America had plenty of advance notice that Hurricane Katrina was on its way.

Likewise, the country knew it was going to be bad. Hearing this, however, one man decided there was something he could do to make a difference.
Grabbing his portable, battery-operated ham radio station, Richard Webb made his way to New Orleans’ Charity Hospital.

There was only one problem…
He was blind.
Katrina Makes Landfall
Katrina hit. It was everything anticipated and more.
As the floodwaters rose throughout Louisiana, Webb sat at the hospital relaying messages for those in need.

There was no electricity, no phone service, and the hospital didn’t even have running water. The ability to perform any level of advanced quality care was long gone.
For one pregnant woman, however, the hospital was her only hope.
She was already in labor and waded through floodwater to make it to the hospital — scared, wet, and cold.

After an assessment by doctors, it was quickly determined that the woman needed an emergency c-section if her baby would have any chance of survival.
If these two were to have any chance of living, mom and baby needed medivac quickly. But, again, there were no phones.
But in stepped Webb…
Over the Radio Waves
He began to broadcast. He offered where he was and what was needed.
Emergency communications chain quickly developed as other ham radio operators furthered the message down the chain.

Not long afterward, a helicopter was sighted…the medivac.
The woman was airlifted away from the hospital and taken to a hospital with power. She received an emergency c-section, and both she and the baby lived.
And all because Webb was willing to use his ham skills, abilities, and gear to save the lives of others.

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Thanks for the wonderful, uplifting story!!!
Fantastic read! We need more of that for sure. Reading how people use their tools to help others is an upbeat concept. And we could all use good news once in a while...
Great Article - definitely do more of this.
Loved it. Amateur radio is right up the Preppers alley and a lifesaving skill in emergency situations. So when you’re stockpiling weapons, ammunition, and food, please consider becoming a licensed radio operator. The license doesn’t matter when the SHTF, but you need to practice using your equipment before it’s actually needed. Keep em coming.
Practice is key with radio. It can be a rough learning curve - mainly because of the testing process which was built by engineers for engineers - but once you pass that, getting on air is relatively straightforward.
Bloody HERO. It's stories like this, that makes days like these, more bearable.
Well done, from KI5KQV, to whomever the HAM was. Well done. Alan, great job getting the info and putting it out there. There will be hundreds now that will study, test and join the HAM community.
I like it.
Thanks, Grunthos.
I can't help but picture Groot saying your name.
I, hope these words reach Ronnie(musician) Millsap. We is also a ham operator and has been one for years.
Thank you for the article.
Glad you liked it Marky Mark. It was a blast to research and write.
I have my ham license. The media concentrated on New Orleans but Mississippi was harder hit. For the first two weeks amateur radio was the only communication resources in much of Mississippi. Hams traveled at their own expense (FCC forbids compensation). Using their own equipment they installed their radios and antennas in both semi's and government vehicles (such as forest service trucks from California). It was these vehicles carrying ham radio operators that coordinated delivery of food, water and other supplies.
It wasn't until two weeks after Katrina that the first semi trailer portable cell phone system arrived.
Hat's off to all the hams that volunteer their time, resources and expertise. It is events like Katrina that prove that amateur radio is a national asset and still relevant in today's world.
I agree. Ham radio rocks.
I think at the very least - should one not want to study for the licensure test - one should get invested in CB radio. It's most certainly better than nothing, and can easily save lives.
Loved it! Blind, and doing more with his skills than those who can see. That guy deserves a beer, or two.
It's a story that gives me chills. That guy was a true man - willing to use what he had to save the lives of others.