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[Review] Hiperfire Trigger: Best Single Stage AR-15 Trigger

Hiperfire Eclipse with Hipershoe
"Bro...are you shooting full-auto?" That's what someone asked my friend after shooting a competition rifle stage. His secret? His new Hiperfire trigger.
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    “Bro…are you shooting full-auto?” That’s what someone asked my (far-better-shooting) friend after a competition rifle stage. His secret? The Hiperfire trigger I let him borrow.
    AR-15 Lower Upgrades
    AR-15 Lower Upgrades
    Now, a trigger can’t make you seem like you’re shooting full-auto all on its own, but it’s the easiest upgrade to beef up your accuracy and trigger pull speed. It’s really amazing what a super-light trigger without creep can do! I’ve tried a bunch of triggers before and the Hiperfire is one of my favorites. Read on to find out why!

    Difference of Hiperfire Triggers

    Lighter Trigger Pull & Heavier Hammer Stroke

    The first thing you’ll probably notice is the extra set of springs at the top.
    Completed Hiperfire Install, Correct Post Orientation
    Completed Hiperfire Install
    It does something through engineering magic that gives you a lighter trigger pull and a heavier hammer stroke. So who cares? Well, a light trigger pull makes it easier to minimize shot-altering movement.  And a heavy hammer stroke increases firing reliability by making sure the hammer has enough oomph to ignite harder primers. What about other triggers? For all the other trigger upgrades (check them out in my AR-15 Upgrades article), there’s a trade-off between the two.  To get a lighter trigger pull, you usually end up with a lighter hammer strike. Most of the time everything will function fine, but once in a while you might get the light primer strike *click* of sadness.

    Adjustable Trigger Pull Weight

    Hiperfire Eclipse Trigger
    Hiperfire Eclipse Trigger
    Here’s the parts for the highest end trigger…the Hiperfire Eclipse.  The other triggers also have the three sets of springs you see at the top left. These allow you to adjust the trigger pull and hammer fall strength. Oddly…the lighter the trigger pull you choose, the harder the hammer will fall. I of course tried all three springs and found them to give me 2.5 lbs, 3.1 lbs, and 3.5 lbs.  I stayed with the lightest 2.5lb trigger.  It’s a happy/sad feeling that my custom 1911 no longer has the best trigger in my collection.
    Hiperfire Eclipse 2.5 lb Trigger Pull
    Hiperfire Eclipse 2.5 lb Trigger Pull

    Single Stage & No Creep

    Personal preference here but I’m a convert from thinking “you might as well get a two-stage trigger since when you pull it quickly, it essentially becomes a single stage.” After a couple rifle competitions I realized that I was wasting a lot of time trying to take up the slack of the first stage so I could utilize the second stage of the trigger. With a nice single stage trigger that has almost no perceptible creep (that gritty initial take-up), I can just focus on pulling the trigger once when the target is in my sights.


    Two primary negatives…install and price. I thought the install would be terrible because of all the parts that spilled out of the bag.  But really, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.  Although still more annoying than a regular trigger or a drop-in. No pain no gain! And, I cover how to do it step-by-step in my Hiperfire Install Guide.
    Pop In Using a Punch
    Pop In Using a Punch
    Ok, the price…it’s not cheap at $200 for the 3G (now Reflex) and $250 for the Eclipse models. But entirely within the range of big boys (Geissele & Timney) especially when you take into account the reliability factor of a heavier dropping hammer.

    Trigger Models

    There’s a couple of models at Hiperfire.  They have some more basic ones that look like normal triggers without the extra springs.  I haven’t tried those out yet. And they keep changing up the names…I can’t keep up! The more “basic” is the Genesis which has some creep in the initial pull and hammer reset.  As you go up in price you see the creep lowers. The Eclipse and the Competition also feature a flat trigger and an optional “Hipershoe.”
    Align Pinhole and Insert Pin
    Flat Trigger of Eclipse
    I’ll be honest, I thought the Hipershoe was some dumb piece of plastic until I tried it.
    I installed it by taking off my trigger guard, but for those who have an integral one…you’re going to have to take out the whole trigger. And…wow! Once you have it adjusted to have a good placement of your trigger finger, it seems to draw it in for consistent placement every time.
    Hiperfire Eclipse with Hipershoe
    Hiperfire Eclipse with Hipershoe
    So if you’re deciding between the models…get the one with the Hipershoe such as the 24C ($235) or the Eclipse ($275). The 3G (now Reflex) model seems to be the curved trigger version of the Competition and the Eclipse is coated with nickel alloy that should give it some smoother features.  I only found it ever so slightly smoother…so I’m not sure that it’s worth that extra $40.

    Current Experience

    So what do I think after about eight competitions with the Reflex and Eclipse models?  I love them and will continue to use them. They’ll shoot as fast as I can pull the trigger.  The imperceptible creep, light trigger pull, and great reset also make shooting the farther distances a breeze.  The heavier falling hammer also took care of my hard Tula primer reloads. Tons of people have come up asking to dry-fire that cool looking trigger. One thing in common with their reactions? They all began with some four letter words I can’t print here.


    The Hiperfire Trigger is light, crisp, and fast. You can run it hard without worrying about it getting gunked up and jamming. Bottom line? It can go toe-to-toe with some of the biggest names in the AR trigger market.
    at AR15 Discounts

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Want to see our full-blown AR-15 trigger round-up?  Check out Best AR-15 Triggers where I show you how each one breaks…plus split times!
    Tested AR-15 Triggers
    Tested AR-15 Triggers

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    21 Leave a Reply

    • Spence

      Aftermarket triggers are based on milspec style safeties, and aftermarket safeties are based on mil spec triggers. The compounding differences in tolerances can cause reliability issues including lockup and reset. Radian has decent customer support so I would recommend talking to them and see if there's a QC issue with your safety.

      September 24, 2024 12:28 pm
    • Krush

      I prefer the Blackout Defense AR-15 Zero Hybrid (combo of flat and curved shape) with a 3 lb. pull and a 2mm reset. It's more expensive, but the pros include very easy installation, a fixed pull weight, zero maintenance, and I don't have to worry about getting finger onto one piece of plastic when I'm shooting. The short reset makes accurate rapid fire a breeze. Add a decent suppressor, like the Banish 30 or Banish 223 and you have a great platform for any type of application.

      August 23, 2024 10:55 am
    • Noah

      I've put my Hyperfire Eclipse through about 500 rounds and about every mag I'll have 2-5 rounds where the hammer is a light strike and I get no bang. Has anyone else experienced this and what did they find to be the issue? Not ammo or firing pin related, tested that.

      Otherwise, a great trigger group! But starting to look at other options if I can't get this fixed up.

      August 31, 2021 9:17 am
    • Mr. Anderson

      Honestly I'm no expert and have very little experience with AR platform. I have purchased a few drop-ins such as the Timney and CMC. This was my first trigger that had to be assembled and honestly I was a little intimidated by the bag of parts. It wasn't near as bad as I thought and it seemed like the trigger was going to work great......... duh duh duuuuuhhhh...... Little did I know this does not work with the Radian Talon safety or a number of safety switches. So since I only purchased the Talon, I ended up putting a CMC in this build until I can find a switch I prefer? I might just use the CMMG ? Anyway food for thought before you get one...

      July 9, 2021 8:49 am
    • Sam

      My God! What kind of powder are you using to leave all that soot? I've been using 748 for 30 years, which is not a particularly clean powder, and have never experienced soot buildup anywhere near what you get. Like maybe 99% less....
      Nice review. You always do well with them......

      December 16, 2020 2:41 pm
    • DUTCH

      I just purchased a Hiperfire/Hipertouch LPK and it was a real mess. Hard to install...! Plus, it would not even function properly after completed install..! The two TOGGLE SPRING & PIVOT are HELL too install...! Had parts flying left and right...! I called their customer service department and explained my issues...! I was told, that I was the PROBLEM and not their product? Even took it too a local gunsmith and he could NOT make it function correctly..! For $200.00 it should be a DREAM come TRUE and not a NIGHTMARE....!

      January 18, 2019 11:13 am
      • Travis

        I literally had the opposite experience you did. I followed the instructions that were included and the trigger went in my gun without issue. On the range it performed like a dream come true.

        July 24, 2020 9:31 am
      • Bryan J Davis

        I have several of them and always a breeze to put in, just one extra step from a mil-spec type!! Best triggers ever IMHO!!

        August 3, 2020 9:59 pm
      • Bob

        Thats a you problem. Ive installed several, never an issue, except.. the preservative they ship it coated in is trash. They probably dont suffer fools kindly, so i am sure you didnt get a ton of help.

        June 8, 2024 12:47 am
    • Charlie Parker

      Picked up a 243G on sale for $149.95!! Set it up for 2.5 lb pull. (verified with trigger gauge). Spent 15 minutes dry firing and getting the feel for the pull and reset. WOW> Much better set-up than my Stag two stage 'match' trigger.
      Went to the range to bench fire then sling fire while standing. It amazes me how much of an overall improvement this trigger makes firing the rifle. ZERO creep. Insane rest .. at least for a non drop-in. The trigger and my finger feel as if they are one Only shot at 100yds. Heading out to a longer site this weekend with steel targets at out to 500. Looking forward to experiencing the improvements this trigger should make ringing out to 300 quickly.
      Keep u the articles. A new brake update would be nice.

      May 8, 2018 10:50 pm
    • Carp

      looking at the chart of triggers and pull weights... what makes the ones with the varied pull weights vary? i understand the swapping springs... but what is giving them a different range per spring? or is the manufacturer just saying the pull will vary per gun?

      December 30, 2017 9:32 am
      • Don


        The varied pull weights are because those triggers are flat. The lower on the trigger you pull, the less force needed for the hammer to fall. The closer to the top, the more pressure needed. The trigger shoe can be placed at various points on the trigger shoe, thus changing the pull weight. I hope this helps.

        I just purchased the Hiperfire 24 3 Gun from Brownells for $149, and I like it a lot. Several online dealers have that and other Hiperure triggers on sale.

        January 1, 2018 10:14 am
        • Carp

          tx, ordered a 24c from opticsplanet to try (Had to burn a coupon :) )

          January 1, 2018 11:02 am
      • Eric Hung

        I believe so, Carp.

        January 12, 2018 5:08 pm
    • Andrew

      Thanks! Definitely going with Hiperfire for my first AR build. I'm unsure whether or not to get the Eclipse over the 24C as you mentioned, but I'll see what the sales are like in a few months!

      July 22, 2017 8:18 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Good plan Andrew, let me know how you like it!

        July 23, 2017 9:40 am
    • Joe L.

      I first want to say, this website has quickly became my go-to resource for firearms related information. I've been collecting and shooting guns for a few years now, and I enjoy reading about various aspects of the gun world.

      Now, as for the Hipertouch triggers you reviewed here, I recently purchased and installed a Hipertouch 24C in my black rifle and immediately saw a huge improvement. You weren't lying about the break and reset. Its a unique design with the toggle springs that both lowers the pull weight and increases hammer strike power. I haven't yet started reloading, so I shoot a lot of surplus ammo. I've never had a FTF malfunction, and now I don't have to worry about hard primers.

      I have to say reading this article allowed me to make a better decision and what ultimately helped me choose this trigger and I couldn't be happier.

      I'm sure there are people that might argue that a Geissele or a Timney trigger would be better. I bet there are those that like two-stage triggers over single-stage. Personally, for the type of shooting I do (off-hand), a single-stage trigger is what I wanted. Furthermore, a drop-in trigger may have be easy to install, but its not as easy to clean it if it gets too much carbon buildup.

      Thank you. Please keep up your good work.

      July 1, 2017 3:32 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Hi Joe, you're so welcome and glad our review of the Hiperfire helped you out!

        July 3, 2017 2:46 pm
    • Kevin

      What you probably did not know is that Hiperfire has a special spring set for Russian calibers that have hard primers - 5.45x39 and 7.62x39. The special spring set must be ordered separately from Hiperfire. This special spring set has the most hammer force by far a 100% reliably ignites hard Russian primers. Till the Hiperfire 24 triggers with special springs became available, there was no reliable solution for a good trigger pull in these calibers. I have been perfecting 5.45x39 M4 carbines for several years and the hiperfire 24 family finally solved the most persistent problems.

      May 27, 2017 4:57 pm
    • Kyle

      I have a cmc trigger that has yet to fail me. I have done two carbine courses each having to shoot 300 plus rounds. The cmc holds up to the carbon

      August 28, 2016 6:32 pm
      • ehung

        Thanks Kyle!

        August 28, 2016 7:07 pm
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