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[How-To] Prep on a Budget: Save Money While Prepping

Food TP Bullets 2020
It's a good idea to be prepared...but what happens if your budget can't support a splurge? No worries! We have tips on how to prep on a budget.
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    If you’re already struggling to make ends meet as it is, how on earth can you be expected to prepare your family for a disaster? How do you prep on a shoestring budget? 

    Tornado Damage Tennessee 2020
    Disaster can strike anytime…are you prepared?

    If this is where you find yourself, then read on as we discuss the necessities you need and how to keep things budget-friendly.

    It’s not as difficult as you might initially think…

    Table of Contents


    What Should I Prep? 

    The Prepared Prepper's Cookbook Interior

    Well, what do you need on a daily basis to survive? Let’s consider a few main areas people need to cover:

    • Water
    • Food
    • Protection
    • Medicine
    • Hygiene
    • Communication
    • Information

    If you’re prepping on a shoestring budget, here are my tips for what to focus on within each category. 


    Surviving a terrorist attack only to get killed off by cholera is rather anticlimactic. 

    You have to have pure water. If one is looking at prepping their water storage and purification ability on a budget, here is what I recommend:

    Gallon Jugs of Water ($0.80/gallon)

    Water Storage Containers
    Water Storage Containers

    These can easily be found for under $1/gallon at your local grocery store.

    If you’re like most Americans, you probably go to the grocery store once every week or two, so spend $2 on water the next time you go. That’s really easy to swing budget-wise and will greatly help you to improve your disaster resiliency.

    Knock-Off LifeStraws ($7/straw)

    Life Straw
    This is the real deal, but many knock-offs are just as effective at a lower price point.

    The knock-off versions are way cheaper, and to my knowledge, they all work the same.

    These are a simple and economical way to ensure that you always have a form of water purification with you. They can easily be found online for $15 for a two-pack.


    If I wanted to get as many calories out of my dollars as possible, I would focus on dried beans, bags of rice, generic-brand dried pasta, and generic-brand canned goods.

    While there are all kinds of great “prepper foods” out there, these are readily available, inexpensive, and they store very well. So, skip the Mountain House freeze-dried meals at the moment, and focus more on the below…

    Beans ($1/pound)


    Any type of dried bean will do. You’ll get somewhere in the ballpark of 2,600 calories. Protein and fiber are necessary for your daily diet, and this is a cheap way to get both.

    They taste great mixed with rice too!

    Rice ($10/25 pounds)

    If you don’t have a bulk store membership, an Asian market can be a great way to get rice in bulk.

    There’s a reason so much of the world predominantly eats rice…it’s cheap. A serving of rice is typically a cup, which equals around 200 calories. 

    That means your $10 investment here could easily net you 50,000 calories. I’m not aware of too many other food sources that are as filling and inexpensive as rice. 

    Spaghetti ($1.25/pound)

    This big ol’ box of pasta was bought for cheap at a bulk store.

    My family eats a lot of Italian food, mainly because there are a lot of us and it’s cheap.

    There are somewhere around 1,600 calories per pound of dried spaghetti too. Considering you can get a pound of this for just a little over a dollar at your local grocery store, that’s not a bad deal. 

    It’s not anywhere near as many calories as rice/dollar, but I’ve never been able to subsist on rice alone. You have to have some variety, you know? 

    Canned Goods ($0.80/can)

    Canned Food Survival
    Canned Food

    No, do not buy name brands. Focus on building up a reasonable larder first. Then look at purchasing more of the “fancy” canned goods.

    Soups, vegetables, and fruits would be my main focus here as I built up my supplies on a shoestring budget. 

    Look for cans that aren’t dented or rusted. When you get home, mark the date you bought them on top with a permanent marker.

    Food TP Bullets
    Pandemic starter pack

    If you focus on the generic brand and shop around for sales, you can get some pretty good nutrition here with minimal investment. 


    Taurus GX4
    Taurus GX4 is a decent budget gun that usually comes in well under $300.

    We could argue over the price of guns for days here and which is the best of the best, but I’m going to focus on two — a 9mm handgun and a 12-gauge shotgun.

    Remington 870
    You can easily pick up a used shottie at gun shows

    If we’re truly on a budget, that’s going to be more in line with what most people can afford. But if you’re after an AR platform rifle, we have some recommendations in our Best AR-15 guide.

    For more recommendations on wallet-friendly guns, check out the Best Budget Guns for New Shooters and the Best Affordable Full-Size Guns Under $400.

    Ammunition ($20-$40)

    9mm Ammo in Stock

    Cost Per Round
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    Free Shipping
    147gr Subsonic
    124/147gr Hollow Point
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    124/147gr Hollow Point
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+

    Ammo is expensive. But there’s no point having a gun for protection if you’re not also going to prep with ammo storage.

    Okay, so you don’t quite need this much.

    The cheapest way I’ve found to buy ammo is to find a bunch of buddies who are looking for the same caliber as you are.

    Together, make a bulk purchase when it’s on sale and split the cost. 

    Shotgun Ammo in Stock

    Cost Per Round
    00 Buck
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    00 Buck
    #7.5 Birdshot
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    #8 Birdshot

    If this is out of the question, however, I recommend purchasing one box of ammo a month.

    This can be done for around $20 to $40 and will help you slowly build up your ammunition stores without requiring a large initial investment to do so. 

    5.56 and .223 Ammo in Stock

    Cost Per Round
    55gr XM193
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    62gr XM855 Green Tip
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    55gr M193
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    62gr XM855
    Free Shipping
    55gr HI-SHOK SP
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    55gr Soft Point
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+


    There are several different routes to go when it comes to post-disaster communications, but the goal is to stay within the confines of a budget.

    While I would argue you’re going to want to work your way up to having all four of these communications bases covered, start with what you deem to be your most pressing need first. 

    Note: Some of these do require a ham radio license, so do your research!

    President Adams CB Radio ($65)

    President Adams CB Radio
    President Adams CB Radio

    For those interested in setting up a larger information network than what FRS requires and who also don’t want to do the training required of amateur radio, I would recommend a CB.

    Specifically, I think the President Adams is a fantastic choice, and it’s hard to beat at under $70.

    Baofeng UV-5R ($16)

    Long-Range Radio
    Long-range contact is great for getting an overall sense of things without access to news.

    The de facto prepper radio. If you’re willing to put in the time for licensing and training, this radio will give you long-range comms within your region no problem.

    I was listening in on an EchoLink repeater with mine the other day, and the person I was listening to was in Scotland. 

    Retekis V115 Shortwave Radio ($19)

    Shortwave Radio
    Get the scoop on important things like weather and aid with a shortwave radio.

    Want to get the scoop on what’s going on in the world? Then you want a shortwave receiver. This Retekis version can be found for all of $25.

    FRS Radio Pack ($46)

    FRS Radios
    Communication within your group is essential.

    For retreat security purposes (e.g., protecting your neighborhood against attack), it’s hard to go wrong with FRS radios.

    These require minimal training, have a range of about a mile, and will allow your retreat to communicate important information to each other ASAP. 

    No licensing is required either. It’s a win all the way around for retreat security

    Medicine & First Aid

    Having a good IFAK or first aid kit in your car is a wise plan but you also need to carry a tourniquet on your body. If you have an EDC you can also have an EDC TQ.
    It’s good practice to have this stuff on hand anyway.

    Generic OTC Medications ($25)

    DIY First Aid Kit Home Kit
    DIY First Aid Kit

    I virtually never purchase name-brand OTC meds. Oftentimes the generic version is made in the exact same place and can be yours for the taking at several dollars cheaper.

    Go to your local store and pick up the meds you end up using the most — things like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, etc.

    Focus on those first, then tackle the rest when you have your basics squared away. 

    First Aid Kit ($15)

    DIY First Aid Kit Car
    DIY First Aid Kit

    My advice here is to take a trip to your local Dollar Store with first aid on the brain and stock up.

    It’s surprising how much good stuff they have here for your first aid supplies, and at a fantastic price as well. Nothing will be name-brand, but it’s all worked great for me so far. 

    For a more in-depth guide, check out my guide to building your own first-aid kit. Also, don’t forget that skills are more important than gear, so get spun up with the Best First Aid Classes and the First Aid Skills You Should Know.

    Trauma Kit

    Best Tourniquets

    Typically, this consists of a tourniquet, gloves, a blood-clotting agent, and a pressure bandage.

    You can check out our tourniquet recommendations to help you make your choice there.

    For the other items, I would go ahead and buy name-brand Celox and an OLAES pressure bandage.


    The travel size options are cheaper, but go will full size to make sure you have enough to last. (Photo: Ulleskelf)

    Proper hygiene is absolutely vital to post-disaster health. If you don’t want to end up catching some type of nasty bug, you need to ensure you’re staying clean. 

    So stock up on things like toothpaste, toilet paper, toothbrushes, floss, soap, shampoo, and other hygiene supplies.


    Some items just don’t fit well within any of the other categories that we’ve named. That said, they make disaster situations much more pleasant than life without them.  

    Mora Knives ($12)

    Mora Knives
    Mora Knives

    You’ll want a quality blade, and you’d be hard-pressed to find a knife with as good of a reputation and an economical stance as Mora. I just picked one up the other day for $10, and it’s fantastic. 

    Paracord ($8)

    13. Gerber Principle Slicing Paracord
    Paracord is useful for all kinds of situations.

    I consider this a necessity as cordage makes survival situations much more pleasant.

    Tarps ($10)

    Tarps are like duct tape. They’re good for all kinds of stuff. Pick up two of them when you can. Most of the time, these can be had for $10.

    Headlamps ($14)

    Waterfall Squat 2
    Headlamps are great for survival and fun for exploring in the dark.

    Power outages are incredibly common (and annoying). They can also be rather dangerous if you find yourself attempting to move about a house in pitch black.

    I’ve found headlamps to be a superior form of lighting in such a situation.

    The Black Diamond Storm is a great option, but you can also find even cheaper ones that are still of great quality.


    Best Survival Books Group Shot
    There are a ton of books out there that can be used as handy survival manuals.

    Having the right gear is only a part of the equation. Knowing what to expect with each different disaster and what to do to survive is another significant part. 

    If that’s where you find yourself, I highly recommend you check out Pew Pew Tactical’s Survival & Prepping Guide.

    In it, you’ll find information on just about every aspect of prepping imaginable. We have how-to guides, reviews, and a host of other articles you’re bound to find useful. 

    Why You Should Trust Pew Pew Tactical

    Who’s responsible for this article anyway?

    This article is a meta-analysis based on our experiences as preppers and survivalists. Leading the way is former Pew Pew Tactical author Aden Tate. Aden is a prepper with extensive experience in homesteading and survivalism. He’s written several articles for Pew Pew Tactical and other publications on prepping, first aid, and survival topics.

    Firestarters Bayite Striker with Hemp Cord
    Aden testing some fire strikers for Pew Pew Tactical.

    Our experienced team of authors is run by Editor-in-Chief Jacki Billings, a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, ACES: Society for Editing, and the Professional Outdoor Media Association. Jacki has a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications and has worked as a media professional for over 20 years. As Editor-in-Chief, she uses her expertise to set testing protocols and editorial standards across the site.

    Final Thoughts

    Prepping doesn’t have to be an expensive activity. Bottom line: it’s better to mitigate your disaster risk with the budget you have available

    DIY MRE Fried Rice and Spam Ingredients
    You can even prep with things around the house!

    You make do with what you have, right? Protecting you and your family from disaster isn’t just a rich man’s game.

    Anybody can do it with the right ingenuity and mindset. And by following some of the above tips, I think you’ll discover just how easy it can be. 

    Are there other tips and tricks for prepping on a shoestring budget that we didn’t cover here? Let us know in the comments below! Want to keep things cheap? Check out how to prepare your own MREs at home!

    Latest Updates

    October 2024: Added to Protection section with new recommendations and added new information to Communications.

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    4 Leave a Reply

    • Chuck Cochran

      Good Article Aden. You and I have conversed before on the Organic Prepper site.
      Prepping on a Budget is possible, it's just a little more difficult than when you have unlimited funds. It requires Patience, Prioritization and Research/ Shopping around for the best values.
      The LGS I've bought probably 90% of the guns I own, will, if you talk with Owner, let you do an extended La-A-Way, up to 9 or 10 months. This excludes Sale Items, but for that length of time, limitations are to be expected.
      I've found some private sellers willing to do that as well, though not since Private Sales are now required to have an FFL do a 4473 in my State.
      Surplus Gear, I've had better luck dealing with the Mom and Pop stores, than the big Surplus Stores.
      I Reload most of my Ammo, though I do buy some new when the price is right.
      Though this does require investing in equipment, it's still possible to get into a basic set-up using companies like Lee Precision, for under $200 for a basic Single Stage Press. Though Reloading doesn't save the money it did when I started 40+ years ago, it still saves you some bucks.
      The main factory ammo I buy is IMI's 77gr Sierra Match King HPBTs. Regular msrp is over a $1.00 per round. A company called Midway throws it on sale around $0.70/round every couple of months. I signed up for and get Text Alerts when it goes on sale. I've also used Ammosquared for purchases a few times. Their Lay-A-Way type program is tailor made for those of us on low budgets.
      I've been doing this for 12+ years now, ever since I was forced to retire on Disability. My monthly income is just barely over Poverty level, so I had to learn early on about the need to budget. Currently, I'm about 2/3rds of the way towards being able to purchase Level III plates. About 3 more months and I'll be at the purchase price. I began setting a few bucks aside about 10 months ago. So almost a year for this purchase.
      Admittedly, the Biden Economy is only making it harder and costlier to m
      Budget and Prioritize, but it's still possible, if one's careful and plans accordingly.

      June 6, 2023 7:04 pm
      • Steve Earle

        All around great advice...

        June 6, 2023 9:54 pm
    • Steve Earle

      A great, "Set it and forget it" concept for stacking ammo is AmmoSquared. Buy any amount of any caliber for your monthly "budget amount", and they stock it and hold it until you want it shipped. Been with them for years, won't disappoint..

      June 5, 2023 7:44 pm
      • Chuck Cochran

        I agree they are a great way of buying ammo. Almost like the old Lay-A-Way plans the way they've got it set up.

        June 6, 2023 6:23 pm
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