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Best P365 Upgrades: Triggers, Barrels, Sights & More [Tested]

P365 Upgrades The Whole Lot
We've been carrying a P365 for a while with tons of rounds through it and plenty of tested upgrades. Here's some that we use on the daily.
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    The Sig P365 has been a home run in the carry gun market — wildly successful in the civilian market and even adopted as a backup gun with a few different police forces. 

    P365 Upgrades The Whole Lot
    The Whole Lot

    I’ve gotten my hands on plenty of different accessories and add-ons for the gun and have spent the past few years tinkering with the P365.

    P365 Front

    So today, let’s run through some of the best upgrades and accessories for the Sig Sauer P365. 


    Table of Contents


    How We Chose the Best Sig P365 Upgrades

    I’m a Marine infantry veteran, firearms enthusiast, and NRA-certified instructor. In addition to all that, I’ve been carrying and using the Sig Sauer P365 for a few years and have gotten close to 1,700 rounds through the gun.

    Small gun, but large enough to get a full grip on
    Small gun, but large enough to get a full grip on

    In that time, how I carried the Sig P365 has changed slightly. With that in mind, I upgraded the pistol to make it a better defensive gun. I wanted to tame the gun’s recoil a bit, make it easier to shoot at various ranges, increase my follow-up shot time, and, of course, make the gun look cool!

    All of the products recommended have been tested by me, and spent time on my personal Sig P365.

    But first…how to field strip the P365 since you’ll likely need to for the following upgrades:

    Best Sig Sauer 365 Upgrades & Parts

    1. Sig Sauer FCU + XL Slide

    Available Coupons


    • Increased sight radius and control
    • Enhances concealability


    • A pricier upgrade

    Sig invented a modular fire control unit for the original P250, which later went to the P320, and now the same idea lies within the P365.

    The legal “firearm” portion of the gun is a removable chassis system that can be inserted into various frames known as the Fire Control Unit.

    The FCU is compatible with various frame sizes and P365 models. I’ve taken full advantage of that with my P365.

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades Trigger
    Sig’s FCU

    The modular design appeals to me, and I like having one firearm morph into multiple uses depending on the level of concealment or control I require.

    The FCU is the core of the build, and it allows me to swap between various configurations.

    My main configuration is a standard P365 frame with the XL slide. I find this an awesome combination that allows for an easy shooting gun that’s highly concealable.

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades
    It’s like Legos…but for adults.

    The shorter frame disappears in an AIWB or IWB carry holster.

    The longer slide and barrel increase sight radius, velocity, and control. With the two combined, I have a very effective but concealable gun.

    Should I want to emphasize concealability above all else, all I need to do is swap the XL slide for a standard slide, remove some accessories, and go with the shortest magazine.

    2. True Precision Threaded Barrel

    Best Threaded Barrel
    at Rainier Arms

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Easily attach suppresor or other muzzle device
    • Compatible with cheaper ammo


    • If you're not wanting to add a muzzle device, might be unnecessary

    I knew I wanted to add a muzzle device to my P365; to do so, I needed a threaded barrel.

    True Precision produced the best-threaded barrel on the market.  The ½ x 28 threads make it easy to attach a suppressor or muzzle device, so it was an instant sell for me.

    Beyond just being a threaded barrel, the True Precision design accommodated a proprietary broach cut that enhances accuracy, and it is quite noticeable.

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades
    Threaded barrels mean fun accessories!

    My groups tightened slightly after adding the True Precision barrel.

    Beyond the broach cut, the barrel fits a good bit tighter, and that also helps in the accuracy department.

    Another selling point was that the barrel could use the cheapest, crappiest ammo on the market and function perfectly fine.

    9mm Ammo in Stock

    Cost Per Round
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    Free Shipping
    147gr Subsonic
    124/147gr Hollow Point
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    124/147gr Hollow Point
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+

    3. Sig Sauer P365 Flat Trigger

    Best Trigger Upgrade
    at Sig Sauer

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Smoother, more consistent trigger pull
    • Drop-in style
    • Great for smaller hands


    • Often sold out

    Do you want to be frustrated? Like really frustrated? Try buying a Sig Sauer OEM-produced P365 flat trigger. 

    It’s always sold out. Sig is restocking them and making them as fast as they seemingly can, but the P365 is a popular gun, and this trigger is extremely well-regarded.

    Chuck Norris Approved

    The Sig OEM flat trigger is a direct, drop-in replacement system that delivers a smoother, more consistent trigger pull. 

    There are other high-quality flat-faced triggers for the P365 out there, but they are often double the price of the Sig OEM model.

    This flat-faced trigger positions your finger lower on the trigger and this gives you more control and leverage. This results in a smoother, more consistent trigger pull. 

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades Trigger
    Gotta upgrade that trigger if you can…

    The Sig Sauer flat-faced trigger gives you a smoother trigger pull without having to change the factory weight. People with smaller hands and smaller fingers often find it easier to reach flat-faced triggers. However, the thin grip of the P365 is likely thin enough for even the smallest of hands. 

    4. Griffin Arms Micro Carry Compensator

    Available Coupons


    • Reduces muzzle rise
    • Improves follow-up shots
    • Compact design


    • Some might find it unnecessary

    Comps on carry guns are a fun subject to discuss. I like them, and since this is my build, a compensator was a piece of it.

    Since this is a small carry gun, I went with a small compensator — the Griffin Arms Micro Carry Comp — the perfect choice.

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades Comp
    Look at that comp…work of beauty.

    It’s hardly any bigger than a thread protector but offers ports to dissuade recoil and tame your gun.

    “You don’t need a comp on a 9mm!” Naysayers shout.

    Need is a strong word. But I agree, I don’t need it. However, I won’t deny its effectiveness.

    The Griffin Arms Micro Carry Comp reduces muzzle rise and makes my subcompact pistol quite controllable and much easier to handle.

    Seeing my red dot barely move between shots is a satisfying feeling. Best of all, it makes my follow-up shots faster and with greater precision.

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades Disassembled
    Sig Sauer P365 disassembled

    The real work is done when you fire the gun one-handed. That was the moment I realized how handy a compensator could be.

    Shooting one-handed could be a very real situation in which I could find myself.

    So, being able to do so with greater effectiveness makes the Griffin Micro Carry Comp a worthwhile addition to my P365.

    The Griffin Armament comp works with most P365 holsters with an open-bottom design.

    Most compensators are on the large side and require holsters specifically made for compensated guns. So it’s nice that the Griffin Armament doesn’t require that.

    5. Holosun EPS Carry

    Available Coupons


    • Small, enclosed emitter design works well on P365
    • Resistant to snow, debris, and rain
    • Large control and bright dot


    • Tradionalists may not prefer red dot design

    The Holosun EPS Carry proved you can have a small, enclosed emitter design that easily fits onto a Shield RMSc footprint. It’s an impressive accomplishment, and the EPS Carry has since become my red dot of choice on my P365.

    The EPS Carry design gives you all the advantages of an open emitter. As a Florida man, I appreciate the enclosed emitter. Rain can get between the emitter and lens and make your dot useless. Rain is my concern, but so is snow, dirt, debris, and whatever else finds its way to the dot.

    Holosun EPS Carry left

    The EPS Carry comes in a few different configurations, including a fancy model with a solar panel and multi-reticle system. While I like the MRS, I had a little less need for the 32 MOA red dot on my smaller optic. I settled on the 6 MOA dot model and found it to be quite easy to use and well-suited for my shooting needs.

    The EPS carry offers you huge controls, a bright and crisp red dot, and a clear view through the optic. Overall, it’s a fantastic option.

    EPS Carry Lens-1

    If you only pick one upgrade to your gun, then I say get a red dot. A red dot provides you with the ability to shoot faster, straighter, and further with greater ease.

    Sight radius doesn’t matter when you’re using a red dot, so you aren’t limited by a short sight radius with a red dot equipped P365.

    We did a whole review on the EPS Carry, so check it out!

    6. Truglo Fiber Optic Front and Rear

    Available Coupons


    • High visibility in daylight
    • Durable steel construction
    • Bright contrast makes for easy target acquisition


    • Not as effective as night sights in total darkness

    If you’re not a huge fan of red dots, no worries; you can still upgrade the P365 sights.

    I’ve been a big fan of the Sig XRAY3 sights and have had no complaints.

    Sig P365
    Some people gotta complain…

    This opinion isn’t shared by all though. I’ve seen complaints pop up here and there, as well as some who don’t like night sights on their guns. 

    For those looking for something different, the TruGlo fiber optic front and rear are an excellent choice. Sig produces similar sights for most weapons, and they utilize numbers to differentiate their front and rear sights. 

    The P365 uses a Sig #6 front sight and a #8 rear sight. The TruGlo Fiber optic sights meet those designations and are conveniently packaged together.

    The rear sight rocks two tritium vials and besides that are blacked out. The rear sight is serrated to reduce glare in bright environments.
    ADS on a stock Sig P365

    The front sight is a bright red, and the rear sights are green. This contrast of colors makes it easy to pick up the front sight and quick to get on target. 

    The TruGlo Fiber Optic front and rear sights are made from CNC-machined steel, so they are well-made and will last. The TruGlo sights are designed for daylight use but are high visibility and easy to see in low light as well. 

    They are a great alternative if you aren’t a big fan of the stock XRAY3 sights. 

    7. Streamlight TLR-6 

    Available Coupons


    • Slim build works well on P365
    • Durable and holds up
    • Ambi controls


    • Only 100 lumens

    Lights for tiny guns are rather rare at the moment, especially when your tiny gun has a proprietary rail system.

    I don’t like the Olight, and the Surefire is tough to find. I have a TLR 7 SUB on the way, but the TLR 6 is my light of choice until then.

    TLR-6 with Push-Button

    I’ve had one for well over a year now, and it’s yet to let me down.

    It’s been abused, used, and present for daily carry for quite some time. The slim build means hardly any bulk added to the gun.

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades Light On
    We like lights!

    On top of that, the TLR 6 has been popular enough to warrant the holster manufacturer’s attention. You can find a holster that fits with the light rather easily.

    Dual buttons form ambidextrous controls that sit in a position that makes them easy to reach with a trigger finger or your off-hand thumb.

    The TLR 6 is a combination of laser and light, and you can use the buttons to alternate between three different modes. Modes include light and laser, light only, and laser only.

    My only issue is that the light is only 100 lumens. That’s not a ton of power for the light to have, and it only works at extremely close ranges.

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades Light

    I treat it as more of a backup light called upon when my handheld light is down or inaccessible.

    The laser is a handy aiming option should I be unable to use my optic or sights. It’s also fun to fire accurately from the hip, ringing steel, and punching paper.

    The brighter, more powerful TLR 7 SUB may replace the TLR 6, but that won’t be until I properly test it…and I can find a holster.

    What do you think about the TLR 6? Rate it below!

    Readers’ Ratings

    5.00/5 (346)

    Your Rating?

    9. MagGuts +2

    Best Magazine Upgrade
    at MagGuts

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Increases mag capacity
    • Reliable performance


    • Requires installation

    Sig’s success was built on the magazine design and its ability to hold a multitude of rounds.

    The P365 originally held 10 rounds, but Sig released a 12-, then a 15-round magazine in short order.

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades Mags
    All the mags.

    The 12-round magazine is my personal favorite and offers substantial ammunition with a slight extension that gives me a better grip on the gun.

    The 10-rounder with the flush baseplate is the most concealable magazine, and I think it serves a purpose if you ankle or pocket carry.

    That doesn’t mean the 15-rounder doesn’t have a place in the grand scheme of things. To me, it’s the perfect option to carry a reload with.

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades Mags
    All the rounds…

    It fits in my pocket, and there are tons of magazine holders out there that fit it. This includes Neomag, which makes the best pocket reload option.

    Why not carry a reload with a few extra rounds?

    It’s not hard to conceal and gives you a ton more ammo should you need to reload.

    MagGuts recently released +2 MagGuts for the P365’s 10-, 12-, and 15-round magazines.

    To be clear, these are not magazine extensions. Nope, they are literally magazine guts that replace your internal spring, follower, and magazine base plate.

    Sig Sauer P365 Upgrades Mag Guts
    MagGuts +2

    They add no extra length to your magazines but allow you to add two extra rounds to each magazine. My short 10-round magazine now holds 12 rounds. My favorite 12-round magazine now houses 14-rounds.

    This allows my subcompact P365 to have nearly the same capacity as a Glock 19.

    Installation took no time at all, and my magazines were actually easier to load. After installation, I dumped rounds out of these things to ensure reliability before I carried it. After 300 rounds without issue, I felt confident enough to carry them.

    Those two extra rounds are a big deal to me. Honestly, I think every P365 magazine should have MagGuts in it.

    10. HSGI Polymer TACO 

    at Amazon

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Adjustable retention fits P365 mag dimensions
    • Easy to transfer between belts and rigs
    • Durable construction


    • Some may prefer a slimmer pouch for CCW

    One little challenge I had was finding a good mag pouch for the P365. The magazines are too wide to be single stacks and too thin to be a traditional double stack.

    That left me searching for a mag pouch that would meet the dimensions and simultaneously not be a piece of crap. 

    HSGI TACO Magazine Holder
    HSGI TACO Magazine Holder

    Way back when I was a cool guy, I was issued a pistol and used old-school TACOs to carry my spare mags on my plate carrier.

    I remembered they adjusted for the size of the magazines, so decided to go that route. I snagged a Polymer TACO with the Universal Mounting Clip. 

    This allowed me to just toss in my belt and go. The Taco uses polymer panels held together with a flexible shock cord that allows the mag pouch to grow or shrink while retaining retention.

    HSGI Taco and P365
    They look made for each other, really

    The mag pouch holds the magazines well, and retention is top-notch. 

    The HSGI TACO polymer pistol pouches fit on my 1.75-inch belts with the U Mount, and they are easily transferable to additional platforms. The polymer pistol pouches come in tons of different colors and are cut low enough to accommodate any of the P365 magazines. 

    The 15-round magazine is the easiest and quickest to draw when reloading. 

    Final Thoughts

    You can normally judge the success of a gun by its aftermarket. The more popular a weapon is the larger the aftermarket for it will be. And the Sig Sauer P365 is one popular gun!

    P365 vs P365XL
    P365 vs P365XL

    The benefit, of course, is a lot of cool extras you can toss onto the gun. The above is my favorite gear, but there is no reason to stop there.

    You can go quite far when it comes to going Gucci with the Sig P365, though. 

    I’m willing to bet several of our readers have their own P365s. If so, what upgrades have you made? Let us know below. If you want to see some other badass CCW pistols, take a look at the Best Concealed Carry Guns!

    Latest Updates

    April 2024: Removed Crossbreed Holster, Holosun 507K, Sig Foxtrot365. Added Holosun EPS Carry.

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    65 Leave a Reply

    • Brian

      Thank you guys again for another great article! Your articles have assisted me a lot in my purchases and have made life much easier! Having so much information on everything firearms related is awesome!
      Now I would like to add a few things. I know it's hard to keep everything up to date since technology keeps changing but I have to ask if you guys can start including reviews or mention of the both the TLR-6 HL (Green and Red) and the SCS Carry for the P365 family since that is one of the most popular guns around now. Also the emergence of the whole Holosun SCS lineup of optics for most of the popular pistols (their auto adjustment to light is very good as well as their ruggedness and has even won the praise of Mr. rough testing on his freedom tools to determine duty rated effectiveness himself Aaron Cowan of SageDynamics). Now having the choice of 300 lumens in the TLR-6 with a green or red laser as well as a more rugged optic that instantly recharges at super speed as soon as it even senses light, and holds 20,000 hours of use is quite the deal!
      I am very sure there are other things out there as well that could be of benefit.

      October 8, 2024 4:11 pm
    • Krush

      I have the SIG P365XL for my EDC. The TLR-6 is not the brightest light, but it works well. Skip the Holosun and just go with the Sig night sites. It keeps the profile low and is the old reliable. For recoil reduction, skip all the muzzle breaks and other furniture. They just get in the way of the compact and concealable nature of the P365. Go with a recoil reduction system from DPM. I promise you'll be very happy with the reduction in recoil and ease of target reacquisition. The SIG Macro magazines have a 17-round capacity are are the bees knees! They work with every P365 variant and even come with a base plate adapter based on your P365 model. I still don't know how the SIG engineers figured out how to get 17 rounds into a magazine that small!

      April 10, 2024 9:50 pm
    • Itsmeslim33

      I was just checking out this article a few days ago and wondered how old it was/when the last time it was updated, because I thought it was odd that of all flat triggers out there, the factory Sig one was listed as the best trigger upgrade. Now the article is updated and it's still listed. Just curious, any reason offerings from third party makers weren't chosen?

      My XL came with the flat trigger, but I ultimately went with the GrayGuns adjustable straight trigger. Pretty much the same thing as the factory one, but is made from solid bar stock steel as opposed to the factory MIM piece.

      April 8, 2024 5:04 pm
    • AP

      Just buy the P365 X Macro..................longer slide, longer barrel, 17 capacity, flat trigger.......great edc - P365 just too small - better to trade in and buy X Macro

      April 8, 2024 7:36 am
    • Mike Deets

      Love my P365. I tried 2 other triggers before I found the MCARBO. Great smooth pull. Like you I went to the EPS Carry for the same reasons. Love the MagGuts; have one in every mag. Like the idea of a comp and am looking at the MCARBO barrel/comp. I've never been disappointed with any MCARBO product. I put all this on a Wilson Comat grip module and carry in a JM4 holster and mag holder. Easy on/off, secure, and comfortable. Great article!

      April 7, 2024 8:28 pm
    • David Woody Hyman

      At 5' 4" tall, 125 lbs and hands the size of a 12 year old school girl, I've been searching for a truly concealable 9mm for 36 years (since I turned 21 and could carry concealed). Then I found the Sig P365X. When I first held it, I was in love! I've owned other Sigs and love them. I trained with a true cexpert on using a red dot and knew it was right for me. I got the Holosun 507K and then the TLR-7SUB. I've owned and carried more than 20 pistols and NOTHING compares to the P365X set-up I have. I use a Sig 17 rd mog and carry a Sig 15 rd spare. I never leave the house without it. It's SO comfortable in my OWB JM Custom Kydex holster that I don't notice it at all. All day long. I have never liked a gun as much as this P365X setup. I'm SO happy a top notch gun maker came with a quality firearm that truly fits a man with my slight body build! Now my wife wants one! She'll have hers soon! Nice, thorough review you gave of the 365 series! -Woody

      April 2, 2024 9:44 pm
    • Don Plank

      P365..Replaced grip module with Wilson Combat P365X..(WCP 365) grip. Allows for flush 12 rd mags, mags drop free. The ergonomics are more to the 1911 Combat Commander side (my EDC for years) with a more undercut trigger guard, gives a better grip to barrel axis alignment, reducing muzzle flip. Aggresive front and rear stippling allows for a sand to taste grip. No other changes. Fine piece of work.

      November 14, 2023 10:42 pm
    • Paul Ingraham

      Since I already have a P365XL, buying a stock P365 was a no-brainer. I now have the XL slide on the P365 and love it. My XL has the Sig compact optic and, so far, it's been fine. The new updated one might be in the future though. Your excellent review highlighted some extras I'll be buying. The Sig Flat trigger, and maybe that threaded barrel with the brake as well. I may upgrade the optic to that HoloSun, we'll see.

      September 24, 2023 11:46 pm
      • Woody

        This is my first red dot on a CCW and wasn't sure if I'd like it better than the iron sights I've been using for almost 50 years. Once I got the proper training, it's a no brainer. Better field of view, much faster target acquisition and re-aquisition (at least for me). The Holosun 507K is phenomenal! In the 8 months or so that I've had it, I've run more than 1,500 rounds (of all kinds of ammo.) without a single hiccup. 12, 15 and 17 round mags work flawlessly. Go with the 507K if you upgrade your sights.

        April 2, 2024 9:56 pm
    • Roger

      As someone with a P365XL, I went through this list and didn't find anything I needed (or could legally obtain). The XL comes with the flat trigger and night sights, so check and check. >10 round magazines are illegal in my state, so scratch those. And I don't really want a light on my gun. I'm debating putting a Holosun on it, but I had one before and it kept getting dirty so the optic was obscured by dust and lint and stuff.


      July 8, 2023 10:56 pm
      • Sam

        Im in the same exact boat. My P365XL is my EDC. I don't need a light or laser. I am not sure if I will add a red dot maybe down the road but for now I am keeping it stock. It's obviously very capable as is. But I like to see people tinker and upgrade their stuff. So not knocking on anyone who does.

        August 4, 2023 11:27 am
    • AL Lovitz

      Hey Travis,

      I've added a few things to my 365XL.
      - A Sig extended mag release.
      - Pinkie extentions for 2 of my 3 mags. The 1 for carry doesn't have one.
      - A Tyrant extended Slide release.

      These additions have added to the function of my Pistol.

      June 11, 2023 3:12 pm
    • David M. Hontz

      I ordered a P365 and and two sets of MagGuts for the 10 rd. magazines. The mag accessories arrived already can't wait to take delivery of the P235 to try them out.
      I enjoyed your review of the pistol and choices of accessorizing this piece.

      February 22, 2022 6:50 pm
    • Chris

      A larger magazine release for the P365 or the P320 that actually enables one handed mag drops would be heaven. The replacements I’ve seen aren’t really any better.
      Love my HK P30SK for ergonomics but it doesn’t conceal well.

      February 19, 2022 3:01 pm
    • Nathan Jennings

      In your write up of the MagGuts, you said they have a +2 option for the 15 round mag. I can't find it on their website. Did they discontinue it?

      November 22, 2021 10:18 pm
      • Don Lang

        Same here.

        March 19, 2022 7:09 pm
    • Daniel

      Thank you Travis for the thorough breakdown, honest review of the items and links provided. Appreciate ya bud.

      September 23, 2021 7:54 pm
    • Jon

      Does the p365xl fit the holosun 507k perfectly without purchasing any additional plates?

      July 30, 2021 6:01 pm
      • David Butler

        Yes. Same exact footprint.

        September 18, 2021 9:04 pm
    • Peter Cohen

      Great listing of great options. Just what I was looking for. Thank you.

      July 12, 2021 7:32 am
    • RD

      Hogue grip sleeve
      Sig flat trigger
      DPM recoil springs & guide
      Truglo tritium rear sight with white circle
      Don Hume H715M IWB w/ Bodyshield
      Crossbreed Reckoning OWB & I/OWB mag carrier
      NeoMag mag carrier - dual magnet version 15rd mag plate to fix the awful factory looks/ergonomics
      And my favorite, NDZ metal mag plate with pinky lip, only for 10rd mag and adds no capacity but feels great, improves grip & control and drops cleaner.

      April 6, 2021 10:55 pm
    • Robert Chappelear

      After all of the upgrades, would you rather start with a P365 Xl?

      March 22, 2021 1:16 pm
    • Whit Fell

      I have a P365SAS which Wilson Combat tuned and installed a straight trigger. I save my loe for my family. I now have the perfect Carry weapon.

      March 8, 2021 1:00 pm
    • Gummy

      I literally went on Sig"s website and bought the trigger. I mean like right after reading how difficult.

      February 15, 2021 11:03 pm
      • Don Lang

        Me too!

        April 5, 2022 10:39 am
    • JDAZGuy

      When it comes to everyday carry I try to keep it minimal to avoid any potential legal hang-ups. So here is my shortlist. Hogue slip-on grip just to give me a little palm swell to fill out my hand (faster acquistion and recoil recovery). SnagMag pocket magazine holster for my spare mag (if you havent looked them up, do. they are my go to for carrying spare mags, very discreet, and I like consistency when I am carrying different autos). A Crossbreed IWB for very low, discreet carry, and SIG or Hornady defense ammo. This is my primary gun and I can shoot it as well as my Sig P320 X-Five. Never feel under-armed with this little jewel.

      February 1, 2021 9:06 pm
    • Krush

      Another of my favorite upgrades is a recoil reducing spring system. My choice comes from DPM Systems. I have one in each of my pistols and I think they are the cat's meow. They're pricey at about $100. But, when you fire your pistol and the reacquisition time is significantly less and you accuracy improves, you'll know where the money went.

      November 16, 2020 1:07 pm
    • Ben Miller

      My P365 NRA Model is a Valuable Prize! Without reservation, it has my strongest endorsement!

      The P365 is my First and Only Striker Fired (SF) handgun. I have fired many SF handguns. Both "Stock' and "Custom". Until the P365, I was disappointed by the Trigger/ Action Performance of all others.

      The following "performance" hardware is installed on my P365:
      > M*Carbo's P365 Trigger Spring Kit.
      > Lightning Striker Products' LS7365 Sig P365 Steel Striker.
      > SIGSAUER's Kit-365-FLAT-TRIGGER.

      Additionally, the following "performance" work was done on Fire Control Unit, FCU, components to reduce/eliminate friction and/or mechanical binding.

      NOTE: Dimensions and/or Geometry of components were NOT altered. Sear components were NOT polished.

      1) Minor polishing of FCU "contacting surfaces" (linear and rotational components).
      > 800, 4000, 8000 grit Polishing Boards or Paper; Ultra Fine Polishing Rouge with Dremel Felt Point.
      > Areas to be polished were identified by visual inspection.
      > Sliding Flat Contact: metal-on-metal, coating-on-coating, coating-on-steel.
      > Pins/Pin-Holes: lightly polished to reduce contact rotating friction.
      2) Post-Polish Cleaning and Lubrication:
      > Use degreaser, soft brush and lint-free cloth or shop towel, to thoroughly clean all FCU components prior to reassembly.
      During reassembly of FCU components:
      > Apply very sparse amount of high-quality Action Grease to rotating surfaces (ie, pins and pin-holes)
      > Apply small amounts of high-quality Gun Oil to areas of sliding contact.

      When FCU assembly is complete, examine areas that were lubricated.
      > As needed, apply additional lube.
      > As needed, using a clean lint-free cloth or shop towel, gently remove excess lube.

      Trigger Pull and Action Performance has improved dramatically from NIB values.

      > NIB: "Take-up" and ""Sear Break" were "gritty"
      > AFTER WORK: "Take-up" was clean and smooth; "Sear Break" improved, with light "gritty" feel.

      TRIGGER PULL (Using Wheeler Trigger Pull Scale - spring)
      > NIB: varied between 7-1/2 to 8-1/2 lbf.
      > AFTER WORK: Consistently 4-1/4 lbf.

      PROLOGUE: Sear and interfaces need to be "squared" and polished

      September 3, 2020 9:25 am
    • Baratta_run_n_gun

      Check out Parker Mountain Machine for a barrel and micro comp and for some great P365 accessories. I currently run a 365 slide, with the aforementioned barrel and comp on a 365XL grip module and it's by far my favorite carry gun with 12+1 rounds loaded and a spare 15 on a NeoMag in my pocket.

      August 6, 2020 7:16 pm
    • Bryan

      I was excited about the HSGI Pistol TACO Mag for $28...and then I got over to Amazon and now they're $37.94!!! Ouch! That's almost a full 1/3 increase I cost! What happened? Does Pew Pew Tactical have a discount that I missed? If not, do you think you can get us one? Looks like a great little mag pouch! Thanks for all the ideas! I love my P365!!!

      July 6, 2020 3:31 pm
      • David, PPT Editor

        Prices on everything have been going up :( No discounts that I know of, but you can keep an eye on Daily Deals if one comes up!

        July 6, 2020 5:11 pm
    • Jay

      I have put about 800 rds through my during magazine change out no matter if I drop the slide with slide lock or pulling slide back all the way and letting go 8-12 times does not go fully into battery position to fire, needed to push slide forward with off hand to fire pistol.
      Anyone else having this problem?

      January 2, 2020 11:35 am
      • Bobby Martin

        I found this when I first started putting rounds through mine. First, I was told to use a couple small drops of oil on the bottom of the more hang ups. Second, I stopped using cheap/old ammo, switched to the Sig FMJ and it made a noticeable difference. Hope this helps.

        January 17, 2020 10:22 am
        • Zak

          Same here....took my P365XL out for the first time yesterday and had the same experience. A little oil and different ammo (more a result of the former than the latter) and I was smooth sailing after that.

          February 2, 2020 1:37 pm
    • diver

      I've had my 365 about 18 mos. It is my primary carry , and fitted with the Crossbreed IWB I can get very low in the belt line even with the 12 rd mag for ultimate concealment without sacrificing access. I wouldn't change anything other than the larger mag. Highly accurate with the stock trigger. I have done trigger jobs on other Sigs and that added excellent value. I may consider the flat trigger if it were less expensive.

      November 28, 2019 3:43 pm
    • Jonathan

      I’m really happy with the XRay sights. I see no reason to change.

      November 23, 2019 8:47 am
    • Dana W Rutledge

      For those interested in the newest sights from Truglo for their P365... it's the TFX pro sights model # TG13SG4PC. This model is made specifically for the P365, according to Truglo. They say they're shipped to distributors but I haven't found any dealers showing this number popping up in their inventory. Maybe before Christmas, hopefully. Just a note of interest.

      October 25, 2019 4:37 pm
      • Alan

        I installed a set and found them too big and the front sight has very sharp back corners. They tore my Uncle Mike’s neoprene holster I occasionally wear.....they were bright and visible but not enough difference for me......switched back to stock for now...

        May 6, 2021 7:41 am
    • Francis

      Ive had my 365 for about 6 months now and really like it. I bought a hogue beavertail slip on grip cover, I havent shot the gun yet with it on there. I just ordered a straight trigger from Grayguns it should be here anyday now. I have a question for you or your viewers is there a heavier recoil spring rod available for the 365?

      October 7, 2019 10:05 pm
      • BRLaue

        I think Sig itself has one.

        March 6, 2020 8:51 pm
      • Eatme

        Why would you want heavier? A lighter spring can get follow up shots faster if you practice.

        May 18, 2020 3:09 am
      • Mike Deets

        Check MCARBO for a heavier recoil spring.

        April 7, 2024 8:45 pm
    • DAVE

      I would call attention to the Talon Grips for these little jewels. Adhesive wrap around, precut for a perfect fit. They can be peeled and adjusted until the fit is exactly right. Heat 'em up with a blow dryer, press 'em on good, and go. Makes a world of difference in the way the pistol feels in your hand. I favor the rubber texture. Great add-on for less than 20 bucks.

      September 15, 2019 7:26 am
      • Daniel


        October 24, 2019 2:30 pm
    • Ben

      Just ordered the flat trigger for my 365. I adore the flat trigger on my Sig- MPX and I bet it’ll make me fall in love with my 365 again!

      September 14, 2019 8:29 am
    • James DeLap

      Does the TLR-6 have a green laser option?
      Also, it seems the TLR-6 defeats the ULTRA COMPACT purpose of the P365. . ?

      September 13, 2019 9:28 am
      • Mike

        I barely notice the tlr-6 on my 365. I pocket carry with a Blackhawk holster and it is perfect.

        October 8, 2019 6:06 pm
      • Myles Lancette

        Hey James, Check out Viridian laser lights. They have green laser and options. They also have the magnetic auto on feature which I think blows everything else out of the water as far as drawing and firing under duress goes!

        May 17, 2020 2:41 am
    • TX_M

      I have the Tier1 axis slim and just got the Sig Mitch Rosen leather owb holster. I like the 12 rd mags too but find myself carrying the 10rd flush fit mag for appendix.

      September 13, 2019 8:36 am
    • Brian Edwards

      I have a 365 with the Vedder light tuck and claw, love it, Vedder made the holster so that the foxtrot fits. 100%

      September 13, 2019 8:27 am
    • Jon Laferriere

      Not even an honorable mention for NDZ Performances magazine base plate.

      Thing was first of its kind and out way earlier than anyone elses.

      September 13, 2019 4:55 am
      • Steve

        Just put one of these with the finger extension on my flush mag. Feels great.

        March 8, 2021 1:00 pm
    • Jeff S.

      Really hoping that they redesign the spacer for the 15-rd magazines to provide the same slight hook as one gets on the 12-rd mags. Current space is just enough off to not feel quite right.

      September 13, 2019 3:39 am
      • Zak

        Completely agree. Seems like a rush to get it out when the 12 round was so well designed (including ergonomics).

        February 2, 2020 1:42 pm
    • Jim Cummens

      DPM also has 3 three spring recoil reduction system with their adjustable recoil spring system. There are also a number of replaceable grip modules that are customized or available to add your own custom idea with stippling and Ceracote. There are metal grip extensions for the 10 round mag too. Then there's a new extended mag release coming out next month.

      September 13, 2019 1:02 am
    • James DeLap

      Taurus G2C or 365XL for a novice conceal carry?
      I'm only doing this because our government isn't protecting US with IMMEDIATE execution of mass killers: DNA/BALLISTICS/VIDEO+confession!

      September 12, 2019 8:12 pm
      • Arron Greenfield

        Lay off the sauce.

        September 12, 2019 8:19 pm
    • Jim

      I believe the reason Sig does model numbers like they do (Foxtrot365) is that it makes it easier to find in a web search. For example searching for Foxtrot 365 will get you not only results for a Foxtrot 365 model, but also any other Foxtrot model as well. If the words Foxtrot and 365 are both on a webpage, that will return a result even if they don't have the 365 model Foxtrot. But by putting the two words together, as Foxtrot365, you're more likely to only get results for the 365 model.

      So while it may irritate you, it actually has a purpose.

      September 12, 2019 7:06 pm
    • Chucky

      Be careful with the True Precision P365 match grade barrel. I bought one and I have experienced failure to feed and double feeds while testing 115gr Speer Lawman TMJ. I also experienced the same with some standard 115gr Blazer Brass FMJ. No issues with these same
      Rounds when swapping back to the OEM factory barrel...YMMV, good luck.

      September 12, 2019 7:05 pm
    • Big Red

      Bone stock, have ran approx 1000 rounds through mine. Love my P365 as is! Good read, though!

      September 12, 2019 6:32 pm
    • Mutt

      Had the slide milled for a red old eyes appreciate it

      September 12, 2019 6:21 pm
    • E. B.

      Comment about the picture with the comment: Never argue with wisdom found on an A-10 Warthog’s main gun. Never.

      I was in the AF during the time the AF was forced to procure the A-10. I say forced because if not for the pressure of the Army the AF would not have procured the aircraft. The AF had long ignored their requirement(s) to provide close air support for ground troops. The Army after years of trying to force the AF to fulfill the mission, started development of an attack helicopter. When the AF failed to provide funding for a close air support aircraft the Army stepped up and said fund our attack helicopter. AF capitulated and started the what became the A-10 program. The AF did everything they could to cut costs. No ILS (Instrument landing system--precision landing system aid so the aircraft could land safely in poor weather. The aircraft was to have all weather capability.). The AF plan was to station the aircraft in the U.S. and deploy to Europe when needed and there was only a wing leveling system in the aircraft initially. Flight times (highly variable based on winds and departure/destination but figure 11+ hours as the minimum with multiple air-to-air refuelings. Arduous at best.

      None the less, the AF developed, in my opinion, the absolute best air-to-ground support aircraft ever. The equipment upgrades since the first models came off the production line made the aircraft even better.

      Yet, the AF did its best to remove the aircraft from service multiple times and failed.

      With the AF saying the F-35 can replace it, the A-10 is again on the chopping block or the blade has already fallen. The F-35 cannot replace the A-10 either in terms of the mission or survivability. The F-35 may be a great aircraft. But, has yet to demonstration (and in my opinion) never will demonstrate the kind of success the A-10 delivered from day one.

      The AF needs another air-to-mud aircraft like the A-10, but the AF does not want that mission....

      September 12, 2019 4:09 pm
    • Joshua Barker

      The sig 365 ammo has proven to not pass a denim gel test out of the 365's short barrel and be far worse than federal hst.

      The trigger is a nice upgrade. I also swapped out my grip module with a grayguns grip module which is nice but not groundbreaking.

      September 12, 2019 4:08 pm
      • JuJu

        147gr Federal Premium HST has been my carry load for the past 3 years and I would need a lot of convincing to switch to something different.

        September 12, 2019 7:09 pm
    • Scott C.

      I got the 365XL when it came out and absolutely love it. 12 rounds standard, night sights standard, fills my hand perfectly.

      September 12, 2019 3:29 pm
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