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Prices accurate at time of writing
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Big Bore Revolvers
It seems like the over the last few years we have seen more and more articles devoted to big game hunting with handguns. I received a copy of Max Prasac’s excellent book “Big Bore Revolvers” and followed it with his “Book of Hunting Revolvers”. I devoured Mark Hampton’s “Handgun Hunting”. Then I went shopping. From my reading, I knew I wanted a revolver and would likely need an optic for my aging eyes. I have always been drawn to the 45 Colt cartridges as one that is often overlooked in favor of the .44 Magnum but has so much capability, especially for handloaders. For a deep dive into the cartridge, I would suggest tracking down the writings of John Linebaugh. I researched a lot of guns over the next few months. But then I saw a short review of the Ruger Toklat, a special distributor exclusive model Super Redhawk with a shorter, slab-side barrel. One of my favorite gun shops had one on the shelf in 454 Casull/45 Colt chambering and I took it home. The Ruger Super Redhawk was launched in 1987 partly as a remedy to a problem with the popular Redhawk’s barrel to frame attachment. The Super Redhawk has an extended frame for more thread area and integral scope mounting cuts on the frame.
Revolver Specs
- Overall Weight: 47 oz. (Without optic) 60 oz. (With optic)
- Overall Length: 10.50”
- Overall Height: 6” (Without optic)
- Barrel Length: 5” Slab Sided
- Action: Double Action/Single Action
- Trigger Pull: Single Action Average = 3# 7oz
- Capacity: 6 Rounds
- Finish: Satin Stainless
- Safety: Transfer Bar Mechanism allows for safe carry of 6 cartridges
- Sights: Fixed, replaceable front; adjustable rear
Setting Up the Revolver
Knowing this gun was going to be used for big game hunting the next step was to find a suitable optic that could withstand the pounding of heavy recoil. Again, I referred to “Big Bore Revolvers” and settled on a 30mm Ultradot red dot sight. This sight is a tube-style red dot with a 4 MOA dot at 100 yards. The Gen 1 model weights 4.1 oz. and is 5.1” long. The scope includes rings, polarizing filter, extension tube, and wrench. I also ordered a Scope Coat neoprene cover and Butler Creek Tini Bikini scope cover for field use. The Ultradot is supplied with a battery and battery life is stated at 200-4000 hours. The intensity of the red dot can be adjusted over 11 different brightness settings. I have never turned the dial-up beyond three, even in the brightest daylight conditions. It even has windage and elevation adjustments in ½ MOA increments.
Dialing In
The principles of sighting and zeroing the Ultradot 30 scope are just like any other optic. Get a steady rest. First zeroing shots should be at 25 yards. Shoot 5 shot groups. Adjust the scope to center the group at the point of aim. All pretty straightforward. But for a novice big bore handgun shooter, a challenge. When we pick up our Glock or 1911 and send rounds into a silhouette target at 7 or 10 or even 25 yards the sights just seem to line up and after a bit of practice we get pretty consistent. Shooting a big, heavy recoiling revolver is a more, shall we say, exhilarating experience.
How Does it Shoot
I’ve settled on two different bullets and three loads to play with. First is a 255 gr. I like the Oregon Trail Laser Cast Flat Point bullet in two different loadings. One is very tame and pretty much mimics the Cowboy Action loads at about 900 fps. The second load — and the one this revolver really seems to like — has the same bullet scooting along at about 1200 fps. This load would certainly be adequate for any deer, elk, or black bear hunting applications. The third load (the one I will carry on elk hunts) is a 305 gr. gas-checked bullet from Matts Bullets loaded to about 1200 fps. It is very accurate and not horrible to shoot, but I tend to never shoot more than 20 or so per range session.

Packing Iron
Carrying a big gun with an optic presents its own challenges. I’m primarily a backpack hunter, so a shoulder holster or belt holster is not going to be an option. Besides, I’d need two belts and suspenders to keep my pants up with the Toklat strapped on. Ready to hunt with 6 rounds of 305 gr. loads the gun weighs in at 66 oz.! I opted for a custom holster built by Man Gear Alaska. This holster allows me to wear the gun on my chest, under my pack straps. It allows secure carry and easy access. The holster also has elastic loops to carry 8 extra cartridges. With this carry option, I can cover the gun with rain gear or a jacket or I can adjust the harness and wear the holster on the outside of my clothing system depending on the weather.

Preparing to Hunt
Mastering a revolver is something that is challenging. Especially one that kicks hard. Practice is critical. I’m blessed to have a range on private land that I can use whenever I want. I try to shoot a few rounds every week through the big gun. I also practice offhand dry firing at home regularly. You’d be surprised what you begin to hit at what seems like a long way for a handgun with regular dry fire practice. I wear Pro-Aim shooting gloves to help absorb the recoil when shooting heavy revolvers.
By The Numbers
Reliability: 5/5
Ruger firearms are known for being overbuilt. The Super Redhawk is no exception. Take care of the gun with routine maintenance and you will have a lifetime hunting partner.Accuracy: 5/5
This gun is capable of shooting far better than this novice. With practice and determination, my goal is a first round hit on an 8” plate at any distance out to 125 yards.Ergonomics: 4/5
The grip is large to better absorb recoil. The cylinder release functions easily and the hammer is easy to cock. The trigger could probably be lightened a touch and smoothed up a bit.Looks: 4/5
Lots of folks love the Super Redhawk and it’s tank-like appearance. Others hate the extended frame and overly large barrel. That said I really like the shorter barrel and the slab sides. The all-stainless satin finish looks very good on this gun.Customization: 5/5
Right out of the box you have options with two sets of front and rear sights and scope rings. The grips can be changed out for customs of your choice. The action on the Super Redhawk is easily tuned and customized for your needs.Bang For the Buck: 5/5
At around $880 for the Toklat version of the Super Redhawk you can get into the handgun hunting game for about $1000 with the Ultradot 30 scope. I view the price point as manageable. You are getting a whole lot of gun that is built to take years of heavy use in the game fields.Overall Rating: 4.5/5
I’m happy with my investment. The next big bore on the list for me is a 480 Ruger and it will very likely be a Super Redhawk. With the Super Redhawk series of guns, you are getting strong, reliable and accurate arms that will serve you for a lifetime.Final Thoughts
Hopefully, this has given you a little glimpse into another arena of the shooting and hunting sports. Handgun hunting isn’t for everyone, but neither is archery or duck hunting or long-range shooting. It’s just another avenue to pursue adventure in the backcountry and challenge yourself to develop new skills.
Prices accurate at time of writing
Prices accurate at time of writing
25% off all OAKLEY products – OAKLEY25
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I have been hunting with the Ruger super redhawk in 454 casull, it's set up with a 4 X scope. I first became interested in the caliber when my buddy shot the lid off of an oil jug at about 40 yards. I was impressed to say the least. No it wasn't luck, he called the shot. I ended up buying that gun. I have since found out that a lot of the recoil can be reduced considerably if you reload. It you look at the ballistics and pounds of pressure, you can shoot a 240 gr XTP Mag at about 1950fps. Depending on barrel length. The trick is to use Lil Gun powder to reload with. You get within 20 to 50 fps as H110 or 296 but you only have about 2/3 of the pressure. It makes a big difference in the recoil. I enjoy shooting my 454, and I am 67.
I do not have a Redhawk but have been deer hunting for several years with a Ruger Blackhawk in 45 long colt and a blackhawk in 44 mag my favorite is the 45 colt . I have taken several deer with both. I shoot both with open sights and my personal limit is 75 yards. I frequently practice with them from 25 to 100 yards.
great review! i love mine (rides in a leather chest holster) but the rating is actually 4.6667/5 (= 28/6), : )
Shot a nice 185lb Whitetail at 35yrds with a Ruger GP100. Only modification I made was to put a Truglo front sight on. Using a 165gr Corelokt I broke the near shoulder, took out the lungs and the bullet lodged in the far shoulder. Deer ran 20yrds or so and laid down. I'm a big Ruger revolver fan and have several in everything from 32 H&R Mag to 45LC. Best revolver for the money and if you can wear one out your a better man than I
Awesome article. Growing up in Central Texas, we would hunt hogs every chance we had. No tags and no limits due to being an invasive species. We’ve shot them with almost every caliber above a 30-30 we had. A friend had a Colt Python chambered for 454 casull. It too had a 4x scope. Using that gun was an absolute blast (pun intended). Probably the most fun on hogs I have ever had. It presented quite a challenge to get in close. We never had a sow run further than a few feet before they would drop. Any caliber that can barrell roll a 300lb hog with ease is ok by me. I would like to try it again. Thanks for the inspiration.
What is the attachment you are using with the Slik Tripod in the picture?
Great review, will use information as a starting point when I set mine up.
I shot a heavy whitetail with my Ruger Redhawk 41 mag 7.5" barrel SS Magna ported Pachmayr grip, and red dot sight, at 65 yards, and dropped it in its tracks with a 200 gr hollow point. loaded fairly hot with H110. this gun is the most accurate revolver I have ever owned.
I hunted with Super Redhawk 44 in 9.5" barel. I loved it. I shot a bear with it no problem. Went down quick ith nothing to track. I was shoot 300 grain speer hollow points with full hot loads of 2400 powder. I as able to get consistent groups of 8" at 100 yards. Why I sold my old friend I'll never know. I've been kicking my rear end ever since.
To even own a super Redhawk in 44 mag or 454 with anything less than a 7.5" bbl, prefer the 9.5. for hunting is silly and a waste of energy and range . Your already carrying a 4 lb revolver, an extra 5-6 oz for the trade-off is more than worth it. Just my thoughts.and my 9.5
That makes no sense whatsoever. I would say one longer than the 5.5" Toklat is wholly unnecessary but I learned a long time ago that velocity in handguns is overrated and energy is a meaningless number. And 50oz is a long way from 4lbs.
Love the article. I have a RUGER Redhawk 44 mag iron sights that I bought in 1983 .wasn't till the mid 90s I took it hunting for Deer .what a blast ! First day out wasn't 2 hours into my hunt a deer came running at me. Pulled the trigger one time the deer ran harder. Still coming at me. When he stopped and fell. I took 5 steps to my prize. Love handgun hunting, but the eyes aren't what they used to be. Now looking for a scope.
Thanks for the story!
I love all of my Ruger 6 shooters and semi auto's. Ruger makes a great product and stand behind everything they sell. Nice article and I hope you get your elk next time out.