Welcome to a weekly series here on Pew Pew Tactical dedicated to the gun news you need to know.

So, keep reading for this week’s notable news headlines…
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New Congressional Bill Targets “Any Other Weapon” Category in NFA
A new measure takes aim at the Any Other Weapon category in the National Firearms Act, looking to eliminate it from the regulations.
Bolstered by 24 Republicans in Congress, the No Backdoor Gun Control Act (H.R. 6817 ) would remove the AOW definition from the NFA as well as require the Department of Justice to destroy records for Americans with those currently registered items.

Lawmakers argue that the AOW category is too broad, vague, and ultimately violates Second Amendment rights. Further, they say that should legislation removing short-barreled rifles and shotguns from the NFA be enacted, the AOW definition could create a dangerous loophole.

“Bearing arms in self-defense is a human right. It is evident from the ATF’s behavior that, under Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, the agency is hellbent on attacking the Second Amendment through every means at its disposal. I am grateful for my colleagues’ work in Congress to remove short-barreled rifles and shotguns (SBRs, SBSs) from regulation under the National Firearms Act,” Bill sponsor Chip Roy (TX – 21) said in a press release.

“However, should that legislation be successful in doing so, the NFA’s ‘Any Other Weapon’ provision would still allow an anti-gun administration to use the ATF to unilaterally regulate these firearms, and, more importantly, target their owners. The No Backdoor Gun Control Act would close this notable loophole and help protect law-abiding gun owners,” Rep. Roy concluded.
Pro-2A groups applauded the measure, saying that the AOW definition has harmed lawful gun owners.

“The federal government has no business taxing and registering privately owned firearms with a catch-all term like ‘Any Other Weapon’ or AOW,” Aidan Johnston, Director of Federal Affairs with Gun Owners of America, said in a statement.
“With the Biden Administration weaponizing definitions from the draconian National Firearms Act of 1934 to ban as many as 40,000,000 lawfully acquired guns like AR-15s, Rep. Chip Roy’s repeal of federal AOW regulations could not come at a better time.”
H.R. 6817 has been referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means and the Judiciary.
Guns Overtake Car Crashes as Leading Cause of Premature Deaths, Study Says
A new study published in the Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open journal suggests that firearms-related deaths have overtaken car accidents as the leading cause of “years of potential life lost.”
The study used research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to investigate firearms within certain geographic locations and populations.

Researchers concluded that firearms have now surpassed car accidents as the largest cause of death in 2017 and 2018. YPLL for guns topped 1.42 million in 2018 – in comparison, car accidents accounted for 1.32 million.
Further, they determined that suicide by gun affected older white males while homicide with a firearm largely impacted younger black males.

“If one were to just examine the total number of deaths it would be noted that over 170,000 white male suicides occurred and just over 63,000 black male homicides occurred over this 10 year period — both astonishingly high numbers,” lead researcher Dr. Joshua Klein of the Westchester Medical Center told NPR.
Regionally, the South was impacted the most by firearms-related deaths, followed by the West, Midwest, and Northeast.

Klein said that the key takeaway from the study was to provide more resources.
“More resources should be redirected and allocated to these at-risk populations to decrease this potentially preventable cause of death and years of life lost,” Klein explained.
The study noted that the number of firearms within an area can’t predict the suicide, homicide, or crime rate. Still, the authors said that the accessibility of guns plays a factor and should be considered in prevention strategies.

“The demand for total freedom and the Second Amendment have resulted in high access to firearms in this country and this is undisputable,” the authors said.
“The main argument is that the right to bear arms to prevent injury or to defend against aggressors may result in a small number of preventable deaths is a plausible theory, however, the data reveal that the resulting access to firearms has equated to magnitudes of death due to firearm suicides in the same individuals demanding access to firearms.”
“Effective suicide prevention efforts should include limiting access to all methods of suicide—including firearms — for at-risk populations.”
Kansas Lawmakers Introduce Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination Act
Lawmakers in Kansas look to support gun businesses, introducing the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination Act.
Under the FIND bill, banks and other companies would be barred from discriminating against firearms businesses – which includes gun shops and stores.

Introduced by Sen. Kellie Warren (R — District 11), S.B. 482 would also require companies to submit written verification that they don’t discriminate against the firearms industry before entering into large goods sales or contracts within the state.
The act comes as several anti-gun groups have pressured credit card companies and financial institutions to block payments for certain gun parts like 80% lowers.

Gun groups praised the bill, saying it’s a good step towards preventing companies from discriminating against gun businesses.
“Senate Bill 482 will address the actions of anti-gun companies who discriminate against lawful businesses that engage with the firearm industry,” The National Rifle Association said in a statement.
“This measure will prohibit those companies from being able to engage in certain government contracts in the State of Kansas.”
The bill has not yet been voted on.
Tennessee Considers Lowering Age to Carry a Handgun to 18
A new bill in Tennessee looks to lower the age to carry a handgun from 21 to 18.
H.B. 1735, introduced by Rep. Chris Todd (R – Jackson), would allow 18-year-olds to legally carry a firearm openly or concealed.

Last year, the state dropped a permit requirement, allowing residents over 21 to now carry without a permit or license. Todd says that his right should extend to all legal adults.
“Adult citizens of legal age — of 18 — have the right given by God that’s recognized in the Constitution to keep and bear arms. And that right shall not be infringed,” Todd said in a subcommittee discussion, as reported by WPLN.

This legislation comes alongside another proposed law, S.B. 2523, introduced into Tennessee’s house and senate that would expand “the definition of ‘law enforcement officer’” to also include civilians with an enhanced carry permit.
Though no longer required to legally carry in the state, that permit can still be obtained by taking an eight-hour handgun safety course and ponying up $100.

Introduced by Joey Hensley (R — Hohenwald) in the state senate, the bill would allow residents to carry into areas where off-duty police are allowed to enter, including businesses that prohibit guns.
“This is trying to open it up so that people who go to the extreme to get this extra permit can have the right to defend themselves in more places,” Hensley told ABC News.

Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts told The Guardian that the bill is incredibly dangerous.
“Encouraging people to arm themselves and play police puts everyone at risk while making the jobs of actual law enforcement much more difficult,” Watts said. “Tennessee has the 14th highest rate of gun violence in the country, and lawmakers should be focused on passing policies that will actually make communities safer, not reckless bills like these.”

Additionally, the Tennessee State Lodge for the Fraternal Order of the Police said they are “adamantly opposed to this bill in its current form.”
Both bills have yet to be voted on.
What do you think of the headlines above? Let us know in the comments. Also, catch up on other Weekly Wraps or news in our News Category.
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I love these weekly updates. Very helpful to know what’s going on across the industry!
Figures don't lie but liars sure do figure. Twisting numbers as these anti-2nd Amendment zealots did is a grievous, attempted violation of our God-given Constitutional Rights and common sense.
I don't believe any armed citizen will be tempted to "play police". The neccesity of being able to defend self or family, in the absence of law enforcment, is a God given right, recorded in the Bill of rights. Law makers, of that era had the foresight to protect us from a nefarious few.
Jacki, thanks as always for your legit journalism. Too many of the good guys make clickbait out of 2A news and we know the bad guys have made a swear word out of the term "journalist". Great info.
Thanks for reading!