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[Beginner’s Guide]: Rimfire vs Centerfire Ammunition

Rimfire vs Centerfire Cartridges
Quickly learn the difference between rimfire vs. centerfire ammo in appearance and firing mechanism. Plus pros/cons and the best recommended rimfire ammo.
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    Want to know the difference between rimfire vs. centerfire?

    Rimfire and centerfire are two categories of primer ignition systems for ammunition cartridges.  

    The firing pin in rimfire guns strikes the rim of the cartridge base to ignite a primer, while in centerfire, the firing pin strikes a center primer.

    Rimfire vs Centerfire Primer Strike
    Rimfire vs Centerfire Primer Strike

    Not understanding that 100%? We’ll walk you through it in detail.

    Confused Wahlberg

    First…how does a bullet work?

    Table of Contents


    Parts of a Cartridge

    A standard cartridge, or round, consists of four parts — the bullet, propellant, primer, and a case.

    Deconstructed 9mm Cartridge
    Deconstructed 9mm Cartridge

    Keep in mind a “bullet” means just the projectile, not the entire cartridge. These components are all present regardless of whether a round is a rimfire or centerfire.

    In the grand scheme of things, all bullets work the same…the firing pin of the gun hits the primer, which creates a tiny explosion.

    That tiny explosion sets off the gunpowder, which forces the bullet itself forward and out of your gun through the barrel.

    Parts of a Bullet Cartridge
    Parts of a Bullet Cartridge

    (We got more details on this in How a Gun Works.)

    The difference between the rimfire and the centerfire is where that primer is located.

    Centerfire vs. Rimfire Appearance

    The easiest way to tell them apart is to see if you can see a circular primer in the center at the base of the casing.


    The primer in the center = centerfire!

    If you see a smaller cartridge with no overt primer, it is likely rimfire.

    Rimfire vs Centerfire Cartridges
    Rimfire vs. Centerfire Cartridges

    Different Ignition Systems

    You can see that the names really make sense when you look at the ignition systems.

    Rimfire ammo gets its name from the firing pin striking the “rim” of the cartridge to ignite the primer. While centerfire ammo is where the firing pin strikes the primer that is located at the “center” of the cartridge base.

    Centerfire vs Rimfire Primer
    Centerfire vs Rimfire Primer

    You can see the firing pin marks on the spent brass above. Again, centerfire hits the center primer while rimfire hits the rim.

    Rimfire vs Centerfire Primer Strike
    Rimfire vs Centerfire Primer Strike

    Common Types of Rimfire Ammo

    Rimfire ammo is limited to smaller calibers since the cartridge walls need to be thin enough to be able to be crushed by the firing pin and ignite the primer.

    Popular Pistol Calibers
    Popular Pistol Calibers

    The downside?

    Well, the nature of the casing means it’s pretty much limited to small calibers. You have to have some relatively flimsy brass to handle the rimfire setup. As a result, the powder necessary to propel a larger bullet would blow the brass apart.

    The most common type is the .22 LR (long rifle). 

    .22LR Ammo In Stock

    Cost Per Round
    38gr HP
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+

    Check out our Best .22 LR Ammo for Accuracy, Plinking & Hunting guide.

    • .22 Short: Used in some revolvers, not too popular.
    • .22 Long Rifle (LR): Most popular round in the world and the starting point for many shooters.
    • .22 WMR: Winchester Magnum Rimfire. Used to hunt vermin and is between the .22 LR and the .223 centerfire round.
    • .17 HM2: Hornady Mach 2: Higher power than the .22 LR but smaller. Didn’t really take off. The smaller brother of the HMR.
    • .17 HMR: Hornady Magnum Rimfire. Newer round that is flatter shooting and more powerful than the .22 LR
    .22LR vs .17 HMR
    .22LR vs .17 HMR

    Pros of Rimfire Ammo


    .22 LR can be found for 5 to 10 cents, while the AR-15 .223 round is between 25 to 40 cents each.

    It is so cheap since it is easier to manufacture a thin-walled case with a flattened primer at the bottom.

    5.56 and .223 Ammo in Stock

    Cost Per Round
    55gr XM193
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    62gr XM855 Green Tip
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    55gr M193
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    62gr XM855
    Free Shipping
    55gr HI-SHOK SP
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+
    55gr Soft Point
    PEWPEW5P 5% off, Free Ship $149+

    The downside?

    Well, the nature of the casing means it’s pretty much limited to small calibers. You have to have some relatively flimsy brass to handle the rimfire setup.

    As a result, the powder necessary to propel a larger bullet would blow the brass apart.  However, there has been some hoarding in the last few years, which makes it a little difficult to find in stores and online.

    Low Recoil

    The .17 and .22 caliber bullets and a small amount of gunpowder make for extremely low-recoiling firearms. Perfect for the beginner or for training.

    Cons of Rimfire Ammo

    Not Reloadable

    The primer is inside the bottom of the case and so cannot be reloaded like centerfire rounds. But rimfire ammo is so cheap comparatively that it doesn’t matter.

    Reliability Issues

    Even with top-shelf ammo like CCI, I still manage to get 1 to 2% failures to fire (FTF) in my 10/22 rifle.

    Fully Upgraded 10/22
    Fully Upgraded 10/22

    This is because, in manufacturing, the primer compound is “spun” at the bottom of the casing and sometimes does not make full contact with the entire rim.

    Rimfire is great for range plinking and varmint hunting, but I would not trust it for personal defense.

    Small Calibers

    Again, because of its design, rimfire is stuck with small calibers. There are some exotic larger caliber rimfires out there, but they are very rare.

    Looking for some centerfire or rimfire ammo? Check out our Best .22 LR Ammo for Accuracy, Plinking & Hunting…or our exhaustive Ammo & Reloading guides.

    22 LR Ammo
    .22 LR Ammo

    What do you like best, centerfire or rimfire? Let us know in the comments! Want to read more on ammo? Check out our look at Brass vs. Steel.

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    42 Leave a Reply

    • Chuck Cochran

      Good overview Eric. Though I would suggest you add the differentiation between Boxer and Berdan Priming systems to the article. Also the fact that Boxer was developed in Europe and Berdan in the US, yet the US adopted Boxer priming and Europe adopted Berdan Priming (funny anecdote).
      I would also add the difficulty in reloading Berdan brass (impossible without some specialty tools, and usually not worth the effort if you have the tools).
      The Old Educator in me (yes, I taught school for a few years) always believes that when discussing a subject, one should always completely discuss all the aspects of the subject.
      Just some suggestions on making a future "Primer" primer (pun intended) a little more complete.

      March 12, 2023 5:54 pm
    • Jim Sneary

      I get the diff between center and rimfire shells but why are center fire guns restricted some places?

      August 2, 2022 7:53 pm
      • Chuck Cochran

        Usually Caliber Restrictions are done at ranges because the backstop is only rated for handling certain calibers. Our Municipal indoor range is limited to centerfire pistol only, no larger than .45, and no magnums (.22WMR and .17HMR are OK). That range has occupied the same building since the 1930's, but prior to 1972, it was .22 LR only. In 72, they first installed bullet traps made out of armored plate. Even then, only cast or swagged lead bullets were permitted. In the late 90s, they upgraded to ballistic curtains, and then we could use FMJs and HPs.
        Even 3 out of the 4 nearby Outdoor Ranges are Caliber Restricted. .300 Win Mag is the limit for 3 of the 4. Only 1 allows up to .50 BMG.
        Some municipalities may Caliber Restrict as an attempt to reduce crime. Is it successful? Not really.
        I don't know what the current stats are, but from the 80's into the early 2000s, there were more deaths and wounds (accidental and intentional) attributed to.22 LR across the US, than any of the other caliber.
        These are the reasons I was told. There may be a few more, but those are likely why the Caliber Restrictions are in place.

        March 12, 2023 6:20 pm
    • JW Bumgardner


      November 6, 2021 5:58 am
    • John

      the way my dad explained it to me when I was just a kid was this, he took a 22 long casing and a .38 special casing, both had been fired, and showed them to me and said:

      "if the casing needs to be hit on the rim of the back like this .22 its called rim fire. If the case has a separate part in the center, like this .38, and that's where it needs to be hit with the firing pin its called center fire."

      Thus ends the lesson. Dad was not one to spoon feed, he expected me to pick it up and learn about it but gave me a boost in the right direction first.

      October 13, 2021 12:24 pm
      • Bill

        thanks dad but didn't you ask if the rim fire uses a different firing pin than the 38

        May 5, 2022 4:27 pm
    • Linda Yeargin

      Thank you, straight forward and concise.

      September 7, 2021 4:26 pm
    • Kevin

      Thanks for explaining it so clearly.

      August 21, 2021 3:49 pm
    • Enrique Perez

      Thanks for the info. on CF & RF ammo. Important information. Thanks again.

      July 22, 2021 6:30 pm
    • Dave Bush

      Terrific explanation of the differences between rim and center fire. Very informative.

      July 6, 2021 1:12 pm
    • Forrest J Byas

      Great descriptions of the two types of cartritges. Made it easy to understand, thanks.

      June 20, 2021 11:21 am
    • EscapeFromNY

      Hi Eric, I was looking to purchase a Beretta 21 Bobcat built for .22LR, but thankfully after reading your article I learned that this ammo is rimfire and that you would not trust it for personal defense. Sooo, any suggestions on a small, light, reliable, centerfire pistol? p.s. After finishing my Hunter-Ed course I'll be signing up for your Gun Noob course.

      May 30, 2021 8:28 pm
    • Mark

      Great article. Reading thru the proposed gun confiscation law in Virginia I see that they are calling out center-fire weapons. Your last line indicated that there are some exotic larger caliber rim-fires. Seems to me these may see a huge increase in demand. Maybe you can do an article on advances in rim-fire materials, manufacturers etc. Txs

      December 6, 2019 8:16 am
      • Damion Roberson

        Are they really proposing that???

        April 15, 2020 9:49 pm
    • Austin

      So what is safer rimfire or centerfire

      August 21, 2019 9:35 pm
    • Scott Atlas

      Curious as to why you didnt include a PRO and CON section for Centre Fire....

      June 9, 2019 3:09 pm
    • Wyatt

      So you said the pros and cons of rimfire, but not center-fire, at least not that I seen using my phone.

      October 7, 2018 8:38 pm
    • Sandor

      Hello Eric, I have a few questions as well.
      You say rimfire is tipically for low caliber, but what about for example the 7.62x54R for szvd? That is not a small caliber (in my opinion), and pretty powerfull ammo.
      My second question is, is there any advantage/disadvantage in bolt mechanism between rimfire and centerfire types?

      December 13, 2017 1:58 am
      • Eric Hung

        Hi Sandor, you might be confusing rimfire (describes the primer) and rimmed (describes the casing). As far as I know, the 7.62x54R is a centerfire rimmed cartridge.

        Bolt will have less problems with a wider variety of ammo since some rimfire doesn't have the power to cycle semi's.

        December 14, 2017 1:03 pm
        • Sandor

          Ok, thx
          It has more sense now :D

          December 14, 2017 10:04 pm
    • Gold Nugget

      Hello Eric, just came across your nice website. I must add that I would never waste money on rim fire ammo. It's like trying to buy wet matches in a bathtub full of wankers.

      November 29, 2017 5:07 pm
    • Gail Meinhold

      OK, I'm an old lady but I do like to target shoot. I just bought a .22 that is a rimfire. What happens if I accidentally use centerfire bullets in the rifle?

      October 19, 2017 3:26 pm
      • Eric Hung

        They probably won't fit...but it wouldn't be good. Highly advise against using any ammo that is not for the specific firearm/barrel.

        October 26, 2017 2:24 pm
    • Doug Timmons

      I just bought yesterday 8/22/17 a 9 mm hand gun. The salesman sold me 9 mm centerfire bullets. My gun after I got home and read the manual is centerfire. Should I return the ammo?

      August 23, 2017 12:41 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Hi Doug, I'd bring it back if you have any doubts.

        August 23, 2017 8:01 pm
        • gorbs

          If he's bought a centerfire gun and been sold centerfire rounds, yet is asking if he should return the ammo, I'd suggest that he's too stupid to own a gun. This is just a small part of everything that is wrong with America.

          October 3, 2017 2:25 pm
          • William Fold

            You are another part.

            June 29, 2019 3:16 pm
        • Guest

          Do you understand what Doug Timmons is asking? He bought centerfire handgun and sales man sold him centerfire ammo. That is correct, why should he return it? You should understand about guns and ammos better Eric.

          December 3, 2017 7:53 pm
          • Ansel

            ...yeah. I think that if the guy has any doubts he should talk face to face with someone about those doubts and clear up the issue.
            And this is best accomplished by bringing it back if he has any doubts. Some random guy on the internet can't confirm anything about the gun or ammo without a lengthy discourse. Faster and simpler to go talk to someone nearby.

            September 9, 2018 9:19 am
    • Jane

      Very nice article. Consider adding a couple of pics of the firing pins from both types of guns.

      July 7, 2017 9:06 am
      • Eric Hung

        Thanks and great idea. I'll get some pictures the next time I take apart my 10/22.

        July 7, 2017 3:39 pm
    • Will

      Answered my question perfectly. Great article.

      June 11, 2017 8:25 am
    • Shay Koosmann

      well written, thank you so much for the info!

      June 7, 2017 6:28 am
      • Eric Hung

        You're welcome Shay!

        June 13, 2017 2:08 am
    • salleh

      hello Eric

      Does Rimfire have the same meaning with non-center fire cased ammunition. ?
      What type of weapon using Rimfire ammunition cartridge ?
      Does any fully automatic weapon using Rimfire?

      February 11, 2017 6:57 am
      • Eric Hung

        Hey Salleh, thanks for your questions...I'll try my best. There might be another rarer class of ammo, but for modern cartridges there's rimfire + centerfire. There are both rifles and handguns that use rimfire. There's something called the "AM15" that is full auto .22LR.

        February 11, 2017 9:33 pm
    • Jon Woodard

      Thanks for your work here, Eric. Great, concise explanation.

      October 18, 2016 10:26 am
      • ehung

        Thanks Jon!

        October 20, 2016 3:41 am
    • Dan

      Hi Eric the other day a friend and I were plinking at the range with my 22 semi-auto and something weird happened. A different kind of bang and little pieces of something splattered my cheek when I realized the shell did not eject I racked the slide back looked in the chamber and the base of the cartridge was gone. The bullet fired and the only thing in the chamber was a hollow brass tube. We were shooting some bulk ammo. What would cause an explosion like that? Thanks, Dan

      August 26, 2016 7:38 pm
      • ehung

        Hi Dan, I'd definitely check the barrel first to make sure parts of the bullet isn't stuck in the barrel or else if you shoot again possibly bad stuff could happen. might have been too much powder/primer or a bad case in that round.

        August 27, 2016 8:51 pm
    • leo

      Can the same 22 pistol used Rimfire and Centerfire?

      August 11, 2016 2:16 pm
      • ehung

        Hi Leo, short You will have to match up the specific caliber of your gun to the ammo. As far as I know there's nothing that shoots both rimfire and centerfire.

        August 11, 2016 4:46 pm
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