Want to reach 1300 yards in an AR-15 platform?
Then .224 Valkyrie is for you. We cover the round and all its ballistic goodness in our .224 Valkyrie Guide.
But how about affordably reaching 1300 yards?

Then you’ll want to stick around and see our review of Palmetto State Armory‘s .224 Valkyrie Upper.
Prices accurate at time of writing
Prices accurate at time of writing
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We cover its fit, feel, reliability, and of course…its accuracy out to a tested 1250 yards.
And now…we’ve even updated with a full video review from Johnny:
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Table of Contents
Who Is It For?
- Budget conscious buyers who want to reach out 1000+ yards in the AR-15 platform (not needing to upgrade to AR-10 calibers)
- Someone who wants an upper to work but not necessarily look like a million bucks
- Someone who doesn’t need a ton of options in an upper and can wait for things to be in stock and ship
Why is PSA So Affordable?
I need to say this each time since some of their deals reach such low prices even I think…are these real guns?
But they can do it since they vertically integrate everything…from metal to finished gun…they do it in-house.

I’ve done a couple reviews of them and they’ve been reliable.
Sometimes there’s been coloring issues in the handguard…but for the price I can’t complain.
We’ve hands-on tested almost all their guns from AR-15s to AR-10s, AR-9s, and their AK series. Check them all out in our PSA Reviews section.

Fit, Feel, & Finish
The .224 Valkyrie upper is the best in fit & finish so far out of all the PSA uppers I’ve tested.

My specific model came with a lightweight 15″ handguard that was colored correctly and felt good in hand. Not too sharp and kept the heat away from my hands when shooting.
It also saves some weight by removing the middle section of rails which most aren’t using anyways on a precision rig.

It also differs from other models with its anti-rotation tab and also two set screws. It’s not going anywhere but can be a pain if you want to remove the handguard more than once or twice.

Here’s how it compares to a mid-length 16″ barrel 5.56 upper with a 13.5″ handguard.

The specific model I have has a rifle-length gas system, 20″ stainless steel barrel, and 15″ handguard.

It also comes with an adjustable gas block. The screw sizes are really small and though I did adjust to make sure it worked…I turned it back to factory since the recoil is light and I wanted maximum reliability.

It’s also easy to tell the .224 Valkyrie apart with its labeled barrel.

And BCG.

Definitely get the combo with BCG (bolt carrier group) and CH (charging handle) since the bolt is different from the 5.56 varieties.

Bolt is MPI (magnetic particle inspected) and the gas key screws are properly staked.

How Does It Shoot?
If you didn’t tell me what caliber I was shooting…I would think it was just a hot 5.56 load.
You can shoot it all day long without getting sore shoulders.
I was lucky to shoot a few rounds out to 1250 yards at PSA’s unveiling of their 9mm AK pistol at the High Bar Homestead facility.

Plus around 200 rounds out to 600 yards on my home turf.
There were no malfunctions of any kind for me on three different AR-15 lowers (Aero, Anderson, & PSA).
High Bar Homestead
1300 yards means you gotta be at least 1 MOA to hit some standard IPSC targets.
There were our shooting platforms.

And this was the 1000 yard known distance range.

Zooming in for the 1000 yard and 1250 yard targets.

The wind was terrible for me (yeup…excuses) and I was able to get really close to the 1000 yard targets.
The other writer attendees (Kat & Ken) were able to consistently hit 1000 yards and even a bunch on the 1250.
Break In
Back home with my test unit I did a break-in sequence since it’s a precision rifle:
- 5x: 1 shot, copper remover, wait 5 min, bore brush, gun cleaner, clean patch
- 5x: 5 shots, copper remover, wait 5 min, bore brush, gun cleaner, clean patch
Check out Best Gun Cleaning Kits for my favorite gear and brands.
Groups Testing
Back home I set up my standard testing gear to minimize shooter influence.

- Lead Sled DFT ($200)
- Schmidt & Bender PMII 5-25x Scope with Larue Mount ($3500)
- Hiperfire Eclipse Trigger ($230)
Loaded up targets 100 yards away and shot at a slow but steady pace. Waiting about 5 minutes between each group for the barrel to cool down a little.

I used two of the more popular loads:
- American Eagle 75 gr (plinking)
- Gold Medal 90 gr (match)
And got the following results:

It was weird that the cheaper plinking American Eagle 75 gr did better than the 90 gr Gold Medal match ammo. But fine by me!
I’d estimate the 75 gr to be right around 1 MOA…and probably less if you’re a better shooter than I.
Note…if you didn’t already know…the Valkyrie round takes 6.8 SPC magazines which are a little hard to find.
There’s been times where I forgot and I started feeding a couple into AR-15 5.56 magazines…they work for around 3-5 rounds if you’re in a pinch.

***UPDATE 7/16/2019***
Johnny spent some time testing out the new PSA 1:6.5 Twist .224 Valk barrel and had some awesome results.
If you haven’t heard, .224 Valk was first introduced with 1:7 twist barrels – but these barrels proved to be mostly inconsistent in their accuracy. After some tinkering, people found that 1:6.5 twist barrels are better for stabilization and accuracy.
Johnny put over 600-rounds down range testing the new barrel with Federal 60gr Varmint, Federal Fusion MSR 90gr, and Federal American Eagle 75gr ammo.
The Varmint and the Fusion ammo both did great out of the new 1:6.5 twist barrel.

But even with the older 1:7 twist, the groups were still impressive with both the American Eagle plinking ammo and the nicer MSR Fusion.

600 Yards
This round and upper yearned to be freed…so I went over to the 600 yard side of my local range.

Zooming into the upper left…

And my targets at 600 yards.

I set up with a bipod (Best AR-15 Bipods) and a kind of weird angle that didn’t work right with my buttstock. Yup…more excuses!

This was with the 90 gr match ammo since I was running low on plinking ammo.
There were definitely some flyers either from me or the ammo (probably me).
Apologies for the people around me who apparently just learned about beer.
Not too shabby…I think I hit 8/10 at 600 yards!
Recommended Models
There’s not too many PSA models of the .224 Valkyrie upper.
They are all 20″ rifle-length gas system…and the only possible choices have to do with a regular M-LOK handguard or the lightweight version. I went with the lightweight version.
Prices accurate at time of writing
Prices accurate at time of writing
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Blem models are even cheaper…I see $349 for a complete upper as of writing!
And if you’re looking at this caliber…you probably already have an AR-15 lower. But here they are if you’re interested. I highly recommend getting an upgraded buttstock with proper cheekweld.
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By The Numbers
Reliability: 5/5
A few rounds through a group .224 upper and 200 rounds through my test one…and no hiccups. I only had access to one 6.8 SPC magazine but it worked and had bolt hold opens when appropriate through three AR-15 lowers.
Accuracy: 4/5
Weird that the match ammo wasn’t as good at the plinking ammo. But I’m not complaining!
Ergonomics: 4/5
Handguard feels better than PSA’s AR-15 models…and now comes with anti-rotation tabs. Make sure to get a better buttstock with a wider cheekweld so you lose an additional excuse of why you missed.
Looks: 4/5
Coloring matches up and the stainless steel looks pretty…but otherwise it’s pretty normal.
Customization: 5/5
It’s an AR platform with M-LOK so you can do anything to it. You’d probably want a better trigger (PSA’s 2-stage is great for the value), buttstock, and optic (Best AR-15 Optics) to wring out all the accuracy.
Bang for the Buck: 5/5
Awesome deal on an AR-15 upper that can reach up to 1300 yards. Around $499 but can reach down to $349 for blemished models.
Overall Rating: 4.5/5
I think the .224 Valkyrie is here to stay.
No need to upgrade to an AR-10, reach out to 1000 yards easily, affordable uppers, and even affordable ammo (~50-60 cents each for the American Eagle 75 gr).

PSA’s entry into the field brings reliability, decent accuracy, and of course…awesome bang-for-the-buck-ness.
Prices accurate at time of writing
Prices accurate at time of writing
25% off all OAKLEY products - OAKLEY25
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If 1300 yards is too far for your needs or range, check out reviews of (almost) all of PSA’s guns.

What do you guys think of the PSA AR-15 in .224 Valkyrie? Do you think the round is here to stay? Or is moving up to the AR-10 platform the way to go? See our other favorites there in Best AR-10s.
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For something to target range with that won't beat you up over the course of a day this appears to be the ticket for a modest price. For reloaders the ammo cost/availability is a non-issue.
Hi Eric
It was fun reading your articulated research. Pew Pew is my favourite for hands on information. Keep going, keep rising.
Mustanir Lodhi
Thank you!
This cartridge should have died with the all the hiccups it had with ammo and twist rate. Yeah, sour grapes because I feel the 6.8 had similar but less issues and only just survives. Two different cartridges and purposes, but 6.8 is a more useful cartridge. IMHO LOL.
6.8 SPC is next on my list to play with, right now I've been on a Grendel kick. Steel cased plinking ammo is nice to have!
Random thought but why no full on PSA 6.5 Grendel review?
The PSA 6.5 Grendel upper is included in our Best 6.5 Grendel Uppers article!
Great article, like to hear about inexpensive ways to get into long range
Always happy to help!
If I hadn't already started a 6.5 Creed build, I'd definitely look at the Valk.
I was going to build one but decided to spend a few hundred on a complete gun to try out. Low recoil, good accuracy but...didn't do anything a 6.5x55 SM would do for me so didn't buy the parts. Sold the Creed, too. Not knocking it at all it's just that for me, a 308 does what I need and is much more available.
By the pictures you posted, this PSA uper grouped around 2”, 2 MOA is not good enought for 1000 yards!
Is it side charging? And why higher $s than BCA?
I see PSA is now offering a 1:6.5 option, but have yet to read a review on their site. Maybe someone will post here who has experience.
Great review, although I pity you for the politically correct grip. Gotta watch out for those scary “assault weapons”. :P
Any idea if PSA is planning to offer a Nitride barrel model? I understand traditionally stainless barrels were considered more accurate, but my understanding these days is that nitride gives up little to no accuracy when properly executed, and makes maintenance, storage, and barrel longevity notably easier/better.
I know...super scary looking = bad.
Not sure if they will since they usually have stainless for their more "accurate" models/calibers. Maybe if the 224 sells well.
How far would be ethical to hunt deer with this cartridge.
Depends on what you’re hunting. Coyotes and such, I’d think 300-400yds. Deer-sized game, 200-300yds tops. The .224 Valkyrie only has slightly more muzzle energy than a hot 5.56, but it retains its velocity (and therefore energy) much better than 5.56, and has less drop and wind drift.
It’s primarily marketed for long distance competition, as far as hunting it would be in the same category as the 5.56 round, just effective to slightly longer ranges. I personally would not use it for anything larger than deer, and would only use it for deer if I had no other options.
Edit: I’m talking about ethical shots. You could most likely drop a deer with a perfectly placed shot at 500+yds, but I don’t trust the average hunter to consistently have perfect shot placement (and that includes myself.)
I would be interested in the upper except it has a 1/7 twist rate which is not fast enough to fully stabilize the 90 grain Sierra Matchking bullet in the Federal match ammo.. To get good accuracy you need a 1/6.5 twist rate in your barrel. Federal just released a memo that states their are having accuracy problems with their 90 gr loads. I believe their ammo is ok.....but the 1/7 twist rate will only marginally stabilize the 90 gr bullets. The lighter bullets should shoot fine in the rifle.
I though the optimum length for the barrel was 24" to maximize this cartridge?
Rifleshooter has a great article that goes into optimum length for the cartridge. Long story short is that there's a consistent rate of velocity decline with a shorter barrel. No steep drop offs like other cartridges. So for a 20" rifle it doesn't give up much.
I have a couple stripped lowers in the safe. This makes me want to finish another one to host this upper. Are you aware of any optics with reticles configured for these loads?
Bushnell has one in the works but I'm not sure if it's released yet.
Or grab a mil-dot reticle and learn to love everything in 3.6" increments :)
Most scope makers have websites or apps where you can input your cartridge info, rifle specs, and environmental info and it will tell you the ranges that the BDC hash marks apply to. I know Vortex and Bushnell both offer this. For example, with a Strike Eagle 1-8x, the hash marks might be 368yds, 487 yds, 601yds, etc. So you can use that info to modify your holdover. I already do it with 6.5 Grendel on a Primary Arms 1-6x ACSS reticle that’s built for 5.56/.308.