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[Review] Podavach Magazine Loader (With Video)

Ready to Load Podavach
Need to load a lot of rifle magazines? Check out our review of the Podavach U-Loader magazine speed loader built for ARs and AKs in a variety of calibers.
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    Need to load a lot of rifle magazines?

    But don’t want to sacrifice your thumb to the mag gods?

    The Podavach U-Loader might be the solution.

    Loading Podavach
    Podavach Magazine Loader

    Follow along as I do a quick review of this light, fast, and effective rifle magazine loader.

    How Does It Work?

    Put some rounds in the holding section, choose as many as you need and put them into the channel, hold the mag, and slide the pusher.

    Ready to Load Podavach
    Ready to Load Podavach

    Let my video do the talking!

    It only gets easier the more you practice (plus my mag is pretty new). I’ve seen other videos where you don’t need to brace against anything.

    Or I’m just weak.

    Full List of Features

    Podavach Features
    Podavach Features

    One of the things you can’t tell from the image is how light it is.

    It’s 1.2 lbs or less than the weight of a metal mag, thanks to its Baltic birch plywood construction.

    Plus…it works for a lot of calibers and magazine types. For me I had the chance to try it with PMAGs, D&H, and Hex Mags.

    All worked great.

    Podavach and Different Mags
    Podavach and Different Mags

    Supported Mags

    • AK (AK47, AK74, AKS, AKM, etc.)
    • AR15 (M16, M4, Ruger Mini etc.)
    • Steyr AUG PMAG

    Supported Calibers

    • 5.56x45mm, .223,
    • 300 BLK
    • 7.62x39mm
    • 5.45x39mm
    • 6.5 Grendel
    • 204 Ruger
    • .224 Valkyrie
    • 25-45 Sharps


    There’s a nifty full on range bag that will fit your Podavach. But for me I simply opted for their carrying case.

    Podavach Case
    Podavach Case

    Juuuust right!

    I also found that it fits my 5-25x scope too if I’m doing a long range day instead of mag-dumping my ARs/AKs.

    Podavach Case and Loader
    Podavach Case and Loader
    at Podavach

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    It’s not that hard to load rifle mags by hand…but if you’re loading all day long (like during a competition or awesome range day), the Podavach will definitely save you some pain and time.

    It’s a little larger than other loaders but it gives you more ease and different holds.

    Ready to Load Podavach
    Ready to Load Podavach

    Oh yea, and the various calibers/magazine combos doesn’t hurt.

    Now their latest version is the X-Loader which does both AR and AK magazines…plus looks great.

    Podavach X-Loader, AR & AK
    Podavach X-Loader, AR & AK
    at Podavach

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Is the Podavach worth it? Do you have another favorite rifle mag loader? Or are you all about pistols…check out our Best Pistol Mag Loaders article!

    Caldwell Universal Pistol Magazine Loader (4)
    Caldwell Universal Pistol Magazine Loader

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    1 Leave a Reply

    • Krush

      I bought a Podavach over a year ago and I'm very happy with it. I would like to see an option for a clamp or other device to hold it to the bench. My PMAG Gen M3 magazines like to move around while I'm loading. Otherwise, it's a good product and I have recommended the Podavach to my friends and family.

      October 15, 2023 3:29 pm
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