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[Review] Smith & Wesson 642 Airweight: Go-To Snubbie?

This is not a precise revolver but it does get the job done at closer distances. As with all guns it requires practice.
Looking for a snub-nosed revolver in .38 Special as a backup gun? We hands-on review the popular S&W 642 Airweight for reliability, shootabily, and more.
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    In the world of revolvers, snub-nosed models are frequently suggested for concealed carry (especially if you’re a female). But are snubbies really ideal?
    Smith and Wesson 642 (6)
    The Smith and Wesson Model 642 Airweight is a five-round revolver.
    I have a Smith and Wesson Model 642 Airweight chambered in .38 Special I’ve been running intermittently for years and wanted to share my experiences with you guys. Whether you’re snubby-curious or already a fan, this is for you.
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    But first, a quick dive into the gun’s history.

    Back Story

    Smith and Wesson have been in the J-frame game for quite a while – almost seventy years – and the Model 642 is one of their more popular designs. So, what’s so unique about J-frames? The frame shape is named that as a tip of the hat to their old revolvers dating back to the late 1800s.
    S&W Frames
    S&W Frames Sizes
    Back in 1894 Smith and Wesson had two frames available, I-Frame and K-Frame, only they weren’t called by those names. At the time the guns had longer names but when company employees began calling them by their alphabetical designation rather than their official model name, Smith and Wesson gave in and followed suit. It was 1950 when they first introduced the J-Frame and quickly took over the company’s line. There are quite a few guns in the Smith and Wesson catalog referred to as J-Frames; at the time of this writing, there are four chamberings and four series models offered in this frame. Caliber Comparison In fact, if you add up all the possible options there are more than three dozen variations available. You could say it’s a popular design.

    That Model 642, Tho…

    The 642 is actually a modernized version of Smith and Wesson’s Model 42 Centennial Airweight.
    Model 42 Airweight
    Beautiful, and very rare, version of the Model 42 Airweight
    It has an enclosed hammer which should not be confused with a shrouded hammer. Enclosed hammers are inaccessible to the shooter meaning you are firing this gun double-action only, all day, every day; shrouded hammers give shooters access to the hammer, albeit it limited access, so single-action shots are possible.
    Shrouded hammer Airweight
    Shrouded hammer Airweight
    A common complaint about shrouded hammers is lint and foreign objects getting into the shroud and mucking up the hammer. With an enclosed hammer that isn’t a concern but you’d better be capable of nailing those double-action-only shots. This is a snubby, of course, so the stainless steel barrel is a scant 1 and 7/8 inches long. The cylinder and crane are also stainless steel which is good for durability and the frame is an aluminum alloy, making it lighter weight.
    Smith and Wesson 642 (2)
    The Smith and Wesson Model 642 Airweight is a five-round revolver.
    Grips are the usual black synthetic and are panels rather than a sleeve. The Model 642 Airweight has an integral groove rear sight and integral front blade sight which has the benefit of not shifting if the gun is knocked around but the downside of being harder to acquire on targets. It’s chambered in .38 Special, +P rated, and has a five-round capacity.

    Pew Pew Time

    The first thing you notice about the Smith and Wesson Model 642 Airweight is its diminutive size (obviously). This is where hand size comes into play. My hands are not small; my fingers are long and I like double-stacks quite a bit. This revolver, however, is small. It has an overall length of 6.3 inches and an empty weight of 14.6 ounces, making it easier to conceal but presenting a bit of a challenge when it comes to gripping it. Smith and Wesson 642 (3) With a thumbs-down grip the pinky of my strong hand is completely off the butt of the gun and my ring finger is barely holding on. As for my support hand only my index and middle finger make firm contact with my other hand. Reach to the trigger is understandably abbreviated as well so prepare to need practice with this gun. All that said, the gun is not difficult to grip firmly. This is not a case of a pistol recoiling enough to disturb your grasp but simply a case of it being small enough to require a bit more care.
    gun recoiling into shooters face
    This is uncomfortable recoil
    Recoil and muzzle rise correlates to the ammo used: Inceptor .38 Special 77-grain ARX produces the lightest felt recoil, Hornady Critical Defense .38 Special 110-grain FTX has significantly more noticeable recoil, and Hornady Critical Defense .38 Special 110-grain FTX +P snaps the gun back quite a bit.
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    This is just one of many reasons we always say to train with the ammunition you carry; the felt recoil and muzzle rise of the gun with good self-defense rounds is far more than what you get with a box of American Eagle .38 Special 130-grain FMJs. Let’s move on to accuracy. This is a .38 Special +P-rated snubby made to meet deep concealment needs. From its enclosed hammer to its short barrel it’s ideal for snag-free concealed carry. That means it does suffer a bit for accuracy. At a distance of ten yards firing slow, deliberate shots my best five-shot group was around 2.5 inches.
    Smith and Wesson 642 (5)
    This is not a precise revolver but it does get the job done at closer distances. As with all guns it requires practice.
    From five yards, doing a playing card drill, I did produce a group that stayed on the playing card and some shots landed neatly together but it was not as precise as I prefer my playing card groups to be. Rapid-fire drills opened groups to eight inches and wider. This is a reliable gun. I’ve had this Model 642 Airweight for years now and it’s been flawless. However, do not assume a revolver cannot fail. They can. Although semi-autos may be more prone to failures it’s inaccurate to claim your revolver cannot fail.
    Example of a revolver that failed.
    Example of a revolver that failed.
    Understanding they can fail and knowing what to do about it when they do is a vital part of your firearms education.

    Devil’s in the Details

    There are a few things to keep in mind with this gun. First, for revolvers across the board you will be gripping thumbs down. If you’re used to firing semi-autos with your thumbs forward alongside the slide this will be an adjustment for you.
    Handgun Grip, Thumb Forward
    If this is your standard grip, you’ll need some adjustment time.
    You can use the thumbs-down grip with semi-autos, too, and I have found it works better for certain models than thumbs-forward. My thumb position always depends on the size and shape of the specific gun. The gun is snappy. After all, it’s a snubby; this should come as no surprise to you. Felt recoil and muzzle rise are certainly controllable but you do notice and it does affect accuracy. Practice, practice, practice. Smith and Wesson 642 (5) Regarding the effective range of a short-barreled revolver such as this Model 642, here’s the thing: how’s your shot placement? The obvious answer is that smaller handguns like this one are meant for closer range use. That doesn’t mean they cannot be used at longer distances but it does mean the further out you get the more difficult it will be to get shots on target (and you’ll be losing velocity and energy faster with the 1 7/8-inch barrel). Consider utilizing a Model 642 as a BUG – BackUp Gun – or, if it’s your main carry, understand it is best used within approximately ten yards. Shot placement is king and the farther away you are trying to fire this gun the sloppier your hits will be. As always, train hard and be familiar with the capabilities and limitations of your chosen firearm.

    By the Numbers

    Reliability: 5/5

    There is no arguing the Model 642 is a reliable gun. It’s eaten every type of ammo I’ve thrown at it over the years and will likely continue to do so for years to come. Just remember, revolvers can fail (this one just hasn’t yet).

    Ergonomics: 3/5

    It’s a snubby .38 Special so I don’t expect a stellar fit to my hands. It’s a small gun with grips angled in such a way I find shooting Weaver actually suits it better than Isosceles. The grips do not fill my hands; my hands engulf the gun. As long as you go into this knowing it’s a small gun and concessions must be made you’ll be fine. If I were to rate this ergonomically compared to other similar-sized guns I would add a star because it is better-designed than many micro semi-autos I’ve run.

    Accuracy: 3/5

    Okay, so this is a tough one to rate. If you only use this gun at close ranges and spend time practicing with it, it’ll get the job done. Don’t expect it to be precise and don’t think it will perform well at longer distances, because it won’t. Consider this your BUG gun for use when your assailant is getting up-close-and-personal.

    Customization: 3/5

    You just cannot customize a small revolver like you can, say, a Glock. It’s possible to Cerakote your revolvers and swap out the grips but that’s about it. I’d go with even fewer points for customization but it seems unfair to expect a little revolver to be highly customizable so we’ll go with a three.

    Value: 5/5

    Yes, this gun is a good value. It’s well-made, durable, and highly concealable. For its close-range purpose, it is quite well-suited and fits the bill for many shooters. It does the job it was intended to do and won’t break the bank.

    Overall: 3/5


    The S&W Model 642 Airweight is the perfectly sized pocket pistol, which makes it ideal for a back up gun or deep concealment. Unfortunately, the small size makes it hard to aim and keep on target. But if you’re getting up-close and personal, this will get it done.
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    However, the barrel length is detrimental to accuracy and has a negative effect on follow-up shot placement. It would not be my first choice for self-defense use. Of course, if you just want a good BUG or a fun little shooter, go for it. Smith and Wesson does good work on their guns and the Model 642 Airweight is no different, just not my personal shot of whiskey. Do you carry a J-Frame? How do you like it? Let us know in the comments! If you want more awesome .38 Spl options, check out the Best .38 Spl Revolvers and Best .38 Spl Ammo.

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    43 Leave a Reply

    • Wendy

      Many thanks! I found your article interesting and thought provoking.

      July 19, 2022 10:27 pm
    • Chris

      I found that steel cased ammo will not eject from the cylinder without pliers or some assistance. Other than that I love my 642. I have longer fingers and somewhat large hands but it's still not bad to control. A snub nose 357 may be a different story.

      June 5, 2022 6:42 am
    • Tim Stanley

      I own a 642 and I must say it is one of my favorite pistols to conceal carry. I shoot revolver's regularly so I am proficient with it . I've shot an idpa match with it and learned a lot about it's capabilities. Great gun and I love mine .

      February 7, 2022 5:51 pm

      I have had a couple of these. This gun is not fun to shoot, not fun to target practice with, and is only built for one thing. It is the only gun I own that I hope I never have to use, and I have no reason to wear off the newness by practicing with it. You can buy it new and pray that if you sell it, you will also sell it new.

      September 11, 2021 11:04 am
    • Joe Friday 714

      I've had my 642 Pro for 3 years now and love it for BUG use. It replaced a Model 49 shrouded hammer that I carried for years and that one never let me down, either. I do like the moon clip option for the 642 and I like the stock grips, which fit my hand a bit better than the tiny wood grips on my 49, which requires the old rubber band accessory to keep a good grip on.

      June 21, 2021 1:06 pm
    • Hillbilly Bob

      I've carried a J frame for decades. I started out with a 1962 vintage Chief's Special, and carried it until literally this month, when I finally got my hands on my dream gun; a model 640! Moving up from the 38 Special to the 357 Magnum took some getting used to, but now I no longer feel the need to carry an additional belt gun in a larger calibre when I feel like I'm potentially going into harm's way. I still do, I just no longer feel like I have to. 125 grain JHP's are what I feed it, and it really likes them. I polished the action, removed various burrs from the stamped parts, but kept the stock springs. The result is a trigger that feels wonderful, but can still keep up with my finger on fast work. I also tossed those ridiculous rubber-plastic things that pass for stocks these days and replced them with genuine S&W service stocks. This allows me to grip the gun in the way it should be gripped; the web of my thumb just topped over the top of the back strap, and securely gripped with all three remaining fingers. This moves the hand as high up as possible, gives the most secure grip possible, and reduces muzzle jump to the bare minimum. This grip style was taught to me by an old time lawman who has sadly gone on to his reward. It really works for me, even with my large hands, but you have to change to the old style service stocks first, else the gun is angled to much in your hand. It also really helped in taming the extra recoil of the magnum, making the transition much easier.

      June 18, 2021 10:18 pm
    • Frank

      Just purchased 2 642-2 for my wife and myself. Had to return one to SW because the cylinder keep hanging up and wouldn’t open easy.

      May 26, 2021 4:02 pm
    • Frank Sutton

      Wow lot to asorbe im very interested in the 2 part Ar-15 can i get a call from a person that can explane some questions i have 830-837-4045. Thanks guys.

      May 10, 2020 5:51 pm
    • David Cordine

      I bought my first j-frame in 1977. A model 49 steel frame at about 20 ounces. I was in the army at the time and got laughed at a lot when I went to the range to shoot it. After all it wasn’t a 45. I can’t tell you how many cases of beer I won’t by shooting a gallon milk jug at the 100 yard line. Over time I purchased a model 38 because it was lighter. My wife eventually talked me out of it and carried it until she passed away. It is back in my hands now. My grown son really wanted the model 49 and Igave it to him. In the last couple of years I’ve picked up a pair of the 642s. I open them up and polished the internals and replaced the springs with a set from Wolf’s. The action on all of them is smooth and light. I have numerous handguns in the safe to choose from for carry in all of the common calibers. I stick to the j-frame because I know it like my own hand. Hitting what you are shooting at is much more important than caliber. With any gun that requires practice.

      April 8, 2020 7:03 am
    • Mike

      I purchased a 642 Performance Center this fall. No matter what ammo I fed it one out of ten trigger pulls resulted in it not firing this was not a light firing pin strike the firing pin did not strike the primer at all. If I continued to cycle the gun on the next go around they did fire confirming it was a pistol issue not an ammo issue. S&W asked that I send it back to them for evaluation and repair. That was 5 weeks ago. They said when I called it could be another 4 to 6 weeks before I get it back. This is horrible customer service and when you factor in it was their "performance center" line it becomes totally unacceptable! Guess I should have bought a Colt or Walther, they always work!

      January 14, 2020 1:32 pm
      • Julie B

        Any resolve to this issue? About to send my 642 for a check up (At S&W request) as it miss fired each time I shoot a round (if 5, 4 shoot, one miss fires)!

        July 1, 2020 8:59 pm
        • Donkey Dong

          Same issue here as well...

          October 28, 2020 10:11 am
      • Fran Taylor

        *cough* LCR *cough*

        January 20, 2024 10:59 pm
    • HavocMan

      I picked up a S&W 360PD a few years ago. It's the perfect pocket gun - along with a bullet strip in the other pocket ... 5+5 rounds of 357 Magnum is tough to beat.

      December 29, 2019 5:47 pm
    • Murph

      And if you don't care for the shiny 642, the 442 is the same revolver with a dark finish, about the color of a Cerakote job.

      August 12, 2019 1:54 pm
    • PAUL Hokinson

      I carry a S&W air lite Ti 3" daily loaded with Liberty Civil defense ammo

      July 23, 2019 2:44 am
    • Art out West

      I get frequently carry my 642, and like it a ton. Were I only allowed to keep one of my handguns, it would be hard to choose between the Glock 19 and the 642 (yes, I know they are very different guns). I pocket carry. Snubby's and micro .380s (like LCP) work great for pocket carry. I have both the LCP and the AirWeight. I prefer the revolver. It seems more like a real gun.

      June 21, 2019 4:03 pm
      • Ann

        I bought a new .380 LCP in September, and on the first day at the range for my enhanced carry permit, it jammed so many times, the instructor finally gave me his 9mm. HATE that gun.

        November 19, 2020 5:48 pm
        • Rob Wilson

          Two real issues cause problems with the .380 LCP's. (That I've come to experience. ) One is an incorrectly manufactured mag with out of spec or bent feed lips and the other is that they can be ammo finicky. Profile seems to be a real issue with ammo for these and I don't mean just JHP, I mean FMJ too. Once you find ball ammo that works in the little bastard consistently, stay with it.. I've experienced this with Bersa .380's as well. But when they run correctly? They're priceless.

          September 25, 2021 4:35 pm
    • Tig

      Thanks for the article, it's a good one! My Dad, at age 92, just passed and I came into possession of the S&W 042 he purchased in the early 90's. Aside from his use of primer fired snap caps, and very few of them, the pistol has never been fired with full loads. It's a blued model and the model # 642 is clearly over-stamped in white with 042. There is a very faint cylinder scar from his use of the snap caps. It's an absolutely gorgeous revolver. I'm hesitant to shoot it, although quite tempted! Dad kept it in his little hidey hole by his recliner for all these years and every so often I'd take it and make sure it was clean and wiped down before handing it back. I purchased a box of Winchester Silver Tips for him to use if needed. I always recommended he go with me to the range and become better familiar with it, but he was quite used to firing other revolvers and declined. He said he wanted to keep it nice for me... So now I've got a beautiful momento of him and quite a collectors piece in this condition. On top of that, I've got the original box, paperwork, even the wax wrappers it came in. I'm leaning toward it being a safe queen, but am always a step away from taking it to the range. What say you fellow shooters? I would enjoy hearing your thoughts.

      June 17, 2019 10:51 am
      • Joe

        Do it! I shot an old pistol my Dad passed to me that he never shot. Very good memory of him and his love of firearms.

        January 25, 2022 4:00 pm
    • Michael Williams

      Not going to buy a Smith & Wesson product anymore for I own a 1911 but once I saw how Smith & Wesson treated a customer who had a complaint about a revolver he bought I said never again ❌

      June 17, 2019 6:13 am
    • Don McD

      Our County Sheriff wants two shots center mass at 50 feet for a CCW. I appreciate the article, would it be possible for you to do a grouping at 10 meters?

      June 16, 2019 5:39 pm
      • David, PPT Editor

        50-feet is doable, but it takes a lot of trigger control with the long DAO pull of the 642. I would highly recommend a LOT of dry fire time before the CCW test.

        June 16, 2019 7:25 pm
    • Gunny B

      Many people note that the J-frame is frequently questionable in the power dept. I solved this issue by choosing a 640 in .357 mag. It is a handful to shoot with full-power loads, for sure, but I will never feel under-protected, even with only 5 shots, when I have it in hand. It is a BUG, btw, but on infrequent occasions, it has been my only gun and I have still felt pretty secure overall.

      June 15, 2019 8:38 am
      • Michael Williams

        I am a ( Gun Nut ) and love to say to my friends I have high capacity magazines with my model 41 Glock in 45 caliber but in reality of a shooting if one goes pass three rounds and able to talk to the Police surely ( God ) helped you We regular citizens are arriving on a scene to confront bank robbers and then get into this massive shooting situation ❗ However , anything is possible but when it comes down to it one must practice which most gun owners don't do enough

        June 17, 2019 6:20 am
    • Sam

      This is my EDC and since I live in a warm climate, it spends its time in my pocket. A DeSantis pocket holster keeps it from printing. It is not ideal for long range target shooting, but from across a room, I feel confident it will find its target. Zero problems and legendary S&W reliability. Easy to practice with and easy to conceal.

      June 14, 2019 1:39 pm
      • Michael Williams

        I carry a much larger semiautomatic and you could check the rig called " Urban Carry " That holster is designed to take any size firearm but you might start carrying a larger frame once you check out the " Urban Carry Holster

        June 17, 2019 6:25 am
    • Jmz

      I carry the model 640 which has slightly longer barrel and longer handle for that pinky finger. Yes the price is a bit more. This article is correct on many points. The shrouded hammer versions do get clogged with lint though has not caused any jams (yet). While you can pull back the hammer to single action, it probably isn't gonna happen with one hand. So the enclosed hammer is the way to go. I have switched to enclosed hammer for everyday carry.
      Doesnt seem the 642 is available in .357. I wouldn't settle for anything less. Recoil is painful in .357. Not like gun flying out of your hand. More like someone stabbing a knife into your wrist. Not fun at the range but in life or death situation i'm sure this will not be a priority. Also Virginia has stupid "reasonable force" law which defines ammo with magnum or +P as "excessive". So i pack .38's until this stupid law is repealed.
      Anyone who carries a revolver must understand escape is the only priority, not being the hero. Still you better get some Speedloaders and practice the art of reloading under pressure, just in case.

      June 14, 2019 1:18 pm
    • Nez

      I own a 642 and an LCR. I've tried several different grips on each. My preference is the LCR, which I frequently carry. I never carry the 642. The LCR has a much smoother action. I Even with an Apex trigger kit on the 642, the LCR's trigger is still better. The LCR is carried with a boot grip and clipdraw, inside the waistband without a holster in the appendix position.

      June 14, 2019 11:04 am
    • Hammer

      Honestly, I'd rather carry an SP101 than a J-frame any day. Yes, they are a bit heavier, but that additional weight (which isn't unreasonable at all) does a much better job of mitigating recoil with stout +P loads. And if you're going to opt to carry a .38 for self defense, I think it's smart to carry the most ballistically effective options available - most .38 rounds have mediocre to terrible penetration and expansion.

      If the SP101 is too heavy for you for some reason, then the LCR is still a better choice to the J-Frame, imo.

      Another upside to the Ruger? No stupid frame lock.

      June 14, 2019 7:35 am
    • Jimbo

      When I was going through Enhanced Carry certification training, there was an older lady in the group who had a 642. She couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it. She let me cycle a few rounds through it and I actually liked it and hit pretty well. It just seems like a great backup, as the article states, but I hope those who rely on it put in quite a bit of time at the range with it.

      June 14, 2019 6:37 am
    • David

      My wife carries a 642 and loves it. She had issues initially with using the machined sights on the weapon when she first got it. After some training, she was grouping her five rounds into a sub 3" group at 7 yards and just over 3" at ten yards. When she complained about the trigger being too stiff, I replaced the springs and stoned (polished) the contact parts. (Please do not try any gun smithing work unless you are trained. I was a certified armorer for our police department and apprenticed under a master gun smith). This lowered the trigger pull weight by nearly 3 lbs. We also added the Crimson Trace laser grip that allows her to wrap all three fingers around the grip. This closed her groups to 2" at 7 yards and sub 3" groups at ten yards consistently. Bottom line, I enjoyed her revolver so much after the trigger job and the larger grip that I bought one for myself. The only thing that is different with mine is that I did not install the Crimson Trace, I installed a Pachmayr diamond pattern grip since I am comfortable with the factory sights.

      June 13, 2019 11:35 pm
    • Rich

      Try the Miculek grip for snubbies.
      “The j-frame revolver is different because of the size limitations of the stock. So what we do to correct that is we’re going to change the placement of the thumb on the non-firing hand. We’re going to come up and grab the backstrap of the firing hand. Notice that these two fingers are pinching the revolver down into the grip of the firing hand and it gives a lot better consistency from shot-to-shot this way.”

      June 13, 2019 9:00 pm
    • Damien

      I have a no-lock, 642 Performance Center; trigger action is really nice. However, the light weight and my long skinny hands make the grip/recoil pretty nasty. I read up on the "John Wick pistol grip", raised my hand on the grip, and found I have much better control over the gun. Absent that, the recoil was snapping hell out on my trigger finger. This grip requires a little more downward cant to hit the target, but it is much more comfortable shooting.

      As to carrying, I have a couple of pocket holsters from Robert Mika: They're worth every penny. Square and round bottom to fit different pockets. Very comfortable and do a creditable job in masking the arm.

      June 13, 2019 8:53 pm
    • Doug Gracey

      I have been carrying a 642 since 05 and I would not be with out! Perfect for running to the convenience store, walking the dog or changing a flat tire!
      This revolver can be fired with a less than conventional grip if in a struggle and shoots through jacket pockets. I sacrificed an old charthart , a denim jacket and a cotton hoodie it works and accracey was great at 3 feet.

      I recommend a trigger job from the start OR check out the 642 performance center sku #10186 I bought one for my father and not only does it look a little fancy with the cylinder flutes and release plate polished but the enhanced trigger is most exellent! While it is not my edc it more than fits the purpose of up close and ugly

      June 13, 2019 8:35 pm
    • Mark

      I’ve had the 642 for 6 years, inheriting from my wife because it was too snappy for her. I use it in my truck for emergency prep and take it hiking as it is easy to carry in my pocket holster. I carry it hiking and hunting with CCI snakeshot in 2 cylinders it and it works fine. I put a Pachmayr grip and it helps with the recoil but this compromises the concealability to the size of the grip. For a defense load I use a Buffalo Bore 130 grain for short barrels. It takes awhile to get used to it. I didn’t know ARX was out yet in .38 spl and I may try that. I can put them in an 8” circle at 7 yards as long as I practice.

      June 13, 2019 4:55 pm
    • J Stachura

      Not all S&W j frames are +P rated. I have seen the neck of the mod 36 to crack and the barrel gets loose.

      June 13, 2019 4:42 pm
    • Jack Alfred Rassi

      I prefer the exposed hammer, I have a model 36, model 37, and model 60. The model 36 was tuned by Frank Pachmeyer himself, it is very smooth. I prefer the two steel framed guns because they can handle full power 38 special, while the aluminum framed gun is restricted to standard velocity such as the Federal 125 grain nyclad (no longer available, but I still have some.)

      June 13, 2019 4:11 pm
    • Fred McMurray

      If your skills are sound, a 642 doing a 50 yard qual course is easy. Since good guys don't start gun fights, the 642 makes an excellent, small hand, bellygun, purse gun, or ankle gun. Only recommendation is, immediately upon opening the box, get a trigger/action job done. 642 is not enough for any critter bigger than a 4 legged coyote. Questionable against p-coats/ heavy leatherjackets in the winter.

      June 13, 2019 3:45 pm
      • David, PPT Editor

        Apex kit in a 642 is nice!

        June 13, 2019 7:48 pm
        • Pogo

          Wilson Combat has a good kit and Brownells sells a J Frame DIY kit
          that contains Clip Draw, Pro Spring Kit, Hogue Monogrip, Magna-Tip driver with 3 bits, S&W Rebound Slide Tool, and instructions for under $100.
          The article was great but I don't really agree with the opinion that revolvers aren't very customizable. Companies offering parts to customize are getting rarer though. Back in the day the S&W revolver line was the Glock of it's time and people and shops often tweaked them.

          June 13, 2019 9:14 pm
      • Pogo

        What??? Ummm sorry but I call B.S. Shooting a double action only snub nose revolver at 50 yards and hitting a human size target consistently is not realistic for even an expert. Annie Oakley would even call B.S. unless your qualifications target is the broad side of a barn.
        And 38 special has been a reliable defense round for over a century used extensively by the military and police as well as the civilian market. And coats and leather jackets unless lined with kevlar easily get ventilated with 38spl rounds.
        "Good guys don't start gun fights"......Really? That's an excellent philosophy if you want the good guy to end up dead. If a lethal threat is encountered people with brains shoot first they don't wait to be shot or stabbed by the "bad" guy.
        But please post a link with a video of your snubby skills at 50 yards and test that bullet resistant coat/jacket theory. If you have time I'd love to see some coyote hunting with a snub nose too.
        Your comment was actually funnier than those humor articles Pew Pew came up with....congratulations on that. Wait.....is that what this was?

        June 13, 2019 8:46 pm
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