Annette Evans
Annette Evans picked up her first gun almost ten years ago "because every girl should know how to shoot." She started as a defensive shooter, became an instructor, then fell in love with competitive shooting. Her passion is the craft of marksmanship, which she pursues as a representative of King Shooters Supply, Grayguns, and Race Street Range. And yes, she finally cleans and maintains her own guns.
- IDPA Match Director & Official
- USPSA Match Director & Official
- Rangemaster certified Instructor
- Certified Pepper Spray Instructor
- Ladies Centerfire Pistol Champion 2016 East Coast Steel Challenge Championship
- Ladies Production Champion 2017 USPSA Area 8 Championship
- Rangemaster Ladies Casino Drill record-holder (13.52 seconds)
- Holder of two Gabe White Training Light Pins
- Purple Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
- Authored The Dry Fire Primer
- Appeared as shooter and instructor on NRA TV’s Love at First Shot, Season 5
Get latest articles from Annette Evans
Best AR-15 Magazines: Standard, High-Capacity, 10-Round
11 months ago
If you're a new AR-15 owner, or an old hand looking for recommendations, here's everything you need to know about picking the perfect entry-level mags. (Read)
Competition Shooting Overview: How to Shoot for Fun, Fame, and Funds
2 years ago
Getting started in competition shooting can be a daunting prospect. We've laid out the basics of each competition to make getting started a little easier. (Read)
Shooting On the Move: How to Run & Gun
7 years ago
Whether you're competing in action shooting sports like 3Gun, or you just want to be prepared for every defensive situation, learning to shoot on the move is a vital skill. Here's some tips from someone who's trained for both. (Read)
Lethal Lace: A Hands-On Review
7 years ago
The Lethal Lace holster has been getting a lot of hype lately, but does it deserve it? We wanted to do an honest review and found that...no. It doesn't. (Read)
Shotgun Reloading Like the Pros
7 years ago
Shotgun reloads can make or break a 3Gun match. Learn how to load shells quickly like the pros. (Read)
Dry Fire for Competition Shooters
7 years ago
Dry fire practice is one of the most important things a competitor can do to improve. Here's how to get the most out of your practice and get better faster. (Read)
3-Gun Nation: The Beginner’s Guide
7 years ago
3-Gun Nation is one of the largest and most popular governing bodies for 3Gun matches. Here are the rules to get you started. (Read)
[Guide] Precision Rifle Competition for Beginners
7 years ago
Precision Rifle Competition is a great way to expand the skills in your shooting toolbox...plus it's just darn fun. Here's what you need to get started. (Read)
Best Pistols for 3-Gun Competition
7 years ago
If you want to dominate in a 3-Gun competition, you'll need a solid pistol. Find the perfect gun to meet your needs, budget, and help you win matches. (Read)
Best AR-15s for Precision Long Range Shooting
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Want an AR-15 that really reaches out there? These are our top picks for precision long range shooting rifles in the AR-15 platform. (Read)
Cowboy Action Shooting: The Ultimate Guide
7 years ago
Cowboy Action Shooting is one of the most exciting and fastest growing shooting sports in the world. Here's everything you need to know to get started. (Read)
Silhou-what? Silhouette Shooting For Newbies
7 years ago
Silhouette shooting is a fairly old shooting sport that anyone interested in competition should know about. Here's your guide to getting started. (Read)