Category How-To
1911 Disassembly, Cleaning, & Assembly
Quickly learn 1911 disassembly, cleaning, and lubing. Plus how to detail strip it and put it all back together again. (Read)
1911 Tune Up to Lower Trigger Pull
Learn how to tune up your 1911 for a lower trigger pull. You can expect to lower .5 lbs with just some minor polishing of trigger components. (Read)
1911 Trigger Pretravel & Overtravel
Learn how to adjust the pretravel and overtravel on your 1911 trigger to lower the slack before the break and reduce reset distance. (Read)
1911 Trigger Installation & Fitting
Learn how to quickly install and fit a new 1911 trigger with tons of pictures, tips, and links to necessary tools. (Read)
1911 Trigger Job (Sear Angles & Sear Spring)
Learn how to tune your 1911 sear angles and sear spring to reach a crisp 3-4 lb trigger pull with some easy to get tools and supplies. (Read)
1911 80% Tactical Machining Build, Part 1: Intro
Not sure about your Tactical Machining 1911 80% project? Follow step-by-step from buying the paperweight & jigs, to tooling setup & custom parts selection. (Read)
1911 80% Tactical Machining Build, Part 2: Tools
Setting up with a drill press, vise, jig, and drill bits. (Read)
1911 80% Tactical Machining Build, Part 3: Parts List
Find out all the parts I bought to complete my 1911 80% build from slide, barrel, springs, pins, to smaller tools and paint. (Read)
1911 80% Tactical Machining Build, Part 4: Basic Fitting
1911 barrel bushing to slide fitting, trigger fitting, and beavertail safety fitting. (Read)
1911 80% Tactical Machining Build, Part 5: Cutting the Slide Rail
Cutting the 1911 80% slide rail with Tactical Machining's jig and a 3/32 key seat cutter. (Read)
1911 80% Tactical Machining Build, Part 6: Barrel Seating
How to setup your 80%, jig, and 18mm ball end mill for 1911 barrel seating. (Read)
1911 80% Tactical Machining Build, Part 7: Sear & Hammer Pin Holes
Using Tactical Machining's 1911 80% jig to cut the hammer and sear pin holes. (Read)
1911 80% Tactical Machining Build, Part 8: Fitting the Slide
How to hand fit the 1911 slide with files, lapping compound, and tons of hammering. (Read)
1911 80% Tactical Machining Build, Part 9: Assembly & Fitting
Now that we completed the 80% 1911 frame, I'll show you how to assemble and fit everything to create your own working home built 1911. (Read)