Thinking about night vision?
We’ll cover everything you need to know if seeing in the dark is worth the steep price of admission.

We’ll start with the different types and generations of night vision…then go into essential gear, some usage tips, and our favorite night vision goggles.

Whatever your end-use is…from low-light hunting to night shooting competitions or just because you can…this guide will get you started.
They’ll be plenty of pictures of actual tested gear…and even more video clips.
Civilian PVS-14
Mil-Spec Version
Also Great PVS-14
Entry Level Binoculars
White Phospor
Table of Contents
Night Vision Generations
We won’t dive into the nitty gritty of how night vision works…just now that it collects whatever little ambient light there is and amplifies it. The important part is the image intensifier tube.

It’s has come a long way since the Vietnam war and each jump in technology is designated a different “generation”. Here’s the gist:
- Generation 1: Vietnam era and HUGE. Don’t buy this for any practical usage nowadays.

- Generation 2: From the 80’s…a newer kind of detection plate in the tube is developed (MCP) and improves resolution 150% over Gen 1. This is what you see in more affordable night vision goggles. Entirely usable.
- Generation 3: 90’s tech…with a new kind of gas in the tube. 30% increase in resolution from Gen 2. This is most of the stuff you’ll see and what we tested. Most recommended.

- Generation 4: 10% over the best of Gen 3. The halo around bright objects is reduced. But WAY more expensive. Get it if you can afford it…and/or if your life depends on night vision.
What about this white phosphor?
Most night vision that we know is green because of the color of phosphor on the tube. White phosphor is Gen 3 tech and gives you more defining shadows but costs more.

Monoculars vs Binoculars
Most of the time when you think goggles…you’re thinking of binoculars that have two tubes.

Or ok…the quad ones from Zero Dark Thirty. That you can actually buy for a cool $43,000.

I’m sorry to burst your bubble…but for your first entry into NVGs (night vision goggles) or NODs (night observation device)…you’re probably going with a monocular.

They are about half the price (think $2000 vs $4000 starting). Plus they are more versatile since you can use them in your hand, helmet, or on your gun. You also have one eye free that preserves natural night vision.
You still only have about a 40 degree angle of view with either the monocular or binocular…so it comes down to budget and personal preference.
How to Use Night Vision Goggles
The very first thing when I turned on my Gen 3 monoculars was silence.
You don’t know how bummed I was that it didn’t have that high pitch turn-on sound.

Turns out…that’s only for Gen 1. Movies/games have failed me again!
The next thing I noticed was how disoriented I was…before I figured out you have to focus to a certain distance.
I practiced for about 15 minutes each night walking around the house and trying not to trip over myself since you lose a lot of depth perception.
After a week I was able to change my newborn’s diapers with my NVGs.
Another pro for monoculars is that even if your distance is set for far away…your uncovered eye can help with close weapons manipulations…or butt-wiping.
Whatever your purpose is with night vision…it likely involves firearms. And just having a monocular or binocular will do you no good without more gear.
Essential Night Vision Gear
We’re going to slowly work through these topics with dedicated posts…but for now these are our recommendations.

Most systems will come with a strap head mount. But if you plunked down over $2000…you’re going to make sure you look cool.
So you need a helmet.
There’s ballistic rated ones and also cheaper “bump” helmets.
The specific one I’m rocking is Hard Head Veterans with their cover.
But the main thing is to make sure you have the standard “shroud” in the front for attachments.

Here’s some links to popular helmets. We’ll have some in-depth guides soon.
Then plop your NVG onto it…

The ATN model I used is commercial and comes with its own system. While others will use a more standardized military version.
My recommendation is to go with the Wilcox Breakaway so you don’t break your neck if you snag something.
Then…adjust the distance to your eyes.

And as for which eye…most will put it opposite of your dominant eye or your non-shouldering side. This gets it out of the way of your rifle.

If you look good…you’ll feel good.

Remember when I said that night vision amplifies ambient light?
What if there is no ambient light?
You’ll need an IR (infrared) illuminator that only shows up in your NVGs.
Some models will have built-in illuminators but they are usually only good for 10 feet or so.
The ATN has an IR mode on its switch.

What if you need something more powerful?
There’s standalone IR illuminators like the Inforce WMLx (full review in Best AR-15 Flashlights).
Or combo ones with IR lasers…which brings us to…
IR Lasers
Pew pew!
It gets really difficult to look through your sights with night vision goggles. Even if they have NV mode (much less bright so it doesn’t damage the tube).

NV enabled optics make it seem like the target is painted with a laser since your focus depth is on targets and not the dot.
Still…it’s pretty hard to use them.
So you want IR lasers that only show up in night vision and that allow you to point shoot. Like normal lasers if you want to see the beam you’ve got to have some smoke or debris.
And here’s where the fun starts…
Now what if you combo-ed the illuminator and laser? These are the cool-looking units you see on the front of rifles.

The Steiner DBAL unit (dual beam aiming laser) has regular laser, IR laser, and IR illumination.

Here is the IR laser and IR illuminator (which is much more focused than the WMLx) in action.
You can check it out here:
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Other options include the more affordable Steiner DBAL I2 and the B.E. Meyers MAWL-C1+ which is offset to the side.
Your NVGs shift a lot of weight to the front of your helmet. After a few hours your neck is going to hate you.
So I highly recommend getting some counterweights for the back of your helmet…either with lead weights or extra batteries.

And now…what you’ve been waiting for…
Best Night Vision Goggles

For firearms…it’s mostly been “you get what you pay for”…but it’s even more so for night vision.
You also want to “buy once, cry once” since upgrading can be a headache with reselling and taking a loss.
And lastly…I highly recommend buying straight from the manufacturers or a super well-known retailer. You don’t want to mess around with warranties and returns with some small reseller.
This is the one I tested and the recommended model straight from ATN (one of the largest manufacturers of mil-spec and commercial NVGs).
Their commercial NVM14 model is a play on the mil-spec (military specification) PVS14 monocular.

Commercial is still plenty robust for most people but one thing to keep in mind is that you’re stuck with their mounting system. If you already have Wilcox or other mil-spec mounts you’re out of luck.
This one is a Gen 3 and although most will be happy with a Gen 2…you might as well save up a LITTLE more and get something that will make you really happy.

I tried my best with my potato phone pictures but it’s really a lot clearer when actually looking through them.
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What do you think about the PVS14-3 if price were no object?
Their mil-spec version they make for the government. If you need that extra robustness and more importantly…ability to use mil-spec mounts.
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Check out the rest of ATN’s monoculars here.
Armasight PVS14 Gen 3
Another big player that keeps coming up too with good reviews. Used to be more expensive than ATN but now is slightly more affordable for the Gen 3 versions.
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ATN PS15-3
For all you ballers out there that need some entry-level binoculars…
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For the discerning user who is looking for white phosphor binoculars.
The video does not do it justice…they were by far the clearest.
Law enforcement or military only.
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Prices accurate at time of writing
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7. L3 EOTech GPNVG
Now you get 97 degrees of viewing…all for the price of a nice car.
I haven’t been able to try these out…but I imagine I’d have the same reaction.

If you need these…you probably don’t need this article!
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Prices accurate at time of writing
25% off all OAKLEY products – OAKLEY25
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I’m not yet an expert in NVGs but I hope this is a starting point for your journey. I’m still going down it too!
If you aren’t at NVG level but still want to own the night…check out our Best AR-15 Flashlights and Best Pistol Lights.
How did we do for a beginner’s night vision guide? Anything we missed? Or if you could buy any of them right now…which would it be?
And if this video doesn’t make you want to get some NVGs…I don’t know what will…
18 Leave a Reply
So I’m looking into starting this, my question is, if I start with a monocular, can I buy a second later once I can afford it and turn it into a singular binocular device? Or is it buy a monocular or save up until I can afford a binocular set?
Great article but not exactly, "beginner". Most beginners are not going to drop 4 Grand on an NVG. Would love to see some reviews to help sort through the wastland of Chinese-made NVGs.
All of that aside, thank you for all of the great information for when I become a very advanced beginner... and fabulously wealthy.
Hey Eric;
You heard anything about the Feds sucking up all the tubes for some reason?
lol i guess you know now
Lol man, that's a lot to take in!
bummer... I was hoping there was something for a few hundred to give my Dad as a cool gift
NIGHTFOX makes digital NVGs for under $200. Ghosthunter is also a good option.
Please don't recommend digital night vision for people that want something actually useful. It's always better to save up for a monocular than spend $200 on something that's just a digital camera with a night setting. Those things aren't worth it, and if you haven't already, I would recommend you try using one to walk around at night and see how easy it is to walk with a screen projecting an image with a slow framerate and a delayed image.
I agree, though I expect that we'll eventually see very capable digital night vision... though at a different price point as well.
Don't get the digital stuff that's only a few hundred bucks. It seems tempting but the image delay, poor framerate (it's a digital image that needs to be processed) and grainy quality make these things only useful for recording stuff at night, not so much any practical use.
You can get away with shooting static targets at a flat range, but if you try to hunt, shoot on the move, or just go walking with them you're gonna have a bad time.
Thumbs up to all involved in this very professional video. I learned tons from your info and the products you show/recommend. Thank you all very much..
So glad we could help you out, Larry!
PVS-14s do hum..... it’s a high pitch sound all hours through the night sitting in that foxhole. PVSs are good for cooks and people that work for S1. Not for people engaging active targets/combatants. Don’t waste your money on these boys. You want quality but don’t feel like spending 40k? Buy a pair of PSQ-20Bs (not mentioned here) which also has thermal capabilities along with I2. You can even use them consecutively. My experience comes from being a 240 gunner in the Infantry. I hated using any PVS platform. Why you ask? They get wet or you bound and eat some rocks, hell even bump them on a tree... done for. You could treat yourself to a nice long gun and a plate carrier for what these cost.
In the Active Army and combat over my years I've used both Gen 1 and Gen 3 NVGs.
like you said, what works for you (anyone) depends upon your purposes and interests..
I liked Generation 1, except for the humm which is very similar to having ear tinnitus.. I didn't like the hum because it is a "sound report" should someone be behind you that you do not see. They will hear it (when real close to you) and know you are nearby. I also used it in my house completely dark and could see just fine, but it may have been primarily because of street/auto lights on the road penetrating closed curtains, and LEDs from various appliances. The most difficult visual time I experienced with a Gen. 1 was a moonless night under thick cloudy conditions, but I could still see movement; and proved it to myself by having my adult kids go outdoors and hide behind a big tree, and then both slowly (and one quickly) moved from that tree to another hiding spot under no-light conditions. The one who moved slow was hardest to see. But I could still see them because humidity in the air amplifies diffuse light.
For the cost today, a Gen 1 NVBino would be plenty fine enough for a homeowner or farmer to scan his property at night.; and in a SHTF it would be fine for scanning perimeters. Anyone who thinks they may be forced to run outdoors for cover at night and during a SHTF, with a Gen.1 you will be able to see movements or light easily for up to 100 yards with the Gen 1's that I have used. But at 100 yards you will see a movement profile but very little detail. The picture quality is not as good as Gen 3s, but you can still see. And they can be especially helpful if you are in a BO and concerned about crossing an open area. You can make a rest stop and scan the perimeter of the open area for a possible ambush group, and especially if someone lights up a cigarette or turns on an illuminator of any sortm or car lights.
My father was a trapper and I went with him as a kid. In the Army Field during manuevers and using a Gen 1. I could see animal movement and immediately the value of that for trappers. Ants may urinate with every step or two (or three) to mark their trail, but animals don't leave scat (poop) that often, so knowing the trails by NVBino eyesight can be helpful to the hungry who know how trap because animals pick their trails by considering them the safest way for their travels.. It can also be helpful for watching deer movement.. It could help the hunter know how the deer are moving at night, which helps knowing where to position a stand before early dawn.
Another thing about Gen 1 is that if you are moving in a forest area, you can see ten feet out for where fallen trees are, or thick shrubs, low hanging branches, etc. if you are in a BO.(bug out). The value here is that any travel in a forest environment at night will likely lead to some sort of injury, unless you can see ahead of you to know what is ahead of you. When I think about daytime places I've hiked to, a person could (if traveling at night in these places with no light ) fall off a cliff, or step into a rock or hole (break a leg), or step into a marsh area and have one's whole lower leg stuck in muck, if one were running away from something fearful because they had no way to see in the dark, whether someone was chasing them, besides other hazards.
I used a Gen 3 during Desert Storm, My driver would drive 35-40 mph under no-light conditions over the raw desert and in an area that was hilly with 20-foot hills. Both of us wondered if there might be drop offs on the other side of the hill similar to how some sand-dunes look during daytime, where there is a gentle slope (climbing a hill) on one side followed by what appears to be sort of a cave-in depression on the other side, So my driver drove and I Gen-3 scoped the road ahead of us in the middle of the night. As we approached each hill we slowed down, just in case. The Gen 3 that I was assigned had an illumination device. Altogether it was good enough for me to read a newspaper in my closed-up tent (under no-light conditions), that could never be done with a Gen.1 NVG.. You got to bear in mind though that any sniper with any generation and type of NVG can see the light of the illuminator when it is on; so using it poses risks to the user in a combat environment, unless one is protected by berms (mounds or sandbags, etc.)..
'A friend of mine bought a used/reconditioned Gen-1 NVBino after Desert Storm (about 1993-1994) that was supposedly Russian made for their Afgan War. It was still working 20 years later.
So my conclusion to all of this is that if you like camping and hunting or trapping or even playing around with equipment outdoors at night (but not on nighttime busy roads) a Gen 1 NV device will be very affordable and give you a sense of security if you are concerned about who may be too close to your campsight, farm fields, backyard, etc. (excepting on moonless cloudy and rainy nights). If you are quiet you can spot animal movement for pre-positioning traps or a hunt site, You can know the location of anyone's presence if they turn on any type of light.. Even on a moonless clear (of clouds) night, you can still see (with a Gen.1) just by starlight and especially if there is movement.. I guess I could add that if you have kids, grandkids, etc. buying a used-reconditioned NVG will provide them a world of fun at night time, besides your own use of it for your particular interests..
Wow! Thanks for all the real world exp!
Thank you for your In pUtah concerning 1st Gen night vision and it uses. I can not afford Gen 3 night vision but I'm hoping 1st Gen night vision will help me and mine if we have too bug out.
Thank you again.
Semper Fi
OUTSTANDING...great videos and discussion. I know what I want for Chrismas this year!
Thanks so much Shawn. Let me know what you end up getting!