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Home Range Essentials: Everything You Need For A Home Range

Effective Range rifle 50 yards
In this article we cover all the basic things you need to make a quality shooting range in your backyard, plus a few extra goodies.
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    For a gun nut, there is no greater joy than having your own shooting range.

    A home shooting range is a glorious thing to have. In fact, I’m shopping for a place to build a house, and one of my requirements is room for a range.

    Effective Range rifle 50 yards

    I’ve had a home-based range for years, and after a few visits to a public range, I see why they are so despised.

    A home range ensures you don’t have to pay to shoot, aren’t stuck firing one round per second, and don’t have to deal with fuddery or unsafe behaviors typically found at public ranges.

    Having a home range is a wonderful thing if you have the space and ability to make one. Today, we are diving deep into some of the essentials of building your own range.


    Table of Contents


    Why You Should Trust Us

    I’ve spent a lifetime shooting, starting with a family that hunted every season they legally could. From there, I joined the United States Marine Corps and spent five years as an infantryman.

    Travis shooting Primary Arms Classic Mini Reflex Sight on Arex Delta M

    In the middle of my Marine Corps career, I began writing and have never stopped. I soon earned my NRA instructor certification and used my knowledge to help guide students.

    I love shooting, and I love guns — weird guns, old guns, new guns, tactical guns, you name it. My love for guns led me to build my own range that I have used to shoot and test countless guns over the years.

    Must-Have Safety Equipment

    Safety is paramount, and the most important thing you need is something that can stop the bullets.

    Outdoors Range Berm
    Having a large natural chunk of earth is nice, but unfortunately that isn’t in the cards for everyone.

    If you don’t have the benefit of a large natural backstop, you will need to build a berm.

    Contact a reputable contractor, or if you have the machinery, you can do it yourself. How big, thick, and what should the berm be made out of? Well, that all depends on what you’re shooting.

    PHLster Floodlight OWB
    Practicing some OWB drills at part of my home range.

    A bullet trap for .22 LR is a lot different than a berm built for a .50 BMG. Consult a contractor, use the NRA Range Building Source Manual, and check other reputable resources.

    You should also be prepared to seed and grow grass on the berm to prevent it from eroding. Rain can kill a berm, and a little grass goes a long way. You’ll also have to periodically refresh the berm with dirt, as impacts will do damage over time.

    Kalashnikov USA KP9 GoPro Targets
    This berm has plenty of foliage to help prevent erosion.

    My berm is built to handle pistols, shotguns, and intermediate-caliber rifles. I don’t tempt fate with powerful calibers and stick to .308 and below. I have very strict lateral and vertical limits, and the range is built sloping downward, so shots are oriented into the ground rather than the berm.

    Each range is a bit different, and your contractor or construction expert should be able to advise you on what is best for you and your situation.

    Other Essentials

    Best Eye Pro
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    Okay, we have a well-made berm built to the standards needed by the cartridge and caliber you intend to fire and use. So, now that’s out of the way, you’ll clearly need some safety gear.

    Eyes and ears are a must-have, obviously. You likely have a nice set of ears and eyes for yourself, right? A good set of hearing protection and ballistic glasses.

    ShellShock, Eyes & Ears Combo

    However, once you have a home range, you should consider buying some extras. When people know you have a personal range, you’re going to have friends who come over or family staying for holidays that will likely want to shoot.

    Most Affordable Ear Pro
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    Visitors don’t need to have the fanciest gear you have, but safety is still important.

    A couple of pairs of clear shooting glasses and a box of foam earplugs or a few sets of affordable earmuffs go a long way toward making you a good ambassador for the 2nd Amendment.

    Basic Equipment for Home Ranges

    Folding Table

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    For personal use, you don’t need anything too crazy. A camp table works wonders. It sounds silly, but a small, folding camp table can be super valuable.

    You can transport your table from place to place at the range with ease and set it up easily and quickly. The table can hold your gear, guns, ammo, range bag, and anything else you might need at the range.

    On top of that, it can act as a supportive structure and improvised bench rest. Having a stable surface is super handy for zeroing optics, providing support, and holding all your crap for you.

    You want it to be stable enough to rest a rifle. This means aluminum legs with stabilizers. Some of the super small folding tables are light but rock and move under heavy load or recoil.

    It is a good idea to get a rough measurement of a comfortable shooting height when you are sitting down so that you can get a table that is the appropriate height to be able to shoot when seated.

    Shooting Chair/Camp Stool

    Best Shooting Chair
    at Amazon

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    When you zero weapons at your range, you can take a knee or get into the prone, but eventually, it will be snowing or raining, and you won’t want to do either.

    A shooting chair or stool allows you to rest your butt and use a bench or your camp table to support your rifle.

    Grace zeroing a Remington bolt-action Model 7 in .308 Win.
    Many shooters will end up eventually building a custom shooting bench, but a good table and stool will get you started.

    A camp stool only supports your bottom, but they are often small and light enough to attach to a range bag or carry with one hand.

    Shooting chairs usually have a more appropriate seating height and often more cushioning. I do prefer chairs without armrests, as they get in the way and can often clash with a table.

    Support Sandbags

    Best Support Sandbags
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    A set of sandbags is also a must-have for supporting your firearm when it comes to precision shooting, zeroing, or even teaching new shooters. Having a solid firearm support makes it really easy for a new shooter to focus on the fundamentals and safety.

    Sandbags are cheap, convenient, and can be filled with sand, rice, or other material. They don’t take up much room and are sold by plenty of reputable companies.

    Pop-Up Canopy Tent

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    A pop-up canopy tent is entirely optional. They can be pricey, rather large, and somewhat bulky as far as range gear goes.

    However, if you live in an environment with terrible weather, then it might be a valuable investment.

    Pop-up canopy tents provide some cover from rain, snow, beating sun, and general misery. For about $50-200 bucks or so, you can find respite from the elements that are hard on both guns and shooters alike.

    Spotting Scope

    Best Entry-Level Spotting Scope
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    One thing that’s annoying about a home range is that you typically won’t have a good way of bringing the target to you.

    Target retrievers cost a fortune, but instead of reeling your target in to see where you are hitting, you can simply bring your eyes to the target with a quality spotting scope.

    Vortex Diamondback Spotting Scope 20-60x
    Vortex Diamondback Spotting Scope 20-60x

    A good spotting scope is definitely a must-have when it comes to shooting at any distance over 25 yards. Check out our entire article dedicated to the subject!

    What do you think of the Vortex? Rate it below!

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    EZ-Aim Double Target Metal Stand

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    A basic, affordable target stand can do wonders for your home range.

    The EZ-Aim Double Target stand is one of the most basic target stands you can get. It’s nothing but simple wire metal, and it holds two paper targets. Target Holders don’t get simpler than this.

    Spike it into the ground, and the wind won’t blow it over. The whole system is very small and easy to stash when not in use.

    Ammo-Up Compact Brass Grabber

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    I won’t say I like it when my kids misbehave, but my favorite punishment is for them to pick up brass and shotgun hulls off my range.

    Kids are one way to keep your spent casings picked up, but for days when your kids are behaving, Ammo-Up offers various systems to help you keep your range clean.

    They range from a giant wheel that picks up brass and shotgun hulls with absolute ease to the more home range-friendly Ammo-Up Compact.

    The compact is more like a broom but uses the same little fingers that lock onto pieces of brass and lift them. A button on the handle releases the brass into a bucket or bag. It’s a lot better than bending over to pick every single piece of brass up.

    Targets for Your Home Range

    One of the best parts about owning a home range is the fun factor. You can argue these items aren’t essential, but eventually, you’ll want to get them, so we might as well call them essentials.

    Reactive targets are an absolute must-have. Steel targets, in particular, are great for the range. They can take a beating, be used for years, and hit with some pretty powerful calibers.

    Highwild Target Kit

    Best Steel Target Kit
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    This steel target kit is a one-stop shop for all your steel target needs.

    Included with the kit is a big heavy stand, four steel targets, and all the chains, bolts, and nuts you need to put it together. It’s a staple of my at-home range, and I adore it.

    The Highwild Target Kit gives you three gongs and one reduced-sized IPSC target. It’s a blast to shoot and provides a multitude of different-sized targets, all at an affordable price point.

    The little targets are rated for most handgun and rifle rounds, and the stand is ultra-strong. For $200 bucks, it’s tough to beat this all-in-one setup.

    Know Your Limits .22 LR Target

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    When it comes to rimfire shooting, the Know Your Limits .22 LR Target provides one heckuva challenge. It’s actually seven hanging gongs that range wildly in size.

    The gongs range from two inches to .25 inches, descending a quarter inch for each target. These targets are used by the NRL 22 shooting competitions and are a legit challenge. Imagine trying to clear the gong rack when one is a quarter inch wide.

    They swing wildly, and that makes them a blast to try and continuously hit. Even at close range, it’s a fun challenge. Be aware, though, that these are made from steel but are designed only for air guns and rimfire rounds.

    Caldwell Full-Sized IPSC Steel Target

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    Big man-sized steel torsos are great for combative training with any firearm. If you take your gun out beyond 50 yards, it’s nice to hear that loud ding to confirm your hits.

    Caldwell offers full-sized IPSC targets made of AR500 steel and outfitted with a bright yellow paint scheme for high visibility.

    Steel targets can be heavy and expensive, but they last much longer than paper, cardboard, and most other types of targets.

    Birchwood Casey 3D Torso Targets

    Best 3D Target
    at Palmetto State Armory

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    These targets are as cheap as 3D targets get. A three-pack goes for around $20, and it gives you both a torso and head. It’s perfect for realistic tactical training.

    These targets allow you to engage the targets from multiple angles and elevate your training. Footwork can be an underappreciated aspect of using cover and engaging a target.

    These 3D targets are lots of fun and allow you to safely integrate movement into your range days.


    So, you got all your major bases covered? Why not spice your range up with a few gadgets or gizmos? Here are two that I love.

    The Caldwell Target Turner

    Best Target Stand
    at Amazon

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    I got a Caldwell Target Turner for Christmas one year, and it has been one of my favorite gifts. It’s a portable system that turns your target 90 degrees.

    An accelerator allows you to adjust the speed from once per second to once every six seconds. This spinning action creates a new dynamic for your drills and requires you to respond to movement feedback rather than just audible.

    You can use a variety of targets and target backers with the Target Turner and mix it up to create a customized experience.

    Combine the Target Turner with the Birdwood Casey 3D Targets, and you have a real winner. The Target Turner spins it so the narrow but shootable angle is facing you as well as the face of the target.

    The setup is simple, and it’s super portable. Just bag it up and go.

    Do All Outdoors Clay Cannon

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    If you can safely shoot clay pigeons at your range, then you’ve likely considered some form of pigeon launcher.

    But there seems to be very little middle ground between the tennis elbow-inducing hand throwers and the expensive electric options. Well, until now

    (Photo: Rod and Rifle)

    The Do All Outdoors Clay Cannon delivers an easy-to-use in-between setup that costs less than $100. It allows you to cock and fire clay pigeons in nearly any direction and doesn’t rely on the inconsistent swing of the arm.

    Final Thoughts

    Your home range should always bring joy, lots and lots of joy.

    When starting out, it’s good to focus on a quality berm, some basic targets, and a shooting bench before you go crazy with accessories.

    Masada on a stump

    But after you get the important stuff out of the way, you can grab all the neat items, and before you know it, you’ll have your own version of Hicock45’s range in your backyard!

    Do you already have a home range? Let us know what some of your essentials are in the comments below! Already have a range that you want to spice up even more? Check out our article on the Best Targets and Stands for Shooting!

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    3 Leave a Reply

    • Farzad Nahai

      Thanks for writing this Travis...I am in the midst of building my outdoor range and this article introduced me to a couple things I had not thought of.

      Question: You did not mention managing lead over time. What are the standards and what do you recommend to handle discharged lead on a home range? Thank you.

      May 10, 2024 9:44 am
    • Andy

      TL/DR: Hire a contractor and buy all these products I’m plugging.

      May 10, 2024 4:43 am
    • Jack Toffmore

      Great article! The home range is the ideal for true POTG.

      May 9, 2024 12:09 pm
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