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[Review] SKS: Norinco & Yugoslavian Variants

The two main SKS styles in the United States are the Yugoslavian (top) and Chinese Norinco (bottom) SKS
The SKS is one of the most prolific surplus rifles. We hands-on review the Yugoslavian and Chinese variants plus some potential issues and even upgrades.
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    We’ve all seen one and we know where they – generally – hail from.

    The SKS possesses a fascinating history as one of the most official, non-official, surplus guns in the American market. It’s hard not to find a gun-lover who hasn’t heard of or even shot an SKS, let alone own one.

    The two main SKS styles in the United States are the Yugoslavian (top) and Chinese Norinco (bottom) SKS
    The two main SKS styles in the United States are the Yugoslavian (top) and Chinese Norinco (bottom)

    Many own several just because they can, and that is easily possible.

    Are they still any good though? Are they worth it? Let’s answer that and more!

    Table of Contents


    It Started When I Was Young

    As a kid, my grandfather had a Norinco SKS that I would always take out into the woods. There weren’t too many firearms that made a statement on my young mind, but that rifle made a lasting impression that follows me to this day.

    Even as a young’un I could take it into the field, shoot, reload, clean, and carry with little effort and even littler hands. The Norinco is easy to shoot, reliable, and not that terrible looking. It just goes to show that the SKS is near child-proof.

    While my preference of the SKS aesthetics is purely subjective, there are some who love to make it look like pure plastic trash. A screw here, a little weld there, and they’re left with a steaming pile of ugly… Ugly reliability.

    Looking at where the SKS comes from and how it’s been used we can really see the history of reliability and can promise you if you don’t have one, you’ll want one.

    Boring But Interesting Early SKS History. Unless You Like History: 

    There might be a lot of information you already know, but bear with me. 

    The SKS is a Russian design with original experimental production dating back to 1943. Knowing the history of how Russia releases information, its designs may have started before then but that’s purely speculation.

    Soviet AVS-36
    In many ways the SKS is a combination of the M44, SVT-40, and the AVS-36 (above)

    The first rifles were made by the Tula factory – and highly sought after by collectors – but wasn’t completely adopted by the USSR until 1949. To put that into perspective, the AK47 was designed in 1945 and finished in 1947 – hence, the ‘47.

    Tula Arms Factory
    Tula Arms Factory, date unknown

    So, it’s easy to see why this wasn’t a common military firearm since the AK production was very close behind and was even adopted by the USSR military in the same year: 1949! 

    The SKS most American’s are familiar with is probably the Chinese version. The early versions of this rifle – called the Type 56 due to having been imported starting in 1956 – are a bit confusing. It’s safe to say that China was given some SKSs by the USSR as some form of cooperative support.

    These versions are called the ‘Sino-Soviet’ due to the diplomatic connection between the USSR and China. As history stands, in the mid 50’s Russia sent tooling and Soviet engineers to China’s Jianshe Arsenal, also known as ‘Arsenal Number 26.’

    Chairman Mao inspecting SKS at Jianshe Arsenal
    Chairman Mao inspecting a Type 56 at Jianshe Arsenal, 1964

    With in-house production, China adopted the Type 56 with some minor changes from their Soviet counterparts, namely a stamped trigger guard instead of a milled one. 

    One could speculate the China’s production on the SKS was not expected to be as successful as it was. China sold the Type 56 rifles to many nations across the world, some of which ended up being used against American troops in Vietnam and Korea.

    Vietcong with Type 56 SKS in 1968
    Vietcong with Type 56 SKS in 1968

    All things considered, China started producing SKS rifles to alarming quantities in several factories and continues to this day. 

    Plethora of Variations

    You thought the variations of the AK was complicated? China has produced many types of SKS rifles and too much to go over in this one article.

    However, the most common would by the Type 56 in all its glorious forms. For this, let’s consider all paratrooper, spiked bayonet, bladed bayonet, jungle stock, and laminated Egyptian export as a Type 56.

    Type 56 SKS - Egypt
    Egyptian Type 56 SKS, source: Yooper John

    All these variations are nearly identical in terms of receiver and use, but have some modifications in barrel length, stock or type of bayonet used. 

     One of the most sought-after variations produced by China is the “M” or “D” model. That’s not a euphemism for anything, get your mind out of the gutter.

    It’s actually a Type 56 with a modified receiver and stock allowing the rifle to accept standard AK mags. If I ever found one of these reasonably priced I’d be so happy, but it doesn’t look like anyone wants to sell them!

    SKS-M with 30-round AK magazine

    Another noteworthy Chinese variation is the Sheetmetal Type 56. I set this one aside as it is quite different in receiver construction compared to the other Type 56 rifles.

    Other than the receiver construction, they appear to be identical in nearly every other way to the standard Type 56. It’s just a fascinating part of history and grossly unreliable one.

    Other countries to produce the SKS are: North Korea (also highly collectable), East Germany (very few remain), North Vietnam, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia and Albania. 

    One noteworthy maker of the SKS is Yugoslavia with their PAP M59/66 and PAP M59/66A1. The reason this SKS stands out compared to many of the others is in the barrel construction, gas system and grenade launcher.

    If you want to legally possess a grenade launcher, this is one of the few ways to do so. The Yugoslavians needed to stay within NATO guidelines and produced the PAP 59/66 from ‘67-’89 but also needed to modify the gas system to work with it.

    I’ll get into more details below!

    The Hidden Potential of the SKS

    The SKS — in all its forms — retains some inherent, potential benefits that not many other rifles in this price-point can match. It’s virtually impossible to find a decent quality milled rifle, especially in an autoloader.


    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    With the price of firearms on the rise and production costs cut wherever possible, having a milled receiver is rare. Since most SKSs are milled they will provide much better durability over a lengthy period of time with less flex and damage than stamped alternatives.

    Add in a chrome-lined barrel, and the SKS might outlive the next Chinese dictatorship. 

    Piston Driven gas systems are proven to be incredibly durable. Many would argue that they are more accurate than Direct Impingement (DI) gas systems.

    Despite the major differences, the sight radius of the Norinco is actually longer than the Yugoslavian variations SKS
    Despite the major differences, the sight radius of the Norinco is actually longer than the Yugoslavian variations SKS

    Let’s be very clear; they are absolutely more robust. Short or long stroke gas systems also keep the actual receiver much cleaner, since the gas is not cycled directly into the receiver or carrier.

    I can’t in good conscience say that they are more accurate than modern AR’s, despite what that one guy on Facebook told me about his.

    In addition to all of the inherent benefits in the overall design, the SKS has been around for such a long time that it’s very easy to find accessories and aftermarket parts.

    bullpup sks
    Shernic Gun Works SKS Bullpup Kit…

    Changing it into some polymer/steel hybrid is called ‘bubba-ing’ a rifle, but to each their own. If that’s what you need out of a rifle then do what you must.

    The SKS is arguably a great looking rifle in its original form and allows for prone use rather easily. J-B Weld was not invented for the SKS.

    Often overlooked, is the ability to carry more ammunition with less weight. Since the rifle is loaded via stripper clips, it reduces the overall magazine weight making the carry weight almost a wash compared to modern alternatives.

    M1 and SKS Clips
    M1 en-bloc clip (left) and SKS stripper clip (right)

    To me, this is one of the best reasons this can make a great ‘prepper’ style rifle!

    But… There Are Issues…

    Okay, there are quite a few potential downsides. Being an older rifle, many have not been stored properly and might be in poor condition. That’s right, the back of the closet for 20 years is not good firearm storage.

    It’s critical to find one that clean inside and out. Surplus ammunition didn’t just foul up the barrel but was highly corrosive and especially dangerous to the Yugoslavian SKS.

    Corrosive Ammo Horror, Calguns
    Corrosive Ammo + poor storage = bad!

    Something important to note is that many were brought back from battlefields in Vietnam and Korea which had observed extensive use before and during the wars. 

    The weight is another significant downside of the rifle, compared to an AR alternative. It is possible to lighten the weight by replacing the stock and removing the bayonet.

    For the most part, it is what it is, and will always be heavier than an AR15 and most AKMs. Break out those muscles, boys… girls? People.

    Do You Even Lift

    Having an exposed bolt is also a major drawback. While it is comparable to the M14 or M1 Garand, it still means the rifle is more likely to get gummed up from foreign objects. Do not stick your dick in it.

    Likewise, the magazine is fixed to the stock (in most variations) and loaded with stripper clips. This makes reloading quickly a potential issue, prevents the use of an optic and still allows the gumming up of the magazine itself. 

    Type 56, Norinco

    Manufactured and Imported by Norinco, my Type 56 is a great rifle. I traded a crossbow for it a few years back but had grown up shooting my grandfather’s Type 56.

    In a midlife crisis, I decided it was necessary to relive my childhood via a gun purchase.

    Norinco imported an outrageous amount of SKS into the United States.

    People used to purchase them by the crates and keep them for a ‘rainy day’ or just to see if their value would increase over time. Many were covered in Cosmoline and left just as it was shipped.

    Chinese SKS by the crate
    Chinese SKS by the crate as sold by ClassicFirearms

    You used to buy a Norinco for $50 USD and then beat them to death as if they were disposable. Only, as many found out, the SKS was far from disposable and it kept running. 

    The previous owner of my SKS had put on a Tapco polymer stock and bipod. He’d lost the original stock and magazine. When I took a look through the barrel it looked practically new and there was still the smell some of cosmoline.

    The two main SKS styles in the United States are the Yugoslavian (top) and Chinese Norinco (bottom) SKS
    Yugoslavian (top) and Chinese Norinco (bottom) SKS

    To my excitement, after the first few rounds the receiver bluing began to wear away from the bolt friction. I believe the rifle had been previously unfired.

    Unchangeable Features… Usually

    The standard Type 56 is a completely milled firearm, excluding the trigger guard. Featuring a 22-inch barrel and chrome-lined for a long lifespan.

    Other than a few exceptions, the Type 56 features an integral 10 round magazine fed by stripper clips utilizing 7.62×39 ammunition. This rifle considers Barnaul and TulAmmo steel cased, bimetal bullets as a gourmet meal.

    Each rifle takes the same ammunition type and can easily eat through steel cased bi-metal bullets. SKS
    Each rifle takes the same ammunition type and can easily eat through steel cased bi-metal bullets. SKS

    Literally, comparing steel cased ammunition is like rating the quality of instant ramen in college; It’s all good but also so bad.

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    Yugoslavlian PAP M59/66 and M59/66A1

    About a year after I got my Type 56 I came across a 59/66 for sale nearby. I called up the owner and asked him to meet me at my workshop.

    I have to tell you; this man was amazing and drove nearly an hour to sell me his rifle. We talked, shared some stories, and then traded money and steel. 

    I had to completely disassemble this rifle because it was covered in cosmoline in every nook and cranny. It took several days just to get the cosmoline out of the metalwork and I’m still finding some in odd places.

    Heating up the stock also allowed me to melt some which had been absorbed by the stock, but also to smooth over a cosmoline finish.

    I can say, without a doubt, that this rifle had never been fired before my acquisition. 


    The 59/66 is near identical to the Type 56, but unique with its integrated grenade launcher and sight attached to the 24” barrel.

    The rocket launcher sight is lifted up in preparation for use SKS
    The launcher sight is lifted up in preparation for use

    Many argue that the Yugo SKS is worse quality because the barrel is not chrome lined. While I would agree that many are eroded away due to corrosive surplus ammunition, the lack of chrome lining will make the rifling more accurate. 

    Since the grenade launcher requires use of a blank, the gas system can be turned off and the rifle will function as a bolt action, meaning the bolt must be manipulated manually after each shot to eject the spent case and load a new round into the chamber. 

    One other distinct feature is the standard addition of a bladed bayonet. In order to have a bladed bayonet attached, the stock had more of a bulge near the front of the rifle.

    This prevents a used from poking their hand with the bayonet while using the rifle. The stock used is also often left unfinished. Raw and pointy, just the way I like it.

    The major drawback of the Yugoslavian variation of SKS is the weight. Not just that this variation is heavier, but that it’s front heavy.

    The front of the Yugoslavian SKS is completely different than all other SKS variations. This features a special gas system, grenade launcher, and grenade launcher sight SKS
    The front of the Yugoslavian SKS is completely different than all other SKS variations. This features a special gas system, grenade launcher, and grenade launcher sight

    The additional 2-inches of barrel does not add much weight, but the grenade launcher, sight, gas system modifications, and larger bayonet make a much more front heavy rifle and bigger triceps.

    That said, it also reduces recoil and muzzle climb. 

    Yugoslavia did also produce an M59/66A1 which had attached night sights.

    Does it Work and Will it Hit Stuff

    Keep in mind; these rifles are surplus rifles and while I’m fairly confident that they were never shot before I received them. I cannot be 100% sure; especially with horrendous modifications having been done to the Norinco. 


    Out on the range the Norinco loaded up super easily. The integral magazine does require some finesse but a quick adjustment sliding into the magazine became a breeze.

    A Norinco front sight is simple and designed to quickly verify a target. SKS
    A Norinco front sight is simple and designed to quickly verify a target. SKS

    Simple TulAmmo FMJ was loaded up. On a bag rest and out to 50 yards I was able to hit about a 2-inch group just to get the feel for the rifle.

    Extending out to 100 yards I was grouping in at about 2.5MOA. That’s not bad for a chrome lined barrel with steel cased ammunition and iron sights.

    For me, this is a raving success.

    The Yugoslavian rear sight riser is not blued like the Chinese versions SKS
    The Yugoslavian rear sight riser is not blued like the Chinese versions


    The Yugo needed a bit of fine tuning to get exactly how I wanted. At the range it’s very tough to shoot standing due to weight, so a bag rest was almost necessary.

    There is a flip up night-sight on the M59 and 66A1 which works better than nothing SKS
    There is a flip up night-sight on the M59/66A1 which works better than nothing

    Loading the Yugo with standard TulAmmo FMJ was actually a bit more difficult than the Norinco, but I’ll say that was because I had just removed all the cosmoline out of a factory fresh rifle.

    However, I could just be a weakling. On the rest, I was able to get a grouping with standard gas at 1.5 inches at 50 yards. Moving out to 100 yards, I was able to hit 2MOA.

    The Yugoslavian SKS’s were only made with a bladed bayonet SKS
    The Yugoslavian SKS’s were only made with a bladed bayonet

    By the Numbers: 

    Reliability: 4/5

    The SKS has a notoriously high reputation for reliability. When I first received my Yugo, I shot it while all gummed up in cosmoline and there were a few rough cycles and then it ran like a top, all while having a gas tube filled with wax.

    There isn’t much different when it comes to the carrier placement and cover between the Norinco (left) and Yugo (right) SKS
    There isn’t much different when it comes to the carrier placement and cover between the Norinco (left) and Yugo (right)

    That said, the SKS is also notorious for slamfire issues: the firing pin stuck while protruding from the bolt causing it to hit a primer as the bolt moves forward causing the case to fire. The only way to stop a slamfire is to let the rifle run until there’s no more ammunition. 

    The exposed bolt system also will allow for more issues with debris and sticking your dick in the receiver when directions are unclear. 

    Accuracy: 4/5

    Accuracy is good. This is by no means a sub-MOA rifle, and it’s not designed to be one. Once the sights are set in it’s a 2MOA rifle in the hands of a proper shooter. 

    Having said that, this rifle could easily outshoot most shooters and only held back by the skill of the operator. 

    Ergonomics: 5/5 

    Especially when compared to a bolt action or AKM, the ergonomics is absolutely top notch. Minor details like the safety lever allow it to be operated comfortably and smoothly. It’s a heavy rifle.

    Both variations have a simple and easy to use safety. Shown here the rifle is safe to handle SKS
    Both variations have a simple and easy to use safety. Shown here the rifle is safe to handle

    Being able to utilize all the features without fiddling around too much makes the SKS one of the easiest guns to shoot. 

    Aesthetics: 1.5/5-4.5/5

    If you find one that has a polymer stock and made to look like an old Soviet machine gun, it’s going to look — and probably run — like a pile of pure garbage.

    The dust covers are not interchangeable. Notice the slight changes to the cut geometry SKS
    The dust covers are not interchangeable. Notice the slight changes to the cut geometry

    That said, in its original form the SKS is a great looking rifle. Many would disagree with me on the aesthetic value of a stock SKS, but a truly well-crafted tool deserves to look the part. 

    Value: 4/5

    If this were few years ago, I said this is a 5/5, but now-a-days reasonably prices SKS are hard to find. At $400-500 for a matching and standard SKS you’re overpaying, in my opinion.

    Five years ago, an SKS in exceptional condition could be found for $200 or less. That’s over for now but even at today’s prices, they remain good value for the money.


    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Overall: 4.5/5

    When it comes to owning a milled, autoloading firearm that has been proven in military conflicts there’s no overlooking the SKS. Price mixed with function sets this rifle ahead of many of its peers.

    This is the front bayonet of most Norinco SKSs. Some versions have bladed bayonets SKS
    This is the front bayonet of most Norinco SKSs. Some versions have bladed bayonets

    Don’t confuse my admiration for the SKS as the perfect rifle, it’s far from it. The intended use for this rifle easily fits the overall score, even if it’s worse than an AR or AK for engaging hostiles or meeting your daughter’s new boyfriend. 

    Parting Shots

    The SKS is not just a rifle meant to keep working in most environments; It’s a rifle meant to be used in the harshest environments and then be passed along to the next person.

    With a few minor issues to look out for – like the barrel condition on a Yugo made SKS – these are ‘set-and-forget’ tools. There is no way anyone could be disappointed with a properly made and maintained SKS.

    You can be very disappointed with the spotty craftsmanship of some ‘home grown gunsmiths’ who make the SKS look like a Swamp Moster.

    While pricing is consistently increasing it’s still possible to find a moderately priced SKS in good condition.

    Care should be taken when examining and cleaning any ‘new’ old rifle. Remember, your potential SKS may have been sitting in a rice field just waiting for the next target. 

    USMC Rice Field Vietnam 1965

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    41 Leave a Reply

    • John C McDermott

      i have a question. Inherited a type 56 SKS from a dead friend. It was neglected for years. I took it apart and cleaned it and now cannot get the bolt to go back in. Any help?

      March 1, 2024 5:16 pm
    • Brice Allen Carter

      I have my son-in-law's SKS47, I was trying to identify it's date of manufacture, and any other pertinent data. Can any one steer me in the right direction? On the face of the fore stock are the numbers: 23000139

      December 27, 2023 4:26 pm
    • Michael Craig

      I purchased a Yugo SKS today and from what I've read in your article I think it's the 59/66, but it does have the night vision sight on it? Anyway, what I'd like to know is, is there anywhere I could obtain some sort of instruction manual ? Years ago I had a couple of Norincos but that was before I wasted all those brain cells and had a good memory (HA) Anyway I need to find a cleaning kit, some stripper clips, etc. and would sure appreciate any info that you or someone could throw my way. I enjoyed your article as I've always thought of the SKS as a very capable all around dependable workhorse weapon and I'm so glad I finally got another one!! Thank you very much for the good read!

      October 7, 2023 3:00 pm
      • Josh Richardson

        Love my yugo sks.Very well put together guns.The Bxn stripper clips are the best a close second are the yugo clips.They are the ones that come with the m67 ammo in the 40 round boxes.Made just for the 59/66.Just google these two types of stripper clips should find what you need. the m67 ammo shoots good in these guns.Just Remember to clean if you decide to shoot any.Also the yugo sks ammo pouchs are good to store loaded stripper clips in and whould have been issued With the gun.The butt stock cleaning kits are easy to find as well usually around five to six dollars.Enjoy your gun and try keep it they have really gone up in value.

        October 7, 2023 7:45 pm
    • David W. Heck

      I took ownership of my brothers SKS when he passed, I tried to buy it from him when he was living and made him a generous offer, but he declined, Jim really loved that rifle, he got it for $75. When in the service he qualified as Expert, and later in life was still an amazing shot. This particular "Norinco" is very accurate and easily rings a 6 inch plate at a 100 yards, I have it stashed next to the one I overpaid for at Cabelas, in my safe. Handy, accurate, simple, cheap to run, what`s not to love?

      February 11, 2023 8:54 pm
    • Steve

      I liked this overall review on the different versions of the SKS except for the comment about finding one that has polymer stock. It's one thing to not like the looks of that which is a personal opinion but to say that it will more than likely run like pure garbage makes absolutely no sense to me. If it's a type 56 SKS Norinco, what possible difference would it make what the stock is made out of performance wise? How would that have anything to do with how it shoots?

      December 24, 2021 11:09 am
      • Persimmon Clark

        The stock hooks the mags in place and bolts to the receiver. The plumber stocks have been known to flex far too much providing feeding issues

        May 18, 2022 9:45 pm
      • Josh

        He's referring to sporterizing and the barrels not being set I'm the stock perfectly. If you know about shooting accurately, consistently, guys spend a lot of money bedding their stocks to be perfect because it matters and some mass produced plastic pos isn't going to be perfect. Changes to 30 round mags is also a downgrade. They cause failure to feeds when otherwise, you never see that with the 10rd original. You're basically just taking a tried and true rugged, efficient and reliable rifle and making it a cheaper piece of shit because "its too heavy". 80lb Asians carried that sumbitch for endless miles through the jungle and rice patties, the rainy seasons, and put up a hell of a respectable fight with those heavy guns as they are. They don't need fucked with. Been around since 1947 unchanged, only thing communism did better. Don't be a Stoner and make a plastic piece of shit out of it. Let it be. Many men have tried, they've all failed.

        January 27, 2023 8:04 pm
      • Josh

        Seem like that polymer stock comment hit you personally. Like you done it to one. Is well documented how much of a downgrade any kind of change to them from original is and why they lose a lot of value and marketability once you do. They're a 500 dollar gun all original because they got it right the first time. You ain't gonna do it better with a cheap stock "upgrade" you got on ebay.

        January 27, 2023 8:07 pm
    • Carl

      Do you know if they've made a folding stock for the M (30rd mag) version? Also where could one find a 10 box mag(or 20) for a reg model 56 at a reasonable price.

      August 17, 2021 2:49 pm
    • Paul Allen

      I purchased my Norinco SKS D model just before the Assault Weapons ban in the '90s for $450. They only gave me 3 30-rd mags instead of 4 for it as they were selling the extra mags for more profit (the upcoming ban). I wanted an AR, but due to the upcoming ban, the price for those was $1500 - way out of my price range. The rifle was brand new, but the finish on the stock looked horrible in my opinion. (Being an expert in wood finishing, most finishes on anything looked horrible to me.) So I took it apart, stripped the finish, sanded the stock flush with all the metal brackets (e.g. - the bracket on the gas tube cover), re-stained it, and added a coat do varnish. It's now the best-looking SKS I've ever seen. It has a milled receiver, chromed barrel, no rust (never used corrosive ammo and always clean it) and it works flawlessly. People have told me they're not accurate at all, but I learned quickly that those people either can't shoot or otherwise know nothing about these guns. The only downside is when mounting a scope on one of the standard scope mounts the mount can move and the scope won't stay zeroed (making for a shot that will miss by several feet at 100yds). Fortunately these days there are mounts that have mitigated or eliminated that problem. That said, even with the iron sights I can hit my target at 100yds without a problem. The only modifications done to it is a rubber butt extension (helps the shoulder and eye placement when mounting a scope), removable Picatinny rails on the front (NOT screwed into the stock), a Picatinny mounted bipod, a proper receiver cover with Picatinny rail and shell deflector, and a small rubber recoil pad behind the recoil spring - none of that garbage plastic stock stuff. I plan to purchase a new spring-loaded firing pin soon.

      July 16, 2021 8:10 am
      • Pizza Pete

        That's a lot of modifications, haha. The SKS platform was not designed to accommodate optics. Out of curiosity, when you referred to "Standard Scope Mounts" are you referring to the Dust Cover mounts or a Receiver mount?

        July 31, 2021 2:49 pm
      • Josh

        Respectable comment. I stripped and sanded mine as well, did a flame burn to bring out the grain, then stained it. Looked soooo good afterwards. No orange tontrd shiny finish anymore. I agree. Mine at 100 yards was deadly accurate. Lots of people don't shoot often and accurate even though they think they ought to be. Practice makes perfect and the iron sight of an sks is fine enough to pinpoint small targets. 70 yards I could consistently drill holes in a 1 3/4 o.d. pipe I had for a swinging target. Tried and true. Wouldn't have been around from 1947 until the 80s, seeing so much conflict and killing so many men unchanged if it wasn't as flawless a design as it is. Damn good guns. Can't overstate that remark. DAMN GOOD

        January 27, 2023 8:14 pm
    • jlucas45

      Just a note on that chrome lined barrel. My favorite method for cleaning the copper out of a rifle barrel is to fill the barrel with Outers Bore Foam or like, and then set the butt up on a range bag with the muzzle angling down onto a white paper towel so I can see that blue puddle. I had been shooting several of my bolt guns in 30-06, 308, and finally my chrome lined SKS. I was shocked to see the difference...there was barely any blue copper stain on the paper from the SKS, while the other rifles left dark blue puddles. So bottom line is chromed barrels have far less copper fouling than non lined barrels, at least from my observation...and worth noting.

      August 2, 2020 10:57 pm
      • Jonathan Kilburn

        That's a great product and a very valid point!
        I've been using Modern Spartan Systems recently and it really eats away at the copper but is expensive.

        August 30, 2020 6:15 pm
    • Toby cartright

      Love this simplistic beatiful rifle so much that it became my primary rifle, never would have imagined that a rifle born out of the '40s would be so relevant and functional today.

      The SKS really shines by pure utility ( think of the original 1/4 ton jeep). Oh and for the rifle snobs who have delicate eyes and limp pull fingers wearing a sponsored gun shirt and hat sitting at the bench rest in the shade drinking Arnald Palmer iced tea? I never understood this breed of sportsmen but you do entertain us who do play well with the mud with a SKS.

      June 27, 2020 5:02 am
      • Jonathan Kilburn

        Hey, hey.... Don't knock my Arnold Palmer iced tea. It tastes better with mud.

        August 30, 2020 6:17 pm
        • Josh

          That's what I'm sayin! It don't get more refreshing on a hot day than the ole half and half. And... Arnold Palmer is a legend in the game of golf. Tried and true champion, like the sks. Lol No reason to disrespect the man's legacy

          January 27, 2023 8:20 pm
    • Josh

      Man, I really enjoyed the read! Keep it up brother!

      June 15, 2020 10:23 pm
      • Jonathan Kilburn

        Thanks, man! Keep up the good fight!

        August 30, 2020 6:17 pm
    • oldsoldier54

      It does not fire from an open bolt. The rifle cycles following a shot, the bolt goes forward and locks up, and only after a pull of the trigger does the sear release the hammer which strikes the firing pin which then strikes the primer igniting the powder. Typically submachine guns lock to the rear and pulling the trigger releases the bolt which goes foreward and the fixed firing pin impacts the primer.

      May 29, 2020 6:00 pm
      • David, PPT Editor

        Open bolt meaning exposed bolt, I'll tweak the wording to make that more clear :)

        May 29, 2020 6:07 pm
    • John

      An SKS Loading hack: If you have issues with using the stripper clips
      and don't enjoy hand loading single rounds; pop open the mag and
      drop your rounds into it. Close back up and you're ready to chamber
      a round.

      May 29, 2020 1:57 pm
    • Trav

      I just rediscovered my dads Yugo. I spent an hour or so cleaning it and remembered just how solid these things really are. I Later took it out to 100 yards no problem. A true shtf battle rifle.

      May 27, 2020 7:03 am
      • Jonathan Kilburn

        How many patches did you need to do through before it was clean?

        August 30, 2020 6:24 pm
    • Kevin

      Love the SKS. Currently own 2, both type56's. One in original configuration and one bubbad up. Have never had an issue with the Tapco 20 round or Promag 30 rounders. They work flawlessly. Had a Yugo and sold it, stock too thick for my liking. "called the Type 56 due to having been imported starting in 1956" they are called Type 56 because that is the year China began manufacturing the SKS rifle. With tooling provided by the Soviets. They were not imported into the US until the 1980's.

      May 18, 2020 5:29 pm
      • Frank Jameson

        The SKS was imported into the States long before the 80s.

        China imported then and manufactered them starting in 1956.

        May 31, 2020 10:25 am
        • Bob

          Its called the type 56 because that's when the Chinese started manufacturing them.

          June 5, 2020 9:11 am
    • Patrick Lair

      I bought one at my local Roses department store for $99 in 1991!!

      May 18, 2020 2:45 pm
    • PCB

      "The Yugoslavians needed to stay within NATO guidelines". What?!? (Yugoslavia under Tito, while initially allied with the Soviet Union was for most of its short history a communist country, neither aligned with the Warsaw Pact nor (certainly not!) NATO).

      May 18, 2020 10:00 am
      • Frank Jameson

        "Both the grenade launcher and grenade sight are NATO spec" straight from wikipedia

        May 19, 2020 10:07 pm
      • Frank Jameson

        NATO guidelines of barrel and grenade launcher specifications. The article didn't say that the country was alligned with NATO but that the rifle built fell within NATO guidelines for the grenade launcher.

        "Both the grenade launcher and grenade sight are NATO spec" wikipedia

        May 19, 2020 10:10 pm
      • Bob

        True, but they were trying to gain favor with NATO and anticipated being accepted. They made the rifle to accept 22mm NATO grenades.

        June 5, 2020 9:14 am
    • Mark Rohfrietsch

      I have a 1954 Russian, got it three years ago from Cabelas Canada for $189.00 Can. Here in Canada, these rifles have a lot of detractors, but my experience concurs with the above review. My eyes are old, but at 100 yards, I can put every shot on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, freehand, standing. 3-4" groups from a bench rest. All with Chinese Surplus ammo. BTW, never a single malfunction. Ever. Now that ARs are Prohib, the tone is changing; SKS's are selling for $500+ as the surplus stuff seems to have dried up about 2 years ago.

      May 17, 2020 4:11 pm
      • M10

        Sadly, you almost sound happy that they left your SKS alone. Not to worry, being centerfire and semi-auto, I’m sure they will come for it eventually.

        May 18, 2020 10:17 pm
    • KarVer

      Yugo MDL59
      This Yugo not mentioned, imo is more Rare. It is Not Chrom Lined, and It had no Gas adjustment or Grenade launch system added.

      May 17, 2020 4:00 pm
    • Ernesto Rivera

      Is a good rifle. Durable and somewhat more accurate that AKM. It was the official rifle of my Military Academy when I was in Cuba. I shoot with it for almost 2 years. Ours were Russian made circa 1945. I remember using it through mud, rain and sand not even performing field cleaning then going to the open range from morning to night. Never had an issue.

      May 17, 2020 3:39 pm
      • Jonathan Kilburn

        That's amazing! It's not often we hear of someone who has used one in actual training in an academy.

        August 30, 2020 6:23 pm
    • Simon

      I've had several SKS's over the years, all Chinese ones, in both 20" and 16" barrel variants. Fun rifles to have and shoot, supper easy to disassemble and clean, Boiling water after every corrosive ammo sessions. But you forgot to mention how horrible the triggers are. Unfortunately NZ laws changed last year and I had to hand over mine to the police for destruction. Mine didn't survive the our socialist government, but I'm sure some did and are hiding out there somewhere waiting for democracy to return.

      May 17, 2020 3:20 pm
      • Michael Kennedy

        That's a shame. As surrounded as you are with water, i would think there have been a bunch of boating accidents.

        May 17, 2020 4:53 pm
    • Robert

      I bought my Norinco SKS 20 years ago at a little flee market in Prescott AZ for $100. I guess I got a pretty good deal.. it had a cleaning kit, sling and 5 boxes of ammo. I think it shoots better than my SAR 1 AK.. it’s more accurate and smoother recoil pulse.. thanks for the review, cheers, Robert

      May 17, 2020 2:51 pm
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