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5 Worst Guns for Beginners (And Some Good Ones)

Don't make a big mistake. There are some terrible guns out there for beginners. Here's our list of the worst ones and also some good first firearms.
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    So, you decided to buy your first gun. Congrats and welcome!

    We’re lucky to live in a time when there are more genuinely good, affordable firearms available than we know what to do with.

    But there are some bad ones. Some are objectively lousy; some just aren’t suitable for new shooters. Don’t worry, though; we’ve got your back. Together, we’ll sort out which are the worst guns for beginners and point you toward a few great guns for new shooters.

    Let the learning begin!

    Table of Contents


    How We Tested the Worst Guns for Beginners

    A .357 Mag revolver actually isn’t a terrible first gun, but there are better options.

    For this article, the entire Pew Pew Tactical team contributed to this review to offer different opinions based on ergonomics, size, and experience.

    These aren’t necessarily bad guns; they’re just bad for people who are new to shooting. They might be expensive, difficult to shoot, or just plain impractical.

    We’ve also provided a few beginner-friendly options that we fully endorse, with links to the full reviews so you can read more.

    Worst Guns for Beginners

    1. Magnum-Caliber Handguns

    Magnum Research .429 Desert Eagle with SwampFox King Slayer red dot proven turkey killer
    The Desert Eagle is a terrible choice for beginners… and probably everyone else.

    I get the appeal; magnum handguns can be a lot of fun. Movies like “The Matrix,” the “Dirty Harry,” and “Wind River” have made big-bore revolvers and other hand cannons highly revered in the American psyche. 

    They’re larger than life in movies but they’re a real handful to actually shoot in the real world.

    I would never place a magnum-caliber handgun (ok, except that nifty Walther WMP that shoots .22 WMR) in the hands of a beginner. It’s insanely dangerous and foolish to expect a new shooter to manage that much recoil with no training or experience. 

    gun recoiling into shooters face
    Welcome to firearm ownership, are you having fun?

    Outside of the danger level, the ammunition for these weapons is expensive. That will make it harder to train, which will stunt your growth as a shooter.

    Speaking of ammo, magnum calibers involve a lot of specialty loads that you’ll need to be able to identify and understand before you toss rounds in your gun. 

    Popular Pistol Calibers
    Popular pistol calibers 10mm and .357 Magnum, are two examples of magnum calibers.

    A box of Winchester .44 Magnum ammunition is going to be a lot different than a box of Buffalo Bore .44 Magnum, for example. If you don’t understand bullet weights and velocities, then you are gonna have a bad time.

    That isn’t to say these are bad guns. For example, magnum revolvers are great for experienced shooters who need a defense against brown bears. But even that requires a lot of training to use them effectively.

    For now, let’s leave magnums to the movie stars.

    2. Tactical Shotguns

    Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol_08
    We love the Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol but it shouldn’t be your first gun.

    Shotguns have a reputation for being excellent home-defense guns. That’s debatable, first of all, and I definitely wouldn’t hand over a 12-gauge stuffed with 00 (pronounced double-ought or double-aught) buckshot to a new shooter.

    These shotguns have hefty recoil, a limited capacity, and expensive ammunition. 

    Like magnum handguns, tactical shotguns can jump and kick too much for people who aren’t trained to control all that energy. It’s not uncommon for them to give you a black eye if you don’t handle them correctly. 

    A side-effect of all this recoil is that you’re likely to develop a flinch. That habit will wreck your ability to shoot anything effectively and it’s a tough lesson to unlearn.

    Women_s Shotguns Point and Shoot
    Hunting shotguns are a different story.

    Once again, we’re not against you owning a 12-gauge shotgun down the line. In fact, some of them can be quite beginner-friendly.

    If you’re looking for a versatile shotgun that can slay everything from clay pigeons to turkeys, a hunting-focused 12-gauge will serve you well. The Mossberg 500 All-Purpose Field is a great shotgun, and it’s very affordable.

    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Between lighter ammunition loads and longer barrels, these are typically more beginner-friendly than stubby tactical shotguns loaded with buckshot or slugs.

    3. Pocket Pistols 

    Canik TP9 Elite SC, Glock 26, Walther PPQ SC
    Micro-compact pistols like the Canik TP9 Elite SC, Glock 26, and Walther PPQ SC don’t give you much to hold onto.

    Pocket pistols are rising in popularity. They are an attractive weapon for concealed carriers because they’re light and easy to keep out of sight.

    Because they’re so tiny, a lot of new shooters and first-time shoppers view them as less intimidating than a larger pistol. But that’s a mistake.

    Sinterfire .380 ACP 75 grain HP Frangibles and a Ruger LCP II. If you like .380 ACP you really should check out Sinterfire’s frangibles
    Micro-compact guns like this Ruger LCP II are easy to conceal but not fun to shoot.

    They slap your hand like a hard high-five and try to work their way out of your fingers with every shot.

    That’s because they’re producing the same energy as any other pistol of the same caliber but there’s less weight to contain it and less grip area to hold onto. It’s a sketchy combination, for sure.

    Bersa Firestorm
    This is easy to conceal but hard to learn with.

    If you don’t enjoy shooting your pistol, you’re unlikely to train with it. If you don’t train, you won’t get better.

    If you’re in the market for your first CCW pistol, there are better options. We love the Sig Sauer P365, and Glock makes a few similarly-sized pistols that will be better to shoot and more capable than a micro-compact pistol.

    P365 Comparison
    You can’t go wrong with a Sig Sauer P365, although I’d lean toward the larger-capacity models.

    4. Anything Obscure 

    Egyptian Hakim (8)
    Your local sporting goods store cannot help you with that Egyptian Army surplus rifle.

    Don’t get me wrong, we love collecting weird and wonderful firearms from dusty corners of the industry. They’re not super practical, though.

    Even if a particular gun is great on its own, finding parts, accessories, and upgrades can be nearly impossible.

    Weatherby 307 Scott Murdock
    I love hunting with 6.5 Wby RPM but boy, am I glad I didn’t have to learn to shoot at $5 per shot.

    If you see a great deal on something chambered for a cartridge you don’t recognize, there’s a reason for that — maybe nobody can find ammo for it!

    Common ammunition like .22 LR, 9mm, .45 ACP, 5.56 NATO, .308 Win, 6.5 Creedmoor, and 12ga is (well, usually) easy to find and reasonably priced. Want .45 GAP, .357 SIG, or .303 British? Good luck and keep your credit card ready.

    Best Guns for Beginners

    I won’t leave you guys with just bad guns. Here are a few excellent guns that are affordable, fun to shoot, and — most importantly — great teachers. 

    1. Ruger 10/22 – Best .22 LR Rifle

    Best .22 LR Rifle
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Easy to shoot
    • Affordable
    • Endless aftermarket upgrades and modifications


    • Low power
    • Limited range


    • Caliber: .22 LR
    • Action: Semi-automatic
    • Capacity: 10+1
    • Best Use: Target shooting, small game hunting

    Everybody needs a .22! The Ruger 10/22 is a classic rifle and one of the most mass-produced guns in history. It’s reliable, accurate, and inexpensive.

    You can find a Ruger 10/22 in almost any gun shop across the country, including online retailers.

    Fully Upgraded 10/22

    There are lots of Ruger 10/22 models, and aftermarket support is almost endless. Want to customize your 10/22? Go ahead and upgrade it, accessorize it, and make it yours with some of our favorite Ruger 10/22 upgrades

    Once you build a solid foundation of marksmanship fundamentals at pennies per round, you’ll be able to step up to larger rifles without much of a learning curve.

    2. Ruger Wrangler – Best .22 LR Revolver

    Best .22 LR Revolver
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Easy to shoot
    • Affordable
    • Yee-haw vibes


    • Low power
    • Limited range
    • Limited capacity and slow reloads


    • Caliber: .22 LR
    • Action: Single-action revolver
    • Capacity: 6
    • Best Use: Target shooting

    Want even more rimfire fun? Shoot like a cowboy with the Ruger Wrangler!

    These are super affordable and offer a major improvement in quality and durability over a lot of other rimfire (meaning .17 and .22 caliber) revolvers.

    A pair of Ruger Wranglers

    We fell in love with this tiny peacemaker during testing. Get all the details in our Ruger Wrangler review.

    Like the 10/22, it’s great for practicing the fundamentals. Recoil is minimal, so you’re unlikely to develop a flinch or other bad habits. Ammo is dirt cheap, so you can get huge amounts of training done for just a few dollars.

    And you’ll never outgrow this thing. We never get too cool for a .22 LR revolver.

    4. Glock 19 – Best 9mm Pistol

    Best 9mm Pistol
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Famously reliable
    • Great for CCW and home defense
    • Huge aftermarket support


    • Trigger feel isn't great
    • Polarizing ergonomics


    • Caliber: 9mm
    • Action: Semi-automatic striker-fire
    • Capacity: 15+1
    • Best Use: Concealed carry, home defense, target shooting

    Whenever we have to recommend a pistol to someone, it’s easy to start with a Glock 19 and go from there.

    This iconic pistol is small enough to comfortably carry every day. It’s large enough to shoot effectively, and you get 15 rounds per magazine (unless your state’s gun laws dictate otherwise).

    Behold the famous Glock 19.

    The Glock 19 has served with military units and law enforcement agencies for decades. It will have your back, too.

    While it isn’t super refined, it is reliable as a hammer and pretty affordable. Aftermarket support is endless, so you can easily upgrade components here and there as you progress in your shooting journey.

    Home Defense Glock G19 Light
    Concealed carry? Home defense? No problem for the Glock 19!

    Do we have an in-depth Glock 19 Review? Of course we do.

    A lot of manufacturers have taken pages out of Glock’s book, so don’t miss the other great pistols we’ve reviewed. Check out more of our favorites in Best Handguns for Beginners!

    5. Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport III – Best AR-15

    Available Coupons


    • Affordable
    • Popular upgrades are included
    • Versatile


    • Welcome to the AR-15 addiction


    • Caliber: 5.56 NATO
    • Action: Semi-automatic
    • Capacity: 30+1 (state-compliant versions available)
    • Best Use: Home defense, target shooting

    Sorry, M1 Garand fans, the AR-15 is America’s rifle now. If you’re in the market for your first AR-15, the Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport III is an easy recommendation.

    This AR-15 is awesome for plinking, home defense, shooting sports, and even some types of hunting.

    It’s also very simple to use. Between the mild 5.56 NATO or .223 cartridge and the buffer spring, recoil is extremely gentle.

    The M&P 15 Sport III offers a budget-friendly carbine with the upgrades you’re most likely to want already installed. Dollar for dollar, it’s tough to argue against this value.

    S&W M&P 15 Sport III shoot right angle
    Dig this Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport III in action.

    This AR-15 can grow with you as you advance in ability and evolve in personal taste.

    The market is saturated with AR-15 parts from bargain basement to bougie, and these guns enjoy every kind of accessory, upgrade, and trinket under the sun. You can even build one from scratch if you’re handy.

    Read all the details in our Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport III Review.

    We have a ton of information on these, so definitely spend some time reading our AR-15 Definitive Resource.

    6. Ruger LC Carbine – Best PCC

    Best PCC
    at Kygunco

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons


    • Easy to shoot
    • Affordable ammo
    • Room to accessorize


    • Limited effective range


    • Caliber: 5.7×28, .45 ACP, 10mm
    • Action: Semi-automatic
    • Capacity: 10+1, 13+1, 20+1, 30+1
    • Best Use: Home defense

    A pistol-caliber carbine, or PCC, is a rifle-length firearm that shoots pistol rounds. They come in a wide variety of designs and are quite popular these days.

    One of our favorites is the Ruger LC Carbine.

    Ruger LC Carbine glamour 2
    Check out this Ruger LC Carbine, friends.

    You can take your pick from three cartridges: 5.7×28, .45 ACP, and 10mm. All of them have merit as a home defense gun, though I’m partial to the latter two.

    While .45 ACP and 10mm can be pretty punchy in a handgun, they’re borderline tame in a PCC simply because you have mass on your side and three points of contact.

    Once you start shooting, you won’t want to put it down!

    You won’t be swapping out components to the extent you could with an AR-15, but you can add accessories like a red dot, weapon light, and sling just as easily.

    Interested in learning more about this gun? Here’s our hands-on Ruger LC Carbine Review. Want more options? Check out our guide to the Best PCCs!

    Why You Should Trust Us

    HiPoint C9
    Travis Pike, contributor

    At the helm for this article is Travis Pike. Before becoming an NRA-certified instructor and concealed carry trainer out of Florida, he was a Marine infantryman. It’s safe to say he knows his way around guns. Travis has been testing, researching, and writing about all types of guns, gear, and optics for years. You can find his work in several publications, including Pew Pew Tactical.

    Hammerli Force B1
    Scott Murdock, editor (Photo: Tess Rousey)

    Editing this article is Scott Murdock. Scott is a Marine Corps veteran who competed and qualified as a rifle and pistol expert while in service. In addition to shooting, Scott has written for a variety of publications, testing, researching, and evaluating guns and gear. He brings that knowledge and skillset to this article, editing and fact-checking for accuracy.

    Womens Concealed AIWB
    Jacki Billings, EIC

    Editor-in-Chief Jacki Billings runs our experienced team of reviewers. She is a National Rifle Association Basic Pistol Instructor as well as a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, ACES: Society for Editing, and the Professional Outdoor Media Association. Jacki has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and has worked as a media professional for close to 20 years, specializing in gun media for almost 10 years. With 2,000+ articles to her name, she uses her professional journalism and editing experience to set testing protocols and editorial standards for Pew Pew Tactical.

    Final Thoughts

    Buying the wrong gun can seriously hinder your shooting ability and waste money.

    That doesn’t mean we don’t like these guns, it just means they shouldn’t be your first firearm. As you become more experienced, you may find that some of them are perfectly appropriate.

    The Magnum Research BFR in .50 Linebaugh is definitely an effective hunting revolver (and it’s fun, too)
    The Magnum Research BFR chambered for .50 Linebaugh is not a good place to start.

    For now, stick to quality guns that won’t encourage bad habits or drain your wallet. Invest in some professional training. You’ll be a better shooter in no time. 

    What’s the gun you’d advise new shooters to avoid? Let us know in the comments. New to shooting? Take a look at the Beginner’s Guide To Guns and our Gun Noob to Gun Slinger video course!

    Latest Updates

    January 2025: Removed the Heritage Arms Rough Rider, .40 S&W subcompact pistols, and Ring of Fire brands. Added obscure firearms to avoid. Added the Ruger 10/22, Ruger Wrangler, Glock 19, Smith & Wesson M&P 15 Sport III, and Ruger LC Carbine as the best guns for beginners.

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    145 Leave a Reply

    • Dan Chang

      Taught my daughter to shoot (as well as field-strip and clean) starting at age 12 with a Ruger SR-22 pistol. Modern controls, low recoil, and just about the right size for her cute little hands. Proof of the pudding is that she graduated to her Sig P365 XMacro just fine, and will get around to CCW training when she finishes some other distractions like an MD/PhD. Proud papa.

      March 7, 2025 9:09 am

      Taught my daughter to use a SIG226. She became proficient quickly. BUGSY is her nickname. A real BUGSY Oakley!
      I gave her my 226 after a health scare. You should've seen her face!
      And I was her protector!
      Now she's married with a 4 year old daughter.
      I larnt her well !!

      March 6, 2025 6:41 pm
    • Robert Tucker

      Nice article. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us 2nd Amendment supporters.

      February 27, 2025 6:55 pm
    • William Scott Allison

      Glock's are good... But I wouldn't recommend any striker fired pistol with no manual safety to a beginner.
      Keep up the great articles!

      January 24, 2025 1:35 pm
    • Ken M

      Very nicely put together article, larger caliber weapons are harder to learn and more expensive to shoot, even 9mm or 38 special in a small handgun can be painful. I can’t argue that Glocks are very awesome in a lot of ways however they don’t fit my hand and I went with an HK VP 9 instead, arguably it’s more expensive but I found it fit my small hands much better and could be sized for several different hand sizes. Medium to large 357 magnum revolvers firing 38 special ammunition can be pleasant to shoot while being very effective, and you can move up to more powerful ammunition.

      January 24, 2025 4:38 am
    • Tony S

      I doubt I would give any Glock to a first time shooter. I’ve seen people flinch terribly trying to handle 9mm pistol recoil.
      22 LR as you pointed out with the Ruger 22s is the best place to start. Then work your way up.

      Having said that my first rifle as a teenager was an M1 carbine and then a 12 gauge pump. Third was a Ruger 10/22. I had no one to guide me and just picked guns at random.
      Since the Ruger was the most fun I soon got rid of the other two. Later I went to 223 and 308 and 12 gauge again.
      But 22 LR and 9mm is still mostly what I shoot 30 years later.
      Having an experienced person to get you started is a big help.

      January 24, 2025 3:45 am
    • Jim Canitz

      The Ruger Alaskan .454 Casul, not be a good choice for a new shooter’s first weapon. It has its place as a bear gun or as an up close and personal defense arm. But the first time I fired this monster, a fireball the size of a gallon milk jug blossomed out of the front of the muzzle. Impressive for sure. But not the way to introduce a newbie to firearms.

      January 24, 2025 12:47 am
    • Cassie Vining

      My first was a Walther CCP, 9mm. Very ergonomic in the hand, recoil is good. Generally not a bad start. But stripping it to clean is IMPOSSIBLE. It has this key that has to go in the back end while simultaneously moving the slide back AND up in a smooth gesture. That is NOT designed for small hands. But I certainly wouldn't have known that as a newb. Unless someone else was holding the grip, I couldn't break it down. I had to have a magazine form 3D printed that I could screw to a wood base for mounting the gun on just for cleaning. I think they've upgraded that design, since.

      January 23, 2025 10:24 pm
    • Mark F Sanderson

      I'll catch some from this 'Con' and that is all Glocks are plain ugly. Fantastic pistols - yup, esthetically pleasing - nope. In my opinion you can replace 'Glock model 19' w/a generic nod to mid-sized striker fire pistols including Glock, Springfield and etc. I still regret selling my XD9 SC, and it's a heck of a lot better looking than any Glock. Oh, by the way, I am NOT a Glock basher. Despite the weird angle of the dangle, I shoot them very well. It's just that they're . . . ugly!

      January 23, 2025 10:09 pm
    • JerseyJohnny

      Love your articles as always, but as for 12 gauge tactical.....I think the Beretta A300 is not a bad kick and the 1301 is an absolute pleasure for even a beginner with proper training. The Mossberg, with the pump action, has a more difficult learning curve and harder kick. Also, I think the Beretta Cx4 is probably the most accurate, balanced, and cost effective PCP, in both 9mm and .45, manufactured. The Ruger is front heavy and that makes it more unwieldy for beginners.Lastly, the weight of the 92 and the rotating barrel of the PX4 are great at reducing kick and getting back on target for quick follow-up shots especially with the softer trigger pull of a SA/DA hammer fire.
      And if you're wondering, I am Beretta biased.

      January 23, 2025 9:04 pm
    • Brad Corkern

      Hmmmmmmmm, my shield has a sweet trigger. of course, it was one of the first off the line, so they might've changed it up some. I know the exterior design did.

      recoil is very pleasant for a pistol, as recoil goes.

      January 23, 2025 9:03 pm
    • Streamylc

      1000%... was my first pistol (G17), and I'm kinda pissed about it.... ironically, a "magnum caliber" revolver is what hit the reset button on all the bad habits I developed with my glock.

      January 23, 2025 8:14 pm
    • Phill T

      This will start a lot of “discussions” in the 9mm community! I believe the best 9mm pistol is the Sig P226 X5 Allround (West German) if budget is not an issue. The US made X5 is very good too, but not up to the level of finish, however can be had new.

      January 23, 2025 8:08 pm
    • jeff

      You recommended the Glock for beginners. It feels like a 2x4, the trigger is not the best, it is prone to limp wristing, and has not been updated in years. There are many more modern pistols out there that address most of these issues.

      January 23, 2025 7:59 pm
    • CLAUD

      As they stated we are lucky to have so many choices. It reminds me of a doughnut shop.
      Some make up their mind while waiting on line. Others wait till they are called on and then can't make up their mind. My favorite gun is my S&W 686 plus it is 7 shot 357 magnum with an 8 inch barrel. I shoot 38 special in it. Bid heavy equals low recoil. Surly not concealed carry..
      I was a bit surprised to read that a 380 and 38 special are roughly equal. Where I live 38 special seem harder to find than 380. 357 magnum is a bit much unless you want to say my bullet is bigger and louder than yours.

      January 23, 2025 7:53 pm
    • LazrBeam

      P.S. S&W is now offering a snubbie in .32 H&R Mag. It will also safely shoot, in descending order, .32 S&W Long (very soft shooting), the .32 S&W, and, as previously noted, in a pinch the .32 ACP. The latter three are not necessarily recommended for self defense but they are excellent for training purposes.

      January 23, 2025 7:45 pm
    • Bobzilla

      Magnum handguns would be fine if not shooting magnum loads. .38 special in a .357 magnum would be very manageable (and allow for more power later). I lean toward semiautomatics, but with the right ammo a revolver can be great for learning.

      January 23, 2025 7:37 pm
    • Dave Kelson

      I’d shot rifles before but the Glock was my first pistol and I regret wasting so much time with it. Even the best trigger sucked for me. I got a Walther PDP and improved my accuracy by a mile, then a CZ Sp01 and I wish Id started with it, feels like the gun shoots better than I do. Your mileage may vary but if you’re used to a crisp trigger wall, Glock is not your best first move.

      January 23, 2025 7:29 pm
    • Richard Booth

      The only magnum caveat I would make is a 357 magnum which can be used to shoot 38 special initially. 38 special is a particularly nice cartridge to be shooting by just about anybody.

      January 23, 2025 7:14 pm
      • Charles Brogdon

        Agreed, with the added benefit of learning trigger control. The double action pull through can be a great teaching tool. .38 is a great training cartridge also.

        January 24, 2025 5:33 am
    • Nelson Daly

      Good overview for neophytes like me.

      January 12, 2025 6:17 pm
    • David B

      Good information. I have been a handgun instructor for 30+ years and the hardest thing to get across to beginners is recoil. They all want small and powerful. A bad combination. Thanks for helping me reinforce my instructions. Unfortunately some will never understand until they try. David

      January 3, 2025 10:33 am
    • Kim

      Many gun store clerks steer women to the Smith and Wesson Shield 9mm. I think that’s a mistake. The grip may be right for small hands, but the trigger is too heavy and it has too much recoil to make it a good beginner gun.

      December 22, 2024 8:35 pm
    • Sheila

      Maybe dumb luck was my friend? I am a brand-noob, just began shooting last month. First I bought a Ruger Speed Six .38, and I love it. Then I thought I might also enjoy a semi-auto if I could find one with a slide I can manage. An S&W M & P 2.0 9mm 4.25 fit the bill. I'm considering having a smith put a softer spring in the slide. Otherwise she's great.

      December 19, 2024 6:33 pm
    • Greg

      My first gun for my family to learn with was a Glock 44 which shoots the 22 LR. It is easy to shoot, low recoil, comes with a good quality users manual and everyone in the family is comfortable shooting it. Even my 10 year old daughter. Thanks for the info!

      November 23, 2024 12:09 am
    • Dave

      What a great overview of what to avoid and what to get. Good writing thanks

      November 21, 2024 6:36 pm
    • Jack Kerley

      Very good article, I think another good 1st pistol is the ruger security 380. It has some size, (wont beat you up when shooting)easy to rack, decent sights. I have one I let new shooters and female's use at the range to get the feel of shooting, then I will let them shoot different calibers and different sizes, compact, sub compact micro, or full size, .380, 9mm, or .40 .45 to see the differences and the different recoils.

      November 7, 2024 7:10 pm
    • LazrBeam

      There are at least two other magnum options for new shooters, Travis. The .32 H&R Magnum, Charter Arms makes revolvers in this load, and the .327 Federal Magnum, Ruger and Taurus manufacture this revolver for this chambering. Plus, a revolver chambered for .327 Fed Mag will also safely shoot the .32 H&R Mag as well as .32 S&W Long, .32 S&W, and in a pinch .32 ACP. That’s some versatility!

      October 6, 2024 6:20 pm
    • Wesley Bielinski

      When I start new shooters, I always start with my Ruger .22/45. It has enough mass to make the .22LR recoil practically nonexistent, it's the noise and the flash that they have to get used to. Even with hearing protection an indoor range always magnifies the noise and muzzle flash.

      September 17, 2024 6:45 pm
    • victoria hawke

      good write Travis, thought it was me writing it, 22lr is the way to go for beginners, rifle and pistol. that is what my gunsmith expert father started us kids on. i wanted to do the pistol thing so i bought a Ruger single action 6 with 22 mag cylinder, probably cause of all the westerns on tv, i graduated to a 357 then eventually a 44 mag. 22lr is the wat to go for beginners, heck i still use them, have a conversion for my 223 and a 1911 22lr, always bring them with me when i go to the range, i do a mag or 2 with the primary practice then a bunch of 22lr then before i finish the day i do 2 more mags with my primary, 9.40 or 45acp, you see i am a 1911 gal. the 365 sig is a cool pistol, in regards to the ruger 10/22 it is a great rifle and you can get lots of extras for it, i am still looking to get one, already have a semi and a bolt action is better for training, one shot at a time. good job Travis keep the faith and GODSPEED

      August 28, 2024 12:16 pm
    • Patrick Stone

      Sadly, I see no mention of Taurus handguns.
      I've been with Taurus since 2001, and no regrets. From the TX22 to the PT945, all great guns.

      July 22, 2024 11:15 am
      • Karen D Mann

        My first handgun is a TX22 and it's a great way to learn shooting skills. Accurate, low recoil, easy to take down and clean, plus fun to shoot!

        September 23, 2024 2:25 pm
    • Gary

      You missed a great starter gun, clones of the 1873 colt. It is light weight, realitevly small and in cowboy .45 easy to shoot. I had one available to shoot when I went shooting with a woman coworker, who never shot before. However, she wS a natural, she was good with the colt 45, a S&W M&P Shield compact 9mm, full size colt series 70 .45. She liked the peace maker the best, was hitting black every shot.

      July 16, 2024 8:44 am
    • Fred Parker

      I saw a 75 year old woman with no shooting experience that had been given an very cheap 22LR semi auto. It was so small that of course there was not room on the pistol to safely hold it, very limited sights, oh yeah it was purple, I guess that made it ok. I attempted to give her partner a 22LR 6 inch single action revolver to teach her on. It was loudly refused. I tried to explained about learning the mechanics of safe handling and aiming. When the gun was purchased they were told it was only for extremely short range, like a couple feet.
      Since it was my range they were told to leave for safety reasons.

      July 14, 2024 6:26 pm
    • Paul

      What are
      The best hang ones for older people with arthritis?

      June 6, 2024 11:18 am
      • Bill

        Try the Smith and Wesson EZ series of pistols.

        July 19, 2024 6:35 am
      • victoria hawke

        get a 22lr and not a weeny small one, one that will fit in your hand

        August 28, 2024 12:20 pm
    • Gem Gram

      The funny ones have been couples with combat pistol shooting. Especially with a man who has a history of hunting or just pistol plinking. In the majority of cases after a couple of training sessions the woman will out shoot her husband. The reason? She is an empty cup you just have to pour the knowledge in. While the man has a cup you mostly have to empty to get anything new in. The easiest example is two eyes open when shooting. Men very often have almost automatic muscle memory to close one eye. Women do NOT usually have that habit, or if they do it has been taught by a man and not practiced enough to be hard to unlearn.

      May 29, 2024 3:36 am
      • victoria hawke

        yepper it is hard to tell a man anything especially if it a women telling, they were taught to be that way, not all

        August 28, 2024 12:23 pm
    • Gil J. Kenny

      After a series of gun testing at the range, I found the Mossberg to be the most comfortable.
      I'm surprised there isn't more information about it online, because it was extremely easy to operate and more accurate in performance than any other pistols I've tried.

      March 3, 2024 10:53 pm
    • Marialaina Got

      Enjoyed the review. New to pistol not guns in general

      February 25, 2024 7:45 pm
    • Robert Rough

      My daughter is a beginner. She said she wanted what I like. An S&W M58 nickel is a bit hard to find. So I gave her my 1st gen. Delta Elite bright stainless with green laser grips, and a .40 S&W barrel for practice. She will be receiving professional instruction on the 1911. Safety is the first objective. My first handgun was the M58. I loved it.

      January 7, 2024 8:07 pm
    • Bob S

      the "dagger" from PSA works very well. Just trained two neighbors in and they were grouping better then I can with my old eyes.

      January 5, 2024 6:08 am
    • Christopher Pike Bacon

      Almost every unscrupulous gun store owner stocks expensive “girl guns” like the ubiquitous Walther PPKS (.380 ACP), selling them to new female shooters that want a pistol they can carry in their purse. Not only are these pistols difficult to control, the sub-munitions they use are unlikely to stop an attack. Even being an experienced shooter, I’ve found that precious seconds are lost having to re-aim for a follow-on shot.

      Worse, the inherent difficulties of controlling these small pistols discourages practicing with them, adding to the dangers. An Armed Women of America instructor I frequently chat with says that almost monthly, a new shooter comes to class with one of these cute little guns that neither of us would carry as a backup.

      January 1, 2024 7:29 am
    • Mark Parmenter

      re. 12 gauge loads for beginners or others for home defense and training. Try Estate Loads. Low muzzle velocity and cheaper. You mentioned these lower yield loads, here is a name to look for if you already have a 12 ga. and are tired of getting beat up practicing.

      January 1, 2024 2:24 am
    • Jerry

      Another good choice for a beginner, Ruger 22/45.

      December 3, 2023 8:21 pm
    • Brayton Cycle

      Honestly, the Bersa Thunder isn’t really snappy. I’d recommend that to beginners, but wouldn’t recommend any polymer framed pistols of that size. The metal frame absorbs recoil quite well on the Bersa Thunder.

      November 9, 2023 6:22 pm
    • tirod

      I agree with the thought a 12 ga may be more gun than a new shooter could enjoy, but that's exactly why you would choose the Shockwave. Like .357 magnum pistols, don't load the 3" goose loads, use the 1 3/4" short shells or light bird shot. It's an entirely different gun with reduced power loads, and in defensive use, plenty of firepower at 21 feet.

      Don't shoot it like a stocked gun, it takes a different approach. The bird's head grip however does reduce recoil a great deal and given a box of lite shells thru it most learn how to use the sights quickly enough.

      September 29, 2023 6:29 am
    • Jim

      Small has at least one major advantage - lightweight and easy to carry. If the gun is heavy or too big to conceal, or if it is uncomfortable to carry, it will likely stay at home. If it is lightweight and easy to carry, however, there is a good chance that you will always have it with you, including if you ever need to use it for real.

      The Ruger EC9S is just small enough and lightweight enough to where you will likely always carry it. And it is just big enough to fit your hand if you use the pinky extension. It is snappy, but at least you always have it if you ever need it.

      Compare that to the Ruger GP100. That is a large gun, and a very nice shooting gun. But I wouldn't carry it, because it simply is too big to conceal, and too heavy to carry all day.

      My 2c. Your experience may be entirely different than mine.

      September 28, 2023 12:30 pm
      • William Lamb

        Holster style has a lot to do with comfort. I carry a m1911. The holster I use holds it snug against me, yet allow easy access to the weapon. I usually open carry, but if I carry somewhere that someone may get uncomfortable, I drop my shirt over it. I use it for the reason I am use to it, compliments of uncle sam, I know how to use it and generally hit what I aim at. Though its a larger handgun, its flat design makes a great concealed carry.

        November 21, 2023 7:09 pm
        • Christopher Pike Bacon

          I’ve taught lethal self-defense classes for women (for more than 40 years), and in almost every class, I had at least one student show up with a cute “girl gun” that proved to be more of an impediment than a useful defense tool. I’d have them shoot as rapidly as they were able at a target 7 yards away, then would have them take a 1911 (.45ACP) and repeat the exercise: not only did their overall times decrease with the .45, their groups were smaller.

          In 40+ years, only two women have not switched to a .45…

          Today, I use a standard 1911 equipped with a red dot sight for the same exercise. Instant winner.

          January 1, 2024 7:49 am
    • Jim

      Regular 12-gauge shotgun shells are not expensive, if you buy them at Walmart. You can buy a box of 100 Winchester for around $25, as I recall.

      September 28, 2023 12:21 pm
    • Ransom

      Back in the 80s I learned to shoot on a Heritage Rough Rider in .22 WMR so I'm a bit surprised to find that .357 is the only acceptable magnum for a beginner. I definitely recommend a single action for beginners. Rather than getting all giddy and just sending rounds downrange, it trains you to concentrate on each shot.

      September 27, 2023 3:46 am
    • Buck Naked

      I would agree...the Ruger 10/22 Take-down is a great first gun....great starter for my teens. I also love shooting the Keltec Sub2K. First time shooting it with me and my kids...we were all having so much fun we didn't want to put it down. Magdumps became irresistible and granted the magdumper with a great big smile. Way more fun than any pistol.

      Another great first gun is a Henry 22LR lever action. Cycling the lever is a great way to avoid magdumps and a great way to train on regaining sight alignment between lever actions.

      September 27, 2023 1:26 am
    • BaxterBoy

      Unpopular opinion, I know, but I actually find the AR-15 really boring to shoot. The lack of any recoil makes you forget you're even shooting a gun. But to each his own!

      September 27, 2023 12:09 am
    • ApeDog

      My starter guns were a Glock 17 and Bushmaster AR. Added a SW 9mm Shield, then a POF P415 Edge AR and a Mossberg 930 SPX. Last buy was a SW Equalizer.
      I've done "add ons" to all over the years. They all perform very well.
      My fav to shoot is the 930. Slugs, 00, #1, #4 buck all hit dead center what I aim at and I love the power. Would any of these weapons be a 'bad' beginner choice? Not in MHO for those that do their research. If I'm a 80 year old, 100 lb. grandma, the 930 would not probably work. That's the point of the article I completely agree with. Taylor your choice based on application and physical attributes.

      September 26, 2023 10:25 pm
    • Cliff Bloom

      the first pistol the gun store persuaded me into buying when I was about 21 was a Ruger single 6 .22. That was more then 40 years ago. Since then I've shot and owned just about every caliber, but that Ruger is the go-to gun for both me and my wife as we live in a rural area. That's not to say that if something really bad shows up we might grab the .45 or .10mm, but I wouldn't sell that Ruger unless I was offered a ridiculous amount of money.

      September 26, 2023 10:06 pm
    • Dennis Atwood

      Recommend Canik TP9SC. Very much discourage SCCY.

      September 26, 2023 7:54 pm
    • ed henton

      My department in the 80s to early 90s could not decide what they wanted to do with our side arms. In 1991 we switched from our SW 639s to the 4506, boat anchors on your belt, then within 2 years we went to the Beretta model 96 in .40. We stayed with that until 2002 and then they went the M&P route in .40. After the FBI decided the 9mm was the way to go again in the early teens we went back to the M&P in 9mm. I am way retired now(2014) after 26 years and during all of this merry-go-round gun swapping we were able to buy our service pistols for an easy 100.00 apiece during each switch, I bought all of mine. Quik ends to a long point, my wife shoots that SW 639 like Annie Oakley, all 5'4 110 pounds of her. I concur that the best way to go for newbies and smaller-sized folks is an all-metal 9mm, but that is only from my honest opinion. Semper Fi.

      September 26, 2023 7:32 pm
      • tirod

        If the 4506 is a boat anchor, why is an all metal 9mm with double stack magazine preferred? They are much closer to the same weight.

        Loaded, my 4566 TSW weighs less than a GI 1911. Just saying - I read this all over the internet and it's gun lore, not a fact.

        September 29, 2023 6:21 am
    • Norm

      I would love to see Ruger build their PC carbine in .45 acp. I’d buy one in a heartbeat. I’m one of those dinosaurs that didn’t buy into the “wonder nines” in the ‘80’s, and still don’t.

      September 26, 2023 6:35 pm
    • Jeri

      Thank you this is really important info for fragile female what may end up in a bruise for avg. Joe winds up as a bone fracture for me. Reality nowadays you have to have a way to defend yourself!

      January 23, 2023 10:25 am
    • Zachary N

      I suggest any .22 marlin/ruger rifle. Also any .22 Ruger Mark 2 or 3 pistol as they are highly reliable and have some weight to them so recoil isn't so bad. The very best starter weapon in terms of home defense (if you live alone or with one other person that will be behind you) in case of emergency would be a 20 gauge mossberg 500. These shotguns have incredible pump speed with almost nonexistent recoil for how light the shotgun is in my opinion compared to a winchester or something much heavier to counteract it. You can drop these beat them up etc. The 590A1 is a 12 gauge model but the 500 is very similar construction and I'm sure would take just as hectic of a torture test as the 590A1.
      Stolen from google >>>>>The Mossberg 590A1 is the only pump shotgun that passed the United States Army's Mil-Spec 3443E test. This test involves drops, falls, and over 3,000 rounds of full-powered buckshot. The 590A1 took it without issue and kept coming back.

      November 16, 2022 2:29 am
    • Michael

      I always recommend a .38 Special revolver to new shooters and new a CC. Easy, reliable, inexpensive.

      November 1, 2022 6:42 pm
      • Mike Wallace

        The worst gun you can give someone shooting as a new shooter. Sheesh

        September 26, 2023 8:24 pm
        • Jack Nimble

          Mind if I ask why a .38 Special revolver is a bad choice for beginners? Honest question, I really don't know

          November 19, 2023 7:33 pm
          • Ken

            It's not really - but I am firmly against revolvers as a CCW, and presumably that's what this person was referring to.

            July 23, 2024 7:05 pm
    • BackinService

      Canik...the basic Elite model is an all around good size for accuracy and carry. I like them because they are ambidextrous, very ergonomic, and inexpensive! They have all the add ons so a novice doesn't have to deep dive into accessories and get distracted from fundamental training.

      October 11, 2022 5:45 am
    • Tony J

      When me and my teenage friends purchased our first cheap 12 gauge shotguns (mine was a Savage pump action) they had no rubber butt pads. After a day of fun shooting these shotguns we all had severe black bruises on our shoulders. None of us noticed the pain until the day was over. I remember my mom was horrified when she saw that giant bruise on me.
      Definitely not a gun for a first time shooter.

      October 10, 2022 10:15 am
    • John

      Not cheap, but I would advise a Banish45 with ANY new gun new shooter. The suppressor eliminates flinch and excessive noise especially with ear protection (ep mandatory). After a few hundred rounds remove it.
      It may block sights on handguns but learn to point the handgun!!

      October 10, 2022 8:33 am
      • CLAUD

        I no expert but I was a bit surprised to be told that it is illegal to carry a gun with a suppressor

        September 26, 2023 6:54 pm
    • John

      The PCC (9mm various brands) and Glock 43's, seeing a lot of them appear around here with new gun owners lately both male and female.

      October 10, 2022 3:25 am
    • David

      Not convinced you're right about the 12g. I didn't know there were other shotties till I was in my mid 20s by which time I'd burned a heap of 12g. Just make sure your instructor isn't a dick (yes I'm stating that if you like hurting people with recoil you in fact are a dick) and you'll be fine.

      October 10, 2022 2:53 am
    • Josie Wales

      Good article!
      My first handgun I bought and used (in the 90s), other than my dads 22, was a Rossi 357 6” barrel, the S&W 686 Clone. GREAT gun to learn with. We all know you can shoot 38s from this heavy gun and get comfortable without the recoil or cost (especially now). I still have it, and if I do my part, it is very accurate in 357.

      October 9, 2022 7:11 pm
    • Randalll Van Vlaenderen

      Really contradictory article. You say no micro 9's then cite the 365 as a preferred weapon. You say 6 or 7 rounds yet that gun and many more including the Hellcat pack twice that load. Very unreliable info. Also thr disinfo on a 12 as a home defense weapon. A bit of practice cures that. I dont trust a word you say.

      October 9, 2022 7:08 pm
    • Dave

      Good and honest article.

      October 9, 2022 7:04 pm
    • Bill Stephens

      Quite a few years ago, I acquired a CZ83 in 380ACP. It was also made in 9mm Lugar. The gun is very user friendly, heavy enough to mitigate recoil, holds 13+1, and will work SA and DA modes. Ambi safety. I highly recommend it, A friend's daughter shot a mag thru it and had to have one. Excellent choice for a beginner and/or self defense.

      October 9, 2022 6:54 pm
    • S Green

      I'm fairly new to shooting. I am also a woman. I advise new shooters to look at various videos where they cover field stripping handguns. How many steps are you willing to do and do properly? If something caught your eye, look up the field strip review. Also see what people are saying about customer service reviews.Then, go down to your local range and see if they can rent you one to shoot. My first gun was a M&P Shield 2.0 9mm purchased in the middle of the pandemic. I read a bunch of different reviews and decided on that one. It took me a year to get that out to the range. I did a lot of dry firing practice on my own first. I still love that gun, but she is snappy.

      October 9, 2022 6:44 pm
      • CLAUD

        There is no shortage of opinions. My pistols seem to multiply. I won two of them and so had no choice. Snappy? I think a lot of that is opinion and the mood of the shooter.
        My eyesight is not that good. My favorite gun is the S&W 686 plus with a 6 inch barrel. surely not a concealed carry weapon. I shoot mostly 38 specials in it. Long barrel makes it easy for me to use the sights. Size and weight there is little recoil.
        I also own the Shield 2.0. A great gun and I bought it on a promo with a hundred dollar rebate a great value. It comes with two 15 round magazines and spacers for the 17 round magazine. I also own the EZ 380 and EZ 9 that I won. My first pistol was the MP9C. More coincidence but cleaning is similar and the double stack mags are interchangeable. Spacers make it neater and more comfortable when, if, you want more capacity.

        September 26, 2023 7:18 pm
    • JRB

      Whoooo hoo for Johnny! I've missed the Appalachian humor lately. You set off my Appalachian DNA! The think the bubbles were best.

      October 9, 2022 6:15 pm
    • Erik

      When I was actively teaching new shooter's (private lessons and carry permit classes) I used a Ruger SR22 pistol. It was used by 100s of students and has 1000s of rounds through it. I cannot say enough good things about that pistol.

      October 9, 2022 6:03 pm
    • Cassie

      As a newbie, I did get to shoot at a range with a couple of friends who brought their collection, so I tried several. I'm short (5'2") and have tiny hands. I could manage their pistols, but knew I'd want something smaller for CC and overall comfort. My first gun is a Walther CCP. I don't really see them ever talked about, but it's nice to shoot and is good at absorbing the recoil. I did find that it was a little too large for CC, as I wanted it ON ME, not in a purse, and my stomach and hip area already protrude enough on their own, lol. I still have it, it's my bedside weapon. My CCW is a Sig Sauer P938, also one I never really hear about, lol. I seem to get the one-offs. Definitely snappy with the recoil, but manageable. I really didn't know anything going in to buy a gun, and both were part of the recommendations of the salesguys. I feel solid on the choices.

      October 9, 2022 5:05 pm
      • Tom

        A Sig P938 is a great choice. I have a Sig 365, S&W Shield, CZ 75 PCR, and a couple of other pistols but the 938 is on my hip 99% of the time I carry. My daughter has a P238 (.380) which is also a great pistol.

        October 9, 2022 7:16 pm
      • Dennis Atwood

        Walther CCP, good choice!

        September 26, 2023 8:01 pm
    • mike

      Great article, Travis. So unusual to find firearm opinion articles that I completely agree with, but this is one. Keep up the good work!

      October 9, 2022 5:01 pm
    • ed henton

      I have found that while training my grandkids how to shoot that the 4-inch Taurus model 65 is also a good training weapon when moving them up from a .22 Heritage. It is capable of firing .38/357 cartridges and with its weight, it is easy for them to handle with a .38 wadcutter fired through it. after their shooting session, you can then toss in some critical defense .357 and toss it back in your truck for personal defense..

      October 9, 2022 4:48 pm
      • Ronald L Perry

        I hope your grandkids know better than mishandling your weopon should they ever get in your truck and I hope you have a gun locker in your truck.
        Not being mean, just seriously concerned for all our grandkids.

        October 9, 2022 6:51 pm
    • Dan

      Great article. New shooters vary of course but quite frequently they are intimidated by recoil either real or perceived. Most recoil fears are perceived (IMHO) but starting out with a hard kicker, just confirms the perception. Working up gradually is the only way. This way, when the shooter reaches their comfort level they can enjoy everything below. Hearing protection is also critical, as a new shooter may be intimidated with the muzzle blast.

      July 28, 2022 4:27 pm
    • Reed Cundiff

      Magnums have their use in experienced hands. A pocket .357 such as a 2.5” Taurus 605 is fine with 110 and normal 125 grain magnum loads. I would not try with 158 grain.

      I found I could shoot better Cooper drills (5 shot Dozier drills) with 125 grain Frderal 125 grain magnum than I could 125 grain .38 Special since I could not hurry and try double tap. Had to reaquire sight picture to fire. Times were slower but all in 4” wide A.

      The 4” SP101 is heavy enough for DA 158 grain

      May 12, 2022 5:09 pm
    • Sam Harry

      the information regarding firearms is very informative. About all categories of firearms is useful for security purposes and shooting.

      May 12, 2022 9:02 am
    • J Arnold

      I have to disagree with the choice of an AR as a beginner rifle. I see way too many new shooters chasing speed in lieu of marksmanship. Also the AR is prone to potential failures such as stuck rounds that are more difficult manage safely.

      February 21, 2022 7:17 am
    • Evan Seelye

      Growing up in Montana, my first shotgun (age 12) was a single shot 16 ga. Winchester model 37 full choke, 30" bbl. A 20ga. was considered a lady's shotgun, and a 12 ga. was for older guys - bah! That 16 had a sharp recoil, and with a full choke and long barrel, hitting a bird was a real chore. But, I worked hard (earning extra money) and a year later (age 13) bought a (used) Win. 1200 pump 12 ga. Had to cut the stock down to fit, but it's recoil was less than the single 16 and now I had more than one shot at a bird. At 14 I got a Colt Trooper Mk III .375 mag. 6" bbl. but magnum ammo was expensive so I used .38 special and learned to shoot with it. Of course the first rifle (at age 14) was a Win. model 94 30-30. Coast to Coast was our "sportings good store". The only semi auto hand gun was my Dad's 1911 .45 ACP. That was a tough one to learn on. Learning to shoot then was a baptism in fire as firearms were tools we put food on the table with. I went a slightly different route with my kids when they were old enough to start shooting. .22 rifle and revolver to learn to shoot - and a 20 ga. for the first shotgun. Didn't take any of them long to upgrade and upsize, handing down the smaller calibers to the younger siblings as they became shooting age. We didn't have the selection of firearms like today - simpler was better, and of course budget was a controlling factor. Sometimes one can't be too picky about what they learn with as experience is a great teacher.

      October 31, 2021 5:40 pm
    • Dave Hylender

      I enjoyed the article. Would you say that a Walther PDP would be acceptable for a new shooter? I enjoy mine but I’m not asserting that it would me a good choice. I’m honestly curious what your thoughts on it might be. Thanks.

      October 21, 2021 4:42 pm
    • Peter Fallert

      The Legacy web site made an interesting point for new buyers of handguns.
      He recommended 7 WW2 vintage excellent handguns for under $1000.
      His point was, buy something that will appreciate in value, rather than depreciate.
      More careful evaluation is in order of course.
      Most new gun buyers probably wouldn’t want to go through the process of determining the condition of a vintage firearm, when they can buy an excellent one over the counter. You will most likely get less than you paid upon resale.
      I fortunately inherited an excellent Walter PP bring back from WW2, so I’m set. Thank you, Peter

      September 6, 2021 7:26 am
    • Stephen

      Reading your list was like talking to my dad about guns. Even though my dad doesn’t really like anything that doesn’t have a lever or cylinder, he agreed with everything you said. Thanks and have a great day

      June 30, 2021 3:08 pm
    • Gruh

      Mossburg 500, bull pup.
      Best home defence.
      First 2 rounds, #6 bird shot. Next 2 rounds .00buck shot the rest are 3" magnum rifled slugs.

      June 6, 2021 9:22 pm
    • Kara B

      My first gun was a Sig P365. It has a bit of recoil but as a woman shooter, it was a great gun to learn on. It’s great for concealed carry too fits easily in most purses (I bought one with a safety so I keep a round in the chamber in my purse). I’ve moved on to larger caliber and my Ruger All American 45 is my FAVORITE gun. Ironically, most women tend to shy away because of its size but it has less recoil and is an incredible gun to handle. I do have larger hands (I’m 5’9”) so that helps. But girls—don’t shy away from larger caliber handguns once you are comfortable handling a weapon!

      May 23, 2021 6:31 pm
    • Kevin Schultz

      Super article. Always saddens me to see those "funny" videos of handing an inexperienced shooter a magnum or shotgun or worse yet a big bore rifle. The only thing those videos accomplish is scare potential shooters away from the sport. Keep up the good work I look forward to reading more.

      May 4, 2021 5:45 pm
    • Ramey Norris

      Great Article. I’m a woman who loves to shoot and I am grateful that I married a wonderful man who made sure I had a handgun that was appropriate for a new shooter 34 years ago. He took me to the range frequently to let me get comfortable and he taught me shooting safety from day one. I have seen both men and women at the range who had no idea what they were doing and I actually saw a man turn away from the range when his gun jammed and his gun was pointed directly towards the range-master. Thankfully person in the next lane pointed the barrel down. The range master handled himself quite well and escorted the gentleman away from the range and had a discussion with him. I will politely disagree with the previous comment regarding an AR only being good for a plinking gun. That rifle with the correct ammunition is suited perfectly for many things including self defense and hunting. I do love target shooting with it at the range but I have been successful with it hunting and have appropriate ammunition to utilize it as an excellent self defense firearm. Knowing what the gun can do with ammunition and optics and being aware of your backdrop can really open up the possibilities with many firearms. I hope people find your article when they are looking for their first gun. Having the right first gun opened up a lifetime of great shooting for me and my family.

      April 18, 2021 10:34 pm
      • CanardNoir

        10-4 on the ARs' versatility.
        Even the AR-pistols have a real world application for homo throughe defense with 55gr HPs or similar ammo. I shy away from FMJs because we don't really know what they can't go through and collateral damage is always a dangerous unknown.

        April 21, 2021 5:16 am
    • Justin B

      "AR-15s are awesome weapons for plinking, home defense, shooting sports, and even hunting."
      Home Defense? Hunting? Not really...

      April 7, 2021 6:18 am
      • David, PPT Editor

        AR-15 has less over-penetration through drywall than 00 buck or 9mm. Rifles are easier to use and easier to aim under stress. And a 30-round+ magazine is a lot of firepower on tap. Hunting with an AR-15 is also totally viable depending on the game. Varmint and preditors and hogs are perfect game for 5.56 while 6.5 Grendel, 6mm ARC, 350 Legend, and other caliber conversions make medium and large deer viable targets as well.

        April 7, 2021 7:49 am
      • Mike Vee

        I have about 50 hogs in Florida that would disagree with you, each with 1 shot. Home defense? I'll take the 30 rounds any day of the week.

        October 9, 2022 6:45 pm
    • Mikial

      Enjoyable article and a great subject. I'll keep my comments short:

      First, I have talked to so many new shooters who went out and bought a pocket rocket like the LCP or PF9 and shot them once at the range and never fired them again, but continued to carry them. One woman I worked with told me how her ex ran her off the road one night and pulled her door open to confront her. She had her LCP but never even tried to use it. Fortunately, the ex was satisfied with running her off the road and terrorizing her for a few minutes before leaving her otherwise unharmed. When I asked why she didn't draw her gun in case she needed to protect herself, she was very honest that she didn't feel confident enough to use it because she'd never practiced with it. Why? Because it was too painful and difficult to shoot so she never practiced with it. I told her to sell it and buy a decent 9mm like a Shield or an XD. Tiny pocket pistols are painful to practice with and terrible guns for new shooters.

      Second, my wife and I love shooting our Mossberg 590M. But we are both highly experienced shooters. Hey, she asked me for a 1911 Government Model for Christmas one year. Yeah, of course she got it. ;-)

      March 28, 2021 5:36 pm
      • CLAUD

        A gun for self defense?. At a range we are shooting at paper targets and at 7 yards or so. I've never pulled a gun in fear of my life and hope never to. Typically it is at 4-5 feet and you have less than A 1/10TH of a second to make the decision to save your life. Actually taking your gun out and waving it about or firing a warning shot are criminal..

        September 26, 2023 7:43 pm
    • Tim Lewis

      My wife and I bought Ruger LCP 2 for our CCW classes. We both find it pretty easy to shoot and this was my wife’s first gun. Even my daughter is pretty accurate with it despite having never fired anything stronger than a .22 before. With the extended magazine it is very controllable.

      September 24, 2020 6:05 pm
    • Gray Michael Parsons

      Very informative piece. Thanks. Can you suggest someone in the North Carolina Outer banks area for beginner instruction and safety? It would be great if they have worked with dominant arm partially disabled folks.

      September 14, 2020 3:46 pm
    • Ashlee

      Hi I purchased for my CCW a Taurus Millennium PT-111 G2 9mm Flat Dark Earth (FDE) Sub-Compact Pistol as my 1st gun 2 yrs ago. It scared me so it went into the drawer till now. I am getting ready to practice with it when I find ammo. I am guessing it was not a good 1st gun? I was given a .38 special for home protection and never fired it. Will it too hit me with a powerful recoil? I was told for home protection get a AR or AK but after the PT throwing my hand off the gun I cant see me shooting a gun off my shoulder videos make the recoil look painful.

      September 6, 2020 7:10 pm
      • Russ A

        Ashlee, I recommend taking a beginner firearms class from a qualified instructor. This will benefit you greatly. I have seen some ranges offering them free for women. Apart from that, I suggest finding a range that rents firearms. That way, you do not end up wasting hundreds of dollars on a firearm you do not like. Since it sounds like you are sensitive to recoil, you might consider buying a 22 caliber rifle or revolver to learn shooting with. Once you are comfortable with with it, then move up to a larger caliber. Shooting, like everything else, is a learning process.

        October 6, 2020 5:35 pm
        • Arthur Person

          I totally agree. I would recommend that a new shooter start with a 22lr pistol. I am a very experienced shooter, rifles, shotguns, pistols. My favorite now is a Ruger Mark IV tactical. It has a top and bottom rail ( because of the fixed top frame, a relatively inexpensive red dot sight will work well). These pistols are a blast to shoot, no recoil and inexpensive to shoot. You can find ammo for as low as 10 cents a round, so you can go out to the range and burn through a hundred rounds with no sore hands and your wallet not dented! I also shoot a neat little Walter PP in .32. Fun to shoot, but over 5X times as expensive to shoot.Even if you can handle a larger caliber, if the cost of ammo is pinching your budget, you won’t shoot as much. Learn to shoot correctly and then move up to a more powerful pistol. The absolute worse thing that you can do is go out and buy a powerful pistol as a beginner that kicks your butt and scares you to death. A bad first experience will result in your new pistol being stored away or sold and you becoming resistant to ever trying to shoot again.

          March 29, 2022 6:12 pm
    • Fyrfytr998

      I'd have thought you'd use a picture of the current PC Carbine over the old one that doesn't take Glock mags. Some folks poo poo the idea of using a pistol caliber in a rifle/sub gun., but all I say is that this has been a thing since WW2. And at self defense distances, my 9mm PC Carbine has comparable numbers to a .357 out of a 3" barrel. Only a new shooter will be able to manage the weapon better and have better accuracy.

      April 16, 2020 8:06 am
      • LazrBeam

        The Ruger PCC is cool, one has earned a place in my safe, but let’s not overlook the Keltec SU2000. Got one In .40 and one in 9mm. They’re really cool. And, while we’re on PCC’s I must mention recently running across, and acquiring, a cherry Marlin Camp 9. Really a beautiful little rifle with nice wood furniture.

        August 12, 2020 8:22 pm
    • Aaron

      Travis, great list. One gun that regularly ends up in class is the snub nose revolver. It's usually a woman who took a 'friend's' advice on what to buy. I think it's a really, really bad choice for a beginner--we have them switch to a .22 semiauto pistol, and they actually enjoy shooting. Go figure. To all you shooters out there--DON'T recommend a snub nose revolver for a new shooter!!!! To everyone thinking about buying a gun, find a range that will allow you to rent multiple guns. Find the one you're comfortable with and you're set. You're only going to practice with a gun you like, so don't buy something you don't like to shoot. If money is not an object, I'd recommend a .22 pistol--trigger pull and sight alignment are the holy grail of accuracy, and you can practice that a lot cheaper with a .22.

      April 16, 2020 4:55 am
    • Adam

      Although the T/C version of the 10/22 is slightly more expensive, most people have complained for the last few decades about the last round hold open and auto bolt release that T/C fixed from the Ruger that we all know. It is well worth the extra $ to go with the Thompson.

      April 13, 2020 3:23 am
    • Tanya

      Why is it when someone has an opinion they get ripped for it?
      Travis wasn't "wrong" with all of his picks and mentions, they are his opinion nothing more nothing less.
      If you don't agree that's fine, make your owns choices and suggestions.
      He is entitled to his too...
      I don't know Travis so I'm not sticking up for him, just sticking up for his right to have a say.

      April 10, 2020 11:51 pm
      • Travis Pike

        Its the nature of the beast. Whe. I shoot my opinion into the ether people can disagree. I don't mind

        April 11, 2020 4:37 am
    • Phil

      I call BS in the idea used 40 cal guns are cheap. Outdoor Sportsman Superstore regularly has police trade-ins. I just looked and a used Glock 22 is going for $393.

      April 10, 2020 4:09 pm
      • CLAUD

        My opinion perhaps like buying a used car, they've all been used by the little old lady.
        Remember the song the little old lady from Pasadena? I am frugal, ok cheap, but a used gun I don't see enough discount not to buy a new pistol that typically comes with more than one magazine a warranty etc

        September 26, 2023 7:58 pm
    • TJ Rich

      What holster are you using for the p365 with the light?

      April 10, 2020 1:59 pm
      • Travis Pike

        The Crossbreed Dropslide OWB rig

        April 10, 2020 6:26 pm
      • d. santos

        I've been using using the Tier1 Concealed Axis Slim for a good while now and I've been extremely happy with it... Compatible with the 365 (plus TLR-6), excellent for IWB and it includes a spare mag carrier.

        April 10, 2020 6:27 pm
    • AJ

      I think this article misses the boat on a couple of levels. Start with what does the "noob" want the gun for? Plinking, hunting, home defense, eventual CCW, those questions ALWAYS drive my recommendation. Second go to the local pistol range and rent a few, try them out, talk to people at the range. Third, is the noob a man, woman, child? It makes a difference especially with hand size and grip strength. If however I was going to purchase a gun as a present for a newbie my top choices would be Ruger 10/22, Ruger 22/45, Glock 19, or Ruger SP101.

      April 10, 2020 8:16 am
    • Daniel L

      You spoke of pistol caliber carbines, my suggestion would be a Hi Point carbine. First you have less recoil and secondly, these guns are not expensive. My sister, who's scared of guns, actually like mine 9mm HP carbine enough that she has been talking about getting one.

      April 10, 2020 4:24 am
      • Rufus P Rathbone

        They also make the carbine in 380ACP caliber. They would be worth checking out. Once she got comfortable with that one she could move up to the 9mm or perhaps something like the Ruger PCC if she wanted .

        January 27, 2022 4:20 pm
    • BEAST

      If a .357 Magnum revolver is an exception and therefore acceptable for a newb, then so should be a 10mm pistol. There is a wide range of power loads for 10, which allows a new shooter to progressively ease into the hotter stuff over time. In fact, most of the loads that are the most accessible are weak for caliber--i.e., better suited for beginners. And selecting one gun that you start with and keep using for a long while is surely easier than continually buying and relearning how to use one new gun after another. I selected my Glock G20 as my first gun with my eyes wide open to the fact that it would be accompanying me through a whole slew of different development phases as a shooter. Meanwhile, I saved myself the expense and hassle of ever having to bother with lesser caliber ammo and platforms and then having to sell them off in order to move up. I just need to learn new loads--not new guns. Even as I add other pistols to my collection, they will also be 10mm, minimizing the relearning.

      April 9, 2020 9:40 pm
    • Robert S

      My daughter and son in law wanted a gun for house. I sold them my Ruger EC 9. Slide was rough on her hands at first. But after a few You Tube videos, she got hang of it, by following some suggestions. They took it to range and are pretty happy with it

      April 9, 2020 8:24 pm
      • Chris

        I really hope that they had someone train them instead of just being YouTube Warriors. There is nothing scarier than a untrained, overconfident YouTube Warrior with a gun.

        April 9, 2020 11:07 pm
    • Clifford Bloom

      Bought my wife a Glock 23 for her birthday about 10 years ago. Too much gun, blisters, etc. Daughter (who was in law enforcement at the time) coached her up on a Glock 19. (Daughter prefers Sigs & H&Ks). Still a bit too much gun. Forget about 1911 or 357 Python.
      My most used favorite tool that is quickly becoming my wife's favorite: Ruger single 6 .22. Gave the Ruger 10/22 to grand kids. Their mom, dad and uncle (who used to set up Barrett .50s for snipers) teaching them basic gun safety. Now grandkids have their eyes on my 2 Henrys. Sorry. You get those when I die.

      April 9, 2020 8:04 pm
    • brooks ellis

      I bought a Lorcin 22 because it was $40 a long time ago - how bad can it be?
      Worse than your description. Stovepiped every magaziner, usually multiple times per magazine. This made it very un-fun to shoot.
      Pot metal broke, cracked, unrepairable. Complete waste of $40.

      Sometimes if I'm talking to a gunsmith, I'll mess with him, and say "Hey, and I've got this Lorcin I was hoping you could look at..."
      They ALWAYS give you 'that look'. Hilarious

      April 9, 2020 5:51 pm
    • Wes

      Dude, why do you have such an issue with the .40 S&W round? It seems everytime you bring it up you have bad things to say about it. It is an outstanding round with excellent knock down, high capacity, manageable recoil and a hell of a lot less muzzle flash than a 10mm or magnum caliber.

      April 9, 2020 5:23 pm
      • DonutJunky

        You're right, he doesn't like the .40 S&W and he makes that pretty clear. I'm with you, I love the round for the reasons you mention.

        April 9, 2020 6:29 pm
      • NWSD

        I think it's a military thing. My brother did his 20 and will never own anything in .40 S&W. I haven't asked him to prove it but he swears that side by side it's been proven that .40 S&W has more recoil than 9mm or .45 ACP and this is proven to affect fallow up shots. I was going to buy a shield in .40 S&W because at the time I had access to tons of free ammo, but he steered me away from it and I bought the 9mm instead.

        April 12, 2020 4:34 pm
      • Bob

        A bit snappy for a beginner.

        December 27, 2021 12:26 pm


      April 9, 2020 5:21 pm
      • LazrBeam

        Yep, I got a Phoenix .22 strictly for use as a tackle box gun. Have taken it to the range several times with the more acceptable tools and it’s never failed to go bang and is quite accurate. And, if it happens to go overboard.......meh.

        August 12, 2020 8:16 pm
    • Perfman3

      I agree with the single action 22s but I would add the semi auto 22s like the Browning Buckmark, Ruger MK series, or S&W Victory are also great starter guns and a lot of fun. The 10/22 is also a great choice but again a good bolt action 22 like a Cooey Repeater is a ton of fun too.

      April 9, 2020 5:18 pm
      • CrazeeAZ

        I think he was going for cost on this one. for the price of a Mk IV you can buy a Ruger Wrangler and a 10/22.

        April 13, 2020 12:50 pm
    • Mike

      Gotta agree with GC, I've got a Jennings J-22, bought it 40 + years and thousands of rounds ago, no issues. I bought it strictly as a range toy but still it does work.

      April 9, 2020 4:56 pm
    • SL

      Here's another caveat for you re magnum caliber firearms for beginners: a heavy magnum caliber handgun with its non-magnum counterpart just might be a great choice. My daughter shot my 5" Ruger Super Blackhawk with .44 spl loads when she was a relatively new shooter. She loved it, and it remains one of her favorite handguns / loadings to shoot. She still does't care much for magnum loads from that revolvers, but characterizes .44 spl from that revolver as "smooth." In fact, she likes it better than .38 spl out of either of our .357 mag handguns.

      April 9, 2020 4:50 pm
    • David Castor

      You are very much wrong on shotguns. Having grown up in western Nebraska and my father being an avid trap shooter, I was raised with a shotgun in my hands. I have also been an avid Cowboy Action Shooter for 15 years now. 12 gauge is the only way to go if you want to be a serious shooter. I have seen lots of women get turned off and not want to shoot cowboy cause their all knowing husbands or boyfriends buy them a lighter 20 gauge thinking it will kick less. This is way wrong. A lighter 20 gauge side by side kicks more than a 12 gauge side by side and ends up kicking the snot out of the ladies. You are way better off getting low recoil 12 gauge shells or if you reload, just put a lot less powder in them. You don't have to worry about an explosion with less powder like you do with bottle neck rifle cases, and with the extra weight of the 12 gauge, the recoil can almost be pleasant. I recently started playing around shooting trap and sporting clays with .410 bore shotguns. This is proving to be a fun and interesting challenge. The same can be said about reloading these little cases. Quite the learning curve there but you have no choice. Half the components of a 12 gauge shell but twice the price to buy new.

      April 9, 2020 4:45 pm
      • NWSD

        I also disagree about 12 gauge being a bad first gun/round. Neither my wife or myself are hunters but we both learned how to shoot with my Rem. 870. It's still my wife's favorite when we go to the range. She feels she can control it better than a pistol and is simpler to use than my AR. In fact when I leave town for work she pulls it out of the safe to keep next to the bed. It all comes down to who's the one teaching you how to stand and pull the trigger, we had good teachers that explained how to hold and manipulate a shotgun and correct body posture to deal with recoil. It's not for everyone but it can be a great platform to lean on.

        April 9, 2020 4:54 pm
      • Bull o' the Woods

        If you can shoot a 12 gauge, you can shoot a 20 gauge better. It's a shame that dropping to 20 gauge limits your selection of shotguns to hunting types and "youth" models. The Market believes that 12 gauge is the preferable shotgun round. It is harder to find a 20 gauge with an 18-inch barrel or ghost-ring sights and aftermarket accessories are more limited. With some research and judicious shopping you can convert a Remington 870 Express 20 gauge to a tactical configuration.

        April 9, 2020 5:13 pm
    • Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

      Actually, my wife's carry piece is a Walker Colt. She's not experienced, but she fears nothing, and this is the answer she wants, to any question at all.

      April 9, 2020 4:18 pm
    • Montewalsh

      I dread conducting training with husband/ wife students. The Husband usually chooses the wife’s weapon.... usually one she cannot handle for whatever reason.
      Spot on with the ring of fire junk, I don’t allow them in my sessions..period. I use a Jennings.380 (purchased new a few years ago) that blew apart on the very first round) as a example of cheap weapons. Great article as usual.

      April 9, 2020 4:13 pm
    • Thomas Rehbein

      Great article Travis! I'd also add the SW 15-22 for those who want the baby AR

      You know - I have a 15-22, couple of .22 rough riders, SP01, BCM Recce......does that make me a NEWB? LOLOLOL

      April 9, 2020 4:06 pm
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