Glock Factory Magazine Extensions
Glock makes magazine extensions, as you probably guessed, and they are absolutely, 100%, tee-totally okay. Fine even. Maybe even alright.
These are polymer, and they offer +1 or +2 capacity and have the advantage of being designed by Glock, for Glock so you can be confident in their reliability.

Beyond that, they don’t have a huge advantage over any of the other options. But these aren’t a bad choice for budget-minded shooters looking for an improvement over factory-standard mags.
They are also less intrusive and closer to stock than any of the other choices, so if you want your Glock to look stock, these are the way to go for sure.
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2. Pearce Grips Magazine Extensions
Pearce Grips Extensions are our #1 recommendation for aftermarket baseplates that give you a little more real estate on shorter-gripped firearms like the 43, 26, and other subcompacts.

You don’t get any extra capacity, but you get a little more room for your pinky, which can greatly improve the shootability of smaller-framed guns. If you want a better grip on a subcompact, this is the place to look.
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They also offer an extension for every Glock mag imaginable, so you won’t have to worry about finding one for your particular gun.
3. GlockStore/Double Diamond
Double Diamond partnered with GlockStore (one of the best Glock aftermarket part sources) to create these mag extensions, and they’re some of the most affordable options for an aluminum magazine extension.

They have various options, from just improved baseplates that add +1 or +2, to some competition models that give you +5 or +6.
These are an excellent upgrade option for some USPSA and other competitions where you can get some silly magazine sizes in your handguns, provided you’re shooting Open or Outlaw Open. They’re rock solid, and if you’re just looking for a slight capacity boost, this is a great, budget-friendly option.
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They are also some of the more reliable options here, and in my experience, they tend to run better with the longer OAL reloads that some people run in competition.
4. Taylor Freelance Goliath Magazine Extensions
Are you looking to absolutely whip all kinds of ass in a PCC competition? Do you have a 9mm Glock carbine that you just never want to reload?

Taylor Freelance has the extensions for you. Like TTI and Double Diamond, they make metal mag extensions, but their Goliath extension is really the draw here.

If you want a 50+1 capacity magazine for a PCC, this is the option you want. It’s an aluminum extension, and it’s one of the toughest on this list. I’ve dropped mine roughly ten million times on every surface imaginable, and while the finish is scuffed, it has never once let me down.
Replacing the spring and adding the extension is easy and can be done in about five minutes. Just be careful with the new spring because it can absolutely go flying across the room at roughly four times the speed of sound, and it will hit your spouse squarely in the forehead, and they will be upset with you.
Or so I’ve heard.
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Beyond that, these extensions are easy to add, and they give you an extra twenty rounds in your big stick mags. What’s not to love?
5. Taran Tactical Innovations Magazine Extensions
The grand king of Glock upgrades, Taran Tactical offers some of the best aftermarket parts in the industry and some of the finest Glock race gun upgrades money can buy.
Taran Butler, the owner, is one of the best shooters to ever walk the earth among us mere mortals, and he has poured his years of experience competing at the highest levels into bringing some genuinely excellent (if a little spendy) products to market.

If you have the cash and you want to give yourself every advantage on the field of competition, this is where you want to start looking first if you’re a Glock shooter.
They do such a good job that they’re actually the ones that did the guns from John Wick. That’s right; if you want John Wick’s Glock, you’re going to be buying from TTI.

These extensions aren’t film fakery, though… they absolutely work and work well. TTI base plates are used by more pro-Glock shooters than any other brand.
They offer a carry-focused Firepower Basepad that gives you a +5 to 9mm mags and +4 to .40 S&W, which I strongly recommend for duty guns.

Beyond that, you have +2, +3, +4, and +10 options that are designed for various competition standards, no matter what division you’re in.
They’re also a really gorgeously-machined aluminum that’s then finished in a variety of colors. This is a good upgrade to your Glock’s looks as well.
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If you want something that’s not super flashy but still adds a bit of pizazz, TTI is an excellent, if pricey, choice.
6. Tyrant CNC
Another excellent offering is from Tyrant CNC and my personal favorite for best-looking.
They also work and run like a champ, and that’s what matters… almost as much as looking awesome.
Besides working great and looking great, Tyrant CNC also offers a whole host of other Glock upgrades, from triggers to rear plates — all of them are outstanding.
These are typically louder designs and colors, but they really look at home on range and competition guns to help stand out from the drab crowd.
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What’s your take on Tyrant CNC? Rate them below!
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking for a magazine extension for a Glock mag, you should now have everything you need to make your decision.
These mag extensions are all high-quality and a good value for your money whether you’re looking for extra rounds on tap in your carry gun or you want to get a leg up on the competition the next time you gear up for a match.

What do you think of these magazine extensions? Which ones are you thinking about picking up for your own Glock? Let me hear from you in the comments! Don’t forget to check out all our Best Glock Upgrade Reviews!
10 Leave a Reply
+1 OR +2 extensions for Glock 30 10-round magazine ANYWHERE ? ? ?
Are any of these available for a G44?
Nope, unfortunately not.
Thanks fir info. I have teetered between 19 and 26 Glock fir a while before getting my 26. In training with the 26, I believe I need more real estate to grip, but having an extra 2 in each of my 3 mags sounds the best. I duty carry a model 17 original 2 at 17 and 1 at 29rds.
Okay the durable battle tested polymer mag extension for block are a nice installation, but what about for the ruger 5.7 made my mag supply USA!
Taran Tactical. Reason, extra capacity for each magazine plus for those who ask why a mag extension instead of a new mag all together. The weight will guarantee the fast drop of the magazine for a quick change out. Love these mag extensions.
I have a G19. I am curious why I should spend 40$ on an extension instead of spending 30 on a full mag with extra capacity. If I wanted a plus 2 from my standard 15 round mag why not buy a G17 mag etc.? Genuinely curious as to what the benefit would be to make my 15 a 17 instead of having a 15 and a 17 for less money?
Because it looks COOOOL . I'm thinking along the lines of just get a hole extra magazine to carry for what some of these extended floor plates cost . But they are COOL looking....
I just bought +5 extensions for G19 and the reason is: whether in AIWB w/side saddle for extra mag or OWB 2 mag carrier the sharp corners of mags dug into my side or stomach getting in/out of vehicle. Yes they were expensive, and you’re absolutely right about G17 mags etc. Just my own experience. Happy shooting.
How about mag extensions for the large calibers? I open carry a g40, a 5shot extension would be just the ticket!