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Best AR-15 Magazines: Standard, High-Capacity, 10-Round

FN 15 every magazine
If you're a new AR-15 owner, or an old hand looking for recommendations, here's everything you need to know about picking the perfect entry-level mags.
We review products independently. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission to help support our testing. Learn more.

    Once you have your shiny new AR-15 (or two or three or…), it’s time to take it out and shoot it.  

    While your rifle may have come with a magazine or two, you’ll likely want many more so you can load them up at home.

    FN 15 every magazine
    Assorted AR-15 Magazines

    The challenge with going magazine shopping is there seem to be a hundred different varieties.

    Unlike handguns, where you pretty much are stuck with what your manufacturer makes…everyone seems to make AR magazines.

    It’s the strength and weakness of the AR platform.  

    Daniel Defense DDM4V7 Desert Shooting
    Daniel Defense DDM4V7

    Everyone and their brother seems to make parts and accessories for it, and some of them are even good.  So how can you tell which ones you should buy?

    Well, we’re to help. We’re going to walk you through how to choose the right magazine for your platform.

    So keep reading!


    1. Best High Capacity Magazine

      Magpul PMAG D-60

    2. Best Low Capacity Magazine

      Magpul 10-Round Magazine

    Table of Contents


    How We Tested the Best AR-15 Magazines

    Input for this article came from the editorial and freelance writing team at Pew Pew Tactical. Every magazine on this list has spent hands-on time with someone on our staff, undergoing 500+ rounds of testing.

    Magpul Experience 1000 yards

    The models listed below have been evaluated based on their accuracy, features, and value. 

    Our team comprises former military and law enforcement, competition shooters, and concealed carry instructors.

    Best Standard Capacity AR-15 Magazines

    1. Magpul PMAG M3


    • Reasonably priced
    • Operates reliably
    • Windowed options available


    • Gen 3 may not be compatible with all ARs

    Perhaps the most popular AR magazine on the market, with the most name recognition, is the Magpul PMAG.

    They’re reasonably priced, easy to find, and generally quite reliable. It’s difficult to go wrong picking up a pack of PMAGs, and that’s assuming you don’t already have a few floating around.

    Mags of Magpul
    Mags of Magpul

    Where you might get confused is that there are a lot of different varieties of PMAGs out there these days.

    The most common is the standard 30-round magazines, which come in both a Gen M2 and a Gen M3 variety.  

    The Gen M3 are the latest and greatest, and there’s no reason to go hunting for the Gen M2; Magpul has only bettered its design over the years.

    Magpul PMAG Gen M3 vs M2
    Magpul PMAG Gen M3 vs M2

    However, M2 PMAGs are often found for a decent amount cheaper, and there isn’t anything wrong with them.

    Magpul PMAG M2
    Magpul PMAG M2

    The M3 design was made to address some very specific issues that the military had in conjunction with their exact model of AR-15, namely the H&K 416 and derivatives of that platform.

    What I Carried PMAGs (2)

    While these design improvements are nice to have for the average user, they are by no means critical or necessary.

    Magpul PMAG Gen M3, Window vs Regular
    Magpul PMAG Gen M3, Window vs Regular

    For a deep dive into the differences between the Gen 2 and Gen 3 PMAGS, check out Magpul PMAG M2 vs M3 [Does It Even Matter?]!

    Magpul also offers 10, 20, and 40-round versions of the PMAG (not to mention a 60-round drum variation).  

    The 10 and 20-rounders are especially useful for shooting from prone or other positions where a longer magazine might get in the way.

    What I Carried PMAGs (1)
    Gotta decide if a window is important or not.

    Whatever size you get, you will also need to decide whether you want a windowed PMAG.  

    Having a window makes it a little easier to tell how many rounds are left in your magazine, although the counts aren’t perfect.  

    What’s your take on Magpul mags? Rate them below.

    Readers’ Ratings

    4.98/5 (2067)

    Your Rating?

    2. Lancer Systems AWM


    • Super reliable
    • Affordable
    • Durable steel feed lips
    • Translucent design allows you to easily count rounds


    • Slamming the mag too hard can sometimes dislodge a round

    Alternatively, you can get a translucent magazine that makes it possible to see all of the rounds that are inside.  

    My pick — Lancer Systems Advanced Warfighter Magazines (AWMs).  

    They’ll cost you about the same as a PMAG, aren’t hard to find, and are about as boringly reliable as the PMAG.

    The AWMs come in 5, 10, 20, and 30-round varieties to match up to most standard uses for AR-type rifles.

    All of them come in clear or translucent shades so that you can see through almost the entire magazine, no matter what angle you’re looking from.  

    It’s a little less finicky than looking through a small window and even allows you to count rounds individually without emptying the magazine.

    Lancer L5 AWM
    Lancer L5 AWM

    Lancer also did something else different with the AWM.  

    Instead of the magazine body being completely polymer like the PMAG, the AWM has steel feed lips attached to its polymer body.  

    They’re considered more durable and harder to deform than aluminum feed lips, and, of course, it would take quite a bit more effort to chip them.  

    Best Higher Capacity Magazines

    3. Magpul D-60 Drum

    Available Coupons


    • Super durable
    • Large round capacity


    • Fairly heavy
    • Loading takes some time and effort
    • Difficult to carry

    Superb reliability and worth of the Magpul name, this is hands down the best large-capacity AR-15 magazine on the market.

    But it’s fairly heavy, and loading it takes some effort. These are unavoidable, though, so…just gotta embrace it!

    Magpul D60 in the woods
    Magpul D-60

    The real downside is that there is just no good way to carry a drum magazine on your person.

    They’re bulky, oddly shaped, and really heavy just at one end.

    Magpul D50 and D60 locked and loaded
    Magpul D50 and D60 locked and loaded

    It’s great for keeping in your rifle for the first mag, but you might want to switch to more normal-shaped magazines when it’s time to reload from the belt or vest.

    4. SureFire 60-Round “Coffin” Magazine

    at GunMag Warehouse

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Easier to carry than some large-capacity mags
    • Holds 60 rounds!


    • Not as reliable as some other options
    • Not allowed in every state

    SureFire is a well-known name for many AR-15 parts, such as muzzle brakes, flash hiders, lights, and more. Their magazines are also solid options!

    While I wouldn’t call their 60-round magazines as reliable as the Magpul drum, it still works.

    Just Works

    It also has the advantage that they are MUCH easier to carry on your person.

    They won’t fit in a standard magazine pocket, but they do fit in doubles like a charm.

    Ban State and Lower Capacity Magazines

    Depending on the state you live in, you might be limited to only having 10- or 15-rounds in your magazine. Check your state laws to be sure, but either way, we got you covered.

    There are two main styles of magazines for banned states.

    California Gun Owners
    We know, we know.

    One uses the body of a 30-round magazine with some kind of limiter or pin to block the magazine to only accept 10 or 15-rounds. There are also dedicated 10- or 15-round magazines where the body of the magazine itself is also designed to only take that many rounds.

    Daniel Defense DDM4V7
    Gotta keep it legal, even if that means a 15-round mag.

    The 10/30 and 15/30 magazines are nice because they look and feel right and also give you the option to convert them to full 30-round magazines if your state laws change or you move to a new state.

    But the dedicated lower-capacity magazines are also nice because they are shorter – this makes prone or bench shooting easier for most people.

    5. 10/30 and 15/30 Hexmag

    Available Coupons


    • Reliable
    • Resists dents and cracks
    • Rust and corrosion resistant


    • Early generation feed lip designs were prone to warping

    We’ve used a lot of Hexmags over the years and have been very impressed with them. While there were negative reports about their Series 1 magazine design, we’ve only ever seen/used the Series 2 mags, and they are rock solid!

    They come in both 10/30 and 15/30 options

    at GunMag Warehouse

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    6. 10-Round PMAG

    Available Coupons


    • Compact design
    • Perfect for shooting prone or from a bench
    • Durable and reliable


    • Limited capacity

    I know you’ve seen their name a lot, but that’s because they really are one of the best options for magazines, period.

    Great for shooting prone or from a bench, the 10-Round PMAG M3 is an option that won’t let you down!

    Why Do I Need More Mags?

    You always need more magazines for every gun you own.  

    It’s not just because having to stuff mags at the range can be a drag or because of potential shifting political winds.  

    They’re also a consumable resource, so they won’t last forever.  You can keep them usable for longer if you follow a few basic guidelines, though.

    Aero Precision Thunder Ranch TR15 AR Mags
    Stack ’em!

    Remember how I mentioned that magazines that look beat up probably won’t work well?  

    The first rule of magazines is to not beat them up unnecessarily.

    If you shoot your AR in matches or classes or practice dynamic shooting, you’re almost certain to drop them a time or four hundred. That’s fine.

    CM7M Shooting

    What you’re trying to avoid is intentionally stomping on them, drop-kicking them across the range, or dropping them for fun (especially on the feed lips!).  

    Do that a few too many times, and you’re certain to start having magazines go out of spec.

    And don’t forget; you don’t need to immediately throw out magazines that fail the tests above, satisfying as it might be.  

    EndoMag Lips
    EndoMag Lips

    However, you do need to make sure you take them out of the rotation for important uses like matches or home defense.  

    For practice or for plinking at the range, an occasional failure won’t be a problem, so you can keep those magazines a little longer.

    Accessories for Accessories

    With all of those magazines, you might want to set some aside for a particular use.  

    In addition to mags designated for training only, I also have mags that are dedicated to different kinds of ammunition.  

    That would be especially important for me if I had a rifle in .300 Blackout, which looks very similar to .223/5.56 but would be very dangerous to shoot out of a .223/5.56 rifle.

    .300 BLK looks a lot like .223.

    If you’ve decided to do that, you’ll need a way to mark them so that you can keep track.  

    An easy, low-cost, and high-visibility way to label your magazines is to wrap a strip of duct tape around the bottom.  

    You just need to make sure it’s positioned to not get into the magazine well when it’s loaded into your rifle.  

    Taped AR Magazine
    Taped AR Magazine

    For PMAG owners, you can also dye lighter-colored mags with RIT fabric dye.  

    It takes little effort and just a few minutes, and the results are permanent. Plus, if you pick a bright or unusual color, nobody will mistake your mags for theirs at the range.  

    dyed AR magazine
    Dyed AR Magazine

    Cosmetics aren’t the only thing you can change about magazines.

    You can also extend their capacity or make them a little easier to use in different types of environments.  

    While you can always just buy the next bigger magazine of the brand you’ve chosen, sometimes you want just a few extra rounds available.  

    Bigger Better

    You might also want a little extra room in your magazine so that it’s easier to seat a full magazine on a full chamber in your rifle.  

    The answer to that is the base pad extension.  

    Taran Tactical AR Magazine Basepad Extension
    Taran Tactical AR Magazine Basepad Extension

    It replaces the base pad on your magazine and, by making the whole thing a little longer, allows you to load a few extra rounds.  

    My favorites are the ones from Taran Tactical Innovations. The downside is that they’re not available for all magazine models.

    at Brownells

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Another option is to attach two magazines together so that when one goes empty, you can reload with the other one right there.  

    While people have done this by taping mags together, you can also buy purpose-made couplers to do the job, like the one Lancer Systems makes for their own magazines.

    at AR15 Discounts

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    While you’re adding things to your magazines, extra capacity isn’t the only end game.  

    With modern magazines and ARs, using your mag as a sort of monopod won’t cause malfunctions.  

    It’s so common and trouble-free now that you can even update your baseplate to make the magazine a more stable platform to balance on.  

    One example is the Magpul Ranger Plate. It not only gives you a more forgiving surface with better angles to support the gun, but it also acts as a pull tab.  

    What’s a pull tab?  

    Even though your mags should drop free when they’re functioning correctly, you might run into a little trouble if there’s a malfunction of some type — perhaps a magazine that failed unexpectedly or a double-feed.  

    In those cases, getting a little extra leverage to pull the magazine out can be helpful, and that’s where pull tabs come in. They replace or attach to your baseplate and give you a little extra to grab onto.  

    What Makes a Magazine “Good?”

    Fortunately, for magazines, it’s not terribly difficult to identify a quality magazine. Most modern AR magazines are relatively decent, so long as they can pass a few straightforward tests.

    First, does the magazine look like it’s in decent shape?  

    MTM AR-15 Mag Can
    How do you tell if an AR mag is good?

    This may seem obvious, but a magazine that is dented or cracked is unlikely to work reliably.  

    Make sure you check it all over, too. You don’t need to take the magazine apart, but look at the feed lips and follower in addition to the body of the magazine itself.  

    They shouldn’t look bent or chipped.

    Anatomy of a Magazine
    Anatomy of a Magazine

    Then fill up the magazine with ammunition and tap the bottom of it sharply. You can slap with your hand or use a padded surface (guess which one hurts less?), just don’t be shy about how hard you hit.  

    Either way, you’re looking to see if rounds pop up and out of the magazine from the impact. If they do, your feed lips may be out of spec.

    Improperly Feeding Round
    Improperly Feeding Round

    Next, you’ll want to see if the magazine drops freely from your AR. That means you need to insert it into the gun, hold the gun up, hit the magazine release, and see if the magazine drops from your gun without assistance.  

    You should try this with both empty and full magazines, although full magazines should be reserved for the range or when facing a safe direction that can adequately contain a rifle round in case of an oops moment.  

    If they don’t fall freely, then your magazine is out of spec.

    AR magazine in rifle
    Your magazine should slide right out.

    Finally, you need to find out if your AR’s bolt will lock back on the empty magazine. The fun way to do this is to shoot until a magazine is empty.

    But all you really need to do is to drop the bolt on an empty chamber, insert an empty magazine, and pull back on the charging handle.  

    80 Percent Arms Easy Jig Gen 3 Bolt Open
    Does the bolt lock back?

    You shouldn’t need to fumble with the bolt catch if the magazine is in good shape.

    You can use these tests to see if individual magazines you already own are good to go, as well as to see if a new-to-you brand of magazine will work with your AR.

    Polymer vs. Metal Magazines

    When talking about polymer and metal, we’re mostly focused on the body of the magazine and the feed lips.

    But really, it’s the feed lips that are the critical part and really define the magazine. An example of a polymer magazine is, of course, the Magpul PMAG.

    Magpul PMAGs
    Magpul PMAGs (top) 40-round magazine and (bottom) 30-round magazine

    And for the metal magazine, take a look at Brownell’s 20-round mag.

    brownells 20 round magazine
    Brownells 20-round magazine

    The quick and dirty version of this discussion is that both styles of magazine will, generally, be very reliable, last a long time, and serve you well on the range and in the field.

    That said, polymer magazines do have one major advantage over their metal counterparts…the feed lips.

    When a magazine breaks or becomes unreliable, it is normally because something happened to the feed lips. They are the weakest part of the magazine and the most critical part when it comes to reliably offering a round for the bolt to chamber.


    Metal feed lips are fairly hard to deform, but dropping them or hitting them hard enough will do the job.

    Their disadvantage lies in the fact that visually telling that a magazine with metal feed lips is deformed can be hard to do.

    Many times the deformity is minor enough to pass visual inspection but severe enough to cause unreliability.

    Press Checks Rifle Mags

    This almost never happens with polymer feed lips.

    The polymer will either return to its former shape or break entirely. Thus, if it looks good – it is good. But if it is broken, the break will be obvious, and you can discard the magazine.

    But…polymer mags don’t have that classic look and feel to them. And yes, sometimes that does make a difference.

    What Is Better For You?

    If you’re like us, then the answer is simple. Both.

    Both from El Dorado

    Metal magazines are normally cheaper, which means you can stock them deeper. But polymer has better visual inspection properties.

    Metal magazines are very slightly lighter weight (1 ounce per mag normally).

    Polymer mags can have windows in them, so it’s super easy to see how many rounds you have left.

    FN 15 mag in
    That window makes it easy to see rounds in the mag.

    Metal magazines are classics and are the only choice for retro builds.

    Polymer mags will never rust or dent. Metal magazines are slightly thinner and can fit in a chest rig better sometimes.

    So the answer you’re looking for is both.

    Final Thoughts

    Magazines seem like they should be a simple purchase.  

    After all, they don’t need to do anything more than hold ammunition and feed it to the gun.  

    It’s a vital function, though, and a bad magazine will make even the best rifle nothing more than an awkward club. Stick with mags like those described above, and you’ll have a much better day at the range.

    What are your favorite AR mags? Let us know in the comments below. You know…you need a rifle to go with those mags. Why not check out our recommendations for the Best AR-15s?

    Latest Updates

    July 7, 2024: Removed USGI-Style Mags and Gunskins from recommendations. Added supplemental data and media to each product. Added more data on how we tested each AR-15 magazine.

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    39 Leave a Reply

    • Billy Miles

      I’ve had nothing going bad using Hexmags. I have 12 and use them a lot. I’ve had nothing problems with jams, no double stacks, smooth cartridge delivery. To each their own. Personally I’d take Hexmags over Magpul magazines.

      December 6, 2024 3:35 pm
    • Bill james

      I'm sorry to tell y'all hex mags are very unreliable

      August 16, 2024 3:54 pm
    • Tony S

      You didn’t review the Beta C Mags 100 round drum?? Why not?

      July 8, 2024 12:30 pm
    • FRG

      Has anyone had trouble with Pmags failing to feed when it's in the upper 30s out? My rifle wouldn't feed from any of my Pmags but when I switched over to my Lancer mags they fed perfectly! However now that it is much warmer, some of my Lancer mags have feed issues. I really don't understand this!

      June 29, 2024 9:14 am
    • Chuck Cochran

      Though I've a few steel USGI Mags sitting in my Gun Closet, I went exclusively PMag on my 5.56 and Hexmag on my .300 AAC. Not only are they visually distinct from each other, they're tactile difference is easily noted to keep from mixing them up. Plus I buy the Pmags at 30 round capacity and the 20 round capacity for the .300, since it's a pistol, it's a little easier to handle with less weight.
      PLANS, I've a mix of Gen 2 and Gen 3s. Hexmags are all series 2s.

      September 11, 2022 7:03 pm
    • Bull o' the Woods

      Within the last six months or so, OKAY Industries (a medical components manufacturer) decided to cease production of Surefeed mags. Not sure of their rationale, but it seems likely that Lancer and Magpul had dramatically eaten into their customer base. You can still find some Surefeed magazines at online retailers, but most will show "out of stock." Once the existing inventory dries up, no more will be produced.

      September 11, 2022 9:19 am
    • Heartman

      I've already purchased my 1st AR-15 from PAS-15 I have numerous mags and a AK-47 with 75 round drum and a 22 LR w/110 Rd drum! The AR I have is 14" I wanted 18" to go distance and accurate I have BAR e 3006 love it 4 rds + 1 I wanted Some thing fresh and Wilde I like 65gr Greentips 855 and Horandy 77gr I have the 2, 3 mags and 2 steel a 20 Rd a 40 Rd for me the 60 over priced so 2 40' or 3 30's takes care of that I'll make a clip out of alum and I like painting guns I get. Thank you for the stories love them all & will find Annette for advice, I will always listen openly! I might make my own I enjoy the parts then I know where everything goes! Thank you, I'm sure we will talk some day, good shooting!! PS I have 2 Rugers 2 Berettas 1 has 30 Rd mag. The other 21 and the PXStorm 40 will have an 18 & 3 14's also A 460 S&W my fav! God Bless and pet the Kitty seems to get jumpy!
      PS 3 shot guns used Mossberg 850 pump, VR80, JAS last 2 Heavey loads they like that for the gas to rechamber!

      August 21, 2022 1:36 am
    • William

      where leapers UTG mags

      June 24, 2022 3:39 pm
    • Frank

      I have both magpul and Lancer mags. I found that when the temperature is cold, the magpul mags failed to feed while the Lancer mags feed in any temperature. Now I only use magpul when it is warmer.

      March 9, 2022 7:20 pm
    • Kristoff

      Have you tested the ETS translucent mags? Lots of great reviews and they're cheaper than other translucent options.

      February 7, 2022 3:56 pm
      • Phil B

        The ETS mags also connect side by side without tools or loose parts. I like ‘em

        September 9, 2022 3:33 pm
      • Wayne Mortimer

        I have ETS 30 round mags and I've never had an issue.

        August 20, 2023 6:33 pm
    • John

      Looking at the front page where the link to this article appears I see this:

      "If you're a new AR-15 owner, or an old hand looking for recommendations, here's everything you need to know about picking the perfect entry-level mags."

      there is no such thing as "entry-level mags". There are cheap magazines, somewhere in the middle priced magazines, and more expensive magazines - all of various quality (mostly good) and various capacity and depending on the firearm one capacity may be more popular than another (e.g. 30 round magazines for AR's or 15 round magazines for hand guns)

      October 21, 2021 7:12 am
    • Nathan Cash

      I use polymer for my 556/223 and metal for my 300 ... Cause I am colorblind and lazy

      October 20, 2021 5:17 pm
      • John

        I used GI mil-spec standard 30 round metal magazines for many years, would only have those and nothing else, for my AR's.

        Then one Christmas time came around and my wife asked me and said "What do you want for Christmas? Probably something for guns I guess." because I had been looking at some new guns and accessories lately. So I said "Some more magazines would be good." So she, in her wise cracking way, asked " Playboy, Field and Stream... What ?" . Anyway, that Christmas I got 10 Magpul magazines as a stocking stuffer, the first time I had ever had anything but metal. They went well with the new AR under the tree. That was almost 10 years ago now, not a one of those magazines has ever failed on me or given me one moments problem. I still have all the metal magazines I had, but its the Magpuls I use mostly.

        October 21, 2021 7:25 am
      • John

        I use 3 wide rubber bands, 1" wide, stacked on top of each other, on the 5.56 mags and no wide rubber bands on the 300. Some people use a wide elastic band sewn into a loop, on their mags.

        Tactile feedback in the daylight and dark to tell the difference.

        October 21, 2021 11:15 am
    • jonathan mcgowen

      For marking my mags, I put a strip of painter's tape on the bottom and write on that. Masking tape would also work.

      June 27, 2021 8:03 pm
    • Jimbob

      Hk mags are better than all by a mile and if you don’t think so you’re poor and if you think they’re too heavy you’re a pussy

      June 17, 2021 12:01 pm
    • Calirangr

      More of a comment on Pew Pew than the article itself, but I really do love this website. Building my first AR...and this really is the 'go to' spot for common sense advice. My brother is more into shooting than I am, and the advice I glean from Pew Pew always makes me seem smarter to him than I really am. That's the sign of a good source of information...IMHO. Keep it up! ...and PS...I'll be buying the Mags that Annette E recommends. Good job!!

      April 4, 2020 6:43 am
      • David, PPT Editor

        Thanks :D Really glad we could help out. Lots more cool articles coming up too!

        April 4, 2020 7:32 am
    • Zac

      Okay industries? Pretty blown didn’t make your list.

      January 15, 2020 10:04 am
      • Aaron

        Take a look again, Zac. Under USGI-Style Magazines: "I recommend sticking with two: the Brownells house brand and the Surefeed magazines made by OKAY Industries."

        March 27, 2020 1:40 pm
    • Doug Gracey

      I do have to point out after enjoying this article, that ranger plates or more so the actual mag pull from Magpul were for quick extraction from magazine pouches. In the 80s and early 90s the issue mag pouchs were a pain in the ass for us infantryman to pull a mag for a reload so we would cut the dividers out of the pouch and take the mag and wrap 100mph tape around the base with a loop of 550 cord so you could get them out. I do belive it was a Marine grunt (high speed/low drag) who invented the Magpul.
      I have found that a cheap metal mag if loaded with 30rnds and loaded on a closed bolt the base plate will buckle out, my D&H mags did this. I do love the pmag 10rd for hunting deer antelope and coyote's

      September 15, 2019 4:51 pm
    • Sam Gough

      Where can I buy just the pmag bodies with no spring or follower?

      July 20, 2019 5:58 am
      • David, PPT Editor

        I haven't seen just the shell for sale, sorry.

        July 20, 2019 11:14 am
    • Ron

      I've used hex mags, troymags,and amend2 mags I have a built palmeto upper/anderson lower. They all feed flawlessly

      April 25, 2019 9:11 pm
    • Phil

      Great article for a newcomer to the AR platform. Thank You!

      April 1, 2019 6:22 am
    • Justin Klumker

      Do you have any experience with the Amend2 magazines? My local sporting goods store had them on sale for $6.99 on Black Friday, so I picked up a couple. I've read good things about them, but haven't shot them yet.

      November 28, 2018 11:35 am
      • Eric Hung

        I've heard of them...but haven't tried them out yet.

        November 28, 2018 11:58 am
        • Justin Klumker

          I'll report back once I try them out!

          November 28, 2018 12:16 pm
      • Keith P.

        Love Hex mags at the range. Cheap, feed reliably, distinctive look. But I wouldn't trust them for duty/defense use - seen a lot of videos where they get broken easily by dropping and/or crushing. Also love Amend 2 mags at the range. But apparently they are prone to fail in hot weather, especially if left on a hot engine hood or in a windowed vehicle.

        February 6, 2023 10:46 pm
    • Mike Hugesack

      There is no such thing as a 100 round Magpul drum, only 60 rounds in the D60.

      October 18, 2018 1:22 am
    • Michael

      Just wondering... is it ok to store ammo in a magazine so it is ready to go? Will this damage the magazine or spring inside in some way where it wont work properly? Thanks!

      March 25, 2018 10:09 pm
      • Eric Hung

        I've been told that with today's spring tech...it's the loading and unloading that stresses it and not necessarily keeping it loaded. However...I rotate my home-defense guns' magazines every 6-months.

        March 26, 2018 3:33 pm
        • Kobra

          There is a video on youtube where the guy kept some mags fully loaded and some, I believe, partially loaded for 5 years to see how the springs held up. All of them were compressed, although some held up better than others. They were all pistol mags but the same should apply to any magazine. Better materials or stiffer springs could be why the glock mags didnt compress too much. If you are worried about too much wear, keep a few mags only half way full, and rotate them every year or so. My fnx 9 mags apparently have crappy springs, so after keeping one loaded for a few months the spring compressed enough so that the follower didnt have enough tension on it to keep the slide open on the last round. Wolf springs are stiffer than factory originals but I cant say for certain if they sell springs for various rifle mags.

          May 12, 2018 9:00 pm
      • Stanley

        I asked that very ? @, I think, thefiringline maybe 3 yrs ago. Their reply: Engineers claim through testing storing a spring either relaxed or under tension has NO affect on its longevity. Use (tensioning & relaxing) is what destroys a spring. After so many reps it fails.

        September 11, 2018 4:07 pm
      • J.P.

        Eric Hung and Stanley already answered pretty well the question regarding spring durability. However, I've also read that high-speed tacticool guys load their magazines to 28 rounds to make it easier to seat a mag on a closed bolt; loading a full 30 can cause the rounds to push against the bottom of the BCG and make it much more difficult to fully insert.

        All of my magazines seat when fully loaded when given a light upward tap on the bottom of the mag, but I'm also just a casual civilian shooter, so I can't really weigh in with any sort of combat experience.

        November 3, 2018 4:06 am
    • Lee Coen

      Great article. Went shooting today with some 'good deal' old school metal at mags I got some where. One round, check--next round no feed. Uggggg. Ran to town and bought a new Mag pull 10 round. Hope this fixes it..thanks!!

      January 15, 2018 1:34 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Thanks! Hope that fixes the problem.

        January 16, 2018 8:29 pm
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