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[Review] Palmetto State Armory AK-47 (PSAK-47 GF3) with Video

Looking for an affordable and reliable AK-47...that's made in the US? We test PSA's PSAK-47 for shootability, reliability, look, feel, accuracy, and more.
We review products independently. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission to help support our testing. Learn more.

    Looking for an affordable AK-47…that’s built in the USA?

    It might seem a little weird, but AKs are now manufactured in the US by a couple companies.

    You might know Palmetto State Armory (PSA) for all their AR-15s…but now they are in the AK game with their PSAK-47 GF3.


    Follow us as we test out their most popular variant…the MOEkov.  A combination of a MOE front handguard and a Zhukov buttstock.

    Best Bang-for-Buck AK
    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    We’ll put it through lots of different ammo and mags.  Upgrade it with muzzle devices, optics, and triggers.  Then test for reliability and accuracy.

    By the end you’ll know if you should go USA…or stick with trying to find a true commie version.

    Plus we have a full video review of it too:

    If that helped, please subscribe to our YouTube channel since we’re adding new videos every week!

    Now let’s get on with the written review…

    Table of Contents


    Who Is It For?

    • Someone venturing into the world of AK-47s who wants it made in the good ole US of A
    • Someone looking for an affordable rifle that will work
    • Someone wanting the MOEkov look without having to buy two sets of furniture
    • Someone who can wait for their specific loadout to come in stock
    WASR10, PSAK47, PAP M92
    WASR10, PSAK47, PAP M92

    About PSA

    Yes…it’s that PSA that makes the unbelievably affordable AR-15s (like $350 affordable).

    I’ve tested a bunch of them and although some have cosmetic issues…they’ve all gone bang when needed.

    Check out my review of 3 PSA AR-15s.

    PSA 5.56 & .223 Wylde
    PSA 5.56 & .223 Wylde

    Or our entire collection of PSA Reviews.

    But…how are PSA guns so cheap?

    It’s because of vertical integration where they take in raw materials and spit out a finished gun…all in-house.

    PSA AR-10 .308
    PSA AR-10 .308

    Same with their AKs…it’s all USA made by them.

    And unless you really got to have the real commie deal…you might have to exclusively buy US soon because of legislation that dried up Russian parts kits.

    Now let’s get on to the actual review…

    Fit, Feel, & Finish

    Everything looked great according to my previous PSA standards.  No purplish hue and all the black metal parts matched.

    My tested version is the Gen 2 which is now replaced by the GF3.

    Everything is the same except trunnions are now forged (like “normal” AKs) instead of billet in Gen 2.

    PSAK Finish
    PSAK Finish

    I had to add on the furniture myself thanks to some state regulations…but everything fit correctly.  Note the pistol grip is not standard issue MOEkov.

    Here’s the Magpul MOE handguard.

    Magpul AK Handguard
    Magpul AK Handguard

    It’s closer to length to an old-school AK…but updated with a futuristic polymer look.


    And here’s the Zhukov buttstock.

    Zhukov Buttstock
    Zhukov Buttstock

    I really like this buttstock since it is adjustable and also folds back.  Unfortunately I had to pin both of these capabilities.

    Here’s the full Zhukov furniture set with handguard…which is way too long in my opinion.

    Folded Zhukov Stock
    Folded Zhukov Stock

    Next up in features is the scope attachment rail.

    PSAK Scope Attachment
    PSAK Scope Attachment

    I’m really glad this is becoming a standard since I do not like AK iron sights.

    Speaking of the sights…a lot of affordable AKs have canted front sights…I’m happy to say my PSAK-47 is all good in that area.

    PSAK-47 Sights
    PSAK-47 Sights

    This is how my Yugoslavian WASR’s sights need to be adjusted to be on target…

    WASR 10 Canted Front Sight
    WASR 10 Canted Front Sight

    The elevation adjustment also worked well at least out to 300 yards.

    PSAK-47 Windage
    PSAK-47 Elevation

    Also at the front is the standard slant AK brake which sort of does its job (more in the Shootability section).

    Slant AK Brake
    Slant AK Brake

    Moving back a little bit…here’s the safety which works with both the standard trigger and my upgraded one too.

    PSAK-47 Safety
    PSAK-47 Safety

    Now into the guts of the PSAK-47…

    PSAK-47 Receiver
    PSAK-47 Receiver

    Check out that AK roominess that gives it its famed reliability.  Getting gunk in there is like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.

    Here’s the bolt, piston, and recoil spring.

    PSAK Bolt, Piston, Recoil Spring
    PSAK Bolt, Piston, Recoil Spring

    Everything seemed to be in order.

    And here’s a close-up of the bolt and piston after a couple hundred rounds.

    PSAK Bolt and Piston
    PSAK Bolt and Piston

    I’ll go into potential upgrades at the end…but as it comes from the factory…the PSAK-47 has all the right stuff in the right places.  And looks good too with the MOEkhov package.

    Now…how does it shoot?


    The first time I shot it as stock as possible…and it was not fun for my cheeks (the face kind).

    PSA AK-47
    PSA AK-47

    I let 2 other buddies shoot it (with 3 types of ammo) to make sure it wasn’t just me.  1 agreed and 1 told me to suck it up.  So it’s subjective.

    I’m thinking that the combination of the polymer Zhukov furniture, slant brake, and having to get extra low to use the iron sights made it pinch my cheekweld.

    But not all was lost

    I had my Midwest compensator to swap out for the slant brake.

    Midwest AK Muzzle Compensator
    Midwest AK Muzzle Compensator

    That immediately helped with the cheek abuse.

    I also moved it back to the slant brake and added a Midwest optics rail.

    Midwest AK Optics Mount with Vortex
    Midwest AK Optics Mount with Vortex

    Getting higher up on the buttstock also mitigated the initial pain.

    Best AK Scope Mounting System
    at BattleHawk Armory

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    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    I liked using the Vortex SPARC since it was the perfect (higher) height compared to a Holosun 510C.  Check out Best Red Dots for my other suggestions.

    Having both…made it a true joy to shoot.

    PSAK-47, California Compliant
    PSAK-47, California Compliant

    Here it is in rapid fire glory:

    Oh…and the PSAK stock trigger…it’s pretty good!  Much better than whatever came with my WASR-10.  You don’t need to upgrade the PSA one since it comes in 4 lb 5 oz for mine.

    But of course…I still did.


    Besides the cheekweld using irons…there were no failures, after 10 rounds.

    The failures I encountered weren’t gas or piston related…it was with the trigger not resetting after each shot.

    I figured it needed a few shots to get broken in.  After that everything was flawless in going bang when needed.

    I tried 4 different brands of ammo…and most of my shooting was done with mildly-corrosive Yugo M67 brass-cased ammo.

    Yugo M67, Slickguns
    Yugo M67, Slickguns

    I only tested at local ranges which prohibit cheaper steel cased ammo…so I’ll be updating with how those shoot when I can head to some different places.  For my favorites…check out Best AK-47 Ammo.

    I also tried 3 magazines…a Magpul, Yugoslavian mil-spec, and a ProMag.  All worked flawlessly with all the types of ammo.

    But don’t take my word for it…check out the AK Operator Union’s 5K round test on their Gen 2 with billet trunnions.

    Now that the trunnions are forged in the newest GF3 series…it should be even more theoretically robust.


    I set up my typical accuracy rig as much as possible.

    PSAK-47 Testing
    PSAK-47 Testing

    And put up some 100 yard targets.

    PSAK 100 Yards
    PSAK 100 Yards (Between the Two Metal Gongs)

    This is about 500 rounds in with barrel cleanings after each range session since I was using corrosive ammo (How to Clean Corrosive Ammo).

    I upgraded my trigger to the ALG AK which brought down the pull-weight from a respectable 4 lb 5 oz to 3 lb 1 oz.

    at Brownells

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    I tightened down my optic mount and shot at a fast pace of whenever the reticle came back on target…probably every 3-5 seconds.  I let the barrel rest about 5 minutes between each load.

    Tested AK 7.62x39 Rounds
    Tested AK 7.62×39 Rounds (L to R): M67, American Eagle, Fusion, Winchester

    Here are the results:

    PSAK-47 Groups
    PSAK-47 Groups

    They all did kind of the same…with around 5-6 MOA (1 MOA is 1 inch at 100 yards) in a horizontal pattern.

    That pattern lends me to believe it could be my mount or the attachment.  My scope is pretty good to go.

    Update: I tried it 2 more range sessions with another side mount but same scope and got the same results.

    I contacted PSA and they told me it’s likely parallax error because I was magnifying to 25x and AKs don’t have the greatest cheekweld especially with the benchrest.  Being off a little each time behind the glass likely produced the horizontal pattern.

    Ok…so I went with a gas tube rail, something lower in magnification, and sand bags.

    PSAK with Gas Tube Rail and 1-6x Scope
    PSAK with Gas Tube Rail and 1-6x Scope

    Keep in mind you’ll probably never do this since the viewing angle is super awkward for a magnified optic up front.  But I wanted to see the innate accuracy of the PSAK.

    I set my target at roughly 75 yards at another range.

    PSAK 75 Yard Target Range
    PSAK 75 Yard Target Range

    Zeroed it enough to be on the sticky.

    PSAK 75 Yard Target
    PSAK 75 Yard Target

    And a closeup of the results.

    PSAK 75 Yard Group
    PSAK 75 Yard Group

    It’s better…even when you extrapolate to 100 yards.  I’m estimating 4 MOA.

    The good thing is that it no longer has a funky horizontal pattern.

    AKs aren’t known to be the most accurate…but keep in mind mil-spec M4s are 4 MOA.

    M4 Carbine
    M4 Carbine

    5 or even 6 MOA is still good out to 200 yards at a minute-of-bad-guy accuracy.

    For $499 I can’t really complain!

    Unlike PSA’s AR-15s…you can’t really buy the upper and lower separately to avoid the complete firearm tax.

    Best Bang-for-Buck AK
    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    I do really like the MOEkov look but if you don’t want to modify the muzzle or add on an optic…I’m thinking the Classic will be better at recoil management.

    Those are pretty much your two choices…or going with a BLEM (blemished) which will work fine but might have cosmetic issues.

    And now…if you want to go the “pistol” route…the AK-P GF3.

    wet akp
    Wet AK-P

    Perfect for a truck gun with its shorter barrel.  Check out the full review here.

    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    By the Numbers

    Reliability: 5/5

    ~500 rounds with 4 different types of ammo and three different mags…with no malfunctions after 10 rounds the trigger needed to break in.  Also passed AK Operator Union’s 5K torture test.

    Now trunnions are forged so there’s even less to possibly complain about online.

    On top of all of that, PSA sent one of their PSAK-47s to Battlefield Vegas to be converted into a full-auto AK and used at the range. After over 17,000 rounds, the rifle started to keyhole and was retired from service.

    That is a huge amount of fire and abuse to be put through!

    Accuracy: 3.5/5

    On par with AKs so you’re good up to 200/300 yards minute-of-bad-guy.  You’ll also likely only have a 1x optic so ringing steel at 100 yards will still be very doable.

    Ergonomics: 3/5

    It’s an AK…so will never be as ergonomic as an AR…but I like the foldability of the Zhukov stock and the feel of the MOE handguard.  Safety latch and everything else were a little stiff but became better after a few hundred rounds.

    Looks: 5/5

    No blemishes or miscolorings.  Plus the MOEkov looks super sexy.

    Customization: 4/5

    AKs have come a long way in terms of upgrades.  Very glad the PSAK has an optic mount.  And there’s the gas tube way of attaching an optic as well.

    Bang for the Buck: 5/5

    AKs are actually not that cheap…even the foreign ones.  A great deal at ~$499 for something made in the USA.

    Overall Rating: 4/5


    The PSAK is one of the best American-made AKs that has passed reliability tests from us and the AK Operators Union. There’s tons of furniture options and it also comes with an optics rail for further customization. And the price gives it a great bang-for-the-buck value.


    If you’re starting in the world of AKs and don’t have the cash to splurge $2000 on a Krebs (Best AK-47s), the PSAK-47 is one great place to begin.

    It looks great and feels in hand.

    Recoil is a little harsher than others without easy modifications.

    And accuracy could be better…

    But keep in mind this is $499 and you’re supporting South Carolina manufacturing.

    Best Bang-for-Buck AK
    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    And for ALL our PSA reviews…click here.

    What do you think about the PSAK-47?  Ready to swap out your commie version?  Check out our favorite AKs you can still buy in our Best AK Guide.  Or…our review of PSA’s AK & AR Hybrid that takes AK mags.

    KS-47 Fit and Finish
    KS-47 Fit and Finish

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    20 Leave a Reply

    • Rilian

      Other than ammo availability in a SHTF situation, this (very good) review did nothing to convince me to purchase this over an AR in 300 BLK.

      December 11, 2022 3:16 pm
    • FurniturePolish

      Just a head's up when purchasing any AK furniture from PSA. PSA didn't bother to a) provide the correct size washer for the grip screw, or, b) didn't bother to counter sink the screw hole for the washer size they do provide.

      August 28, 2022 6:08 am
    • Cole

      I’m looking to get into shooting 7.62x39 but don’t want to use the AR-15 platform because of all the reliability issues I’ve heard. I’m also not wanting to spend a ton of money either. Would I be better off going with something like the PSAK/Century VSKA/some other budget tier AK47, or should I go with the PSA KS-47 platform? I don’t need precision accuracy, just something reliable and accurate within 100 yards.

      February 20, 2022 8:19 pm
      • Jacki Billings, Editor

        Current Gen PSA AK47 is probably the way to go. The KS-47 was okay, but our resident AK expert was not a huge fan of the extra-long bolt pull (AR-10 length) + lack of bolt hold open on the last round. You could also look into the AK103 if you want the modern AK-100 style look. Hope that helps!

        February 22, 2022 10:22 am
    • Michael

      The customer service at PSA is horrible. Do yourself a huge favor and stay as far away from this company as possible. DO NOT BUY any PSA PRODUCTS.

      October 21, 2021 2:40 pm
      • Bobo

        Never had an issue with their CS - I only ever had to contact them once but got a response within 24hr’s - granted this was pre Wuhan but still…I’d buy from them again without question.

        December 8, 2021 9:11 pm
    • Jeff W.

      You might want to take a look at the Century VSKA. It's virtually identical to the PSAK-47 GF3 and it has been reviewed elsewhere at 10K rounds.

      April 23, 2020 8:43 pm
    • Popeye

      What kind of wood furniture swaps onto this without major modification? Standard AKM stuff?

      January 13, 2020 4:26 pm
      • MILES

        Yeah from what i've heard standard AMK furniture works fine.

        September 1, 2020 8:05 pm
    • Aaron

      Recoil buffer will fix the shock your cheek feels it makes the fun run smoother

      January 9, 2020 1:33 am
    • Colin Miller

      Thank you for the review. Looks like an interesting budget option.

      Did your expensive high power scope not have a parallax adjustment?

      January 1, 2020 12:05 pm

      I was getting 2.5 moa at 100 with mine using iron sights and brown bear 123gr fmj. I had a similar experience with recoil using the stock slant brake.

      September 8, 2019 5:21 pm
    • Ryan M Staebler

      Eric, get Travis on the phone... order up a Micro Draco article, with a side of drum mag.

      June 28, 2019 8:47 am
    • J

      I like ak47 but in my opinion most of them out there are built like crap even ones that are imported. Never had a psa ak or ar but the mix reviews from people kinda makes me want to stay away. 1 min they make great stuff next they don't make the stuff right. I was looking to get the pistol version because I always like the crink style ak but I not shure there are some reviews that are good some not. So I don't know if I should trust them.

      June 10, 2019 7:39 am
    • Bobo

      I've read that the UTG Pro side mount is to wide and won't tighten down properly and that the MI side mount doesn't always fit right on the PSAK, it apparently hit's the rear rivet, are there any (side) mounts that work (well) without issue with it?

      June 5, 2019 6:12 pm
    • Davin

      "Yugoslavian WASR 10" doesn't bode well for an AK review. Romanian AKM are excellent unless you got a dud as did many when the WASR was first introduced (from blemish factory parts at that time). New ones are very nice rifles. PSA has a way to go before they match European AK metallurgy and experience, but I do appreciate them progressing the AK in America. Their ARs are excellent! Thank you for reviewing nonetheless.

      April 26, 2019 1:20 pm
    • Mike

      My only problem with Ak's is they beat you up using the iron sites

      April 20, 2019 11:36 am
    • Mark Bailey

      Looks great, But their website shows all models currently unavailable, with no date listed as to when they will have more of them. Seems strange that you are promoting a product that's not available. Do they have production problems, or are they so popular that their entire line is sold out? Weird!

      March 18, 2019 5:11 am
    • Harold Callahan

      Looks like a cut & paste boo-boo there at the end:

      "Great deal if you build from the kit…but even if you do the complete upper and lower…you’re getting an AR-15 pistol for ~$500."

      I actually ordered this same rifle a few days ago. Waiting for it to arrive.

      October 3, 2018 9:22 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Thanks for catching that Harold! Awesome...let me know how you like yours.

        October 3, 2018 10:30 pm
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