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Sig Sauer P365 Review: Still the Standard? [Range Tested]

Is the Sig Sauer P365 the perfect concealed carry handgun for you? We focus on shootability, accuracy, reliability, and more.
We review products independently. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission to help support our testing. Learn more.

    We’ve got a great video review of the Sig Sauer P365 right here…but read on for the written review with more specs/features/commentary.

    Sig Sauer made a huge splash when they debuted the P365 back in 2018.

    Sig Sauer P365
    Sig Sauer P365

    10+1 rounds of 9mm in the smallest package yet.

    Years later…does it still deserve to be so popular?

    We initially tested after launch in 2018 but here is our updated review after years of carry, shooting, upgrading, and more.

    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    We’ll cover tons of stuff and by the end you’ll know all about the P365 and if it makes sense for your carry and shooting needs.

    Table of Contents


    Sig Sauer P365 Review at a Glance


    • 10+1 9mm capacity, up to 15+1 with extended mags
    • One of the smallest 9mm form factors
    • Comes with tritium night sights
    • Flush fit and pinky extension magazine options
    • Excellent grips
    • Controllable given the small size


    • Tight fit with full mag and one in the chamber
    • Thumb may rest on slide stop negating last round slide hold open

    The Bottom Line

    The rest of the industry has had a couple of years to catch up but the P365 is still an impressive micro 9 that is super popular as a CCW option.

    9mm Micro Compacts
    9mm Micro Compacts (P365: upper left)

    If you want to jump into comparisons among the current players…check out our Best Micro 9mms.

    Sig Sauer P365 Specs

    • Caliber: 9mm Lugar
    • Capacity: 10+1
    • Barrel Length: 3.1 inch
    • Overall Length: 5.8 inch
    • Width: 1 inch
    • Height: 4.3 inch
    • Weight: 1.125 lbs
    • Frame Material: Stainless Steel
    • Street Price: $499


    The SIG P365 is a tiny gun.

    Sig Sauer P365
    Sig Sauer P365

    It’s effortless to carry and super comfortable. It packs ten rounds and comes with two 10 round magazines. One is flush fitting and the other features a slight pinky extension.

    Sig P365 Mags
    Sig P365 magazines (left to right) 12 round extended magazine, 10 round with pinky extension, 10 round flush fit

    The P365 also has a factory 12 round magazine that extends the length of the gun overall just a hair. This would give you twice the capacity of the Glock 43, and nearly twice that of the capacity of the S&W Shield and Walther PPS M2.

    P365 vs Glock 43
    P365 vs Glock 43

    This iteration of SIG also comes with the SIG Sauer XRay3 night sights, which are amazing. The front sight is a high visibility day and night sight. The front sight has a high visibility green ring around a tritium vial.

    The rear sight rocks two tritium vials and besides that are blacked out. The rear sight is serrated to reduce glare in bright environments.
    P365 Sights

    The rear sight rocks two tritium vials and besides that are blacked out. The rear sight is serrated to reduce glare in bright environments.

    Who Is This For?

    The P365 is geared solidly at concealed carry and marked the jump from 6 or 7 rounds to 10+1 rounds of 9mm becoming standard.

    You can go smaller with .380 ACP such as with the Ruger LCP Max…but if you want more oomph the P365 is a great choice.

    L to R LCP Max, P365, G19
    (L to R) LCP Max, P365, G19

    Fit & Feel

    Let’s talk about ergonomics here. They can make or break a gun.

    A lot of single stacks have a few different issues, and they are often related to compromises made to the grip to reduce size.

    The SIG sports a very functional and comfortable grip. It has a tremendous little palm swell that fills the hand well. The trigger guard has a nice undercut that allows you to get an excellent and full grip on the gun.

    Shield EZ, Sig Sauer P365, Glock 43
    Shield EZ, Sig Sauer P365, Glock 43

    With the 10 round magazines rocking the pinky extension I can fit my entire hand on the grip. There is no hanging pinky here, and I like that.

    A better grip means more control.

    Sig Sauer P365
    Sig Sauer P365

    Small guns tend to be hard to control, so the more control, the better.

    The gun’s controls are simple and easy to reach. The slide lock is small but textured with a ‘step’ that allows your thumb to reach it with ease. The gun’s magazine release is triangular and is a low profile design.

    Micro Compacts Sig Sauer P365X
    Micro Compacts Sig Sauer P365 (bottom) & P365X (top)

    It’s not hard to reach, but it’s not like the magazine release you’d find on a fighting pistol. It’s small, but its something you have to expect from a little gun.

    The trigger is brilliant. I’ll say it now it’s superior to the other pistols we’ve compared the P365 too. It’s crisp, gives a very clean break, and a tremendous audible and tactile reset. It’s not a match grade trigger, but as a stock trigger, it’s impressive.

    How Does It Shoot?

    Shooting the SIG P365 is more fun than it should be.

    Over time I’ve gotten pretty used to shooting small handguns, but you can always feel the discomfort associated with that hand slapping recoil.

    The P365 isn’t a Glock 17 regarding comfort, but it does have high marks for comfort.

    Small gun, but large enough to get a full grip on
    Small gun, but large enough to get a full grip on

    A significant portion of this comfort factor comes from the excellent grip. It doesn’t feel like I’m holding a board like the PPS and Glock 43. The higher undercut allows me to get a full grip on the gun and this also helps mitigate recoil and even muzzle rise.

    Hitting accurate double taps is pretty straightforward.

    If you take a peek at my target here, you’ll see it marks out the critical areas of a man-sized opponent.

    I can quickly place a double tap in the vital areas of the chest and pelvis area.

    That's not a miss, that's a 'combat effective' hit!
    That’s not a miss, that’s a ‘combat effective’ hit!

    Accuracy is also top notch up close, thanks to the combination of great trigger, great sights, and a little practice with the fundamentals. I can get a 1-2 inch group at 7 yards going at a leisurely pace.

    Backing out to 25 yards placing shots into the chest or pelvic area isn’t a challenge. I can group an entire magazine where they all need to be.

    At 35 to 50 yards I can even ring my 21-inch ShootSteel popper if I take it slow. Of course, I’m not hitting 100% of the shots, but at least 70%.

    Rack the slide
    Easy to rack the slide

    Sig Sauer does advertise heavily that it’s a 10 + 1 gun, which is true, but it can be a hassle to load that full magazine with one in the chamber. You have to force the magazine in when it’s full.

    Lastly, I want to say the gun itself is quite easy to rack. More so than most small firearms, and if you have weaker hand strength, I think this is an excellent choice. It’s not a compromise like the S&W 380 Shield EZ.

    Concealed Carry with the P365

    The SIG P365 is a tiny gun; it’s so comfortable and just one of those guns you’ll forget you’re carrying. The SIG P365 is a great little carry gun, and it’s been a welcome entry into my waistband.

    Perfect for IWB CC
    Perfect for IWB CC

    Our editor Eric wears his P365 in a Hidden Hybrid Holster and Kore belt.

    Kore Tactical Gun Belt Rigidity with P365
    Kore Tactical Gun Belt with P365

    The P365 conceals extremely well, without compromising comfort or my ability to draw the gun.

    Kore Leather Gun Belt with P365
    Concealed P365

    Check out our favorite brands…and ways of carrying in Best Concealed Carry Holsters.

    But our favorites are:

    Carry Ammo Options

    Thankfully, SIG isn’t the only company – or even the first – to offer a line of ammo that is designed for short barreled sub-compact pistols.

    Federal HST is a long established defensive ammo but it now comes in a new flavor – HST Micro.

    at Lucky Gunner

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Designed for small guns, the HST Micro has less flash, less recoil, less noise, and fires subsonically.

    Best of all? It still expands like you would expect from standard Federal HST ammo. Check out the Lucky Gunner Ballistics Test for more science goodness.

    HST Micro
    HST Micro expansion

    If you want more defensive and training ammo options, check out our Best 9mm Ammo article!

    Popular 9mm Ammo
    Popular 9mm Ammo

    What Sets It Apart?

    The CCW market is a crowded one.

    There are more guns than ever designed for concealed carry that is small, potent and easy to carry. To keep this an apples to apple comparison, we are only comparing 9mms to 9mms.

    Glock 43 provided by online gun store Omaha Outdoors
    Glock 43 provided by online gun store Omaha Outdoors

    Glock 43

    The Glock 43 was a huge deal a few years ago, which is true whenever Glock releases something new. The G43 is a single stack 9mm that features the same simplistic design Glock fans have come to know and love.

    Here is how they stack up size wise.

    Sig P365Glock 43
    Barrel Length:3.1″3.39″

    Walther PPS M2

    The original Walther PPS was one of the first single stack carry guns and came out well before the Shield, the XDs, or the Glock 43. The PPS M2 was a bit of a modernization of the design with a more Americanized magazine release, a rounder grip, and a lack of rail.

    Sig P365Walther PPS M2
    Barrel Length:3.1″3.18″
    Height:4.3″4.4″ to 5.3″
    Capacity:10+16 to 8+1

    Smith & Wesson Shield 2.0

    The Shield is the American heavy hitter in the single stack polymer frame firearms realm. This little guy was and is extremely popular, affordable, and very easy to find. Outside of the trigger, there isn’t too much you can say is bad about the gun.

    Sig P365S&W Shield 2.0
    Barrel Length:3.1″3.1″
    Capacity:10+17+1 or 8+1

    Glock 26

    Since I’m comparing it to nothing but single stacks lets take a minute to compare it to the Glock26. The Glock 26 is a favorite 9mm double stack, subcompact Glock designed for concealed carry.

    Sig P365Glock 26
    Barrel Length:3.1″3.42″
    Capacity:10+110 to 33+1

    Looking at a variety or single stacks and a few double stacks tell me SIG designed this gun the right way. They’ve given it double stack capacity in a gun the size of a single stack. This could potentially be a revolution in the CCW handgun industry.

    SIG designed the magazine first and then built the gun around in. If that’s true, the design works and is brilliant.

    Newer ones have come out with all the top players…and we go through them in our Best Micro 9mms.

    9mm Micro Compacts
    9mm Micro Compacts

    Which Model P365?

    It was a lot easier when the first P365 came out…it was the one to get.

    Now there’s a couple more flavors.

    Micro Compacts Sig Sauer P365X
    Micro Compacts Sig Sauer (L to R: P365XL, P365, P365X)

    Thankfully it’s mostly to do with size.

    There’s the P365XL which has a larger grip and slide. Plus a nicer flat-trigger although that’s subjective. It’s the go-to EDC for our editor Eric. Check out our full review.

    Micro Compacts Sig Sauer P365XL
    Micro Compacts Sig Sauer P365XL
    at Kygunco

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Next up is the P365X which keeps the longer grip but maintains the regular P365 slide…plus makes it optic ready. Available with the Romeo Zero red dot or by itself to add your own micro red dot.

    Micro Compacts Sig Sauer P365XL
    Micro Compacts Sig Sauer P365X
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Lastly there’s the P365 SAS which reduces snag points but requires a tool to field strip. For deep concealment it’s great. See our full review.

    Sig P365 SAS On Display
    Sig P365 SAS On Display
    at Guns.com

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    By The Numbers

    Reliability: 5/5

    I had zero hitches with any of the ammo I used. This includes the 365 training and defensive ammo, Speer 124 Grain JHPs, Tula, Winchester Steel, and more.

    No jams, failure to ejects, or magazine failures occurred. This is even after I dropped magazine after magazine while practicing my reloads.

    The gun works, and I’ve never cleaned it, or even added oil after receiving it from SIG.

    Field stripping is also incredibly easy…check out our video:

    Ergonomics: 3.5/5

    While the ergonomics are solid for a small gun, it’s still a tiny gun. The magazine will often catch your hand while reloading and fail to drop free. I’m almost always resting my thumb on the slide lock, which creates a situation where the slide rarely locks to the rear after the last shot.

    Other than that the gun is comfortable to shoot, has a great trigger, and very minimized recoil and muzzle rise.

    Accuracy: 4/5

    For a small gun, it’s quite accurate. The short sight radius is an issue, but when it comes to defensive use, this gun is more accurate than it needs to be. The great sights and trigger make it a smooth shooter.

    Sig 365 ADS
    Sig 365 firing

    Accessories and Upgrades: 4/5

    Before this was an abysmal 2/5 because the only things you could get were holsters.

    Now that I’ve had my 365 for a few years…here are some of my favorite upgrades that I use daily.

    Bang For your Buck/Value: 3/5

    With a street price of $499 and magazines running between 35 to 48 dollars, this gun is priced solidly compared to the other micro 9mms. The magazines are a tad pricey, but they are well made.

    Overall: 4/5

    P365 Upgrades

    Here’s some of my favorites:

    P365 Upgrades The Whole Lot
    P365 Upgrades The Whole Lot

    Streamlight has made a TLR-6 light for the P365.  We love ours so far.

    TLR-6 on P365
    TLR-6 on P365

    Not the brightest at 100 lumens…but plenty enough for night time identification.  And we love the push-button on/off.

    at Amazon

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    TLR-6 Outdoors
    TLR-6 Outdoors

    You’ll also want more mags even though they are a little pricy.

    at GunMag Warehouse

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Now there’s even a 15-rounder although it does stick out a lot more.

    at GunMag Warehouse

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Ammo…you’ll want lots of it. Check out the Best 9mm Ammo for Range & Self-Defense.

    Popular 9mm Ammo
    Popular 9mm Ammo

    Want more? I’ve got a full Best P365 Upgrades article that covers everything.

    Final Thoughts

    The Sig Sauer P365 is now one of the most popular CCW pistols due to its large capacity, reliability, tiny size, great trigger, and upgrade potential. Plus it’s fun to shoot and comes in several varieties like the P365 XL and SAS models.

    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    It’s my favorite subcompact 9mm so far. I enjoy shooting it, carrying it, and I never feel likes it’s too much or too little. It’s one of the few pocket pistols I’ll take out and plink with for fun.

    Most small guns I shoot are for training, and keeping skills sharp. This one is just fun to fire. No slide bite, no hand slapping recoil, just a little gun that goes bang when I pull the trigger.

    To see how to break down the P365, make sure to check out our video below!

    Does anyone have some time with the SIG P365? If so what are your thoughts? If not, what is a gun that’s captured you? Check out our Best P365 Upgrades and also Best CCW Guns (Across Calibers).

    Sig Sauer P365

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    Rating score


    6 ratings


    Is the Sig Sauer P365 reliable?

    Yes, we haven't had any malfunctions in all our testing.

    What is the capacity of a Sig Sauer P365?

    10+1 rounds of 9mm or 12+1 rounds with an extended magazine.

    What's the best model of P365?

    We like the standard P365 when size matters. Otherwise the P365X and P365XL have a fuller-sized grip which aids in shooting.

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    108 Leave a Reply

    • Jeff

      I just bought a Sig P365 and the magazines are horrible! One cannot be pushed down at all and the other is a 4 round max. Very poor design and quality. Wish I had gone another direction. Do your research before buying this paper weight.

      December 10, 2024 5:57 pm
    • Brian

      I'd very much love to see an upgraded version of this article!
      As an Army veteran and owner of a few different guns (including but not limited to the Sig P365X, Glock 19 Gen 5 MOS), I know that many upgrades have come out. Many people are loving the Sig P365 XMACRO series (1. Regular Non-Comped 2. Compensated 3. TACOPS). There have also be many of the Holosun SCS optics models released for many pistols (SCS MOS for the Glock regular optic footprint, SCS Carry for the P365 RMSc/Holosun K footprint, and not to forget the EPS MRS, EPS Carry MRS, ACSS Reticle versions, etc.). Also the TLR-6 HL which comes with a 300 Lumen output (much better than the 100 lumen of the regular TLR-6 but not as good as the larger TLR-7 Sub) and also gives you a green or red laser on top of that with the same exact footprint of the TLR-6. Also don't forget about the Surefire X300 Ultra Turbo which provides more powerful candela (how far the light travels AKA: throw) than the regular X300 Ultra but at the expense of a few lumens (how wide the light encompasses AKA: spill). Tenicor also JUST released to Velo5 series holster, and there are many great pocket carry options for the P365 family as well as the Glock 19 surprisingly (Alabama, Aholster, Vedder, Hawg, etc.).
      I know it's hard to constantly be updating things as new items are always coming out, so let me say I appreciate you guys putting in the work to give us great articles so keep up the great work!

      October 8, 2024 3:56 pm
    • tirod

      The significant and major improvement the P365 brought to carry was the ten round magazine. It was Plus 3 over the rest of the handguns offered in that size - a three shot advantage - which was why owners of the 7 shot handguns all tried loading the extra in the chamber.

      AND SIG offered a 12 shot, another two rounds, which many could carry as a reload, adding +2 to the game. That makes +5 over the previous standard. At that point, who needs to load one extra in the chamber to carry? It's a very minimal increase in comparison.

      I just bought a used 15 round mag, which for capacity and weight balance for a shoulder holster, makes a +5 reload in itself. This means a CCW could carry three times the ammo previously, compared to the 7 shot guns. 25 rounds in two mags vs only 21 in three mags with the old guns. One less mag change is an important advantage in carry and use, as it's a 33% reduction in the gun out of action.

      This is where we need to stop and ask, how much is TOO much? We have now arrived at 17 round mags in the XL - a Duty grade capacity, which means we aren't talking mini 9mm, we are talking holster grade open carry. Have we strayed from the original concept of a compact 9mm, or are we just admitting we ourselves got so wrapped up in the ammo count hype we forgot what the whole point is?

      I'll stick to the original for CCW, the McSupersized have their place, but they aren't meant for CCW any more than a 1911.

      April 9, 2024 7:17 pm
    • Robert Haldi

      I am 85 years old and have the standard 365 upgraded with the xl straight trigger. Have had since 2019 and shot several thousand rounds through it. Love it no problems. Have 2 10- round mags, and 1 12- round mags. Prefer the 12-rounder, but pocket carry with any of them depending on fit. Fantastic gun.

      September 28, 2022 4:30 pm
    • Bull o' the Woods

      The best combination for me would be the 365XL slide mounted on the 365 X-macro frame. (I have no use for the compensator on the X-macro.) Sig's vaunted Fire Control Units does not, however, allow you to mate those two parts. No 365 for me until they get that fixed.

      September 19, 2022 8:38 pm
    • John Finch

      I have had my 365 for 2 years now and totally enjoy it. This has replaced my P938 for conceal carry and I use a Glock 30 Gen.4 for home. My wife now has the 938 for her own carry. I use the 10 round mag for daily with 2 of the 15 round for back up. Nothing about the 365 that I don't like. Always enjoy your reviews...thank you!!

      September 13, 2022 7:03 pm
    • Douglas L Dicketts

      The XD line by Springfield was glossed over in my opinion. I believe the XD-M line at the same or less price point are far superior. But it's just my opinion.

      April 26, 2022 12:55 pm
    • Jed

      It would've been a fair comparison against the G43x, I feel like this review was slightly "stacked" in favor of the P365.

      April 25, 2022 12:27 pm
    • Mark

      Had my P365 for two years. Less snappy than the P938 that I traded for it although I really loved that gun. Accurate and comfortable so that I forget I’m wearing it. I did have the slide issue earlier but a minor medication in where I place my thumb and no issues. Would love to have a laser for it. Wonder if they’ll come up with one.

      April 24, 2022 6:25 pm
    • Matt Gilson

      I have big old tree climbing paws, the P365 did not fit my hand at all. I tried the M&P 9 Shield Plus (13 + 1) that fits and shoots like a dream. I did get their Performance Center model without thumb safety and with the grip covered with a Talon laser cut Pro style it stays put in my hand! Awesome handgun, and with a Vedder holster carrying in the appendix position it disappears!

      April 10, 2022 5:23 pm
    • Chris Smejkal

      Love my 365. Only gripe is the grip. When I squeeze the grip it raises the back of slide and creates about a 1/2" gap btwn top of hand and beaver.
      Fix was simple. I added 1/2" of hot glue gun stick to back of grip on lower half. This changed grip angle a little and added to circumference. None added at top of grip. Beaver now tight on top of hand.
      Now if I could only find a grip module w/ interchangeable back strap, I would buy it.

      October 5, 2021 6:30 pm
    • Paulette L Putzlerelrod

      I bought the P365 SAS 9mm six months ago. I am a small woman with small hands and this P365 fits perfectly in my hands, is easy to shoot and is accurate. I added the Olight Baldr Mini, had a custom holster made to fit with the light attached, and bought a couple of 15 round magazines. I carry it with me all the time. I also have a Sig P239 40 and a S&W 38 SP+P, 5 shot, but for personal carry, I, by far, prefer my P365. I live in Texas which is an open carry state. But, I think the P365 is the best handgun for concealed carry.

      May 19, 2021 6:51 pm
    • Douglas J Shinebarger

      I like my Kimber Ultra Covert ll 45. Its 7 plus 1 and is really accurate and reliable. Can carry in jean pocket or in concealed holster. I carry all the time and prefer the ultra compact 45 over any other, even my Kimber K6S 357.

      April 12, 2021 10:42 am
      • Matt Gilson

        Love my Kimber Ultra CDP ll in .45 acp! Carry it in the winter as it is not easily concealed though. And the same 7+1 config.

        April 10, 2022 5:27 pm
    • Ronbow

      I carry my P365 with the 15 rd. mag and 1 on the launch pad (16 rds.). Keep it usually in my pocket in a #4 Uncle Mikes pocket holster. Hardly prints in the right pair of pants. The 15 rd. mag. also provides an enhanced grip.

      March 24, 2021 10:35 am
    • Douglas Catlett

      I sold my Glock 43 and bought a P365 NRA edition. Although I loved my Glock 43 and used it to win first and second place in a GSSF event, I had to try a P365 after my son bought one. Budget limitations required me to sell a pistol to buy a pistol. This thing is dead nuts accurate and functions flawlessly. I find it easier to shoot accurately than my G43 and the extra capacity make for a great pocket carry pistol, even with the XL frame that I swapped out the standard frame with. Awesome little carry pistol for sure.

      February 26, 2021 6:21 pm
    • Stephan Timchula

      Spot on with the analysis. I use it as my primary Carry and am very comfortable with it regardless of the holster used. My wife loved it enough to get one as well.

      February 23, 2021 5:59 am
    • Andrew Ford

      I had the same trouble with the slide not locking sometimes. I change my grip a bit so my strong side thumb was below the slide release. This handled the problem and gave me a bit more accuracy. I appendix carry in a soft leather Galco holster and it's very comfortable and concealable. I really love this gun.

      November 28, 2020 11:28 am
    • OldStrummer

      My "plain Jane" P365 has replaced my P938 as my EDC. I added an ArmaLaser TR27G green laser to it, and it still fits in my pocket in a Blackhawk #4. I put a laser on my P938 to compare the two at the range, and the P365 came out the clear winner! I'm putting my P938 out to pasture.

      February 13, 2020 2:24 pm
    • Dingram

      I bought the Sig P-365 XL and love it, it is now my concealed carry firearm. It came with 2-12 round mags. I have a ankle holster that works really great with the sig when I am wearing sweats. I retired my Glock 43 for this gun.

      February 11, 2020 9:16 am
    • BGarrett

      Can you compare the Hellcat with the 365 please?

      December 21, 2019 11:32 pm
      • Mitch Headrub

        I second that!

        February 6, 2020 10:42 pm
    • LBS

      I bought an all tungsten colored 365 from Impact Guns in Boise and I love it. I am normally a Glock man, I have TOO many of them (43, 19s, 17s), and love working on and customizing Glocks.

      I decided to try the 365 at a rental gun range, and was so surprised at how well I shot it that I bought one that same day.

      I am still pleasantly surprised every time I visit the range, sometimes I'll try some "hard shots" - like from 35-50 yards away.... I always hit that 6" steel target!

      One thing I had to do was to sand down the right side rear edge of the 365's magwell becuae it was sharp and poking into my palm. I also did the same to the edge of the actual magazines... went from 100 grit all the way up to 600 grit, basically just rounded off the plastic. Now it is even more amazing.

      Great sights too, day or night. Super comfortable and easy to conceal. The 365 is a winner for me!

      Thanks for the article

      December 9, 2019 12:43 pm
    • Steve

      I had purchased the p365 1 month ago from Cabelas, It is the one with the stainless steel slide compared to the black slide . Man oh Man this is definitely the weapon of choice, accurate , trigger is awesome compared to the Glock trigger which destroys my trigger finger after shooting 100 rounds. Folks hands down this blows all of these other micro guns away. I put about 2000 rounds with it already awesome , awesome awesome . I just don’t have anything else to say . Sig really came through .

      December 6, 2019 2:22 pm
    • John

      I put a Hogue grip on my 365, as I wanted to ease the aggressiveness of the original grip. The problem that I encountered, is that with the 'finger grooves' of the Hogue grip, I find that the knuckle of my middle finger gets crushed into the trigger guard. This gets really uncomfortable after 50 rounds or so. It appears that Sig anticipated this situation, and incorporated a 'bend up' in the trigger guard. I tried easing off my grip, which means not bringing my fingers around so far, but this didn't help my accuracy at all. Final solution, was to tape the offending 'rubbing knuckle' and fire away. I'm happy with my purchase.

      December 3, 2019 7:52 am
    • Francis

      I just recently joined the ranks of the ccw crowd. I have a good friend at work that had bought a 365 and loved it. Having to wait awhile to get one I guess turned out to be a good thing as I was not in on the first run of them that had issues. Ive had mine for about 6 or 7 months now, I did right away buy 2 12 round mags, ( I carry it with one in it and one in reserve) which I think make the 365 much better to shoot. I have put a Hogue slip on beavertail cover on it and just received a flat faced trigger from Gray Guns. I havent put the trigger in it yet, I am really looking forward to trying it afterwards. I love the gun overall, accurate, reliable. Just tweeked it a little bit to make it "mine" I have 2 other Sig Sauer pistols so Im not surprized that I like it.

      October 11, 2019 6:46 pm
    • Marcus Aurelius Tarkus

      After many years with a beloved PPK/S as my EDC, I bought a P365. I truly miss the familiarity and the classic fashion statement of the former. But now that the (ugly) latter is my EDC, I appreciate 1) the 8 additional rounds total (including one spare mag) and 2) the greater power of the 9x19 cartridge. Being a lifetime SA hammer-fire guy, I even managed to easily adjust to the smooth striker fire of the Sig.

      I still love and shoot the PPK/S. On a rare occasion, I will pack it again. But it is officially and honorably retired from EDC.

      September 13, 2019 10:40 pm
    • Terry Wacasey

      I got the original and love it but I'm glad they've come out with a model with a thumb safety. I grew up with the 1911 and I'm comfortable with complex neuro-muscular tasks like using a safety or driving a stick shift.

      September 12, 2019 8:26 pm
    • Matt

      The P356 ROCKS! I’ve retired ALL of my previous EDC pistols. ...one could ALMOST go shirtless in the beach and still conceal this masterpiece. Several thousand rounds at the range, no issues. Absolutely fun to shoot. Look no further for an EDC.

      September 10, 2019 11:07 am
    • 9mm

      For me the grip with the 12 round magazines fit my hands perfect while still being completely concealable love where the trigger breaks before the back of the trigger guard the sights are to me the best sights on the market day or night the accuracy is as good as any compact gun l own with a 3.5 inch barrel to 15 yards have shot 800 rounds in 4 range visits the gun has not had a malfunction to feed fire eject or lock back so far has been as reliable as the best guns l own this is my second Sig I've owned not a Sig fan boy have many other guns Walther Ruger Smith Wesson Canik Rock Island so really not brand loyal but like guns that operate reliably and shoot well so far love the P365

      September 1, 2019 4:09 am
    • Dennis Eagleberger

      Went from a 43 to the sig 365, will not go back. The 12 round gives me a great grip, my targeting went way up from the 43 Glock.

      August 9, 2019 12:59 pm
    • Ryno

      More than happy! Over 6000 rounds of mixed fmj and jhp ammo without a single malfunction while also rotating all mag sizes available. Very accurate for size and great stock trigger. Just to test Reliability, let it stay dirty for almost a 1000 rounds of use and still no issues!

      August 9, 2019 6:17 am
    • Mister Ed

      I am totally satisfied with mine. Somewhere near 2800 - 3000 rounds through it so far. Deliberately mixed various ammunition in single magazines with no feeding or ejecting issues. It's super accurate, I love the trigger, it's my go to carry weapon of choice.

      July 27, 2019 1:19 pm
    • Pete

      I’d like to see you review the MS-MA model.

      July 8, 2019 6:45 am
    • Mike Pate

      I’ve had my Sig P-365 for a month now and found it to be everything your article states. Trouble free, comfortable to shoot. Accurate as the shooter. Great sites and trigger out of the box. Did get the 12 round mag. Both 10 & 12 are stiff to load for the first few times. Very happy with my purchase.

      April 2, 2019 10:03 am
    • Robert Maletta

      I have a Sig P365 have had three range visits with 650 rounds of 115 grain brass federal white box target FMJ and 50 rounds of 115 grain federal white box XM90001 JHP ammo without any malfunction what so ever the gun is very concealable very accurate to 15 yards a joy to shoot the trigger and reset is good the sights are some of the nicest on a factory gun l have two twelve round magazines for it it's my daily carry and so far l couldn't be happier with it

      March 24, 2019 3:18 pm
      • Trevally

        Robert and 9mm,
        Please use punctuation marks. You know, periods, commas and so on.
        Thank you.

        November 9, 2019 6:19 pm
    • D Patten

      Anyone suggest whether it’s best to use the Luger or the auto ammunition in the 365?

      March 19, 2019 1:52 pm
    • Jonathan Sitz

      I have the p365 love the gun. Have no issues. Question on defensive ammo, I was using gold dot short barrel and went to the 365 v-crown, is any one having a issue with the v- crown not expanding through cloths? If so what defensive ammo is the best for micro pistol for expansion

      March 11, 2019 9:08 am
    • Randy

      Just picked this up for my daughter and took it to the range. Shot great and she loves it. Snappy? No but I am used to a Glock 27, now that is snappy! My daughter did have a little issue with limp wristing it but she did just finish a crossfit competition that included 50 handstand push-ups lol!

      March 10, 2019 6:35 am
    • Michael Fallon

      The early "teething" problems were broken firing pins, striker issues. Firing pins were also dragging, making a trench in the case primers. I think that is when they stopped production, to make the necessary fixes. Sounds like they are good now.

      February 28, 2019 8:52 am
    • Eric

      Sig 365 been carrying it now bout 6 months, it has been the most comfortable pistol I have ever carried. Heard good and bad reviews about it so was little skeptical a first. The more I shoot it , the harder it is to put down really dead on for a little gun and been shooting a Glock 43 . It just seems to hit where u point it but had to get a pinky extension for my other mag, wanted both the same .mag spring pretty strong . I have little pocket loader if needed. Holster is just iwb Tagua.

      February 20, 2019 6:30 pm
    • Ryan M Staebler

      Thank you Travis. Your "man's man" style of writing makes these PewPew articles particularly enjoyable. I appreciate your work, keep it up.

      February 6, 2019 8:46 am
      • Jesse Aston

        Should I buy a 365 OR wait...

        March 12, 2019 9:06 am
    • John F

      I previously owned a 365; great little shooter not so hip on Sig. Not going to bash them to hard but will share my story...
      I purchased a P365, p320 x-five, x-carry, and MPX PSB. And 2 Romeo 1 for my P320s. Yeah I tried being a fan boy, but a bit disappointed. The whole drop fire deal rubbed me the wrong way. I even asked for them to add the manual safety. What I learned was that even with a trigger job my pull weight was going to rise being an xseries. Then I noticed my 365 started to light impact the primer and lil off center. Sir we see that you could send in your 365 and we will be happy to install your sights nothing wrong with your trigger strike but we highly recommend you send us in your 365.... Really pls Sig just tell me we would like to examine your 365 there may be an issue ... Just say it. Tired of all this cat and mouse non finished products to market I feel like a video game producer selling it before ready for market but that's a whole other gig download issue I have...
      My solution came I got rid of the x5 and p365. Didn't really care I had a nice shooting G43 and then the best of the best G48 was released...
      I took my G43 top and put it on my G48 frame and I got myself a mini G45 10 rounds af a pretty cool long slide G43. Score to all previous G43 owners...
      Now I have something that competes with the P365. I wish that I could post a pic for everyone. The 365 is a wonderful lil piece but for me I love the larger grip and the options that are available with a Glock.

      January 27, 2019 10:30 pm
      • John

        You are a complete Glock guy , you shouldn’t make any comments not only is Glock the ugliest gun but it is not accurate at all . And Glocks are big and very uncomfortable to carry , you are on the wrong forum . What you should do is call Glock and tell them all about there issues. I bought this gun a long time ago and It blows Glock away, I got rid of my Glock because it is crap. When I first pitched my Glock there were nothing but jams, slide wouldn’t lock back , 5 different failures to feed , and dozens of stove pipes , so you shouldn’t throw any stones here , I never had one issue from the p365 best gun on the market.

        December 6, 2019 2:34 pm
    • HuntingtonGuy

      I’m a big guy with big mitts. My Shield is pretty comfortable but without that little spacer on the mag I’d have a floating pinky.
      How does the 365 compare in terms of grip? Surface area and comfort as well as how the support hand fits?
      I haven’t fired a 365 yet but the 2.0’s seem to be crowd pleasers.

      Any replies appreciated.

      December 23, 2018 6:16 pm
      • Bryan

        I am a big guy too - it is amazing for the size - I went with the 12 round mags - love it!

        January 19, 2019 6:21 pm
    • Jeff

      Wheres your eye protection bro?

      December 23, 2018 5:36 am
      • Hdjkstr

        Agree on that ! Geeez !

        March 6, 2019 6:41 pm
        • M J

          Exactly, I always put on my eye protection in a self defense situation. Safety first.

          March 29, 2019 6:44 pm
    • Steve Plank

      Why the word " rocks " or " rocking "?

      Aren't the words " uses " or " has " good enough?

      December 15, 2018 12:14 pm
      • Eric Hung

        They will suffice...but it's how we roll, broski!

        December 15, 2018 12:37 pm
    • Tim

      I went shopping with my son. He chose the 365 from a full selection of 9s. We shot my two carry 9s, and the 365. WOW is all I can say. The 365 met and exceeded all our expectations. I would consider the 365 anyday as my carry gun. It is a great development and ...WOW!

      December 14, 2018 10:37 am
    • william

      My first and only CCW is the Glock 26. I like it enough and can shoot it well enough, but it’s big, especially in summer clothes. I am hoping the P365 conceals better. I went to Cabellas today but they didn’t have one in the case...said they had a back order of 700.

      November 18, 2018 5:38 pm
    • Glenn Frischmann

      I am a retired Law Enforcement officer and current CCW license holder. I have had the pleasure of trying out just about every small subcompact gun that has come out over the years. I have been looking for that "perfect" carry gun, you know, the good shooter, decent caliber and comfortable to carry and conceal. My favorite for many years was the Glock 27 in .40 cal. It is a great gun but it was always just so block like, I found it uncomfortable to carry.
      Later, I moved on to the Ruger LC9 and than the LC9s but I had reliability issues with them. I also did not like the LC9s trigger, much too light for me. I tried the Glock 42 but again I was not really sold on its reliability. The one gun that I have carried frequently in the interim however is the Ruger LCP. This little gun is super reliable, great to carry and after I had better sights installed a great shooter. The addition of the Hogue grips made it even better. The downside to this gun is the caliber. The .380 can be an effective round but in such a small gun and with only six or seven rounds you have to be very proficient in your shot placement. That means lots of practice and with the .380 that means lots of money.
      I happened to come across the Sig Sauer P365 by chance. I was at my range and I saw the gun in the case. I checked it out and I bought it on the spot. I later put 500 rounds through the gun and it did not miss a beat. This gun was every bit as reliable as my small Glock but oh so much more comfortable to fire. Better sights and for me much better ergonomics. I carry this gun in a deep cover rig in front of my body under my pants in a Pistol Wear neoprene holster and it is the most comfortable and concealable rig I have ever worn. The gun and holster were made for each other. The Sig also fits into an old DeSantis rig I bought years ago for my old back up gun, a Smith + Wesson .380 Sigma. The magazines for this gun are very expensive at $45 - $50 bucks apiece but they are great quality. I would recommend buying the 12 round mags as they give you so much more comfort and grip while shooting. You also get a much better purchase in holding the gun.

      Sorry for the long winded review but I must say Sig has hit a homer with this gun. As far as I am concerned this is the CCW gun to beat if you need a small, accurate, reliable and concealable firearm.

      November 13, 2018 5:25 am
      • Victor Aguilar

        What's the Pistol Wear neoprene holster that you are using. I would like to try it. I need to carry deep concealed at work so that may be the solution for me.

        January 1, 2019 8:16 am
    • Sam Soper

      I was never that accurate nor a fan of smaller handguns. I currently fire a FNX-9, which I love. I was refining my technique and finally happy with my grouping, so today I test fired 50 rounds with a P365. I saw little difference in handling or accuracy and easily shot center mass at 15 yards, even when testing the rapid fire trigger reset. Awesome handgun, soon to be my second.

      November 11, 2018 5:37 pm
    • harry

      would you trade in a p938 for a 365?

      November 9, 2018 5:37 am
      • Brian W

        I did just that today. P938 had many reliability issues. Many misfeeds with quality ammo. Didn’t trust it any longer. Now I hold more rounds, just as slim. The P938 is too “pretty” to carry. Sweat and body grime near it down in 6 months.

        November 14, 2018 8:01 pm
      • chuck

        Join the discussion...

        January 30, 2019 7:27 am
      • chuck

        I didnt trade in my p938 but its moving to second place behind my 365.. Never been a fan of striker fired but this is sweet. really accurate for a small pistol and a real good trigger.

        January 30, 2019 7:34 am
    • Tally

      Been thinking of purchasing for a while... think I just might

      November 5, 2018 10:15 am
    • Billy W.

      As I age, I find that my tolerance for lugging heavy EDC gear goes down each year. For well over a decade, my daily concealed carry gun was a full-size, steel-frame 1911 in .45 ACP. A few years ago, I transitioned to a Glock 17 with an Agency Arms trigger and Heinie Straight Eight sights. I recently decided to go even smaller, and after a bit of research I selected the P365. I picked one up a couple of days ago, and test-fired it yesterday using standard-pressure 115 gr FMJ.

      I didn't expect full-size accuracy from a sub-compact pistol with a short sight radius, but I was very pleasantly surprised. My first two magazines at 7 years punched the center out of a 2" adhesive dot. Well, that was to be expected, so no surprise there. Still, I was happy that it shot to point of aim. I then moved an IPSC target to 25 yards, and kept the next three magazines inside the A-box. In fact, aside from one round that was on the edge just inside the box, the 30 rounds grouped near the center of the A-box, exactly to point of aim. That's much better than I expected from such a small pistol.

      The trigger has several stages of creep, but this isn't noticeable when using a compressed surprise break. When slowly loading the trigger, I can pause just after the final stage of creep and apply the last few ounces of pressure to break the shot. Given its proven ability to put shots where I want them, I don't plan to have any trigger work done, despite the creep.

      I have ordered a Milt Sparks Summer Special 2 (my favorite CCW holster), a Blackhawk Mini Wing, and a Concealment Express IWB. It will take some time for the Summer Special to arrive, and I look forward to trying out the other two.

      So far, I love this little pistol and it will become my primary CCW once I receive the first of the holsters I ordered.

      October 26, 2018 12:24 pm
    • Ronald Hunter

      I have shot the Sig 365. I like the gun and especially the trigger pull. That said I have 2 Kel Tech P11s. The trigger pull is heavy but if you get used to it with a little practice it is very accurate. The guns work flawlessly the major differences is I bought them for $160. I leave them in vehicles. When I get a chance I will buy another. Also they have 12+1 capacity and will work with s&w 59 series mags.

      October 21, 2018 5:37 pm
      • LazrBeam

        If they will take S&W 59 mags then I think you'll find CZ 75 mags will also work. I' ve got a Keltec SUB 2000 that takes S&W 59 mags and CZ 75 mags will work in it.

        February 24, 2019 9:22 pm
    • Don

      Been reading about how the P365 is a "breakthrough & game changing" concealed carry pistol because it holds 10 + 1 9mm. Like Sig Sauer invented the first one to do that. The KelTec P11 (10+1 9mm) has been on the market since the early 90's. While it is a nice weapon, don't try to take credit for being the first to produce one, in fact SCCY also has one. Both are dependable and a heck of a lot cheaper.

      September 19, 2018 1:33 pm
    • Richard Dilorenzo

      It’s unlikely all the positive reports will overshadow the negative ones that appeared shortly after the release this past January. I was dissuaded from buying one then. I got an HKVP9SK instead.....Fast forward to early September....apparently the reports about the “ Gen 2” 365 are true. Video reviews of late show flawless performance. But it’s nearly impossible to change a skeptic’s mind. BTW... I got one with a born on date in late July...works just fine...

      September 18, 2018 6:39 am
    • DeAnna81

      My husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I told him the Sig P365 and it finally came in yesterday, yea!!!

      I can't get over that it's smaller than my Glock 43, but a 10+1. I also got the extended 12 round mag holder. I love the hand grip, perfect for a females hand.
      Have to wait and see how she shoots this weekend.

      No hearts and flowers for this girl. Besides, I'd probably shoot him if he wasted a $100 on flowers that would die in a couple days anyway, lol.

      Its easy to keep female Army veterans happy. Hold the flowers, bring on the weaponry ;)

      September 13, 2018 7:04 am
    • Jon

      Great article Travis! I am going to test this one out later this week. I did find that Sig has a micro light and two flavors of lasers now for the P365 proprietary rails.


      September 9, 2018 2:34 pm
    • ryan

      got mine in may, I love the 12 round mag for the full grip. still trying to determine if the sights are accurate . I feel like it shoots left and the front sight almost looks crooked :( I have had 2 other people shoot it and one guy said it was good, and the other guy saw what I saw.

      September 1, 2018 6:34 pm
    • Patski762

      Waiting lists are for suckers!

      I bought a Ruger LC9 last Monday. Shot it Wednesday evening only to find that it didn't fit my left-handed bear paws very well, I dropped the mag 3 times in the 40 rounds I shot from it due to the non-reversible mag release. Took it back to the store yesterday (Friday) and saw a P365 in the case. Handled it, checked the manual to find that the mag release was southpaw compatible, gave the nice lady behind the counter an extra $180 and left with my new pistol. The first 2 mags I shot from it convinced me I made the right choice.

      September 1, 2018 8:18 am
    • Luke Grubham

      Hey all! I just bought my 365 last week. Manufacture date was August 8. I ran 20 Sig 365 rounds, 20 Sig vcrown rounds and 150 115gr Winchester white box with no problems. The firing pin mark swipes somewhat but not all that different from my glocks, hks, Springfield’s,canik, etc etc etc! I have average hands and she is a very nice shooter. I was worried I wouldn’t have fun shooting it but that is not the case. Going to pick up a 12 round mag this week. It’s amazing having 11 rounds loaded and a 10 round spate mag in my pockets and can’t tell it’s there. X-ray sights are awesome and easy to shoot. I unilaterally don’t buy new things so quickly but glad I did this time.

      August 27, 2018 3:57 pm
    • Travis

      I just rented one at my local gun store. I put about 150 rounds through it and it shoot flawlessly and very accurately. I'm looking to get one once it's been around a little longer and I'm confident they've addressed any new him design issues that it's facing. It was a joy to shoot and the recoil was great for sick a tiny package.

      August 26, 2018 12:33 pm
    • Frank

      Excellent article. Might look at replacing my Shield!

      August 25, 2018 7:53 pm
    • Bill

      I've owned the P365 for a couple of months now, and I agree with most of this review. It's an amazingly fun gun to shoot. I've put over 600 rounds through it so far and not a single failure of any kind. My complaint is with the new ammo Sig has introduced specifically for the P365. Their personal defense ammo appears to be adequate and reasonably priced. However, what genius in the marketing department thought it would be a good idea to package it in 20 round boxes? I carry mine with a full 10 round mag, one in the shoot and a spare 12 round mag. Even if i only choose to carry a spare 10 round mag, a 20 round box is not sufficient. I wouldn't mind paying a little extra for a 25 round box, but now I've got to purchase 2 boxes at a time.

      August 20, 2018 12:01 pm
      • Travis

        I agree. Most self defense ammo is packages and sold this way. I guess it's there way to ensure you but at least 2 boxes rather than one?

        August 26, 2018 12:36 pm
    • doinkus

      No mention of the known issues of the 365, including dragging firing pin?

      July 16, 2018 12:16 pm
      • Connor H

        They stated that production was halted to iron out some bugs, which is accurate, and Sig has unequivocally said that the primer drag “issue” is working as intended, and that it shouldn’t cause early firing pin breakage. I’m not saying for sure that Sig is correct on that, but almost everything I’ve been able to find about this issue AFTER the recall seems to be hearsay, rumors, and a few anecdotal cases of broken firing pins. Considering the tens of thousands shipped, it seems to be a relatively minor concern. I have not seen sufficient evidence indicating that the firing pin concern is an actual common problem.

        July 16, 2018 6:28 pm
        • doinkus

          I don't believe there's been a recall for the 365 yet.

          July 17, 2018 6:20 am
    • Andrew

      They ship with 10 round magazines so that there isn’t any problems selling them to liberal states with magazine restrictions, which makes perfect sense for a gun manufacturer to sell to everyone and not limit their market.

      July 16, 2018 9:18 am
    • guest

      Don't forget Hornady Critical Defense when talking about HP designed for short barreled pistols.

      July 16, 2018 6:59 am
    • maxwell carter

      seen a few vids on youtube with folks having some "minor" issues with this gun. Military Arms Channel being one of them.. you're talking about compact doublestack guns becoming the next trend?? i've owned a sccy cpx-1 for years.. same size as the sig and it's also 10 + 1 and it cost 250 bucks.. and i recently picked up a taurus g2c which is also the same size as the sig and it comes standard with a 12 + 1 capacity and it can also use sig 226 mags.. so you can go up to 20 rounds if need be and that gun sells for 250 bucks as well and i've had zero issues from either one... so before i spend 600 bucks on a sig, shop around.... there are other options out there !!!!!

      July 16, 2018 2:37 am
      • Chris C.

        It really depends on what you’re looking for in an EDC. Sure the SCCY and Taurus have been around for a while and for a lot cheaper, but not a lot of people want a carry gun with a heavy, long, double-action only trigger that’s in both of those. Unfortunately, a sub-compact trigger is always going to suck, but the one in the 365 sucks a lot less than those. Also, the SCCY feels like holding a brick in your hand with how fat the grip is (for me, at least). Everybody has their preferences, but until you feel and shoot a 365 you might want to check them out before you go saying they’re not worth the extra money. Besides, $600 is MSRP, but how many guns are selling at MSRP right now anyway? I picked one up for $500 at my lgs and see them at that price from Cabelas and Brownells pretty regularly.

        July 16, 2018 2:51 pm
      • Connor H

        The Sccy is double action only with a very heavy pull. It’s admittedly smooth, but still very heavy for regular shooting. And the PT111 G2 (G2C) is a bit larger and not quite as ergonomic/comfortable to shoot, although I think it’s a great carry gun. I have one each in 9mm and .40, GF loves the 9.

        July 16, 2018 6:34 pm
      • Brian

        The Military Arms Channel has lost all credibility with me. There is an anti -Sig bias there which has degenerated to little more than a rant. Wannebe Internet Warrrors congregate there so they can reinforce each other's delusions.

        August 3, 2018 1:35 am
      • 9mm

        I've had a sccy and a g2c and I'm not going to knock them for the price hard to beat but comparing them to a sig p365 there is no comparison anything over 10 yards with the sccy and g2c accuracy suffered badly for me after hundreds of rounds out of both with the sig p365 first 200 rounds was able to hit a 12 inch paper plate 7 out of 10 at 15 yards with 3 rounds missing by 2 to 3 inches have never been able to do this with any other 3 inch barreled pistol this kind of accuracy I've only been able to do with guns that have a 3.5 barrel like my Walther p99c and Ruger SR9c but these two guns do shoot better at 20 yards or more than the Sig but both are getting close to full sized 4 inch barreled guns for a 3 inch barreled gun the Sig is more accurate than any gun of the same size and the trigger and reset on it is very good very much like my Ruger SR9c

        December 23, 2018 7:22 pm
    • ToddC

      I have two of them. I showed mine to my wife and she told me to get one for her. She has RA so finding a pistol that she can use has been a challenge. She actually asked me to take her to the range and then ran about 100 rounds through it. I'm closing in on the 1000 round mark on one and about 500 on the other with no problems. The Glock snobs ribbed me about the swipe mark on the primers until I brought out the 26. It does the same thing except the swipe mark is rectangular.

      July 15, 2018 9:06 pm
      • Connor H

        Glock snobs are the worst thing about my local indoor range....

        July 16, 2018 6:35 pm
    • Mike

      I have 400 rounds through mine, a mix of Speer Gold Dot 124gr +p, Federal 124 HST, American eagle 115gr, and Blazer 115gr. No problems the gun runs great so far, great trigger and sights.

      July 15, 2018 9:01 pm
    • Connor H

      When’s the .40 S&W/.357 Sig version come out, with 9+1 and 11+1 mags? 9mm out of a 3.1” barrel is a bit on the low side of power for me. Semi-joking, I put 150ish rounds through my buddy’s P365, seems like an amazing carry gun, hopefully an actual “paradigm shift”, unlike the same term gun-writers throw around at every new compact gun that has nothing actually new or original....

      Thin, double-stack sub-compacts are the future of the industry, proud of Sig for figuring that out. Once Springfield and S&W figure out how to make a comparable gun without patent infringement we will be in a true golden age of carry, and the Shields and XDs’s of the world will be obsolete.

      But still.... I want one in .40..... *waits for the next guy to come demand one in .45*

      July 15, 2018 8:41 pm
      • David

        I want one in .45 ACP :D

        I also have a dream of a Beretta 92FS in .45 ACP...I dont think that dream will ever come true.

        July 16, 2018 1:54 am
        • Andrew

          10mm if we’re wishing....rubbing the magic lamp!

          July 16, 2018 9:20 am
          • Connor H

            Dude you read my mind. If I had my way, every handgun would be available in 10mm. I’ve been waiting 8+ years on a 10mm XDM compact, the 3.8” barrel and weight would help tame the kick while still getting most of the benefit.

            July 16, 2018 6:38 pm
    • Ben

      Wait til you hit 2000 rounds and the trigger goes dead.

      July 15, 2018 7:31 pm
      • Connor H

        Evidence on post-recall guns? And a “Glocktalk” forum post does not constitute evidence....

        July 16, 2018 6:39 pm
      • Ryno

        Over 6000 rounds, still flawless for me.

        September 9, 2019 1:19 am
    • Matt Witmer

      I had 4 misfires of the 50 rounds of SIG 365 FMJ ammo through my p365. The 4 rounds ejected quietly with little recoil however the shell did not eject. The other 46 seemed no different than any other 115 grain rounds and shot fine. It was disturbing though as I was concerned of weather or not I was going to lose my hand. The 365 V Crowns all shot great. I did not contact Sig about the issue as I did not record the incident and only had one box of each on hand. Has anyone else had this issue? I have been searching for comments everywhere on this ammo and haven’t seen anything yet. Was it a “bad box”? Yet to be determined. Love this pistol otherwise and carry it everywhere everyday (365). Thanks

      July 15, 2018 6:37 pm
      • Connor H

        I’ve fired 50 rounds of the 365 ammo through a 365, no issues. That ammo is too expensive to shoot more of as range ammo. Personally, I’d strongly recommend Federal Micro HST 150gr for carry. Literally one of the best performing 9mm rounds out of short barrels, and has all the same desirable characteristics as the Sig ammo, plus more widely tested consistent expansion.

        Also, curious, why did you think you were going to lose your hand from a stovepipe? A stovepipe is caused by too little pressure/recoil force, so it’s the opposite of what might cause hand-endangering events...

        July 15, 2018 8:49 pm
        • Matt Witmer

          It did not stovepipe, the casing stayed in place after discharge. The way the gun reacted to the defective round was what spooked me. If it was a pressure issue in too much or too little I figure both cases are not good.

          July 16, 2018 4:49 am
          • Connor H

            So the round fired, but the casing did not extract from the chamber? That’s an odd malfunction to have with factory brass ammo... I misunderstood your original post.

            July 16, 2018 6:41 pm
    • Josh

      Sig has a light and laser that will fit on their rail. I haven't had a chance to try them yet but they look interesting. I've had mine for a couple of months now and it remains fantastic. I have cleaned mine and it's a breeze.

      July 15, 2018 6:15 pm
    • Terry Thornock

      I cannot believe how far down I had to read before I discovered the Sig P-365 is a 9mm caliber pistol.

      The article is a great review, but I thought I was reading about a .380 ACP for the longest time!!!!

      I feel you should state the caliber in the title of the article so someone like me, who has never heard of the P-365 would know what they are reading about.

      July 15, 2018 5:00 pm
      • David

        Edited the first sentence and the fourth sentence, just for you ;)

        July 15, 2018 5:56 pm
    • Steve

      So why was the Springfield XD Mod2 not compared?

      July 15, 2018 4:51 pm
      • Connor H

        The XDs Mod2 would be the more appropriate comparison. The XD Mod 2 has a .1” shorter barrel and is almost .3” thicker. Great gun, don’t get me wrong, but the 365 is literally the same width as existing single stacks. The Glock 26 comparison gives a good idea of how traditional double stack subcompacts compare. The XD Mod 2 is in the same category as the G26.

        July 15, 2018 8:56 pm
    • Bert

      G26 weights 21.7 ounces.

      July 15, 2018 2:39 pm
      • David

        Listed the loaded weight, oops. Fixing it now!

        July 15, 2018 4:07 pm
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