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Hi-Point Model 995TS Review: Best Budget 9mm Carbine?

We take a look at the Hi-Point Model 995 -- a budget friendly 9mm carbine that won't break the bank. But is it any good? Come find out.
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    How many of you out there own a Hi-Point firearm? How many have at least shot one?

    If you answered “yes” to either question, then you most likely know that these guns register on both ends of the spectrum.


    They are probably the ugliest guns you’ll ever shoot, but surprisingly, pretty reliable and accurate as far as 9mm carbines go.

    But how can that be?

    Don’t worry; we’ll walk you through the specs and features and get some range time with the Hi-Point Carbine to fill in all the details.

    So, keep reading.

    Table of Contents


    Hi-Point 995TS Pros & Cons


    • Affordable
    • Great warranty
    • Huge range of cartridge options


    • Lousy trigger
    • Poor fit and finish

    The Bottom Line

    If you are looking for a 9mm (or a .380, .45 ACP, .40 S&W, 10mm) carbine for knock-around use at an affordable price, this will likely do.

    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Hi-Point Model 995TS Specs & Features


    • Caliber: 9mm Luger
    • Action: Semi-AUto
    • Weight: 6.25 lbs
    • Barrel Length: 16.5in
    • Overall Length: 31in
    • Sights: Fully-adjustable
    • Finish: Black / Green
    • Magazine Capacity: 10rd
    • Magazine Type: Removable
    • Stock Material: Polymer


    • 10+1 capacity
    • Multiple Picatinny rails
    • Internal recoil buffer in stock
    • All-weather, polymer skeletonized stock
    • Fully adjustable sights
    • Threaded 1/2×28 barrel standard


    Hi-Point firearms are made in Mansfield, Ohio. The company released its first handguns in 1992, with the carbines coming along in 1996.

    Hi-Point C9
    Hi-Point C9

    The guns are virtually unchanged from when they were first brought out. They have brought out new models, but they’re all based on their one main, basic design.

    funny hi point
    Ohhh good ole Hi-Point

    About the only thing Hi-Point has changed is its carbine, and those changes were minor: now the 995’s bolt will hold open after the last shot. The blow-back action that makes all Hi-Points function has not changed and most likely will not.

    The goal is to provide a functioning firearm that is made in America for all shooters, regardless of budget constraints.

    They utilize Zamak-3 (fancy name for the zinc-aluminum alloy) in non-stress areas to cut costs, and also lots of polymer. Of course, the areas that need steel get steel.

    All Hi-Point guns, even including their 10mms, use simple blow-back actions. This means that the bolts (or slides, in the pistols’ case) are overly-large compared to others on locked-breech guns. 

    Who Is It For?

    I see these carbines being used for a variety of purposes like plinking or if you need a budget carbine for home defense.

    These guns are perfect for informal shooting, not to mention if you’re on a budget; it’s a no-brainer.

    Hi-Point Open Bolt
    Open Bolt

    For those who need an inexpensive carbine in a pistol caliber to ride around with them on the ranch or farm, this carbine is perfect. And its short length and rail offerings mean you can get it into action quickly and have the lights/lasers/grip you need to make it efficient at the task.

    With a red dot installed and a couple of extra mags, I see this as a perfect carbine to knock around the woods with or to have in your house for home protection. 

    Fit & Feel

    The carbine comes to your shoulder easily.

    One small issue I have is that the rear peep sight sits a bit low for me, but others may not find it so. I have to really “crunch” my head down on the stock to get the sights lined up.

    This won’t be an issue if you mount a red dot or scope, which is easily done. 

    Cheap Red Dots, Side
    Red dots anyone?

    Since the magazine feeds through the pistol grip, the center of balance is not disturbed by having it ahead of the action as in most other carbines. The gun carries easily in your hand and is quickly brought to bear, although it is barrel-heavy.

    Hi-Point Controls
    Hi-Point Controls

    Speaking of magazines, Hi-Point sells a Red Ball 20-rounder that consists of two 10-round mags attached at the base plate. Ten-round mags are readily available as well. 

    In terms of “Feel,” the forend is rather thick, but I don’t see that as a disadvantage. It allows you to get your hand around it, which is what counts. At the rear of the stock is a butt pad, a nice touch.


    How Does It Shoot?

    I set up a couple of targets right at 25 yards and tried a couple of different 9mm loads.

    I shot some Fiocchi Range Dynamics ammo that they had sent me a good while ago, for which I am appreciative. I also shot some Maxxtech that I had left over.

    at Brownells

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Both loads are FMJ 115-grain and are traveling just a tad over 1350 fps out of the carbine’s 16.5-inch barrel.

    Both loads were dialed in very well and would suffice for plinking or training sessions. I did not have to adjust the rear sight at all.

    Range Dynamics, 10 shots
    Range Dynamics, 10 shots

    As mentioned above, I had just a bit of trouble getting down far enough on the stock to get the sights in good focus, but that’s fixable. Recoil was negligible, as was muzzle flash.

    This is truly a fun gun to shoot…it’s a step up from a .22, but yet not in the .223/5.56mm ballpark in terms of noise.

    You could do worse.

    What Sets it Apart?

    Taking looks and minor glitches in stride, the Hi-Point really excels in the budget category.

    Hi-Point Rear Sight
    Hi-Point Rear Sight

    For those looking for a carbine to take to the range that won’t break the bank and comes with a lifetime warranty (and awesome customer service), the Hi-Point Carbine is it.

    Hi-Point 995TS By the Numbers



    No complaints here.



    It fired every time I wanted it to.



    The factory has a ton of accessories for it.



    The low rear sight was an annoyance.



    If I could give a “6” I would. You can’t beat it.



    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Hi-Point Barrel

    Of course, the Pic rails open up a whole universe of aftermarket parts. Just about anything you could stick on your AR’s rails, you could use here.

    Of course, we always recommend a red dot. They make life a little easier. You can read more about the ones we like here!

    Final Verdict

    Uglier ‘n a mud fence, indeed. I would mostly agree, but ugly is as ugly does, and the Hi-Point Carbine doesn’t shoot ugly.

    It is accurate, reliable, and adaptable, with more accessories available for it than you could shake a stick at. 

    Hi-Point left side
    Hi-Point left side

    Add in the fact that the sub-$300 gun can really shoot, has a great warranty, and is solidly built, and you have a winner.

    What do you think of Hi-Point’s Carbine? Let me know in the comments below. Need some cheap optics? Check out our affordable picks for Red Dots on a Budget.

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    30 Leave a Reply

    • Steve Skipper

      I bought one a few years back after just asking the gun shop owner to see how it pointed from my shoulder. Perfect fit. Picked it up after going through the paperwork and have never looked back. Put a Burris Speed dot on it after taking off front and rear sights and the gun is an awesome shooter, routinely ringing 8" steel and 70 yards from standing position. Customer service is awesome as well. Only problems were due to my not understanding backing plates under the rails and I had to fish them out after improper disassembly to put on my red dot. Great tech support on helping me in figuring that out and getting new backing plates. Might be ugly but that is kind of in the eye of the beholder and she grows on you after seeing how well and jam free she shoots. Great truck gun and a bargain. Also culled a few sheep and goats for neighbors with it for freezer meet.

      July 21, 2024 8:37 pm
    • AR15

      I’ve had mine for a few months- no problems at all.

      February 23, 2024 9:06 pm
    • Carlton Flora

      I agree fully with your article. I have found the Hi-Point 9 mm carbine to be an excellent firearm for the money. It is a steal!

      January 25, 2024 5:31 pm
    • Rex T. Dog

      There was a 995ts under the Christmas tree...so far 300 rounds through it, and the gun is simply fun to shoot...already have bought two more magazines, and I'm scouring the countryside for cheap 9mm (we only had 100 rounds on hand as we hadn't owned a 9 for several years)...still testing ammo, noting our gun likes 115gr over 124gr (that might be mediocre ammo brand), and will test hollow points soon...did I mention the gun is fun to shoot...we will probably stick with the factory sights, they work just fine...and, the gun is fun to shoot...

      February 23, 2023 5:37 pm
    • George

      I have fired over 2000 rounds thru my 995TS with no problems and it is fun to shoot.

      January 1, 2023 10:37 am
    • Doug_G

      I got the 9mm one from a LGS while I was at a shooting class because the price was so surprisingly low. I find it to be a heavy and complicated gun. It did alright in an IDPA match back in the very days of PCC but felt too heavy for frequent use. As I have customized mine with most of the upgrades available, new rails, foregrip, a magazine holding clip, Bi-Pod, Lights, flash suppressor, reverse charging handle and red dot, with new paint on the metal surfaces. Disassembly and reassembly have to be done, just so, or the parts don't go back together. If you do something out of order, you're in for a frustrating time. The upgraded parts don't come from Hi-Point but 2 other distributors, Down Range Products and another I don't recall.

      December 9, 2022 8:46 am
    • Chuck Cochran

      I don't own one, but I've shot a couple friends own (one in 9mm and one in. 45 ACP). Both functioned with the factory mags well. Both were surprisingly accurate. Both fed the 9mm and .45 ACP Target loads without a hiccup. Both were purchased a few years back and were around $200 at that time.
      I don't knock HI Point. They fill a much needed niche, whether it's their pistol or carbines, they get someone into the Shooting Sports and Personal Defense for a price that won't require marriage counseling (LOL). Yes, they are ugly and blocky, but they shoot reasonably accurately, and once you find a load that runs good in the guns, it'll run for a good long time.
      One of my friends had and earlier higher capacity Mag (I don't recall the manufacturer), and it ran like crap. Didn't see anything wrong with the feed lips, but the follower looked dimensionally different than HI Points. Didn't have calipers to measure it, but I suspect it might not be sized right, and it tended to nose rounds down while loading it. Perhaps the new mags work better.
      Mike, you're right that they're a good gun for knocking about the ranch/farm.
      They might make a good Cache gun for those into Prepping.

      December 7, 2022 9:48 pm
    • John Chappell

      I have the Hi point 4095 in 40cal. Had it about 10 yrs. Shoots straight and every time. Very accurate at 75yds. No complaint other than it is not an attractive carbine. Other than that,I love it, comfortable and reliable.

      December 7, 2022 4:12 pm
    • IDPA Shooter

      I'm thinking about getting one just to shoot PCC division for S&G... :-)

      December 7, 2022 2:42 pm
    • Steve T

      Just received my 45 carbine and if it’s anything like the 9 I’ve had for about 5 years now I am going to love it. You hit the nail on the head right down to the bur on the trigger but as someone else said all it takes is mini grinder and problem solved. Great fun gun and absolutely reliable.

      December 7, 2022 3:15 am
    • David C.

      I live in California and got mine about 2 months ago. For those who dont know they put a paddle on the grip which sucks, however, most accurate carbine I ever fired. At 50 yards i hit the bull every time.really love it can't say anything about the ugliness of it,cause to me it's a beautiful weapon. proud to own it worth every penny!!

      December 6, 2022 9:50 pm
    • Eric Winans

      I’ve had mine for 5 years or so. It’s fun to shoot and I’ve found it very accurate at reasonable distances. It is ugly, but for the price and functionality I’ll keep it. I’m not big on spending thousands on weapons if I can buy inexpensive and reliable. I also liked the fact that a 9mm carbine didn’t add to my variety of caliber weapons back when I was trying to limit myself to 2 calibers. Now… I’ve got 5 different caliber weapons but like shooting this American made carbine.

      December 6, 2022 7:57 pm
    • Dave

      I bought a Hi-Point 995TS a few years ago. Got it mainly as an 'alibi' firearm...just in case. Mine shoots very well and is probably inherently more accurate than some people can shoot. It has been very reliable, using every brand of 9mm I've used, always goes 'Bang' and never has had a problem with failure to cycle or eject. In fact, I'm thinking about getting another 995TS and one in .45.

      December 6, 2022 7:32 pm
    • Vulcan

      At this price point, functionality and reliability, it's beautiful to gaze upon. :)

      A nail file or Dremel will remove any trigger burr but mine had none.

      Factory sights off day one, decent holographic sight on, Sight-Mark, R Spec fit nice, big window for old eyes, and sat up off the rail a bit at the right price/quality point for this use. Upgrade to the stainless rod inside and remove the factory plastic one. $18 PITB getting in but you need to learn how to do it anyway, right? SOME day ya must deep clean.

      LOTS of colored aluminum swaps for this including deep red anodized top rail at $35 at that time. Looks mean. HA! Better for any optics too, you care to have stay at zero. Ya might add that one. Ezy swap.

      Couple online sellers specifically have a nice bunch of add-ons for this! I wouldn't spend a ton as the idea here is serious, capable AND budget, but, you could. Don't. Get the aluminum top rail and stainless guide and call it good. Maybe a Sight Mark, R spec sight! Maybe a hi-cap mag or two for practice with cheap Russki ammo day, if you still have any.

      The .40 has a wee bit more notice when it arrives with proper bullets like the Hornady "Critical Duty", made in Grand Island, Nebraska - over the 9mm and runs just as good.

      Takedown to seriously clean this is a PITA but doesn't have to be done that often - if you do the other maintenance in the THG and clean er up after firing routinely. Give the firing mech a QUICK shot of your favorite lube spray every now and then to keep it slick. No need to overdo and grease it up.

      At THIS price/value point, blend in reliability and smooth function after break-in with proper early cleanings ................. just what IS it that a similar size HD weapon might do for you this won't? Look more handsome to the zombie in the perimeter?

      Pushing out a quality .40 cal via 16" of bbl, HP or SP is gonna make a zombie reconsider his options.... right there. I believe one of the original considerations for the .40 was to reasonably replace the .45 for the FBI, so.........

      These fire anything you put in there, inc steel. Not picky. Nice.

      At 5 - 50 feet this fat, fairly heavy chunk of clad copper over a firm alloy of lead, coming dang fast, well chosen round and bullet is going to arrive in a bad mood. And yes, it IS more accurate at distance than you think but that's not what it's built for.

      Remember, you plink a zombie further than spitting distance from you in normal HD scenarios, you are going to jail. Makes a tool good to 100 yards even, irreverent. You want to hit targets at range, hunt, get an AR or any of the other great choices.

      An old carpenter told me once, son, ya want the right tool for the right job. This is ideal for HD, and higher cap mags are available. A favorite among old Vets on an ugly budget. Anyone on a budget. We deserve to be able to protect ourselves and we don't all live in gated communities.

      December 6, 2022 7:27 pm
      • Colt

        Well said, sir!

        December 7, 2022 5:12 am
        • Vulcan

          Thank you. :)

          December 7, 2022 8:41 am
    • JW still

      Such a good value. Still somewhat new to shooting myself and I find it intuitive and remarkably accurate out of the box.

      December 6, 2022 7:10 pm
    • R Leonard

      Agree with reviewer’s comments. Very good carbine for the buck. Got two 40s and may buy a 9mm.

      December 6, 2022 7:02 pm
    • patrick diamond

      I have the 10MM carbine that is so much fun to shoot. What gets me is it has doubled in price since i bought it a year and 1/2 ago. Accurate to 50 yards, 2 inch groups on a 9" paper plate.

      December 6, 2022 6:48 pm
    • Ed D

      I have the original "planet of the apes" models I got at a pawn shop for $75 5 years ago. I think I have put more rounds thru it than anything other than my competition Pistol. It is just fun to shoot

      December 6, 2022 5:45 pm
    • Glenn Showers

      I have fired countless rounds through the standard 995TS and have often felt just a little amazed at both the function and accuracy of the gun. So when Hi-Point offered the 995TS 19 with the 19" barrel; I was anxious to see if I would find any improvement in either area. Truth be told, I have generally rated accuracy for for the 17" gun at 25 yards, as did the reviewer. With the 19 inch barrel I used 35 yards as my base line and was able to maintain the same grouping (comparable to the reviewers) as the the shorter barrel had accomplished. I suspect I could mark respectable groups at 50 yds. and will test that theory soon. While it lacks the velocity of a true varmint gun, I think this is a great ranch gun for the budget minded. As to home defense this gun gets good scores on reliability and in 9mm it will offer accuracy while mitigating the likelihood of exiting the home and injuring neighbors. For many, especially those on a budget, or relatively new to long guns (yes, I know it is a carbine) this is an excellent gun with great credentials.

      December 6, 2022 5:05 pm
    • Dan A.

      Hate to be trite, but - the only thing "wrong" with Hi-Point PCCs is that they aren't Glock magazine-compatible.

      If they were, they'd be hella more appealing/digestible.

      Other than that, they're decent firearms.

      December 6, 2022 4:48 pm
    • leo kelly

      I have one of the 995 9mm it is not going to win a beauty contest but it is good to go plink with or keep it as farm tractor gun

      December 6, 2022 4:42 pm
    • Jayce

      You can't have a discussion about these guns without mentioning High Tower Armory's bullpup conversion chassis that can be had for $250. Giving you a clean looking, reliable, cheap pcc at right around $500.

      December 6, 2022 4:33 pm
    • Dutch

      Love my 9mm carbine. Easy to shoot and it always works. Accurate with factory sights.
      Just wish there was a better 20 round mag.

      December 6, 2022 4:30 pm
      • Glenn Showers

        Without question, the mags are a common (but not deal breaking) concern with these guns. Introducing a Glock mag compatible model would solve all that. But the Hi-Point mags work well and as a rancher once told, if you can't get the job done with ten rounds, well... maybe you should take up knitting.

        December 6, 2022 5:15 pm

      The Hi-Point 995TS is a true American manufacturing "Yes We Can"! Provide a safe, reliable, and affordable shoulder fired pistol caliber carbine for "all Americans" regardless of economic status. Only in American. Keeping the law abiding citizens armed as guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution. Amen.

      December 6, 2022 4:30 pm
    • Bill K

      I’ve Had this carbine for about five years. And shot a lot of 9mm out of it without a single issue the Iron sight are great although I agree the rear sight is low for me too. I did install a red dot as my eyes aren’t as good as they were when I was in my sixties and seventies. Hi-Point made a gun to get the job done, not win a beauty pageant.

      December 6, 2022 4:29 pm
    • Javier Antonio Quinones Ortiz

      Got two, one in .45 and the other in .40. They’re fine for what they’re intended and kudos to the company for it’s business philosophy and practices.

      December 6, 2022 4:11 pm
    • John J Kowal

      First a little background: I've owned the .45 pistol for some years now. The slide is a massive hunk of steel (to control cycling) and as a result the pistol is top heavy. The carbine uses the steel slide mass to achieve the same result. Another point in common with both weapons - a plastic trigger which I believe is covered by the lifetime guaranty.
      My .45 pistol just can't fail even with the plasticky trigger. The company, in my opinion, comes in at a good price point with good products.

      December 6, 2022 3:53 pm
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