Full-Sized and All Steel!
That’s right I’m talking about the 9mm CZ 75 SP-01. This has been my go-to production pistol since day 1. Here is why:
There are a LOT of handguns out there if you’re looking for your first gun or even your 10th gun – it can be a madhouse. The CZ 75 SP-01 might be the pot of gold you’ve been seeking, be it competition or duty carry, USPSA match or home defense, the CZ is a contender in every respect.

My perspective is from a competitive shooters point of view and will provide you with an overview of my experience and opinion on the CZ in that environment. But make no mistake the CZ 75 SP-01 is still worthy of defensive shooting!

Oh yea…and our editor Eric loves his SP-01 too…here he is shooting one in the desert:
Now let’s get on with this review!
Table of Contents
Why Me?
Allow me to introduce myself:
I have been shooting competitively for about 9 years now and for the past 6 years, I’ve been teaching competitive shooting. Know the saying “practice makes perfect”? Well, I practice. A lot. At least 3,000 to 5,000 rounds a month split between training, shooting local matches and just function firing all types of firearms.
There are some great production guns out there, the ones I test drove were:
Further research is important (and lots of fun) and after shooting all 4 of them it was clear to me that I wanted a full-sized, all steel gun and went with the CZ. From balance to ergonomics, it was perfect. There is nothing wrong with the other guns I tested, but the CZ just fit me like a glove.
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Prices accurate at time of writing
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Upgrades…Lots of upgrades!
Since my goal was shooting in competitions, I knew upgrades were required to give me an edge, but there are limitations set by USPSA rules. More research was needed to find what exactly was allowed in my new CZ.
There are 2 major vendors that cater to the CZ pistols: Cajun Gunworks in West Monroe, LA. and CZ Customs in Mesa, AZ.
The Cajun Gunworks Production Legal kit was the first step on my list. This set basically includes everything you need and can upgrade in the production division. Trigger, recoil spring, competition hammer, mainspring, firing pin and more! Man, thinking about this all over again is making me giggle like a little kid.
Installing upgrades is almost as much fun as shooting, and it turns your gun into a personal prized possession. After installing the kit from Cajun Gunworks, the Double Action pull (also known as DA) dropped from about 8 lbs. down to around 4.5 lbs. with the single action pull going from approximately 5 lbs. down to 2.5 lbs.

The front and rear sights I ordered from CZ Customs out in Arizona. I chose the All Black Serrated Competition rear sight and for the front sight, I went with the Fiber Optic version because it was easier on my eyes and much faster to pick up a sight picture.
Options for grips are endless and will depend on the shooter’s hands, I decided to go with the LOK CZ 75 Palm Swell G10 Bogie grips. My gorilla sized hands need a grip that would fill the palms of my hands – the LOK G10 Bogie grips did the trick!
The palm swell design does exactly what it is designed to do – fit the curvature of your hands and fill every nook and cranny possible. And the best part is that the grips come stippled, not so aggressively as to be uncomfortable, but rather perfectly to deliver remarkable grip.
Feed the Beast
For a competition, I load my own 9mm ammo.
Well, the short story to this is that you can cater your ammunition to the correct amount of softness (since you’re generally not worried about things like penetration or tissue damage with competition ammo) giving you the perfect amount of recoil control. Ammo choice and reloading is a huge topic, we cover the basics in our Ammo and Reloading Guide.
These are the components that I use:
- Winchester Pistol Primers
- VihtaVuori
- Blue Bullets 135 grain Truncated
- Variety of “once fired” brass.
There are many, many, MANY different formulas for reloading and if you reload, you’ll want to choose the right one for you. Start off with a known, safe formula from a reputable reloading handbook, such as the Lyman Reloading Manual.
Or if you’re just starting out and not ready to reload…check our Best 9mm Ammo Guide.
The Whole Enchilada
The final product with all the bells and whistles! The pictures you’re about to see show a well-loved and broken in CZ. Approximately 50,000 rounds have been put through this pistol and it runs like a well-oiled machine!

Note the extended mag release protrudes very nicely, with the original mag release I used to have to flip the gun in my hand just to be able to hit the button to eject the magazine but that issue is solved with this beauty.
Set Your Sights on Target
The All black serrated rear sight along with the fiber optic front sight.
My reasoning for the all black rear sight is so that when acquiring a sight picture the all black rear sight allows for you to pick it up quicker sight picture and contrasts with the fiber optic front sight making it really pop out at you, perfect for improving speed and accuracy in a match. I also chose a thin front sight because I wanted to be able to have what I call air around my front sight.

Air around the front sight? What is that, you ask.
Well, when your front sight is too wide this causes you to have a hard time seeing smaller targets or targets at a distance. This happens because the front pretty much takes up most of your target down range and what ends up happening is that you’re stuck hoping and praying that when you squeeze off a round it ends up hitting what you thought you were aiming at.
By the way, I did not have to make any shot alignment adjustments when I installed the sights. Right out of the box what I aimed at, I hit.
Hammer Time
The biggest difference between this hammer and the stock hammer (other than looks) is the competition hammer has a shorter throw and improves the DA pull as the hammer does not have to come as far back before it makes its journey forward to light off a round. This will result in quicker splits in between shots.

Hold on Tight
Next up with have the LOK G10 Bogie grips.
In the picture below, you can see the palm swell. This again is perfect when it comes to people who have large hands and want to get a good grip on this pistol for recoil control.

Reliability is Key
50,000 rounds through a pistol is a lot, so I think I can speak to its reliability. It is generally known that the slide stop on this model is known to crack at around 50k+ rounds, and that was the first to go for me as well. Shortly after that, I had to replace the firing pin retaining pin.
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Prices accurate at time of writing
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But everything else has held up, and the CZ has never really given me any major issues.
Bottom Line
When I first purchased my CZ years back, I was able to get it for $425 out the door. Since then its been such a hot item the CZ 75 SP-01 is now going for anywhere between $675 to upwards of $800. I’ve seen plenty gun stores order the CZ and even before they can put them on the shelves have sold out of them.
Here’s a video of me in action with the CZ at a local match. Great gun, great match!
Reliability 5/5
After 50k plus rounds, I’ve only had to replace my slide stop and firing pin retaining pin. That is in a word: amazing.
Accuracy 5/5
9 out of 10 times when loading my ammunition, the CZ hit what I was aiming at. The obvious situation is that whenever you use different ammo, you should always sight in first to ensure your sights match up with the new ammo. I’ve honestly only had one slight alignment adjustment where I had to aim at the 6 o’clock because I was hitting high.
Ergonomics 5/5
Even though the original rubber grips only come with a bit of a palm swell, they were still good to go. I just like that I can get grips that fill up my palms even more. The balance is great for a pistol right out of the box.
Looks 5/5
It’s a sexy looking gun right out of the box. With the all the upgrades it just gets even sexier!
Bang for the Buck 4/5
Seeing how the CZ is such a hot item right now, some retailers are taking advantage of that. If you can find it at $650 or cheaper go for it! You will not regret it…. I repeat… YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!
Overall Rating 5/5
Field-stripping is also easy…although a full breakdown is not for the faint of heart.
Maybe this won’t be a competition gun for you, while it is amazing for the competition world – it’s still a great plinker, defense gun, and trainer.
If you want to use it for an HD weapon, you’ll NEED a weapon-mounted light. You can’t shoot what you can’t hit and when something goes bump in the night, you’ll need a light!
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Likewise, if you plan on carrying the SP-01, you might want a holster!
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No matter what you want to do with your new gun, you’ll need ammo. While competition normally uses handloads, there is nothing wrong with using mass-production factory ammo for plinking and training.
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Prices accurate at time of writing
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Field Strip & Reassembly
Not so fun to fully disassemble…but for regular cleaning and maintenance it’s pretty easy.
The CZ 75 SP-01 is great for self-defense, duty carry, or competition shooting. It’s all-steel construction weighs it down but soaks up recoil and keeps your sights on target. It’s also utterly reliable, with ours running past 50,000 rounds with only a broken retaining pin. Plus there’s tons of upgrades to make it your own.
Hopefully, I’ve given you enough knowledge and insight on the CZ 75 SP-01 for you to make a great choice in going with it. If you’re looking for upgrades, I strongly recommend Cajun Gunworks and CZ Customs. You can even send them your pistols, so they can install your upgrades and even tune your pistol when needed.

If you’re looking for a great place to shoot or training events to attend, stop by our Guns and Gear Review!
48 Leave a Reply
SIG SAUER P320 SPECTRE COMP BLACKOUT 9MM 4.6" BARREL 21-ROUNDS 2 MAGS XRAY3 DAY/NIGHT SIGHTS vs the CZ USA 75 SP-01 9mm Luger 4.6in Black Polycoat Pistol, what is your opinion or observation of the significant differences between the two that kept the P320 off your list? Thank you for time.
Can you convert it to 22lr for us poor folk?
I have a sp01 DA10 lb and Sa 4.5lb from the factory, I would only change the 11lb recoil spring and the 13lb hammer spring
I have a sp01 DA 10lb and SA 4.5lb from the factory, I would only change the 11lb recoil spring and the 13lb hammer spring
Would you consider a review on EXTAR EP9 9mm.
This was an article not about the SP-01 but the author bragging about him and what he did to his gun.
You just sound like you are jealous.. why is that?
Just bought this as my first gun. Amazing, what a experience. The guy at range said you w9uldnt regret buying it, so we rented one and omg truly a great time.
Can’t wait till in comes in and I get more time with it.
P.s. it will be used at home only to protect me and my wife.
I have 6 CZs, 2 each SP-01 Phantom (polymer frame full size), 75 PCR (aluminum frame compact), and 2075 Rami (aluminum frame sub-compact). All are decocker versions (I won't even consider carrying a weapon with a standard safety).
The SP-01s and the PCRs have been upgraded with full CGW pro packages and Tru-glo tritium fiber optic sights. The Ramis are next up for upgrade, as the CGW upgrade takes these pistols to a performance level far beyond what the stock versions can achieve.
However, none of the 4 have DA triggers below 8 lbs, and the SA triggers are all just under 4 lbs.
Have you verified your trigger weights? The values you cited are way too low for safe deployment in a personal defense scenario and might be misleading to those considering an upgraded CZ75 variant for concealed carry or home defense.
"All are decocker versions..."
There is your answer. Your trigger has more to handle than the regular ones with the thumb safety. There are different kits for decockers and regular models and a decocker can never achieve the same trigger pull. There are kits for carrying the decocker versions. You probably got one of those.
Read this article again and again before I bought my CZ SP-01. Had shot the P-01 for while, but to be honest , it is apples and oranges. The SP-01 is my favorite 9 mm pistol. Nearly shoots itself. Wish I could conceal it.
If you wanted a lazor on your
So-01 what wouldn't be?
So sorry, never saw this or got notification. I don’t believe in lasers, I’m better off taking classes and training grip and muscle memory so the sights are always on what I look at.
Which make/model weapon light is in the last photo? And is there a CGW kit which doesn’t make the SA pull so light?
That's the Inforce APL! I don't know if CGW makes one like that, you'll have to get in touch with them to find out.
I just ordered my CZ 75 and the cost including shipping to a local gun dealer is $570
I have some nice handguns but my SP-O1 is my favorite hands down. It’s beautiful and is a great shooter. The Beast from the East!
This was the first pistol I ever purchased - January of 2018. I chose this firearm not only because of the reviews of others but when I was lucky enough to find one in a local ranges rental pool I drove 40 miles just to feel it in my hand. It felt like a true extension of my arm. Perfect!
I never even fired it!!! Ran home and ordered one. Loved it. Then let my buddy try it as he was looking for a 9mm. He loved it so much I sold it to him.
Then, I immediately ordered the same pistol from CGW with the pro pkg and all I can say is WOOOHOOOO!!!!!
Since then I have been able to fire most pistols and this is still my favorite.
I have owned own both a CZ SPO1 Tactical and a CZ PO1 omega for some time, and they were both great guns. However, they are not ideal for longer fingers and bigger hands, and the grips do not perform well when wet.
Only because I have big hands, I sold both and bought a GLOCK 19x and am MUCH HAPPIER. Better groups, better grip, better price, and better sights.
What's the best holster or who makes the best holster for a full size CZ 75 SP-01 like the one I just bought and love?
I used this article for the base of my research as I wanted to get into competition and thus aimed for Production USPSA. Finally bought the SP-01 Tactical the week before Christmas 2018, though I somewhat wish I had bought the non-T so I could convert it to SAO at some point, but nonetheless, the gun is a dream to shoot even in factory form. Bought it for $529 and it came with a $30 5.11 DRT folding knife. Sweet deal.
I have a chunk of change that I had initially planned to use to fully upgrade the CZ to my liking, but with the possible legislature incoming, I have begun to think about building my first AR, as I may not get the chance to do it if I wait.
My 2 cents:
- For me, I can see the need for an extended mag release, so the Shadow 2 mag release would be on the list
- I've been told to stay close to 124gr NATO rounds for this gun as it loves it
- I've also been told that the OE 18rd mags are poop and/or need to just have the Wolff +10% springs added for reliability, or just get Mec-Gar's. I've started buying up Mec-Gars.
This CZ definitely has shone a spotlight on CZ's in general for me. I'm addicted. I want a Scorpion and like every CZ pistol they make now. ugh.
Thanks for the article!
Good stuff! I picked up a Shadow 2 last year and just recently got into USPSA. I too installed the Lok Bogies palm swell for my man hands.
I can't put this gun down! The ergos and shootability, especially quick follow ups make even my beloved Baer 1911 seem lacking...
I installed a CGW 10x bushing but the rest is stock. Full CGW trigger kit may follow at some point but the stock trigger, sights etc. are pretty dang good.
Yeah I love the stock trigger on the S2.
Hi JD, I am new to USPSA and I have the exact same gun you have for about 5 months now. After 2 matches, I think I am due to tinker with my gun and try 135gr or 147gr factory ammos since I do not realod. I like the exact setup you have with CGW's Production Legal kit, can you please tell me the exact model number of the kit please? ( there are so many) I also like the CZ Customs sights you have on as I have painted my stock front red and blacked out the rear for now and it works better for me, do you mind telling me the exact item to order? (again there so many and I like the plug and play that your sights did for you, considering there are sight pictures and measurements and all that to consider, I'm just too newby for all that). Thank you for your great article and your video is amazing!
I would recommend reaching out to one of the two shops we listed and talking to them about the custom work. They will be able to have much better answers than I can provide!
Thank you for your knowledgeable review of this Czech
Cz 75 SP-01 9mm $560.
Any tips on holsters for the SP-01? I have been struggling to find a suitable holsters for it.
For starters I got this hard plastic Blackhawk type holster from a small company in Israel. I sometime carry it in my backpack and wanted the triggered covered. Yes, I carry it loaded.
As for carrying on my body, I use a Crossbreed OWB Superslide with the horse hide backing.
As long as I am wearing a solid belt it stays secure. I don't do much running, jumping, rolling around tactical kinda stuff with the gun on my hip. However, when I do it stays secure.
That aside, this is My Fav handgun bar None! And I've not even tricked it out. After reading the review, I might buy something like the kit JD mentioned.
Thanks JD!
I'm guessing you've found a suitable holster for your SP-01 by now, but if you haven't or are interested in other options, I would recommend checking out the Ragnarok kydex holster from T. Rex Arms.
Hi, I have read your article on dry firing, but ... what's the story on it with sp01 in particular. On cz forums, they say the firing pin stop gets damaged (even though it is not rimfire) very quickly without o-ring or snap caps. Yours went through 50k rounds with one FP and one FP stop ... who knows how many dry fires? I am happy to stop my research on debunking dry fire myths right here if you say you didn't use snap caps or o-rings in your practice.
Thank you for the good info!
Indeed. CGW sells a FP retaining pin for a few bucks, but I've heard even that one will break eventually if you don't use something to stop the FP from smashing into it repeatedly. Resolution is to either get a bag of them to switch out when necessary or get a Shadow or pre-FPB 75.
I shot a fellow member's CZ75 at the range last year and have wanted one ever since. Awesome gun with a low bore axis. His had a rather interesting RMR mount that resembled an AR-15 charging handle.
OK, I hate to sound stupid, but help out a newby here. What caliber is this? Doesn't say anywhere in the article that I can see. . . .
All good...it's a 9mm. I'll update the article since I'm sure others are scratching their heads too.
Great article,just put my order in on a P-01,Cajun Gun Works is in my home town,great people willing to help any way they can.
Awesome gun. I know as I had one. But if you're going to drop that kind of coin hot-rodding it, do it the right way and just get a Shadow 2. Before you say that this is cheaper consider that the writer probably spent at least $400 if not more making it better. I sold my SP-01 and bought a Shadow 2 a few weeks back for under $1k. I get all the upgrades without having to mess with anything and also have the added benefit of not having a firing pin block.
The Shadow 2 I recently shot was very awesome. But I believe the writer is in CA so only the SP-01 is on the roster of "safe handguns."
Put your 4 fingers together, make a circle between your fore finger and thumb, and peek inside the shape formed by your hand. It's barrel shaped, perfectly matching the grip on the this lovely CZ.
Flat grips are just as wrong on a bike as on a pistol. Good on CZ!
How would readers compare the recoil of the SP-01 (steel, 40.7 oz, 4.6 inch barrell) v. the P-09 (poly, 32.2 oz, 5.15 inch barrel)?
I've tried both but not in the same range session. But given the extra weight the SP-01 will be less recoil than the P-09.
SP-01 is the 2nd softest shooting production gun I've shot...first place goes to its big bro...the CZ Shadow 2.
Awesome Post,! I love my CZ75BD .My only problem is I can't use it for personal carry because I can't find any place to buy a holster. No one in my area sells holsters for my gun. I have found nylon holsters on ebay, but they feel flimsy .any suggestions would be appreciated.. I'm in Staunton VA. 24401. Thanks
I have a Mitch Rosen high ride holster , it fits my Kimber cdp 45 1911, also my cz 75 bd 9mm, the holster was ordered for my Springfield xds 45 originally but I found that it fits my above mentioned pistols also. Conceal very well. Cost was 75.00 . Remember a quality belt is key, I’m sure you know that. Heck you own a cz75 bd you must know your stuff
I like my Blade-Tech holsters. Suggest you go to blade-tech.com, locate their phone number and call them. The "holster finder" function seems to be down today.
Red hill tactical
I fell in love the SP-01 for IDPA. Yes, doing the Cajun mods DIY is fun for the tinkerer. Then got one for home defense, with a laser/light but without the mods. I know that gun will work in a pinch. Was a 1911 fan, now a CZ fan.
Well if 50k equals love for your SP01, what does 66,985 means. That was as of 8/2016.
Getting my Limited gun refinished slowed my shooting Production. Then couple that with some health problems last year my shooting went way down. Averaged almost 6,500 rnds per year until 2016 and that without shooting/practicing as much as I would have liked.
I don't use the word love with, but literally, 1 or 2 objects. I reserve that word for my wife, children, their spouses, and grandchildren.
If I had to pare down my pistols to one, I would be hard pressed to decide between a Browning High Power (circa 1969), a 1911, and my CZ SP01. The CZ 75/85 series pistols is every bit as iconic as the Browning High Power or a 1911 pistol.
I do break slide stops. And, much quicker than 50k rounds. I must have been unlucky and not gotten ones made from recycle Russian T-34 tank armor. LOL.
Thank you for great article on one of truly iconic pistols of our time.
I guess you just...really really like the SP-01 :-)