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8 Most Underrated Rifles & Shotguns (To Impress Your Friends)

AUG taking a nap on a tree
We take a look at some rifles and shotguns that deserve some love and attention, but rarely get the props they deserve...
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    Why do some guns succeed and some fail?

    It feels like an answer like this requires a near-total explanation of the economy, marketing, and the forces beyond my knowledge.

    Steyr AUG with Aimpoint PRO
    Steyr AUG with Aimpoint PRO

    Some guns have great ideas, interesting designs, and even great prices, yet they never saw the limelight.

    Today we are going to look at some of the more underrated long guns, meaning rifles and shotguns.

    For one reason or another, all of these guns showed great promise and innovative designs but failed to succeed in the U.S. commercial market.

    To be clear, we are talking solely about the U.S. commercial market here — not foreign markets or military use. So without further explanation, let’s look at the most underrated long guns.


    1. Most Unique Look

      Steyr AUG A3 M1

    2. Best Hunting Rifle

      CZ 600 Rifles

    3. Best Box-Mag Fed Shotgun

      SRM Arms M1216

    4. Best Hybrid Shotgun

      Benelli M3

    Most Underrated Rifles and Shotguns

    1. Remington 788

    Remington built the Model 788 in 1967 as an affordable alternative to the Remington 700. Remington must have put an over-enthusiastic new guy on the task because the rifle they turned out was outstanding.

    A beautiful Remington 788 (Photo: Reddit)

    The Remington 788 utilized a unique bolt lugged at the rear instead of the front. There are nine lugs separated in rows of three that lock into the receiver behind the magazine well. Due to this, the bolt only requires 60 degrees of rotation to unlock.

    What’s the benefit of a 60-degree bolt lift? Well, it is quicker to operate and provides more clearance for low-mounted optics, which is nice.

    The 788 has a reputation for good accuracy. These are some 100-yard groups. (Photo: Mirrormagic)

    Better yet, the bolt travel is also reduced due to this design.

    The 788 also benefits from a stronger receiver due to the less material removed for the ejection port because it’s smaller, and the front of the receiver doesn’t require bolt lug raceways. Additionally, the single stack magazine meant a small magazine well.

    A smaller magazine well means less material removed for the receiver. These two little changes make the receiver rigid and robust.

    Most affordable

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    A stronger receiver helps ensure the rifle is more accurate — theoretically more than the Remington 700.

    Aside from the more traditional chamberings like 308, .223, and 7mm-08, the gun was also offered in weird calibers like .44 Magnum and 6mm Remington.

    2. Steyr AUG

    In the 1960s, engineers designed what was undoubtedly a space-age rifle.

    AUG Vs. 7.5 inch AR
    The Steyr AUG with its 16-inch barrel is almost as short as a 7.5-inch barreled AR-15.

    This bullpup blaster utilized a ton of polymer and came with an integral optic — looking like it belonged in Flash Gordon.

    The Steyr AUG was popular in some European, South American, and Asian countries, but the poor AUG never got much love in the USA. A small group of American Steyr AUG cultists exists, but that number is far too small for such a cool gun.

    Swapping barrel is easy as pie.

    It’s a 5.56 caliber semi-automatic rifle that has managed to keep up with the times.

    Modern AUGs offer integral optics or the ability to add your own via a top rail. They also include rails for lights, lasers, and other accessories. They even make a version that is compatible with standard AR-15 magazines.

    One of the AUG’s best features is the quick detach barrel.

    Anyone can remove the barrel and replace it with zero tools. Users can slap on 20-inch heavy barrels with bipods, SBR length barrels, and even 9mm conversion kits with ease.

    Most Unique Look
    at Bereli

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    Besides being modular, it’s accurate, reliable, and incredibly compact.

    With everyone wanting rifles for home defense these days, the short and NFA-free AUG is still a viable option when outfitted with a red dot and a light.

    3. CZ Vz 58

    I’ll always appreciate the Czechoslovakian resistance to the Warsaw Pact. Whenever the Soviets came out with a new gun, they went their own way. The Vz 58 is a perfect example of this.

    At first glance, it looks like an AK-47, but don’t be fooled. (Photo:

    The Vz 58 is AK-like in appearance but much different in design. Instead of a long-stroke gas piston design, it utilizes a short-stroke gas piston system. It uses different magazines and furniture but remains in AK’s native 7.62x39mm caliber.

    It’s an uncanny valley version of the AK. The Vz 58 tends to be more accurate than most AKs and just as reliable. Plus, the safety is much better than the AK, and a last-round bolt hold-open device is a good touch.

    On top of that, it’s about a pound lighter than the AK. The Vz 58 proves that the AK can be done better, lighter, and more ergonomically. Sadly, it never gained the popularity it deserved.

    This slick Vz 58 is set up in an SBR configuration with a Dead Air Wolverine suppressor. (Photo: Reddit)

    Luckily, a small group of enthusiasts keeps the market alive, and various Vz 58s exist, including some neat SBR variants.

    4. CZ 600

    CZ has made some great bolt-action guns over the years, with their newest model being the CZ 600.

    Top to bottom: CZ 600 Lux, CZ 600 Trail, CZ 600 Range, CZ 600 Alpha

    Their current lineup of centerfire rifles consists of four models: the do-it-all Alpha series, the traditional and stylish Lux series, the highly accurate Range series, and the lightweight Trail series.

    These rifles come in a wide variety of calibers depending on which model you opt for, and all models come standard with threaded barrels.

    A CZ 600 Lux (top) above an older CZ 527 rifle (bottom) (Photo: u/l_Beef_l)

    Each CZ 600 comes with a sub-MOA guarantee, with the Range series boasting an impressive guarantee of 3/4 MOA 5-shot group accuracy at 100 meters.

    Sleek, sexy, elegant, and definitely underrated, the CZ 600 is sure to garner some curious looks at the range while also performing admirably.

    Best Hunting Rifle
    at Kygunco

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    5. Stevens Model 77E

    When we talk budget shotguns these days, the Mossberg Maverick 88 seems to rule the roost.

    The big names like Mossberg and Remington have long offered budget options, but one affordable shotgun that has flown under the radar is the Stevens Model 77E.

    Stevens Model 77E fitted with a Poly-Choke. (Photo: Reddit)

    The Stevens Model 77E has some fame as the most common shotgun used in the Vietnam War. As evidenced by its military use, the Stevens Model 77E wasn’t just a budget shotgun — it’s an extremely robust shotgun.

    The receivers are all steel and quite strong. It has beautiful wood furniture and provides a tight lockup and incredibly smooth action.

    Slop was never an issue, and from the models I handled, they all ran as smooth as butter — although those shotguns were certainly well-worn.

    Stevens 77 Series being wielded by a US soldier in Vietnam.

    A massive ejection port ensures the shell clears the gun and ejects reliably. It was a well-built, brilliant shotgun. There is no way a shotgun this well-made would be considered budget-grade in 2022.

    The good news is that used 77E shotguns still sell for a relatively low price. They might be beaten up a bit, but they should work well. Also, this shotgun is a bonafide war veteran — show it some love!

    6. SRM Arms 1216

    The SRM 1216 works to address a few issues with shotguns, namely capacity. The 16-inch 1216 indicates the gun’s capacity, holding 16 rounds in a rotating tubular magazine that’s also detachable.

    SRM Arms M1216 Shotgun
    SRM Arms M1216 Shotgun (Photo: GunsAmerica)

    Detachable box magazines on shotguns can be tricky. Leave the shells in a box magazine for too long, and they can deform. This isn’t an issue with this tube design.

    The SRM 1216 has been rocking and rolling since 2011, predating the IWI TS12 by a fair number of years.

    Aside from the detachable magazine, the gun is semi-automatic, readily accepts accessories, and uses a quasi-bullpup action to keep the length short and sweet.

    (Photo: GunsAmerica)

    Users can configure the weapon for right or left-handed use or order the gun in the configuration they desire. Mine has been nothing but reliable and capable.

    The SRM 1216 even uses a roller-delayed system much like an MP5.

    Best Box-Mag Fed Shotgun

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    It’s a bizarre set of features that come together to make one of the most capable combat shotguns on the planet. This gun deserves much more attention for its modern take on the combat shotgun.

    7. Benelli M3

    Benelli makes the best semi-auto shotguns on the planet.

    Benelli M3 with an extended magazine tube. (Photo: Reddit)

    They are the company responsible for making semi-auto shotguns acceptable for military combat use.

    The M1 is an absolute legend, the M2 is one of the most popular semi-autos on the planet, and M4 has proven itself for over 20 years in the GWOT.

    Benelli M4 Thunder Ranch
    Benelli M4

    However, what about the Benelli M3? We don’t hear much about this shotgun.

    That’s a real shame because Benelli figured out how to make a hybrid semi-auto/pump-action design. It does what several shotguns previously tried to do.

    Best Hybrid Shotgun
    at Bud's Gun Shop

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    Having pump and semi-auto capability allows the Benelli M3 to cycle any shotgun shell you can fit in its chamber.

    On semi-auto, the M3 can deliver standard loads buckshot and birdshot loads without issue. Swap to pump-action, and you can use breaching loads, less-lethal loads, or other alternative loads that the semi-auto action can’t cycle.

    It’s a sweet design that heavily appeals to the shotgunner in me. It’s not perfect, and the pump locking to the rear is a hassle when using it in the pump action configuration, but I can deal with it. I just wish the M3 got the love it deserved. 

    Cherrito (Tom Sizemore) fires a Benelli M3 at a truck in the film Heat.

    Plus, it was used in the film Heat, and I’ll always love Heat.

    What do you think of the M3? Give it a rating below!

    Readers’ Ratings

    5.00/5 (951)

    Your Rating?

    8. Asgard Defense M127 Kriger

    You may have never even heard of this company, much less this shotgun, and that’s the point.

    Firing the M127 Kriger (Photo: Asgarddefense)

    The M127 Kriger is a semi-automatic, tube-fed shotgun designed to emphasize modularity. From the outset, Asgard Defense wanted to make it more akin to an AR-15 than a shotgun.

    They even utilize an AR buffer and buffer tube with a captured recoil system that works with standard buffers. This translates to less recoil, which is certainly a good thing.

    They have this novel idea of making the charging handle more ergonomic by placing it on the left side of the gun.

    Why so few semi-auto shotguns do this is beyond me. Across the top is a massive monolithic optic rail, and the handguard offers a quad rail.

    (Photo: Asgarddefense)

    The M127 Kriger combines the ergonomics of a standard shotgun with those of an AR-15 to create a capable, low-recoiling shotgun that features plenty of original ideas.

    It’s a purely tactical shotgun and carries a high price, but it’s criminal how ignored this shotgun is.

    The M127 Kriger took the typical tactical shotgun and redefined it. They embraced what worked about the traditional shotgun and changed what didn’t.

    Final Thoughts

    I guess being underrated is better than being overrated.

    It’s sad to see so many long guns with innovative ideas get ignored for more “traditional” designs. To hell with tradition, I say!

    Steyr AUG
    Different isn’t always bad.

    What are your favorite underrated rifles and shotguns? Let us know in the comments below! You can also check out our article on the most underrated handguns for more guns that need love.

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    23 Leave a Reply

    • David Kaneer

      The marines I knew from the Vietnam nam war swore by the Ithaca model 37 shotgun. They had a bottom eject which did not send shell hulls across a left handed shooter’s vision. It was based on an old Remington design by John Browning. They are light in weight but robust because of the solid receiver sides. Low range serial numbers could be fired continuously by holding down the trigger and cycling the pump.

      January 6, 2025 8:10 am
    • Bradley Bourn

      CZ600s are terrible for hunting because you can’t lock the bolt down. When the safety is engaged you can still manipulate the bolt. That’s lawyer b.s. for you. A real hunting bolt action rifle like the old school Winchester 70 with it’s three position safety that they knocked off the Mauser 88 locks the bolt when safety is in the rear, when the safety lever is in the middle position the rifle is on safe but the bolt can manipulated and of course in the front position the weapon can be fired. If you want to hunt with a CZ then stick with the CZ 500 which is another Mauser inspired rifle.

      May 7, 2024 11:01 pm
    • David Giambruno

      VZ 58 is a favorite in my collection.

      Highly customizable and a WTF at the range.


      December 3, 2023 6:16 pm
    • Danno

      Just re-watched Schwartznegger's 1985 "Commando". Gary Carlos Cervantes in his role as the dictator uses a Steyr Aug in the final scenes.

      June 28, 2023 12:06 pm
    • BR

      For me the CZ600 is a failure due to the limited caliber options. The CZ550 was amazing. The 550 was beautiful steak, the 600 is a happy meal burger. A giant downgrade. I love my CZ550 in 6.5×55 and 375 H&H, the CZ600 has no big game calibers and no options that are worth recommending.

      June 28, 2023 12:50 am
    • محمد

      یک کلت ۹میلی متری قابل اعتماد زنگ نزنه داغ نکنه ،گیرنده فشنگ بیشتری داشته باشه وازنظرقیمت مناسب باشه عشق کامله.ممنون اگه جواب بدین.من همیشه طرفدارتونم،موفق باشید.

      June 28, 2023 12:39 am
      • Silky Johnson

        That’s what she said.

        June 29, 2023 3:26 pm
        • محمد

          سلام برنامه هاتون رودنبال میکنم خیلی مشتاقم چندتا ازاسلحه ها رابخرم ،همیشه ازاسلحه خوشم میاد.طرفدار هميشگي، موفق باشيد. دوستتون دارم.

          June 29, 2023 10:49 pm
          • Bull o' the Woods

            Google translate to the rescue:

            A reliable 9mm collet that doesn't rust, doesn't heat up, has more cartridge slots, and the price is right, it's perfect love. Thank you if you answer. I'm always in your favor, good luck.

            Hello, I am following your programs, I am very eager to buy some of the weapons, I always like weapons. Always a fan, good luck. I love you.

            Does not make much sense, but that's what Google translate says.

            July 1, 2023 10:20 pm
    • ES

      I like to break out my KelTec PMR30 (all stock) when I take friends to the range. 30 round of .22 WMR never fails to bring a smile to their faces, and most hand it back saying "I'm getting one of those." I know there are many horror stories relating to their reliability, but I've had exactly one stovepipe in hundreds of rounds since I found ammo it likes (CCI MaxiMag 40 gr.). I'd call it underrated.

      June 27, 2023 8:06 pm
    • Wyo250in77

      My dad was a splendid fellow and novice hunter. A man who worked for Winchester gave him a .308 Remington 788 when Dad shot a spike buck in 1966. I remember that rifle being noteworthy for having the fastest lock time of any on the market.

      June 27, 2023 7:16 pm
    • Jim Hovater

      The Remington 788 was also available in .30-30 and .22-250.

      June 27, 2023 6:07 pm
    • Jim in Texas

      The Steyr AUG is a great rifle, ideal for home defense situations!

      August 8, 2022 4:00 pm
    • Glen M Wiederholt

      I'm not sure how these are underrated. I guess your version of underrated and mine are totally different. A gun I would consider to be underrated is the Canik. This gun has great features for the price tag. On the overrated side, I have always felt the Remington 1100 was an overrated shotgun. It's very heavy, really didn't offer anything special and was always more expensive than what I thought it was worth. Again, these are just examples of what I think the term underrated and overrated mean.

      August 8, 2022 8:27 am
    • Aaron Short

      I have to chime in hear and agree with everybody else the prices are beyond what people want to pay for innovation, then the typical retiree and backyard farmer is willing to pay. when there are a lot more viable options on the market for less then half the price. This is a little off topic but it has a point to the story. Do you know why the AR platform reigns supreme? (rhetorical) It is because it has a low cost, reliable & easy to maintain, has multitude of calibers, and you can find parts and accessories just about anywhere in any shape form or style, There is "NO" other platform on earth that does that, none!! That is why no other platform to date will ever knock the AR of it Mountain, unless they were to build a platform that were to utilise interchangeability with the AR platform more expensive guns on the market have their place but not to the average gun buyer extreme enthusiasts competition shooters & collectors, are the only ones buying high dollar guns the rest of us stick to practicality and budget. At least all of this is just my opinion. And 1 gripe who in their right mind wants to spend the same or more for an optic then the price you paid for your gun that is "CRAZY" and "DUMB" most of the differences in the expensive optic over the budget optic nobody will be able to tell anyway unless you have perfect eye sight and no astigmatism in which 80% or better of everybody has. that's just my grip. Thank you & God Bless You All

      August 8, 2022 3:23 am
    • Bemused Berserker

      Yeah, I'm afraid I'm going to have to add my voice to the "Meh" crowd. Yes, they're all good guns (though in a bolt action I want more Oomf than .308 or 7mm-08), but all of them are outside this retiree's budget, especially in the Bidenomics economy we're in.
      How about giving us the poop on which under $600 guns are worth our deflating, but still hard earned shekels?

      August 7, 2022 10:20 pm
    • James Houston

      I have to tend to agree with the consensus here. These guns are underrated because they are not affordable or no longer produced. There are a lot more guns that are far more underrated like high point and Taurus. These gun makers provide lifetime warranties but still do not get the recognition that they deserve.

      August 7, 2022 5:10 pm
    • Fred S.

      Maybe these guns are under-rated, not because they are not appreciated, but because they are too expensive for the average shooter?
      Most people are looking for value for their money.
      Some of these guns would do much better in the US if they were more affordable.

      August 7, 2022 4:29 pm
    • GC

      Pew Pew is notorious for recycling articles or taking an older article and sprucing it up a bit, and here’s a great example. The CZ is out of production and you’re only going to find them used if someone is willing to part with it. Fantastic rifle, just has a picky scope base.

      August 7, 2022 4:15 pm
    • Peter

      I bought a used Remington 788 in 243 Win. about 20 years ago for $400, and I only paid that much (at the time) because it was from the original owner and knew its whole history. I honestly thought then that it was too much, but the compact size and easy handling appealed to me. It has earned its keep and more over the years.

      August 7, 2022 4:05 pm
    • Jim Hovater

      The Remington 788 was offered in .222 Remington, .223 Remington, .243 Winchester, 6mm Remington, 7mm-08, .308 Winchester, .30-30 Winchester, and .44 Magnum. While it is an AWESOME rifle, pricing for examples in good condition usually exceeds $500. Mine, in .308 Winchester, was bought NEW in 1975 for $100.

      August 7, 2022 3:42 pm
    • Alternator

      The CZ is no longer made. When was this written?

      August 7, 2022 2:13 pm
    • John

      I've got a 77E, was definitely not brand new when I got it but is it a very solid, dependable, well made shotgun and a reliable performer. If they made them today the same way they would definitely not be budget grade shotguns.

      August 7, 2022 1:14 pm
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