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SecureIt Agile 52 Safe [Review+Hands-On Video]

Looking for a modular long gun safe that you can transport up stairs or into tight spaces? We hands-on review SecureIt's Agile 52 which does just that.
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    A good safe is one of the first things that most gun owners buy, or at least should buy.

    Safely and securely storing our firearms is critical not only for safety but also to protect our property from criminal hands.

    SecureIt Agile 52, Open
    SecureIt Agile 52, Open

    But for a lot of us a 500lb+ safe just isn’t practical. Maybe you rent, maybe you move a lot, but either way – you need something a bit more…Agile.

    at SecureIt

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Read on for our full written review, or check out our new video review:

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    Table of Contents


    What It Is

    The Agile 52 is a gun safe with the modularity and portability of a cabinet.

    Shipped to your door in a large box weighing about 100lbs this is a great option for people that don’t have the space or permanency to install a full-sized safe.

    Agile 52
    Agile 52 all boxed up

    It helps to have a friend on hand, but even solo it is possible to install the Agile 52 in just about any kind of domicile.


    Obviously, the big selling point is the portability of the Agile 52, but that doesn’t do much good if it isn’t secure!


    Built of heavy-duty large gauge steel, the walls and floor of the safe are solid and will easily prevent any smash and grab attempt.

    The ability to bolt the safe down to the floor will also ensure that any would-be threat can’t just walk off with the safe as a whole unit.

    Agile 52 bolt down
    Bolt down locations inside the safe

    Combined with the mounting hardware being securely placed inside the safe and the full frame, recessed, piano hinge swing door with 3 locking points – a direct attack on the safe would be time-consuming and problematic at best.

    Key Pad

    Primary method of opening the Agile 52 is a keypad and 6 digit code, we find this to be an acceptable level of security while still maintaining a reasonable amount of convenience.

    Running on a standard 9-volt battery the keypad is simple, easy to use, easy to reprogram, and has the added benefit of a muting function in case you want to be rid of the standard beeps and boops. 

    Agile 52 Handle
    Agile 52 Handle

    If the battery runs out on you – the safe can also be opened via a physical key backup.

    CradleGrid System

    A good safe is nice, but a great safe also helps you organize! SecureIt uses the CradleGrid System to allow for a plethora of mounting options and customization inside the safe.

    Cradle Grid

    SecureIt offers a wide range of options for the CradleGrid system including rifle mounts, pistol mounts, and parts buckets.

    Agile 52 cradlegrid
    CradleGrid boxes and rifle mounts

    Size Matters

    Since this is a more portable option than a full-size safe, it also doesn’t have the capacity that a huge safe might have. However, it does give you some room to store more than the average cabinet.

    Especially with the CradleGrid.

    SecureIt Agile 52, Open
    SecureIt Agile 52, Open

    We can easily fit 3 rifles, a shotgun, 2 AR-15 uppers, several pistols, and a number of scopes and accessories in our Agile 52 – and we’re not even Tetris masters!

    Plus, if you need even more room – SecureIt does offer a Quad Model 52 and 40 of their Agile safes so that you can stack them and store even more goodies.

    Agile 52 and 50 Quad Mounted Safes

    Speaking of size, the dimensions for the Agile 52 are:

    • Height: 52″
    • Width: 20″
    • Depth: 15″
    • Weight: 105 lbs

    We recently set up another one with a slightly different layout…you’ll see it holds the same number of long guns but we moved around the shelves and bins.

    SecureIt Agile 52, Open
    SecureIt Agile 52, Open


    This is where the Agile 52 could see some improvement. While the fact that it comes disassembled and portable is really nice, putting it together is kind of like trying to put together IKEA furniture…only heavier and with aggressive edges. 

    The directions are…adequate, but not stellar.

    The only video SecureIt offers on assemble is for an older model that while helps to get you in the ballpark, it isn’t great.

    Agile 52 directions
    Agile 52 directions…

    In all the project only took about 40 minutes, but it was a frustrating 40 minutes.

    Thankfully, if you have a friend on hand to help hold some things – the process is a lot smoother. And the further you get in assembly the quicker and cleaner it becomes due to the safe taking shape and lining each part up.

    Agile 52 3 members of the ppt team vs one safe
    Who would win? 3 members of the Pew Pew Tactical team or 1 Safey Boi


    The SecureIt Agile 52 gives you a portable and easy to setup safe at around 100 lbs yet still retains decent security and access speed.

    SecureIt Agile 52
    SecureIt Agile 52

    The interior is incredibly modular and we fit a large number of rifles and accessories with ease. Some assembly hiccups here and there still don’t detract from a full recommendation.

    SecureIt Agile 52 Shelves
    SecureIt Agile 52 Shelves

    So is the Agile 52 the answer to your storage problem? 

    If you’re short on space or if you plan on moving soon or often, then it’s a great option over a normal full-sized safe.

    The Agile 52 gives you the security that you need right now while giving you a portability option that would otherwise be expensive and difficult with other safes.

    at SecureIt

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Do you use a security cabinet or a gun safe? Let us know in the comments! If you’re looking for more options check out our Best Gun Safes for Pistols & Long Guns or Best Safe Dumifidiers.

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    25 Leave a Reply

    • Ryan

      The 10% off coupon has expired and should be removed from this review.

      February 26, 2024 9:51 pm
    • Mark

      I just got one of these and put it together today. By myself. The hardest part was that the whole thing is black and once it's time to put the final pieces (door and top) onto it, it's DARK inside, so you need a portable light to see what you're doing.

      As someone else mentioned, there are more accessories on the Pro model than will fit easily inside, at least if you're putting a few long guns inside.

      Also, the door organizer has a MAJOR issue in that it covers the battery compartment with no flap or opening to allow for changing the battery. And since the organizer is taped down at top and bottom, there doesn't appear to be any easy way to get to the battery compartment.

      I think this is going to work for what I need it for, but it does have a lot of room for improvement.

      April 14, 2023 2:10 am
    • Will

      Recently bought one of these, as I couldn't find anywhere in my house to put a "real" safe. Found it easier to assemble alone than a lot of furniture, honestly. Wasn't thrilled to see the "made in china" stamped on the box when it arrived. Note also that the bundle with all the accessories contains more accessories than will reasonably fit with more than like... one rifle.

      June 11, 2022 4:17 pm
      • Ryan

        Thanks for the Made in China notice. Will stear clear.

        February 26, 2024 10:08 pm
    • Ham Bone

      OMG, What an incredible POS. Other than the convenience of the flat pack to get it upstairs, nothing lined up, and required some field mods to fit the top. Cheap Chinese tin can. Pew Pew Tactical definitely lost credibility in my eyes since they highly recommended this garbage.

      February 7, 2022 2:14 pm
    • Beef Malone

      This would be a great safe for $299 or so...but it's not.

      June 6, 2019 9:31 pm
    • Mike F

      Is there some reason why the actual dimensions, inside - outside - or both, are not mentioned?

      May 31, 2019 6:12 am
      • David, PPT Editor

        Reason: We saw a squirrel and forgot to add it!

        Height: 52", Width: 20", Depth: 15", Weight: 105 lbs

        June 1, 2019 4:48 pm
    • Ken Johnston

      I have a Snap Safe offering some of the portability you discussed here but with more security and some fireproofing. It weighs in around 500 pounds I think with the door being the heaviest part (90 pounds or close). I’m 73, 5’7”, 150 pounds. I assembled the safe by myself but had help sliding the door onto the hinges. Probably could have done the door alone too but already had back surgery once so I got help. Very secure safe, I have around 10 long guns (most with optics) and 5 handguns stored in it. Around $1600 if I remember correctly. Very pleased with the safe; the instructions and videos were great. Good buy.

      May 30, 2019 5:22 pm
    • Brad

      Assembly is actually quite easy once you do it the first time. Here is a short description.
      1. lay down the bottom (or top, they are interchangeable) with the lip toward the front
      2. Stand the back inside the bottom with the grid tabs pointing up
      3. finger tighten the middle silver nut at the bottom
      4. place one side in (they are interchangeable too) and place a black screw and nut in the middle hole, attaching it to the back
      5. repeat for the other side
      6. place the "joiner bars" over the joint between the sides and back and finger tighten the silver nut at the base, repeat for the other side
      7. place the door inside the front lip of the base
      8. finger tighten a black screw and nut in the middle hole to join the door and sides
      9. place joiner bars as in step 6
      10. place the top over the whole shebang
      11. with the door open, place joiner bars for the top as you did in step 6 for the bottom
      12. tighten all the screws/nuts
      13. program your code (easiest to do with the red reset button inside)

      May 29, 2019 12:10 pm
    • Pogo

      This is just an extremely expensive gun cabinet that can be opened up as easily as a tin can. You’d be better off buying a bicycle lock and locking your guns to the hanger bar in your closet. At least when you’re robbed you didn’t spend money on a POS safe.
      This “safe” is probably fire rated .01% better than a bundle of sticks too.

      May 29, 2019 8:01 am
      • Mark

        My grandson is a very inquisitive kid who gets into everything. This will keep him out. I can't see buying a five thousand dollar safe to protect a couple of insured, replaceable rifles. I can see spending $600 to prevent a tragedy.

        June 2, 2019 5:36 pm
        • William Cleghorn, Sr.

          Cheaper bigger gun cabinets after all that’s really all this is. A very small gun cabinet. For 600 you could buy two cheap cabinets. Check academy.

          June 3, 2019 4:12 pm
      • William Cleghorn, Sr.

        No more than this small safe will hold you could simply hide the whole 3 long guns or some ammo maybe a hand gun.

        June 3, 2019 4:09 pm
    • Erankin

      Zamotti armor are far superior to these

      May 28, 2019 8:31 pm
      • Brad

        Zanotti uses wood and carpeting (glued) inside the safe. These are not good for your guns. I do like their pin connections inside.

        May 29, 2019 12:26 pm
    • Mark

      I did not see scopes attached to the rifles. Is the cabinet wide enough to hold an AR with a scope?

      May 28, 2019 6:59 pm
      • Brad

        These are 15" deep.

        May 29, 2019 12:28 pm
    • Mike Leonetti

      It seems like a good idea if you can't have a full size safe, but it also seems quite expensive for what you get.

      May 28, 2019 5:29 pm
    • Terp

      ...looks as secure as a high-school gym locker (not to mention you used the word "safe"
      on this page more than 30 times, while the company rightfully calls this a "cabinet" and not a "safe.")

      May 28, 2019 4:42 pm
      • David, PPT Editor

        They call it both!

        May 28, 2019 7:44 pm
        • King in Canada

          Which one is it?

          May 28, 2019 9:54 pm
      • Dean

        And those $3k Liberty "safes" aren't technically safes either, they're UL RSC-1 rated "security containers" that take less than 5 minutes to break into with a crowbar.

        If you want a real gun safe, be prepared to spend at least $10k and it'll weigh over a ton.

        May 17, 2021 5:15 pm
        • Scott

          Absolutely correct! So many people dogging on this fantastic gun cabinet from Secureit, all the while falsely believing their safes are superior and actually providing any useful type of fire protection, which they don’t! Whether the fire makes it inside the safe or not, whatever is inside is going to be damaged and most likely destroyed either way!

          December 17, 2022 4:35 pm
    • John Forester

      I love my Secure it agile. Have the 52 with the 40 in top bolted to the wall and the floor. Love the cradle grld.

      May 28, 2019 4:05 pm
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