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Precision Rifle Rules to Get Started
Precision rifle is similar to 3-gun in that matches run all over the country under their own house rules – in other words as “outlaw” matches. In the last few years, there has been a movement to bring together a number of matches under the same rule set and award points and standings towards an overall national championship, much like 3-Gun Nation has done for 3-gun. The first and biggest group to do that is the Precision Rifle Series (PRS). PRS runs a Bolt Gun Series and a Gas Gun Series, each of which is divided into different divisions depending on the competitor’s choice of caliber and rifle. They are points races where a competitor’s finish at the matches in the series are used to determine rankings and whether he or she is invited to the overall championship match at the end of each season.

Expert Advice for the New PRS Shooter
First off, don’t wait. Your hunting rifle or your AR-15 is probably just fine for your first match. Still not sure? Contact the folks who run a match local to you and they can talk you through your equipment and maybe even lend you what you need to start. Like every other shooting sport, almost every seasoned competitor is friendly and loves to mentor new shooters who show a genuine interest in learning. In fact, it’s a good idea to not get too wrapped up in gear as you get into the sport. While there are all sorts of gizmos that you can buy, at the end of the day it’s about your ability to shoot and not your ability to spend money.
The Shopping List
If you don’t already have a rifle or want to go shopping anyway, here’s what Regina recommends:- A rifle that can shoot a 1-inch group at 100 yards – in other words, a 1 MOA rifle. One of the guns in our precision AR-15 round-up would be a good choice for a gas gun and for bolt-guns, check out our 1,000 Yard Rifles for Under $1,000 article.
- A scope that goes to at least 10x magnification. While a 3-9x variable optic would work, a little more is better at the distances that PRS goes out to. It should also have turrets that can be turned to dial in elevation and windage, as well as a milling or holdover reticle that is not just a straight crosshair. A mil-dot reticle matched up to turrets that move in decimal points of milliradians is ideal, but an MOA reticle with turrets that click along in fractions of MOA works too. Just avoid mixing mil with MOA. Confused? Check out our guide to choosing a rifle scope.
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Prices accurate at time of writing
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- A data book so that you can write down notes about what you did to make successful hits on target, information about the match, and anything else that comes to mind. There are specialized databooks you can buy, or you can just pick up a small, regular notebook.
- A rear bag to help stabilize your rifle while shooting – something like the Wiebad Mini Tac Pad ($72) or Berry Bag ($34), for instance, or the Rifles Only Rear Bag ($25).

- Some sort of ballistics app for your cell phone to help you calculate bullet trajectory for those long-distance targets. Regina likes GeoBallistics, followed by Shooter, and they’re both available for both iPhones and Android devices.
- Want some words of wisdom from someone who really knows their stuff? Check out the Long Range Shooting Handbook.
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It looks interesting, but I ask people what I should bring, and they might as well be speaking Esperanto. Rifles and calibers that I have never heard of. You cannot show up with a Remington 700 in .308 and expect to be competitive. It really is not for everyone that has a rifle in their safe. Perhaps that is why there are only 6000 prs folks out of 110 million gun owners.
Optic has to be 2,000 or less....why??
PRS Production class rules have a $3000 MSRP combined cap on your rifle/scope. The rifle and scope individually cannot be over $2,000 MSRP. So you can have a 1k rifle and a 2k scope, but you couldn't have a 2.5k scope and a $500 rifle.
Are there any groups? I am 71 almost 72, and I would be interested. Right now I shoot fopen out to a1000 yards. Thanks
Fyi I live in the Phoenix area.
So do they allow 6.5 creedmore I got kinda confused ? Also what if somebody wants to shoot with an military surplus bolt gun like a moron or mauser?
What is allowed is going to depend on the match and what division you want to compete in. If you're shooting a Precision Rifle Series (PRS) match the limit is nothing over .30 Cal (6.5 CM is .26 Cal and thus is allowed). The exception to that is if you're shooting in a "tactical" or "Active Law Enforcement/Military" division where they limit you to only being allowed to use 7.62 or 5.56 NATO.
If you want to use a milsurp rifle, you can - depending on what you want to shoot. 7.57 Mauser is only .284 Cal so it fits under the limit of .30 Cal, but a Lee-Enfield is .303 British and .34 Cal so it wouldn't be allowed.
If you want to use a milsurp rifle, you should also know that you're going to place very badly in the match. The military standard in WWII for most nation's line rifles was 5-7MOA, a "sniper" rifle was often still around the 3 MOA mark. Today, you can get a very budget bolt rifle from a big box store that is guaranteed to shoot sub-MOA.
Shooting milsurp might be fun - but I wouldn't get your hopes up for winning the match.
David, are you saying that 308 is not legal in any division other than tactical? While we are there, 308, 303 Brit, 7.5x55 Swiss and 7.62x54r Russian are all within a couple of millimeters of each other in diameter. All are 30 caliber cartridges. BTW, the K31 Swiss shoots well under a MOA and the Finnish rebuilt Moisin Nagant runs about an inch MOA
I don't claim to be a great long range shooter but I like shooting at distance. Ever since basic training 30 years ago qualifying with the M16 and making expert I have enjoyed it. I stopped shooting for a long period of time but recently got back in. I did get a good deal on a SW AR15 and put a 4x20 scope. I would like to know if there are any PRC in the SE Virginia area or any seasoned shooters in this area?
Hi Robert!
PRS Southeast Region clubs and matches are here: https://www.precisionrifleseries.com/profiles/clubs/SE. I'd suggest contacting some of the match directors to see what's available in your area. You might also check out the competition forums on Sniper's Hide.
Good luck!