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Origins of the Walther PPK
The Walther PPK had been in production for almost 30 years before 007 would first get his hands on it. The Walther PP (Polizeipistole) series was released in 1929 by German small arms manufacturer Carl Walther GmbH Sportwaffen, who designed the weapon for police use. The Walther PP Series was popular among European police and was used by German military and police under the Third Reich. The Walther PPK (Polizeipistole Kriminalmodel), released the following year, is the most popular variant in the Walther PP series. The PPK is a scaled-down version of the PP, made to be more concealable, ideal for undercover work.

How James Bond Got His PPK
Ian Fleming was no gun expert, but he did serve in British Naval intelligence in World War II. He originally had James carry a .32 ACP Beretta 418, the same kind of handgun that Fleming carried during his own service. It wasn’t Fleming’s idea to make the change. Rather, in 1956, not long before To Russia with Love would be published, Fleming got a fan letter from Geoffrey Boothroyd, a former Major in the British Army and a respected firearm expert. Boothroyd wrote that while he enjoyed the James Bond novels, he felt that the Beretta 418 was underpowered for use by a spy. He suggested that James should instead use a hammerless revolver like the Smith & Wesson Centennial Airweight since it had more power and a hammer could potentially catch on the spy’s clothing.
The Walther PPK throughout the Film Series
The particularly observant may notice that the firearm in that scene isn’t actually the Walther PPK, though. While the gun is referred to as a PPK, the actual gun is a Walther PP.

Where Else You Can Spot the Walther PPK
One of the easiest places to spot the Walther PPK these days is the affection spy film parody, Archer. Like Bond, the titlar Sterling Archer carries the Walther PPK as his preferred sidearm.

So there you have it, a look at the simultaneously weird and awesome history of the iconic Walther PPK, a firearm more famous for its appearance on the silver screen than for its performance as a firearm.Prices accurate at time of writing
Prices accurate at time of writing
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On the subject of Walther ppk. I have not had the pleasure of owning or firing an actual Walther ppk. But on the work of two ww2 veterans I did have the pleasure of knowing told me of their experience with rave reviews. One of them upon his passing left me with what he called a dam. Fine facsimile made by the Czechs. And I concur that it is a damn fine weapon that I carry daily.
recently bought an original made in Germany, WALTHER PP (not PPK), from 1971, in new condition in its box, with all its accessories, factory test target and other papers. It is a beauty, the finish it has is perfect, the polished blue finish is beautiful, deep and shiny. And its operation is impeccable.
Being 380 ACP caliber, I am pleasantly surprised, by the little recoil, equal to a 22 long Rifle.
Shoots very fast, is a design, ideal for old school defensive lunge shooting with one hand from the hip, its flat, unobstructed and balanced design makes it easy to remove quickly from your pocket or pistol holster.
I am impressed by how advanced a 1929 design is and how current it is.
The only difference between the Walter PP and its sister the Walther PPK / S is just 0.6 inches more. This is practically nothing and offers almost 4 inches of pipe length, which gives more power to the marginal ammunition, a greater scope radius, which gives more precision when aligning sights, greater balance to the pistol and less recoil. the PP version, on the PPK / S.
In reality, the PPK / S version should have been called PP / S, because that is what a PP with a 0.6 inch shorter spout is. But perhaps what weighed was a commercial and non-technical reason in its denomination, perhaps the commercial magic of calling it the same as the one used by the famous fictional spy James Bond, in his films, he sealed his name PPK / S, although in his first and Most important chapter I actually use a Walther PP, not a PPK. The PPK version is the one that is identified with the character of the television series.
Whichever version you choose: PP, PPK, or PPK / S, you will have in addition to an excellent weapon, a legend, a weapon with an impeccable history of warfare and a beautiful piece to use, look at, admire and leave your grandchildren .
Just my 2 cents.
Luck !
Alejandro Pera
My father was a gun dealer in Florida and would go to pawn shops and gun shows looking for deals often to refurbish and resell, one day he called me up and told me about a stainless PPK he had picked up for $200, with the “family discount” I could have it for $220 (he was in business after all) I didn’t hesitate and snapped it up, when I got it I noticed it was a made in France variant, Bonus! About a week later my dad called crying crocodile tears and accused me of taking advantage of a poor old man and asked me to send the gun back. (He was joking) He had been to a gun show and saw how much PPKs were selling for $5-600. I wasn’t about to part with that gun, it is in the permanent collection, and even with my Glocks, 1911s, and other modern guns, when I take my 18 year old son to the range, he always insists we bring the PPK. It is a timeless classic.
Have you ever heard of a 32 Walther pk black pistol that breaks down like a single shot but also has a clip??? Please answer my dad is very old and his gun just got stolen I remember looking at it a couple of times over the years but never touched it cause it was so special to him. Put if you can help me cause my dad has dimensi he can't explain everything to me and I would be able to find this gun probably in our small hill country but I have got to know what to say
That sounds like a baretta .32, not Walther. I have a PPK and that same Baretta. Barrel flips forward and it loads that way also has a magazine.
Nice article, with several inaccuracies. (1) The Beretta 418 Fleming originally equipped James Bond with in the novels was in .25 caliber, not .32. (2) The 1934 Beretta Bond surrenders in the film "Dr. No" was in .32 caliber, the same caliber his new Walther PPK (actually a PP) was, not 9mm as stated in the article. (3) The caption to the photo of Sean Connery in "Never Say Never Again" states he is holding a Walther PPK, when the gun is actually a Walther P5, which Connery carried throughout the film.
I bought a new PPK back in the late 80's, had no end of problems with ejection lockups, FTF's, etc. Sent it back to Walther for a "tune-up" (which I paid for, by the way), gun was returned and still did the same thing. I finally sold it and my gun shop guy recommended the Bersa .380. I was a little hesitant but bought it anyway. I've had it now for nearly 30 years and it has * never * given me any problem whatsoever, and I've run quite a few rounds through it. Maybe at the time I just got a bad PPK but Walther should have been able to fix it. No worries, though, the Bersa is great.
The newer models manufactured by Smith and Wesson solved the feed problem by improving the feed ramp. The older models were meant to fire the FMJ military ammunition so self defense JHP rounds had jamming issues. They also increased the length of the beaver tail to eliminate slide bite. I’ve owned and carried my PPKS for about three years now with no issues.
Had PPK/S new in 1984 until 2010.....in 380 cal., NO ISSUES AT ALL-fed everything just fine, including plastic capsule snake shot. I have missed it since selling and am looking to buy another in Stainless, 380 cal. Also want a Walther "TPH", little brother to the PPK/S and Walther P38 in 9mm. Wonderful pistols, all!
I love Walther hand guns, I have the PP 32, PK 380, PPS M2 9mm, PPQ M2 9mm, and the P 22, and have never had a problem with any of them,, I carry the PPS M2 daily...
Is there a version in 9 mm?
The PPK is chambered in .380 ACP, the diameter actually is equivalent to a 9mm round but the cartridge is smaller. Using the German terminology it’s referred to as a 9mm Kurtz, Kurtz meaning “short” The gun is also available here in .22 caliber in a 10 round magazine. Useful for target shooting and buying less expensive ammunition.
in Spectre, Daniel Craig is also wielding a Sig 226
Only barely and it is never fired. I was hoping it would get used more but instead, they barely touched it :( Makes me wonder how much Sig paid for that 20 seconds of product placement...
@Megan Kriss
Do you know if anyone is going to pick up manufacturing the PPK or PPK/S again? I see rumors on occasion but stopped getting my hopes up.
I've heard those rumors for years also, but I don't put much faith in them.
I have heard that the Bersa Firestorm .380 is solid though - not the real thing, but still.
Looks like our dreams may come true!
That is exciting! Thanks for sharing that. Hopefully, they'll have something for SHOT this year.
Walther USA is making the frames here in the US. The slides are being made in Germany by Germans who originally made the PPK years ago. Since the barrel is fixed to the frame and the frame is the serial numbered part that makes it a "gun," the importation of just the slides is not importing a "gun." However, the German government won't let Walther export the slides from Germany to the US because the German government wants the frame made in Germany too. But the Walther PPK is not allowed to be imported into the USA due to the Gun Control Act of 1968. You can make a PPK here, but you cannot bring one into the US from another country. Makes perfect sense right? So there is a stalemate on new PPK pistols being offered for sale here in the US.
I bought a PP for my wife in1981. Still have it. It is a 9mm Kurz (German for "short"). Actually bought it in Germany. It is a .380. Gun does kick pretty good. Like most .380's it is small and light. Pretty accurate also.
It really would help the accuracy of these articles if writers actually read some of the books they reference. There's not a lot of new material in this article to be honest. So let me add some. In the book Dr No, Fleming references Bond's Beretta - it's a .25 cal. Makes sense that the .32 PPK Fleming references would have better stopping power. But my own 380 PPK is even better! 9mm short still not as good as standard 9mm though. So it's just my BUG. Any how, here's some of what Fleming writes: “Well, Armourer, what do you recommend?”
Major Boothroyd put on the expert’s voice. “As a matter of fact, sir,” he said modestly, “I’ve just been testing most of the small automatics. Five thousand rounds each at twenty-five yards. Of all of them, I’d choose the Walther PPK 7.65 mm. It only came fourth after the Japanese M-14, the Russian Tokarev and the Sauer M-38. But I like its light trigger pull and the extension spur of the magazine gives a grip that should suit 007. It’s a real stopping gun. Of course it’s about a .32 calibre as compared with the Beretta’s .25, but I wouldn’t recommend anything lighter. And you can get ammunition for the Walther anywhere in the world. That gives it an edge on the Japanese and the Russian guns.” Also, news to most folks, despite "Major" Boothroyd being a real person and a fan of Bond and Fleming, he wasn't a Major. Best not to read too many other wrongly written articles and do your own research!
I think your right on the .25 Cal. Other than that the article is excellent. Other than gun nuts I doubt few would pick up on the caliber mistake or even care.
Couldn't get a PPK here in California, but I was able to get a Bersa Firestorm .380. It is indeed, simple, compact, easy to use, It's also pretty accurate. It is, however, a close up and personal weapon. Bond has been known to make some long distance shots (bringing down the bad guys 'copter on the bridge at the end of Quantum of Solace). The Bersa is my CCW. Of course, I also use a Kimber Ultra Carry II .45, a S&W Mod 60 .38, and a FI Mod D .380 (clone of the original Colt Pony). I carried the latter for many years as a backup, and it was sufficient since the majority of officer involved shooting take place at short distances of 3-10 feet.
Thanks for another fine piece of info, great writing skills. If you are ever in the Nashville,TN area come see us, ya hear !
Love the article! Thanks! I always loved the PPK, mainly because of 007. But once I got into firearms I found the Sig P232 (in .380 & 9MM). Ever since my discovery the PPK has lost a little luster.
Had a PPK/s for over 20 years as backup anklegun while on duty. Very heavy compared to today's poly-micro pistols, but never skipped a beat at the range in all those years of dust, dirt, getting banged around, etc. Always kept it clean each week and it never let me down. Weird how you just get used to that odd weight on your ankle.
Anyway, double action was heavy, single was pretty decent. Didn't have issues with any .380 ammo used from FMJ to HP of varying weights. The only 'issue' I ever hand was cheese grating the web of my hand from the slide serrations when the slide cycled. Just where that part of my hand rode when gripping it. No fault of the gun.
Loved the fixed barrel.
I have had my PPK/S for ten years now. At first it was "picky". Then, after a good polishing of the feed ramp, removal of the loaded chamber indicator, and about 500 rounds down the pike, it became great. I carry it on occasion, depending on what I am wearing. It loves Polycase ammo, but does fine with pretty much everything I have tried. The Polycase really reduces the felt recoil making it much better for practice. The fun side of owning one is the faces people unfamiliar with shooting or guns make when they see it. Somehow, people know the James Bond legend and immediately react to the James Bond gun. Kind of fun. It is iconic!