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7 Best Retro Reproductions: Classics Reborn

Mossberg Retrograde 590A1
We take a look at some of our favorite retro guns getting new life on the shelf! From pistols to shotguns to rifles, come see these old guns turned new!
We review products independently. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission to help support our testing. Learn more.

    Updated Feb. 2024: Removed RIA TPAS and MarColMar Cetme L. Added Ruger Mini-14 Tactical and PSA Type 56.

    Have we reached peak tactical weapons? Does everything have too much black, not enough wood, or too many fancy rails for you?

    Luger Grips
    Just love that old style, don’t ya?

    So maybe you aren’t against tactical weapons…but you do appreciate the old-school designs. Well, then, we have the article for you.

    There are distinct phases the gun industry goes through, and we are currently knee-deep in the retro-reissue phase.

    So, follow along as we walk you through some of our favorite retro guns reborn in the modern era for your enjoyment!


    1. Best Retro Revolver

      Colt Python

    2. Best Retro Rifles

      H&R Retro Rifles

    Table of Contents


    Retro Reissues

    Old guns rock, but authentic old guns are expensive. Buying a Colt SP-1 or a classic Colt Python isn’t possible for most shooters.

    Even if you purchased one of these classics, how often are you willing to shoot it?

    Of course, having an original Colt is cool, but having to pay that much money for one isn’t. (Photo: CT Firearms Auction)

    Retro reissues, as I define them, are more or less modern weapons that are being reproduced to allow a new generation to enjoy them. By modern, I essentially mean firearms from World War 2 to the Vietnam War-ish era.

    It’s a phrase I’m playing fast and loose with, but it excludes cowboy guns, revolutionary-era firearms, and things of that nature.

    I am also excluding guns that never really ceased production. Guns like the 1911 and Colt Single Action Army have been around in some form since their inception and aren’t included in this list.

    Rock Island Armory 1911 GI Midsize
    There is a lot of love for the 1911, so much so that it never left in the first place.

    These new production guns give you that old-school experience and often do so at an affordable price. You also don’t need to worry about breaking a classic heirloom piece of history by shooting if it’s a current production gun.

    So let’s take a look at some of the best retro reissues currently out there.

    Best Retro Reissue Guns

    1. Mossberg Retrograde Series

    Most Affordable
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    • Affordable
    • Easy to find
    • Various models available


    • Not a reproduction of a specific original model

    Retro shotguns made a huge comeback in the past few years, and it’s all because of Mossberg.

    The Mossberg Retrograde series is made up of four guns as of this writing. This includes a Mossberg 500, a Mossberg 590A1, and two configurations of the standard Mossberg 590.

    Mossberg Retro Shotguns giggity
    The Model 500 (top) is a straight throwback to the police shotguns of old.

    All of the Retrograde Series shotguns sport all-wear wood furniture with a dark finish. To be fair, the Mossberg 500 model is the only one that’s truly a Retro Reissue, but the styling on the newer 590s is definitely in the same vein.

    The Mossberg 500 has a blued barrel and classic layout and looks just like the classic riot gun configurations that came out in 1961.

    For those who like more aggressive styling, the 590 variants look like trench guns — it’s glorious! The barrels are adorned with heat shields and bayonet lugs on top of a grey-ish parkerized finish.

    Mossberg Retrograde 590A1
    The 590A1 is a mix of overbuilt and old-school, and it is way too cool.

    My favorite variant is the 590A1 variant. It has a heat shield, bayonet lug, parkerized finish, and features the all-metal trigger unit and heavier barrel with a set of ghost ring sights.

    You can check out our full review of the Retrograde series here.

    2. Colt Python

    Best Retro Revolver
    at Firearms Depot

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    • Cheaper than original versions
    • Outstanding looks


    • Still expensive
    • Not hand-fitted like original models

    When Colt revived the Cobra, we all crossed our fingers, hoping the Python would be next.

    After a few years, they did just that. Even more, they brought back the Anaconda too.

    I could have plopped down any of those guns, but the Python is the king of the snake guns. It’s a full-sized .357 Magnum known for its distinctive and desirable vent-rib barrel design.

    The 20+ year gap from its discontinuation to its reintroduction left the gun world salivating for the return of the Python. (Photo: Mike Anschuetz photo)

    Colt’s craftsmanship made original weapons legendary, and I’m sure there are plenty of naysayers who say that the new ones can’t hold a candle to the old ones. However, after handling a new Python, I was more than impressed.

    The guns have great triggers and sights. Altamont provides some excellent wood grips, and Colt used stronger steel than the original guns. These guns come in 3, 4.25, and 6-inch barrels, with both stainless and blued models available.

    Python head to head
    Yes, the old Pythons were hand-fitted by master gunsmiths, but those will set you back $2000-$5000 these days.

    They are somewhat expensive but downright affordable compared to an original these days. This allows my generation to fall in love with the snake guns all over again…or complete the perfect Walking Dead cosplay.

    What do you think of the Python? Rate it below!

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    3. Springfield Armory SA-35

    Best Retro Pistol
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    • Improvements over the original design
    • Still faithful to the original design overall


    • Price seems to fluctuate
    • Some people may not like the modernizations

    Why was 2022 the year of the Hi-Power? I have no idea. Was it a coordinated attempt to get America over the 1911 disease? I can’t say.

    Girsan, FN, and Springfield all released some form of the Hi-Power pistol in 2022, and we are expected to see the return of Inglis Hi-Powers this year.

    The SA-35 (bottom) is a faithful take on the original FN/Browning Hi-Power, with a few nice upgrades. (Photo: American Rifleman)

    The FN is very nice but overly modernized with a different barrel system and is not really a true Hi-Power. Girsans is affordable but has all the original Hi-Power problems.

    That leaves us with the Springfield Armory SA-35.

    The SA-35 sticks to the core of the Hi-Power while adding some small modernizations to avoid some of the original shortcomings.

    The hammer was reprofiled slightly to avoid the infamous hammer bite. As shown in the picture, it clears the beavertail. (Photo: The Armory Life)

    They eliminated hammer bite, removed that silly magazine safety, and even made it more efficient with an increased 17-round capacity.

    It still looks and handles like the original, complete with iron sights, no rail, and beautiful wood grips. With their omission of the magazine safety, you get an excellent trigger, and the gun really shines as a reissue of the Hi-Power.

    4. Ruger Mini-14 Tactical “A-Team”

    Available Coupons


    • Iconic looks
    • Folding stock
    • Lightweight and handy


    • Expensive
    • Performance doesn't match cheaper AR-15s

    Shot Show 2024 brought a few interesting things to the table, one of those which is the eye-catching Ruger Mini-14 Tactical side folder.

    While Ruger doesn’t officially call it by name, many of you will recognize this configuration as the same one popularized by Hannibal from the show The A-Team.

    The reintroduced Mini-14 Tactical, as seen at SHOT Show 2024. (Photo: Chris Eger/Guns.com)

    Making its return is the classic side-folding stainless and walnut stock, old-style flash hider, front sight post, and period-correct nickel-Teflon plated magazines.

    While it isn’t a one-to-one reproduction of Hannibal’s famous blaster, it gets you most of the way there.

    mini-14 in a team
    John “Hannibal” Smith, portrayed by George Peppard, wields his Mini-14 in an episode of The A-Team

    Although this bad boy will set you back a good chunk o’ change ($1300-1600), there is no denying how cool it looks or how iconic it is.

    We were glad to see Ruger answer customer demand for this sweet throwback.

    5. Palmetto State Armory / H&R Retro AR-15s

    Best Retro Rifles
    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    • Various models available
    • Attention to detail
    • Fun to shoot


    • Somewhat expensive for "basic" features

    We can’t ignore the original retro market, and we can’t overlook one of the biggest companies out there putting out retro guns — NoDak Spud.

    NoDak Spud produced the highest quality clone-ready uppers and lowers on the market. Palmetto State Armory recently purchased both H&R (Harrington & Richardson) and NoDak Spud.

    The big boss of NoDak is now the boss at H&R and will be producing retro AR-15s for PSA, who are known for putting out guns at incredibly affordable price points.

    If you’ve never handled a classic AR-15, you might not understand just how light and handy these rifles are. Shooting with A1 irons is easy, and these guns are surprisingly accurate.

    H&R 723 Carbine glamour

    The 20-inch M16A1 variants are incredibly easy to shoot for their size, and their current 723 carbine is a feathery 6 pounds. You can definitely shoot these guns all day.

    The H&R 723 carbine is available from PSA for $999. Other models available include the M16A1, M16A2, 635 9mm carbines, and more, with additional variants in the works.

    A new production H&R M16A1 clone. (Photo: u/OKB1)

    For those who missed the train on the Brownell’s clones a few years ago or who don’t want to shell out mega money for original Colt parts, these might be your ticket back in time.

    6. Palmetto State Armory / Soviet Arms Type 56

    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    • Very detailed reproduction
    • Reasonably priced
    • Much cheaper than original models


    • Ships with polymer Magpul magazine instead of a steel mag

    We are doubling down with back-to-back PSA guns, and this time we are looking at their Type 56 Chinese AK clones.

    Original Chinese Type 56 AKs have been banned from import for a few decades now, which means availability has dwindled, demand has gone up, and prices have followed suit.

    PSA Type 56 (Photo: The AK Forum)

    With actual Chinese versions fetching $2500 on up on the second-hand market, PSA saw an opportunity to bring the same look and feel of the Type 56 for a much more tolerable price of $999-1099.

    Design elements like the fully hooded front sight, Norinco-style furniture, and Chinese selector markings make these rifles immediately distinguishable from Russian-style AKs to the astute viewer (or AK nerd).

    PSA even went a few steps further, recreating details such as the correct rivet pattern, 1.5mm receiver width, and the “spiker” bayonet on certain models.

    PSA’s Spiker model with the included folding bayonet. (Source: Scott Vaj)

    These are not 100% perfect clones of the Norinco Type 56, but they are damn close and hold up to everything but the most trained eyes and a magnifying glass.

    7. Glock 17 Gen 1 Classic

    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    • Almost identical to the original model
    • Affordable
    • Packaging mimics the original


    • How long it will be produced is unknown

    Yep, Glock made the list. The Glock 17 Classic is Lipsey’s exclusive version of the original first-generation Glock.

    Gaston Glock originally designed the Glock 17 for an Austrian military contract. Glock won the contest, and their pistol became designated as the Pistole 80, or P80, in military parlance.

    A few years back, Lipsey’s released a limited version of the classic Glock 17 with the original P80 markings. While they aren’t officially marked as discontinued, they seem to have dried up.

    However, Lipsey’s has now released what is essentially the same gun, just with Glock 17 markings instead of P80 markings.

    These models have no rail, no optics cut, and are nothing more than very simple Glock pistols. The guns have the Gen 1 pebble texture, a single-pin frame, a smooth trigger, and rear serrations only.

    Oh, and you get the original “Tupperware” container too!

    Glock 17 Classic in the original-style case (Photo: u/Ag_Hellfire)

    This collaboration between Lipsey’s and Glock is an awesome way to experience the Gen 1 Glocks and the gun that made Glock a household name.

    Want to learn more about Glock? Check out our historical article on this notorious company.

    Final Thoughts

    This class of retro reissues is only growing, and people are eating them up. For some of us, it’s the first time we’ve had an opportunity to own something akin to a classic; for others, it feels like going home.

    These firearms allow us to shoot something that’s a part of history without the chance of ruining real history.

    Mossberg Retrograde 590A1 In Hand
    Even if you don’t shoot much, these guns make you feel badass just holding them.

    Old-school blasters are a ton of fun, and while they aren’t perfect for modern tasks, they are fantastic plinking options. It’s a different experience that helps you understand how far we’ve come in firearm technology.

    These are a few of my favorite retro reissues. What are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below! Interested in more classic guns? Check out our article on the Best Historical Guns That You Can Still Buy!

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    14 Leave a Reply

    • Rodney

      What about the Thompson typewriter???

      February 28, 2024 7:10 am
    • bob

      Not fair! I thought there was going to be an affordable Luger in there somewhere.

      February 27, 2024 9:20 pm

      Any chance a Colt Woodsman might get retro'd?

      February 27, 2024 9:01 pm
      • Szin

        Or better yet the huntsman

        May 14, 2024 5:39 am
    • Bull o' the Woods

      PSA announced a retro StG 44 at SHOT Show but not yet released. Supposed to come chambered in 7.92×33mm Kurz, 5.56x45mm, .300 Blackout, and 7.62x39mm. If they really do release it, I think that would be fun to own. Recently learned that a lot of StG 44s captured by the Russians later showed up in Vietnam. Also recall that a bunch of them showed up in Syria circa 2010. Prvi Partizan still manufactures 7.92x33mm Kurz.

      February 6, 2023 6:34 pm
    • Chuck Cochran

      It would be nice to see a good manufacturer introduce a Reproduction Luger P-08 in both .30 Luger and 9mm Parabellum, and keep the price within moderation.
      I passed the chance to buy one of Erma's .22 LR versions years ago, and I've kicked myself for 40 years over that.
      An original, is way out of this old boy's budget, but a guy can always dream.
      Nice review Travis.

      February 5, 2023 9:45 pm
      • CLAUD

        Perhaps a problem in collecting anything-the one that got away. I would imagine people, dealers need a psychologist on a regular basis. Diagnosis-if it is longer, it is rifle not pistol envy

        February 28, 2024 7:33 am
      • Dan T

        The Erma in .22 is a fun gun. My buddy has one and it is reliable and pretty accurate.

        February 29, 2024 1:53 pm
    • Trace

      $825 is well above it's msrp and above the market price. Shame on you for posting that link and shame on your editor for allowing you.

      My trust in pew pew articles just took a bid hit.

      February 2, 2023 5:55 pm
      • Wyatt Sloan

        Hi, Trace. We try to include multiple links to various vendors. The lower-priced links we had for the SA-35 went out of stock fairly quickly and the remaining in-stock option is the higher-priced one that is currently showing. With the long production break the SA-35 just had to fix the extractor issues, the price of that particular gun is all over the place. Unfortunately, very few vendors sell that gun under MSRP, and most are at MSRP or well over, including reputable vendors we used for other items on this list. We always strive to have well-priced links, but stock tends to shift very fast on low-volume items like the SA-35.

        February 4, 2023 3:33 am
      • Jacki Billings

        Hey Trace, as Wyatt explained, we don't set the prices, and we can't control what other retailers do in terms of pricing. All we do is share links to where you can buy a product. Pricing changes constantly, and we do our very best to grab the lowest prices out there.

        February 6, 2023 11:37 am
    • Dan A

      The Python. (4.25) Simply magnificent - I've been itching to buy this beauty for a long time. Finally pulled the trigger (bad pun intended) - she'll be in my hands in just over a week. Gotta give you credit for that final push...just need a speed loader, and happy-lovely.

      Range day is going to be joyful.


      January 31, 2023 9:27 pm
      • Wyatt Sloan

        Dan, it is hard to deny the beauty of the Python. A couple of speedloaders and a nice leather holster, and you have yourself a fine BBQ gun. We hope you enjoy it!

        February 2, 2023 7:44 pm
        • Dan A

          Thanks! FL is about to go Constitutional Carry (fingers crossed) - definitely going to need a fine, fitting holster for this lovely filly.

          February 2, 2023 10:21 pm
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