Mira Safety Gas Mask Review: CM-6M, CM-7M, TAPR [Hands-On] - Pew Pew Tactical Hand-Picked Daily GUN DEALS, and Exclusive Coupons Codes >>>
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Mira Safety Gas Mask Review: CM-6M, CM-7M, TAPR [Hands-On]

TAPR Ready
We tested out several gas mask models from Mira Safety to see which ones might be worth adding to your bug out bag.
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    It doesn’t take much instability in the world to make people stop and think about the possibilities which might result from pandemics, invasions, and other societal conflicts.

    How you can protect yourself from these substances varies but one good step is having a solid gas mask.

    We all can agree on the importance of breathing, but a good filter in some of these instances might just prove life-saving.

    We tested out a few gas mask offerings from Mira Safety to see if any of them were worth stocking in your Bug Out Bag or bunker.

    Mira Safety Suit & CM-6M, Standing
    Mira Safety Suit & CM-6M, Standing

    Stay tuned as we walk you through the specs as well as the pros and cons of each model. By the end of the review, you’ll have a better idea of whether Mira is worth grabbing and which model might work best for you!


    Table of Contents


    CM-7M Military Gas Mask

    Manufactured in the Czech Republic from bromobutyl rubber, the 7M features dual, separate lenses and a fairly narrow profile. The main benefit of this configuration is the ability to shoot without much adaptation.

    In my time at the range with the 7M, I was able to achieve sight picture with a raised, red dot mounted rifle by canting approximately 15 degrees.

    Wearing the MIRA CM-7M
    Wearing the MIRA CM-7M

    Cheek weld wasn’t bad at all and the minor canting didn’t affect my accuracy.

    The field of view was solid, though obviously not as wide as the 6M and I found it pretty easy to don and doff. Its five adjustable straps were stretchy and the webbing on the back made for a comfortable fit.

    CM7M Shooting
    Easy viewing with the 7M

    I noticed this left the top of my head mostly uncovered so I could wear a hat or helmet comfortably.

    In addition, the rubber was soft against my face and I could feel my breath being routed through the filter.

    This is evidence of at least some seal to the face, though as noted above, an optimal seal isn’t likely with a beard.

    MIRA Safety CM-7M Gas Mask
    MIRA Safety CM-7M Gas Mask

    The 7M accepts 40mm NATO standard filters. Shooters can also mount the filters on the left or right to accommodate their shooting preferences.

    at Mira Safety

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Our smooth-skinned editor Eric also had a range day with both the CM-6M and 7M before and reported a great seal where you can feel the suction on your face with each breath.

    Pew Pew Tactical Shooting with MIRA Safety Gas Masks
    Pew Pew Tactical Shooting with MIRA Safety Gas Masks


    Manufactured in the Czech Republic, the 6M is also made of bromobutyl rubber but has a full, one-piece visor for wide field of view.

    MIRA Safety CM-6M Gas Mask
    MIRA Safety CM-6M Gas Mask

    While view is outstanding, the profile of the mask is a bit wider.

    This means it’s great for general tasks but cheek weld and sight picture are slightly more challenging.

    With that in mind I found it took about a 45-degree cant to line my eye up with the raised red dot on my rifle.

    Once established, it was easy to repeatedly engage multiple targets but it took some practice to get comfortable with.

    CM6M Shooting
    More tilt, but still accurate

    The rubber on the 6M was also soft and the 5-strap plus mesh setup from the 7M is repeated here.

    Again, putting the mask on and taking it off felt pretty easy. Once on, I could feel my breath being routed through the filter.

    The 6M also uses a standard 40mm filter and like the 7M, it mounts on either side of the mask to allow shooters to pick their preferred setup.

    Inside the MIRA CM-6M
    Inside the MIRA CM-6M

    We also tested both the 7M and 6M with a pepper spray grenade prior which both masks passed with flying colors.

    Don’t get too excited though…the “grenade” was underwhelming. That said, it still propelled enough particles into the air that we felt spicy air when we took off the masks a few minutes after.

    at Mira Safety

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Want full body protection? We’ve paired our mask with Mira’s Hazmat Suit (see our Best Hazmat Suits article).

    Mira Hazmat Suit & CM-6M
    Mira Hazmat Suit & CM-6M

    TAPR (Tactical Air Purifying Respirator)

    TAPR Close
    The TAPR has a smaller profile

    The TAPR is a different approach altogether and only covers the mouth and nose — making it easier to use with goggles and face shields.

    This half-mask was also easy to put on and take off. Similar to the 7M, a slight cant allows a shooter’s eye to line up with the reticle while wearing the TAPR.

    Mira Safety TAPR Kit
    Mira Safety TAPR Kit

    This is largely due to the slim profile and mounting of the 40mm filter at the bottom of the mask, near the chin.

    TAPR Ready
    Easy sight picture with the TAPR

    One of the immediately obvious benefits of this mask is visual range is not limited. It makes sense that you would still want to wear some eye pro of some sort depending on what scenario you faced.

    Again, Eric found a great seal when cleanly shaven.

    And everything comes in a nice case!

    Mira Safety TAPR Case
    Mira Safety TAPR Case
    at Mira Safety

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    A Note About Beards

    A study conducted in the 1980s showed men with beards cannot achieve a good seal with a gas mask. As inconvenient as that might be for us bearded folk, the evidence was pretty clear.

    When I asked Mira Safety about this, they indicated they could not recommend attempting a seal with a beard.

    Jeremiah Johnson
    Liver Eating Johnson

    There are some people who say Vaseline or other substances can be used to achieve a good seal between a beard and gas mask.

    However, Mira recommends keeping a small shaver in your kit if you encounter a dire situation where you need to deploy a mask. And one of our shirts :-).

    Sean PPT Shirt Cropped
    Not shaving

    The results of a bad seal are dependent upon a number of factors but the most important is what you’re trying to filter out. If you’re up against a smokey room it wouldn’t be great, but you’d be better off than without a mask.

    Try to tackle some CN or pepper spray and a bad seal could be tough.

    PepperBall - LifeLite Muzzle
    Mmm spicy

    Sarin gas or something similar? An 8% leak (commonly found in bearded test subjects from the study above) would likely prove fatal.


    Mira Safety has a number of gas masks to suit different applications. I found them all to be comfortable, simple to use, and relatively easy to shoot with.

    CM7M Smoke
    Even helps with gunpowder

    Communication was still do-able while wearing these masks and features like the drinking tube make long-term uses far more tenable.

    These proved innovative and handy.

    CM6M Drinking
    Turning the valve brings the straw toward your mouth

    The 7M was definitely easier to shoot with but the 6M wasn’t too difficult. The field of view on both full masks was good with the wider range going to the 6M.

    at Mira Safety

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Eric found the seals to be solid during testing and even though I had a beard I could definitely feel a partial seal when I wore them.

    Mira Safety warranties these masks for 1 year but offers an extended 5-year warranty for the 6M with product registration.

    Do you have experience using gas masks? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to check out our complete guide on Best Gas Masks and Survival & Prepping.

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