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Online Ammo Buying Restrictions

Shooting Range Spent Brass
Did you know there are tons of state specific online ammo buying restrictions? This is by no means an exhaustive list, but here is a brief overview of some restrictions.
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    Shooting Range Spent Brass
    Shooting Range Spent Brass
    Did you know there are tons of state specific online ammo buying restrictions?  This is by no means an exhaustive list, but here is a brief overview of some restrictions.
    • Alaska: No ammo or primer shipments from continental US since they are only able to be shipped ground.
    • California: No shipping to (as of now) the cities of Beverly Hills, Carson, Marin County, Oakland, Sacramento, San Francisco, & Los Angeles.  Also no tracer ammunition.
    • Connecticut: Requires some permits/certificates
    • Hawaii: No ammo or primer shipments
    • Illinois: No online ammo purchases for Chicago, but also need some ID and FOID card.
    • New Jersey: Additional card/ID required.
    • New York: Ammo must be send to a FFL or special seller, and no online ammo to NYC, Buffalo, or Rochester.
    • Washington DC: No online ammo sales
    • Always be sure to check your own local/state/federal laws before ordering.  A great to start is Smart Gun Laws.  You might even need to check specific online vendors’ terms.  Some retailers choose to ban entire cities or states because of the difficulty in policing prohibited ammunition types.
    Always be sure to check your own local/state/federal laws before ordering.  A great to start is Smart Gun Laws.  You might even need to check specific online vendors’ terms.  Some retailers choose to ban entire cities or states because of the difficulty in policing prohibited ammunition types. Want to know the best place to buy ammo online?  Check out our Definitive Guide for Ammo & Reloading.

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    • Justin

      The new york part is wrong. New York proposed these restrictions with the condition of a database that would keep track of ammo. When the data base was unable to be made that part of the law was taken out. There are companies that will ship to your door for new york but many believe this lie and are to afraid to do it because we practically live in a different nation.

      April 17, 2017 7:36 am
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